1998-01 RESOLUTION NO. 98-oi A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP-86-01-RI) AND SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL TO ADD 4 NEW BEDROOMS, AND EXERCISE ROOM, A PARLOR, A COMPUTER. ROOM, AND ARCHIVE AND STORAGE ROOM, AND 8 FOOT EXTENSION OF THE CHAPEL TOWARD PICO STREET, LOCATED IN THE LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY ZONING DISTRICT (R1-7.2) AT 22791 PICO STREET, GRAND TERRACE, CA. WHEREAS, the applicant, Sisters of Saint Benedict, applied for a Conditional Use Permit, and Site and Architecture Review to add 2,737.4 square feet to an existing approved 5,575.5 square feet Convent; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is classified as a"single family use"permitted per Zoning Code Section 18.10.030 (A) of the Grand Terrace Zoning Code within the Single Family Housing District(R1-7.2); and f WHEREAS, the existing Convent was approved by the Planning Commission on March 17, 1986 as a conditionally permitted use within a single family zoning district; and WHEREAS, this project is Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (15301 Class 1 (e)); and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on May 21, 1998, to hear this application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved CUP-86-01-R1, and SA-97-09; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace that the following findings have been made in accordance with the approval of CUP-86-01-Rl: 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the City. As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding residential neighborhood or within the City. _ 2. The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City. As conditioned below the project will not have a detrimental or injurious effect on any physical property or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood or within the City. There is no hazardous materials associated with this project to create or expose people to potential health hazards. This project is a pleasing and appealing addition to the surrounding properties, and is compatible with other uses in the community. 3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The current General Plan designates the land use as Low Density Residential. This proposed use is permitted in the Low Density Residential District per the Grand Terrace Zoning Code which is consistent with the General Plan Land Use. 4. The conditions necessary to secure the purpose of the Grand Terrace Zoning Code are made a part of the amended Conditional Use Permit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The project shall be constructed in accordance with Site and Architecture design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board on May 21, 1998. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines, easements locations and dimensions,and other measurements.Minor changes or clarifications may be approved by the Community and Economic Development Department. All building materials to match submitted materials board,and as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board. 2. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memorandum to the City dated January 5, 1998(Attachment-A). 3. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the San Bernardino County Fire Department's memorandum to the City dated January 2, 1998(Attachment-B). 4. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the City Engineer's memorandum to the Community and Economic Development Department dated December 22, 1997(Attachment Q. 5. Compliance with all conditions associated with Conditional Use Permit 86-1 approved on March 17, 1986 (Attachment D). 6. Any sienificant expansion or chan2e.1 of use shall be reviewed by the appropriate City agencies. Additional permits or amendments to the Site and Architectural Review/Conditional Use Permit may be necessary. 7. Applicant shall provide a landscape and irrieatiort plan for Community and Economic Development Department and Building and Safety approval prior to issuance of any building permits. 8. Applicant shall provide a eradine and drainaee plan for Community and Economic Development Department,Building and Safety Department,and Engineering approval prior to issuance of any building permits. 9. Applicant shall apply proper grading and construction practices to reduce dust and control erosion. 10. All aspects of the proposed project including the building and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. 11. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding the applicant must sign an "Acceptance of Conditions"_letter.Letter forni'and content to be prepared by Community Development Department. 12. The Site and Architectural and Conditional Use approval shall expire one(1)year from the date of approval unless application of a building permit is filed,or a request for extension of the approval is made prior to the expiration date. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, HEREBY APPROVES CUP-86-01-RI, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of May, 1998 by the following vote: Chairwoman Van Gelder, Commissioners Wilson, Huss, AYES: Addington and Larkin NOES: -None ABSENT: Commissioner Trainor ABSTAIN: None 161 Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson, Planning Commission ATTEST: Benda Stanfill, City Clerk LM:Im c:\wp6.1\....\plannin9\cup\cup8601r.per l ter% 1-r: _.,.: �(11111t:� 12-8.3280 '� r• -a..M. .: ..:. . : :Ea=rv�atw�,a�:...stsr,u:,xa�.xw.�� MEMORANDUM LA TO: Patrizia Materassi,Community Development Director Vol cH lie . FROM. Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public Work�� � g DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY. DATE: January 5, 1998 PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING SUBJECT: SA-97-09 - 22791 Pico Street Grand Terrace -Addition to existing 22795 Barton Road convent - Sisters of Saint Benedict Suite B Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 After reviewing the application for adding additional facilities to the existing Civic Center convent the following recommendations should be considered as conditions of (909) 825-3825 approval for the proposed project. Fax (909) 825-7506 1. Provide smoke detectors in existing sleeping rooms per Section 310.9.1.2 Uniform Building Code. 2. Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act and California Title 24 L ' accessibility guidelines. 3. Provide title report. 4. Provide grading and drainage plan. 5. All utilities to be provided underground. 6. Pay all plan check,permit and inspection fees. 7. Provide proof of payment of school impaction fees. 8. Pay all sewer capital improvement fund fees. 9. All improvements shall be designed by persons registered and licensed to perform such work pursuant to the State of California Business and Professions Code,which shall comply with all requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. r , ATTACHN EEN'T A- Building and Safety/Public Works Conditions SA-97-09 �tAMI•�S•tal�7'itR,,�: � � v � - •- Z;►. ... ... . _,ir.. --- COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT o comer a io ,� �--.�;•!^�ffie�'.4,.�.4�tiv;N4'` t� '�.c' '�tS�I�c ��1�`��5 'r�S'��' °° _i,'�� ., pie. `�� cpMMJ#sRY:AitTr ONION � ArCKAM w SIWU: i Ilec�+ AnewAea♦d Aronw.MI IRoa =tn I)<rnrr&e.CA 22415-0179 s'e" ccw . rn wavAr+ (Sol 367.$372 s Fax IW91 3111AW Jatluary 2. 1998 S1S'rL15 01-SALVI'UEADIC:T COINVIRINT 22,91►ICO:$-1. 0KA4D TF.RRAC F.,CA 9231 R_: SA 9749 LCKATIA�' 22791 pia)ST.-GIWND TL'1iMX PF,0)LC1"1'YV : CY)WEATADDITION Dear Applk rd: With rcapect 10 the cundihoas of approval regarding the above n:fa ttetd prOiS . 11x San 13crtt314iao County Fire Dcpartnwnt rtt'utt7rrtvWv l:ae lvlluwing fife protection nxa;ures lu be provided Ia a:eordanet ,11h rppticst le lucat o.-dinan,tt,cmitit.araVor recognised fire prLkv404 stanhf&. The Fir. Dcpartmeot is required to sst a ruir,ivium fire flew for dcvrkmmcut using tic San 1'sernwdiae County-Guidc for D:trrntiaia3 Re iirtd Fut blow•". •floc formula has established tye reluired fire (low w be .:50 gpm for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi rmidtrtr+. )perving pccssure. 'The ureter system+ aOd fife hydranb stall bt in opetaring crinditmn before anv combinable tnateiial n placed on the jvb side. The fo)'.ou-ing tnfonrativn of this doctfroeni wis forth the FIRF. f' SD1TlUyS and OVIDE VES which ar:airplicd tv Ilti;projK't. FiRE COND-71O T: F2- water spicnls des tined to meet tl+e required fire raw of this de•eloprten! shall be approved by dw Cue dcpurtrrr:u het•ing jurudwitun. 'Ihe developer shall furr.i:F the fire dc-partuteat with two(2),:,*es of the Wattr systcro myrevcnicnt plan fur apitoval Witer sy.:ans shall be operatioral aad apptovcd by the fire del•arunent rmor to +ecordatma or any above pradc construction Ncuning. T1 t required fire flow shall he detenr:+ned by apptnprtau calcuNtinivi, using the "Guide for the Dctcrntinatiun of Required rite Il�+•v ACM valet sys:e,m$ball have r-+:ninttrn eil!t11 19) iocl: mains,six(6)inch laterals,and six(6)inch nscts. F3. The abnvc rcfcrettecl prn,•eet is protected by Oc Ssa 9crnanitrc County Frye Departtltertt. hior-to any constructer o:curring on any parcel,the applicant shall,contact the Fir Dcpalwww fut %enGcalkA of curTcm fire protection development regvircrncrts. All new conimuction shall comply with the ex+stugg Uniform Fire Cmic rcquircr-xrttt and all, a;splicablc statutes, codes, onliraaea ur stattel:trt:s of da FTC i)cranmcrt. 1r-',: Prwf to framing com-11mtiun, app►vved fire hydrant; anj fire bydtaut pavement mstkcts Thal: be instaikc.. Fire hydrants atiall be sis (F) inch diamrter with a rnin;rium of oee.4 inch and one 2 Ir2 inch eonnedxn as specified by fire departntert. Tie dc►iga or the f:re hydrants and fine hydrant pavement n$arken $}all be approved by the F:rc Dcpattment in a!r:as -where vttwv rerimvil oecur� or non•pavcd roads exist. the blue r.'lc:uvc hyi!mnt marked shall be posted ut+an approved pout three(3) feet from d1c 1,v+lrant All Grc hydrant spacir-g shall :x thr;e hundred (Zt0) fret v.Rh the e<:eptior a'single faint•; re,idcrtial which may be increased to aix hundred(600)fe:.t mximum. -- P00%-It•Fax NOIa 7671 AA Zar . 1G �L� -,' r E AATTACHMENT - MCI"If � ��.rr���• San Bernardino County Fire Faa a IFaa a Department Conditions SA-97-09 jrae•�ii�7� 77�st• r.. • � � o - — - ^�S F 10. Tt.er to f rol tnspe Uot:or occupancy,an n,totretic fire slam sysu-n is rtaurcd to accacdam WI& *:c Uniform FLfe Code. F211: Pnor to final in'tW68111 Of occupu,cy. lsane,pot,alslt firs or,�+vuithrn ere required to be prwioed The Iocatitxa, type,snd tabiaet design shall be ar4wosed by tl,c Far.Depwaatnt. F12: itnor to an;rranunS conat_-i,:tan owinurt.the Ap*snNfkveloper is requites 10 pro"ive Fire Staff will,a:claw fttxn the%ate,company haven,jurtA Ow.W14i,;rmasctai strattsements have been teak for the required w3wr aa,ptowmCots or that xishns fee aydra-ll.od w•at:a syatcm ardl meet distsmre ad face f14w.rquirctrents. Firc flaw watt supply shall be in pl+te p,io, to placing ea:rbustible matcriaj 00 tl c k*-tdm. r.,UMfLl.�PS: 11K "wing Suidelit;es are prn%ided to assist tk &-vcl*M a st.WtecWanSincers in dctiSning dK required fire p►otcetian fir this prq;M- Contai.t the Coam tatty Saftty Division. Plam4TS,giWaias Secnen for the appropriate pamphleu. OL .0 401. WATLR SUPPLY FOR FIRE.PROTECTION C1. :1.101: AMOMATIC'PrlANIJA: r1RC ALARMS All qucEti mi MaMin, the meaning if flit conditio ahonld be tefcatd to our Fire Pre rent,cr, Staff 0 393 N.Artoahcad Avenue,San D MaC&O CA 92u 415-0179 or call(909)387-537, Vale(009)397-4392. Sincerely. S*rF%*X ANDERSON.icninr Fire P,ntcainn P1aMQ San Scm.-irdina County lire UcFartmert s l t .RIECEIVED m2Mowuum DEC 2 2 IN? ,r TO: Patrisia Katerassi, Community Development Director FROM: Nillias E. Addington, City Engineer 400 22M Barton Road Grand Terrace DATED: Decesber 22, 1997 California 92313-5295 Civic Center FILE: BA-97-09 (909) 824-6621 Fax(909)783-7629 LOCATION: 22791 Pico Street, Grand Terrace Fax(909)783-2600 PROJECT: Site Architectural Application for 2,737 square foot addition APPLICANT: Sisters of Saint Benedict Convent Byron R.Matteson Mz)- In accordance with your request dated December 17, I have Dan Buchanan reviewed the site plan prepared by Charles Brown, Architect. Maya Prorempom Hy only requirement for this application is the preparation of a grading and drainage plan in conformance with the Uniform Building Code. Prior to any grading, the plan shall Herman Hilkey ' be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J. Schwab cc: Virgil Barham City Manama f ATTACHMENT C- City Engineer Conditions SA-97-09 12-8•SOiS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/SITE 6 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW SA 86-1 - ��, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. If the above-referenced,, SA 86-1 application is approved, applicant and/or property owners shall comply with all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions. 2. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit and Site 6 Architectural Review SA 86-1 shall expire, if not used, one year from date of approval unless application is made prior to expiration for an extension not exceeding one year. 3. Pay all applicable fees at the time building permit is issued. 4. Provide grading and drainage facilities to convey water to the nearest street. S. Construct curb, gutter and !14,evtrllC along the Pico Street frontage. 6. Install new pavement between new curb and existing pavement. 7. Plant trees per City Ordinance. 8. All utilities shall be underground. 9. All improvements shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS I am the Owner of the Property described above. I am aware of and accept all of the conditions set forth herein. It is further under- stood that all of the aforementioned conditions which require installation of improvements shall be completed in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department of the City of Grand Terrace and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as said by Department. SIGNATURE DATE ATTACHMENT D- Original Conditional of Approval CUP-86-01 and SA-86-01