1998-02 RESOLUTION NO. 98-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (SA-98-06) AND E98-04, FOR A CONVERSION OF A 2,670 SF CLASSROOM/INSTRUCTIONAL STRUCTURE TO AN AUTO SHOP AREA FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF SEMI TRUCKS AND TRAILERS WHEREAS, the applicant, Mid-Cal Express, dba Country Wide Trucking, applied for a Site and Architecture Review for a conversion of a 2,670 sf classroom/instructional structure to an auto shop area for maintenance and repair of semi trucks and trailers; and WHEREAS,this project was exempt per Section 15303[c] Class 3 per the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA); and WHEREAS,the proposed is permitted per the Grand Terrace Zoning Code Section 18.40.020[B]; and WHEREAS, the metal building will be mitigated from'negative effects on the community,by being kept in a clean and orderly condition with building materials to be kept painted,maintained and kept in good repair; and WHEREAS,the metal building should give the appearance of being a typical wood frame structure in its sense of permanency and visual aesthetics; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SA98-06 and E98-04,a Site and Architectural Review and associated Environmental Review for a conversion of a 2,670 sf classroom/instructional structure to an auto shop area for maintenance and repair of semi trucks and trailers,21496 Main Street,Grand Terrace,CA 92313 The Planning Commission's approval of the above referenced project will be subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The proposed project shall be conducted in accordance with the Planning Commission approval on July 16, 1998. Any expansion of current business and/or structures is subject to a CUP amendment process. Minor changes or clarifications may be approved by the Community and Economic Development Department. 2. Compliance with all conditions listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memorandum C + to the Community and Economic Development Director dated July 6, 1998 (Attachment A). 4. Compliance with all conditions listed in the San Bernardino County Fire dated May 20, 1998 (Attachment-B). 5. Compliance with all conditions listed in the California Regional Water Quality Control Board letter to the Community and Economic Development Director dated February 23, 1998 (Attachment C). 6. No expansion shall take place at this site until all easement issues are resolved. 7. No expansion shall take place at this site until proper sewer connections to public waste system are made. 8. Applicant shall pursue NPDES permit if applicable within the next three (3) months. 9. The building and premises shall be kept clean and in good physical condition. 10. The slats installed in the fencing shall be maintained in good condition and replaced when showing wear, deterioration or weathering. 11. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding the applicant must sign an "Acceptance of Conditions" letter. Letter form and content to be prepared by Community and Economic Development Department. NOW,THEREFORE,THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,HEREBY APPROVES SA98-06 &E98-04, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 161h of July, 1998 by the following vote: Chairwoman Vanr,GL�lder., Commissioners Wilson, Addington, AYES: Trainor and Larkin NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson,Planning Commission ATTEST: Brenda Stanfill, v - - City Clerk J J l 61998 12-5.4221 SO MEMORANDUM TO: Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director FROM: Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public Wor4 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING& SAFETY, DATE: July 6, 1998 PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING SUBJECT: 21496 Main Street - LU-97-94 Offices for Truck and Trailer 22795 Barton Road Terminal (Country Wide Truck Service) Suite B Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 On December 19, 1997 an inspection was conducted at the subject property in Civic Center compliance with the letter from your department to Country Wide Trucking dated (909) 825-3825 December 16, 1997. A correction list was made and subsequently has been Fax (909) 825-7506 completed by Country Wide Trucking. On May 5, 1998 an inspection was done per Tony Avilez request to confirm completion of corrections.' The remaining items per Building & Safety list and the Community & Economic Development Department in order to provide a Certificate of Occupancy would be as follows: 1. Provide approval from San Bernardino County Fire Department. 2. Item 2 of the lett-r form C.E.D.D. dated December 16, 1997. Any expansion would require connection to the public waste water (sewer) system on Main Street. VB:af ATTACHMENT A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE - 2 1ARTON ROAD GRAND Tthn ACE,CALIFORNIA 92313 < To: W.O. /2-5. 42?( Address: 2l496 Date:,yGL 97 CORRECTION NOTICE Permit No: /. CXiT SiG'N5 Mud, dC� �•,� ATA( (_ Ts7PS A66. e ;L:i..�G i CE .3WW�g r is C l e-A/T S w:T cW �'o 4 N,o': I - 4, /A)sT4CC �'.F. C.'i. i2e�r^ /'cCe'S ox; L-4,!Rleie- sllvief ✓15 1-02e 177)er^l S1<7/) - 0F'F FCR LcC�'P,c.NG� �1 %7 (Inspector) Pleas Make Corrections and Call for Reinspection 825-3825 ATTACHMENT AZ J rM� COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF W HANA1101110 COMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION ra'alt wu t 395 North Arrowhead Avense.Thud Floor • Sea Sorsardlas.CA 02415.0171 \ Fire CI'10 (K9) 367.5372 • Fas (901) 317•4312 County r re waroer 1)A TE. May 20. 199A (RFVISF.T)LETTER) WO-CAL LXYKLSS,INC. 21496 MAIN'STREET GRAND TERRACE.CA 92313 Rr•. SA 98-W9 99.04 1.C)CATION 21496 MAIN 51RL'LT-C31t%) I LUAC:E ij;t0JF('T TYPF.: TRICK REPAIR PLANNLK' PA,rKI7.lA MATFRASSI rkar App!ic3nl: Wi:h respm to the runduitms ul"apprvi al regarding die above referenced pmjcet, the San &-rn trdinu Count) }ire Department mcumncecs tho rollowing rue protection measures to b„provid:d in accordance with applicable local ordinances.codcs.ardlor m:ogniccd t+rt pm:ection standards. Tav lollowing itlfonuation of this document sets forth th,: FIRE C OAD%710INS and GV11)F.I.PVF.S which are ar+hlted to this p,ulecl hIRF.MMI)ITIr7 :S. FQu Prior to finrl Ljspect:a-i. commnercia! and irdustrial 5imet address mnihem shall be pustcd, on the building. -with a minimum eight (6) inch in height by three f:wrth (3-4) i-wh stroke width and shall I•e visible frorr. +i:street. During Ilic hours(iI darl,nts%,the numhem shall be ck-cuiral'y il;tuninated Where building setback irm ce:ds two hundred(2tltl)feet from the rc+adw•ay.aCdttiundl non-illuhtinated canirasting six incl:nutnbcrs shall be displayed at the property access entramcs. F13- An dppru%.d Crr depxrlinctu U) box is reyutred. If automatic electr-c security Sates are uice. an aprrm.ed oak switch is regt.aed on each`ate in lieu of the him 1-23: Prior to fiinm inspectior or occupancy. timid piortable ire extinguislwrs are required to be provided. The matt .I)vc,and cabinet design%,hall be apprusrd b).the rite Depatttntit. oSPF.C'IFIC CONT)TT1ONS If the duili.ng and Safety Vepanmen: classifies the use aq h»srdowt. automatic spr.nklcrs will be rcyu:rcd. G WOF1INFS: The following g;ridelines are provided to assist the develc{ter's architects!enEmcevs in designing dv- required fire protection for this project. C'cattact the Cbtnrouni y satin- Mvision. I'lanning Engineering %eclkm tor he arproptSate patuplilcts. Col. 79.907 W AST%Off TANKS f— RECEIVED MAY 2 e 1998 ATTACHMENT B STAT'OF CALIFORNIA-AUFQ' 'NVIROWISTAL MOTECTION AGENCY IM wum. &5 RNIA REGIONAL r.AfER GUALRY CONTROL BOARD &WA ANA REGION m�IMIN STREET,SUITE SW RIVERSIDE, CA 92501.3339 PHONE: (909)M-4130 FAX (w9)7ei 42se February 23, 1998 Don Van Malsen Custom Fleet Wash & Detailing P.O. Box 9000 # 74 Alta Loma, CA 91701 TRACTOR/TRAILFR WASHING FOR MID-CAL EXPRESS, INC., 21498 MAIN - STREET, GRAND TERRACE Dear Mr. Malsen: This is in response to your February 18, 1998, fax letter requesting our approval to discharge tractorltrailer washwater to the adjacent dirt field at the Mid-Cal Express, Inc. facility located at 21489 Main Street in Grand 'l'errace. f It is our understanding that between 5 and 15 tractors/trailers will be washed once or twice a week and approximately 400 gallons per week of washwater will be discharged to the adjacent dirt field. Further,only the exterior of the tractors/trailers will be washed and no engine cleaning or washing will be conducted at this facility. All washwater will be contained at the adjacent dirt field, which is owned or controlled by Mid-Cal Express, Inc.. Based upon the information you have provided, we have no objection to your proceeding with the subject project provided all washwater is contained at the adjacent field and it does not enter any surface water bodies. Please note that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility to comply with the laws and guidelines of other regulatory agencies involved with this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (909) 782-4370 or J. Shami at (909) 782-3288. Sincere y, Gary D. S ewart, Chief Regulations JISIrruckwa r ATTACHMENT C