1997-04 RESOLUTION NO. 97-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CUP- 93-06-A1/E-93-05-A1, AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION FACILITY LOCATED IN THE COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT (CM). WHEREAS, the applicant, ESSCO ELECTRIC Inc., applied for a Conditional Use Permit, to operate a wholesale electrical supply distribution business located in the Commercial Manufacturing District; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is classified as a"Building Supplies and Sales"use permitted in any CM District subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit per Grand Terrace Zoning Code Section 18.36.030 (C); and WHEREAS, ESSCO ELECTRIC Inc. is a similar use to the previous occupants of ORCO Tools, a wholesales tools supplier, and Johnstone Supply, a wholesale refrigeration, air - conditioning, and heating unit supplier; and WHEREAS, this project requires an Addendum to the previously approved Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on October 16, 1997, to hear this application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved CUP-93-06-Al and E-93-05-A1; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace that the following findings have been made in accordance with the approval of CUP-93-06-Al/E-93-05-A1: 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the City. As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding single family residential area or within the City. 2. The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvement in the neighborhood or within the City. As conditioned below the project should not have a detrimental or injurious effect on any physical property or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood or within the City. All hazardous materials will be regulated and monitored so as not to create or expose people to potential health hazards. This project is a pleasing and appealing addition to the surrounding properties. 3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The current General Plan designates the land use as General Commercial. This proposed project meets the Commercial Manufacturing District minimum development standards per the Grand Terrace Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the General Plan Land Use. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The proposed project shall be conducted in accordance with the Planning Commission approval on October 16, 1997. Minor changes or clarifications may be approved by the Community and Economic Development Department. 2. The Building shall be brought into conformity with those City Codes deemed necessary to protect the health,safety,and welfare of the present and/or future inhabitants thereof. 3. Compliance with all conditions listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memorandum to the Community and Economic Development Director dated August 26, 1997(Attachment A). 4. Compliance with all conditions listed in the San Bernardino County Fire Department-Hazardous Materials Division letter to the Community and Economic Development Director dated August 13, 1997(Attachment-B). 5. Compliance with all conditions listed in the San Bernardino County Fire Department letter to the Community and Economic Development Director dated August 28, 1997(Attachment Q. 6. Any expansion or changes to the use shall be reviewed by the appropriate City agencies. Additional permits or amendments to the Conditional Use Permit approval may be necessary. 7. Install a minimum of three(3)bicycle lockers or racks in a safe and visible location for employees (per City Ordinance 147,Transportation Control Measures). 8. Pay Traffic Impact Fee whenever the fee is installed by the City,in proportion to amount of trips generated by the proposed business in accordance with a fair distribution agreed upon by the applicant and the Community and Economic Development Department. 9. Stacking of material in the storage yard along the I-215 Freeway,shall not exceed the height of existing tilt-up concrete walls. 10. Compliance with all existing Conditions associated with CUP-93-06(Attachment D). 11. All aspects of the proposed project including the building and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. 12. Applicant shall acquire permits prior to the construction and installation of permanent and temporary signs. 13. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding the applicant must sign an"Acceptance of Conditions"letter.Letter form and content to be prepared by Community Development Department. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, HEREBY APPROVES CUP-93-06-Al AND E-93-05-A1, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of October, 1997 by the following vote: Chairwoman Van"'Gelder, Commissioners Huss, Trainor, Wilson AYES: and Addington .voted aye. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Ellis absent. ABSTAIN: None Fran Van Gelder Chairperson, Planning Commission ATTEST,:_,`- Br&hda Stadfill, City'�ierk '� LM:lm c:\wp6.1\....\planning\cup\cup9306a.per • 12-8.5279 A. MEMORANDUM TO: Patrizia Materassi,Community Development Director FROM: Virgil Vit Barham Director of Building and Safety/Public Works ^ � DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING do SAFETY, DATE: August 26, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING SUBJECT: CUP-93-06-Al dt E-93-05-Al 22050 Commerce Way- 22795 Barton Road Essco-Redlands Electrical Supply Suite B Grand Terrace IA review of this file and to be consistent with.other conditions to approve a CUP California 92313-5295 Civic Center the following are recommended conditions of approval: (909) 825-3825 Fax(909)825-7506 BACKGROM - Commerce Way which has frontage along these facilities, is only a 60'wide auti separation and a 72' wide public right-of--way. The general plan.calls for a 62' wide curb separation and an 88' foot.wide pubj4-right=ufkway.:S=After-going through'this same situation with the adjacentpropW.to-thenofthaf-wir set# areas that need to be addressed. :"'`^' •` 1. Dedicate an additional 4' feet of public right-of wr along Conianerce Wajr which would provide a 40' foot wide half street right-of--way. 2. Install a new standard concrete ornamental street light at the southerly end of Commerce Way. VB:af A'I'TACEMWM-A Memorandum from Department Building&Safety/Public Worn: win COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Coum of ox HAZ ARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION FUCHARo W. SMLL FIELD SERVICES • Et1V1110NMENTAL PROTECTION Firo Chief 385 Nonh Anowhoad Avonw.S#WW floor • San Sornardlno.CA 9206-0153 CQWty Fro W«dW 19091387.3080 • Fu(90913874323 August 13, 1997 R e C E J v L o CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AU6 1 1991 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 22795 BARTON RD GRAND TERRACE,CA 92313-5295 ATM: Patriza Materassi,Community and Economic Development Director RE: CUP-93-06-Al & E-93-05-Al APPLICANT: Essco-Redlands,Inc. lie following condition should be applied to this proposed project: - Prior to occupancy,a Business Emergency/Contingency Plan,detailing the plan for emergency release or threatened release of hazardous materials and wastes,Is required. In lieu of a Business Plan,submit a letter of exemption. Contact.County Fire- Departmeat/Hazardous Materials Division/Emergency Response and Enforcement at(909)3874631. If you have any further questions please call meat(909)387-4631. J"YN R.E.H.& Emergency Response&Enforcement ATTACHMENT- B Memorandum from County Fire ;., . Department,-Hazardous Materials Division aVG-2tf-+* s ti• an tt c i 0 i0? 4502 t'.•a • COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT cou+mr of uuJ uJlJuuro COMMUNITY 6AF9TY omgloN 3g%trtrrth Arrowhead Avenue,Third Root • tan tunardlno.CA 92416-0179 Covaty Fire warfen 1l091 3gldi312 9 Via 4091 367-43$2 DATE: A•agust 28,1"? ESSCO•RF.I)I.AND&rh''f: -2205000M.W:RCL•WAY GRAND TERRACE.CA 92313 RE: CUP 93.06-A1 do E93-05-Al LOCA11041 : 22050 COMafF. M WAY•GRAND TERRACI' PROJUT TYM L'LUMLICAL SUPFLY pLANNL•li: S111VF ANDEMN Tkar Apr-bcsft With mpect to slit coruJitiont of approval retarding the above rcfeteaced pr*cL the San Dtmardino County Fire Dcpartnncnt raoaurxatds the fe towing ftre protection ttx"wo to be provided in accordi'm with applicable local ordiurtees.codes,and/cc rM00wd fire protection standards. The Fire neJwsment it required to act a minimum fire flow for dovelaPnveyt using on San Derrtudico County"Guide for Deterrcining Required Fire}low". This for=la has UUNisAed the required fire flow 10 br 2250 gpttt Gr a 2•hour d,aatlaa at 20 pal residual opetat4 presstue. The water system and fw: — byd-nu:ball be in operating condition N.ferc any combuat3ale nutcrial is placed on the job tide. •W fonowinj iaformatioa of this 6cV1eXcn1 sett faith the FIRE COND1710NS and CUIJMF.J M Oie6 are applied to this project. - FIRE CONDITIONS: F7: Prior to framing combwtion, approved fur hydnmb aad fut hy&aat pivciacnt iisatltcti s7SaD 6e _ instaUcd J'ite by l ants shall be six (6) inches in diameter with a minimum of one 1 `twit W one 2 In inch eoruxction as specified by fur staff. The design of the Gre hydrant and hydrant Dwicrs 81 0 be apptovcd by the Fire Dcparmmcat. In arras wiscre mow: tcmOvll occurs er""I'd road`exist,the bkx rcfkctivc hydrant maritct shall be posted on an approved post three (3) feet 6vtn the hydrortt. Ad fits hrdrsd skins doll 1» Get handfed (300) feet reads the exccpt;oo of side famt7y wbkh May be cr ineased to IN buadred(6o0)fort.tttaximuns uaku othety-ise appn-nd by the Frrc Met F9b: prior to fuul itrWedon.conurectetal and industrial sucet address aun$ers shall he s+osted;oa die building. with a atinimwa eight(E) inch in hci#u by three fotads (1'4) inch stroke s+iddt and skull be vivihie rnun tlw•trect. rhiring dr ham of tlaA rA=, 6w ttutnhtts than be elecbicaQy Aluminatet Wham WON setback exceeds tuv bua&d(200)feet limas the roadway.&Mk; 3l son-illuminated cantresul su inch n.urd>trs:frail he Aisplgretl at the Property access en"noes. F13. hiom to final itnspcdkm or occupancy.an aPQrmved I'Fe Npartnxnt ley box is rcgnited The key box shall be prmvidcd wilt a tarrper ,-witch and shall be axxrituted by an &Wooed-ecnwsl w9mitoring tervia. 1f attrrxtulie eltdik wurhy gate%Orr.US&A.an approved ferric switch or frequency eontrei access shall be requited on each gzoe. poet-t•IP*x Not* Tan (m0 ql aq PUP " = 'a � {� r" a-oar{cjy-&.f4 .Y it -t 0V Mu f ATTACM ENT-C ►+Q1e ' ']:Sj Memorandum from San Bernard`s Faze J`i'3 1(ep- r County Fire Department AUG-2411-9s 11 ss: : • e F >o r �se�s ►.�s F22: "No Puking,Ftrt Lent"signs shall be inste114 oa lnteft was drives sad pcivltt Ioads. meet sipu shell be posted at deslinsted locetlons by Fire Sure fire leas cu&shall be painted rd signs shin be in accordance With Fbc Dcpar4ru,tt Cuaielmt RIU.74A F23. Prkr to final inspwiun or acupancy.hand portable fire cxtinSuiahera ut:required to be pwvided. The location.type,and cabi:tct design vhyll be appreved by the fire Tkpanm nL F32: Prier to any framing coast-uctiun uu•urring,the Appiiraut/Devefeper is rcdiuircd In providle Fire SlafT widt a klicr Gera the eater comtpaay having jurieelict oN verit�ing financial usanScwmts have bait made for the tcgvired Rater improvements or that existing fire bydranty ar4 ureter system will meet distance and true flow• rdxluirana,t,c FNs flow water supply shall be in plan prior to placing curnbusullc matrtials ao die job-site. GLYPBLlAE-1: The following guide mes uc ptvvkkd to assist the developer's uchitcCuknOwets is deli;dung the rWuited Are Protectkm for this project. Contact the Canmunity Safely DiAslorr,PlanninsTrialnestng Sation fa the appropriate pampblets. GI. 10.103: HYDRANT IDEMIFI(:A110N MAfZKIMS U1.10.201. I7NERGi•'NCY AMSS WAYS GL 10.206: FIRE LANE IDENTIFICATION MARKINO OL 10-301: PRL•M1SES IDENTIFICATION(ADDMSWG) ell. 10.302: 111!1MINOW,RFMi.IFt F. MY SYSTEM M 10.e01: WAT7.'R SUPPLY FOR rIRI:PR(TI H(`.tION An questions regarding the miming of Are conditions should he m1cm-d to oar Fite Prcvcriion Staff It 385 N.Arrowhead Avenue,San Rmardine CA 92415-0179 a taa.j"387.5)72.Fax(909)387.43M Sincerely, "rim 9TEVE ANDERSON,Senior Fire Protection Plarawr • Previous Conditions of Approval for CUP-9346 (Johnstone Supply) 1. Compliance with all conditions as Completed recommended by the Department of Engineering/Building and Safety in their memorandums to the City(Attachment F). 2. Compliance with all conditions as Completed recommended by the San Bernardino County Fire Warden's Department in their memorandum to the City(Attachment G). 3. Compliance with all conditions as Completed recommended by the San Bemardino County Environmental Health Services in their memorandum to the City(Attachment n• 4. Compliance with all conditions as recommended by the City of Colton if necessary. Refer to Attachment J for fiutha information i S. Submittal of tenant improvements plans for Completed proposed use and any plans reflecting - completion of previous improvements on — -- - ---- - - second story by previous tenant. Pulling of appropriate building permits. 6. When traffic impact fees are adopted by the Pending City of Grand Tan ce,Ie applicant shall pay the appropriate traffic fees, proportional to the trips generated by the PmjecL 7, Applicant to submit to the City waste Pending recycling efforts or plans in the future. S. All aspects of the project including storage Completed areas,tanks and containment areas shall be maintained in a clean and functional -- manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. ATTACffi1ENT-D original Conditional Use Permit 12-8.5221 T r ::� : N`0't N. t3 W 0 TER _ ......, 22795 Barton rr a Grand Terrace TO: Patricia Matecassi, Planning Direcw alifornia 92324-529S Civic Center FROM: Joseph Kieak, City Enginea (909)924-6621 Fax(909)783-7629 DATE: December 6, 1993 SUBJECT: -9345, E-93-15 (JohnstooeLup�p .22050 Commerce way (old Orco Tool) Byron R.Matteson Following recommendations should be considered as coA ons of approval for subject Mara proposal: for relocationOf-Interior : r - ,Id M.Christianson 1. Any proposal a#'lntuiot waft,-moftMIO- sting Mar«Pm Toopm plumbing, mechanical oc electrical system, would require a submittal of Gene Gctswrn plans indicating the proposed changes meet all the requhmew of the applicable coda. Hesman 1ii'I1cey Jim Stnsley eo"a UCWACG 2. Any hazardous or flammable mateiYil'S'torage iWoiild be sAjed to 4mvid-by the Fire Marshal andlor Enviroameol Health Dept,of San Bernadine Thomas L Schwab minty. �r waasar 3. Pay any permit and inspection fees assocmted with the above activities. Wa I►OfIC'IOM �`RNhIN II.iO.�ilt- •i'tsR �• 1 • FORESTRY AMP L N M OMW ARTML • • COUNTY of SM t�owo hrwcd"!' mul i•edar ' fere . Gt!llli-01K OMCS Of PUDUC$IU m E0lEAIr GMY IEWAM YAX 1 «00I 117-3021 s timawranf OAT61 Dsg p Ita. >li�ct IkNc�4� Back Ifead F*rs . s ICMI�n.1s T�1 C*r d ra nw *r d Ikfa WN c sue►x.�. P.WK APO Demo PRC�Qi s a low • It�r,.ri w•...14. REi IIWW.trWvan klr+.oa Vaby TOM • lyel�Q� fR�•,ton� tstnaasA OF PAvIs (iNcLwtNo sus PAoM ,,,OWJFS Vk,,,cm RDWOVdR wr a. Xl �JIiu : *A 46 M" ULCIM, aMROW • Ilie� raae�sac JALO&&j A. OdIf"MIA &q A.ta.. JJV !t•rn�%%%v Talk IL IL Yvra. 93A YW^val" It you EXPE limes Axy PRomm R zvnfe TRIs xxrom im, Plus CMAC1' U3 AT THE molts MJK3*t,MVX6AM* lutfit M.ruck Wit"1AM............hw OWIN tui,�t pout .••.tom a,M Comer A�r�i►�M O�Mw J01t P.wall .... ......&tad CUM ......�srr/+0s� RO,i1JR 1 YOCi.••• (tip'Wil) Attachment G ' '//,G11 flfC I/41(C110N 1'••,'I IMi IZ.�I.i'� Its!! /. 3 • lags Two Tire Dept Ref. No. R P A. in area® without water serving utilities, the tine protection Water system shall be based on *d?lh 1231 a-d be operational prior to framing. All NypA 1231 systems shall be a rlinio n $000 99110os with gravity flow or an epproved SPPA 1I0 131, or 131) fire sprinkler system. See attached private water supply requirements. R T-29. MS•IL3 MOV08 ILS. Water systems designed to most the required. fire flow shall be operational and approved by the fire department prior to franmirq construction *courting. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations USIA9 the sag Bernardino County "guide nor the Determination of Reouir ire ov " In areas without water serving utilities, the tiro protect on water system shall be based on HFPA 1231 and t4 operational prior to frarsing. All nr ap 1231 proved'HPPA 13, 13R all b or S. DD firs sprinkler system.9ravity flow p rpLLafINO COHDIZ`IGtts BHALL U WQLSTLD YRIOR TO AOMIA40 of curt The Bats 8arnardinotY porastrl= Mitd#a peps provides fire prole*tion for the city of 0;" 1 raoe: 7rior --to any construction ocourring on any parosl, the applicant shall coataot'""the fire department for verification of current fire protection developunt requirements. ' All nw Construction shall comply with the existing Unifom rite code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire departmat, u 11. This 44velopneat sbail oo vly with Tire isfetY 0"487 loAcat loin size AeviwbAreaWt,�D ;ol"nt Code. This davelopes.At 18 3P FS. Prior to any framing oonstruction occurring, all flamuble ved ofSthirty (30)shall feet from any ile�blo build000 in9imaterialin lauding a finished structure. 1i0110 1oM /,puM1�4, li..{.1�11 Its$: /• • /{411 /IRS !• • page Your Tire Cep%. Rol. No. ddl t , O T•10• 2very chimney used in consunotion with any fireplace or any beating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maLntainod with an approved spark arrester. it shall be constructed of stainless steel, copper or brass, `„raven anited wire mesh, twelve(12) gaugo minimum of three-eighths (3/1) ?rW, adniam to one ball 11/3) inohbn:xfire� thien rasnd.asNode�ri�ot capi �lilo;red.� mesh shall be visible g The development and each phase thereof shall have two Z)1 points of routes of escape which willi�aetely haotherd vaacuatio� equilnent, and for r as required by the dsvalopraent code. O 1-12. private roadways which exceed one hundred and fifty (150) foot in length shall be approved by the fire department having jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within ons ImAred fifty (150) feet of, and shall give reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. An access toad shill be provided within fifty (SO) feet of all buildings if the natural grade botaeen the access road and the building is io excess of thirty (30) percent, Whore the access goad cannot be provided,_ a fir• protection _ systen shall be provided as required and,;ipyroved.;by ;- irg department. _-:, -:.. �_ � .:► -.. .� _pit 1.� _ -. - O An 24100tv,"Lle, fire department look Jar Ye4iiisod`" ill=-gaol. - A 210matic security gates used, 'iequiri ' an approved look •vit h, contact this office for lock applications. A mtnoN ATIP.M G. r'oit APPI-0mY Olre 9 ttanrdsard 110u1 Sher+ are requir "In aoc* W oe with Vnifors T p TiS Additional requir6mas may be applied due to the lack of suffi information to saview. please rAmit building plans and declaratioA of use for proper a plioatioa of codes. • • C"TY Of SAN SERltAM" :NVIRONMENTAI HEki.TH SERVICES ;;�„ G04 ow EAA9 xkJ"all Eli•IN��g`�tr.• "`'"��+:��!►�W1iilld" 34S No,*ApV44s4 Artm o Sm t w44-a.CA 111t$4110 • 11!M 30444 � r PAMMU KNNM RALKIL M 9w-r itrot • Onty.CA 11714 • OM 3S1.7170 1fS0f*Ae OM a Yktwvlk.CA i139: • 1611111434141 •- 17130 Arco.$**vW • Fo urd.CA 9:336 • a0119MI44 µ•ow*q at $7401 T.wtrrM hhu$*wq • Yeou VAT.CA IUM • 111*11 -6410 A"""Ank �""�•I' Saa hrn+rdM County VW r Cofwat hoprw to w`2' 01"" MS tat F1tt1r=trot • W 14m&*o.CA 1243" • W91 U3.3= of ow We� �11„� December 6, 1993 so%M&ft • Grow Uftw NWN "VA" %ft" Patr i z is Materiasi two oft Two try Community Development Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Rd. • Grand Terrace, CA 92328 Re: CUP 93-06, Z93-058 E93-15 . The following Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) conditions apply: Prior to occupancy, a "Business Plan' as defined in Chapter - 6.95 of the Health and Safety Code, detailing the plan for emergency release or threatened release of hazardous materials and wastes, fay be required. For Information, call DEHS/Environmental Assessment at (909.) 387-4677. Applicant say/shall be required to apply for one or more of the following: a Hazardous Materials Handler Permit, Underground Storage Tank Permit, and/or Hazardous Waste Generator Permit. For information, call DER' S/Hazardous Materials Field Services at (909) 387-3080. If you have any questions, please contact as at (909) 387-4677. Sincerely, . !+/ ACKSON CRUTSI7EER, PLhNM III REGISTERED HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PROFESSIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION/LEND USE JC:bp v� �93• cWt IDtt V , r,i,;Mwr+Of ftot ............. 1 It O�paRm�nt Public Works Pater Ouality Control Division non* Me.: (909) 370-6164 Patritia Haterassi, Comsunity Development Director City of Grand Terrace 22796 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 R£: PR£7R£ORW PROGRM Dear Patritia: I want to express my thanks to you and the City of Grand Terrace for the pro- active position the city has displayed in coordinating your plan check and review process is order to provide our office with pertinent information necessary to properly operate our pretreatment, program. The information ' which is being provided is vital in regards to the operation of our wastewater treatsent facility. I have attached a three page Questionnaire which the City of Colton currently utilizes as part of our certificate of occupancy process prior to the plan check and review procedures. This Questionnaire gives our Water Quality Control staff the inforsation needed for determining possible pretreatment requirements which may be mandatory due to the type. of facility and the particular hazards posed by - these facilities which utilize our sever systee.— is it possible for Grand Terrace to utilize this Questionnaire for the purposes which I have stated above? I would be especially helpful•for facilities which have ally potential to iapact the treatsent plant, such as Johnstone Supply. You're welcome to utilize the document as it is now coaftguredo however the title of the document on page Is as well as references to our ordinance on page 39 would have to be modified to incorporate Grand Terrace identification and Jurisdictional references. Please call my. office at the number giveaa and advise it this is possible for implementations or if another format is preferred. I sincerely appreciate the effort Grand Terrace has extended to our offices and if I can possibly be of assistance to your cityo please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely yoursp • :o J. aheutnx Water Quality Contrt i ol Inspector � ` ` e'��''JIf�1 1�:u. • �EC 27 N3 s .'Ipm Of COTTON CW4 C£NTERI 1 .; M N A eA HA Otm.. '•COl.TOK YFORHIA M4 ^+•.