2000-03 RESOLUTION NO.2000-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING FILE NO. SA-00-07, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AT 12539 VIVIENDA AVENUE IN THE RI-7.2 ZONE DISTRICT WHEREAS,the applicant,RICHARD ELSHOF(FOR JONATHAN JOSEPH),applied for Site and Architectural Review and Environmental Evaluation to construct a single family residence for use as a residential care home for six or fewer children in the R1-7.2 Zone District; and WHEREAS,a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on October 19, 2000; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that construction of single family units on existing lots is categorically exempt per Section 15303(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, State of California, as follows: 1. That the proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan. 2. That the location and configuration of all structures associated with this project are visually -- harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures,that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. 3. That the architectural design of structures,their materials and colors are visually harmonious with surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the proposed project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal code. 4. That the plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. 5. That there is no indiscriminate clearing of property,destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides,thus the natural beauty of the city,its setting and natural landforms are preserved. 6. That the conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made a part of this approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is hereby approved subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The proposed project will be constructed in accordance with the Site and Architectural Review design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission on October 19,2000. All plans will be consistent in terms of property lines,easement location and dimensions, and other measurements. Minor changes shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. 2. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memoranda dated July 24, 2000 and September 18,2000, (Attachments A&B). 3. Compliance with recommendation nos. 1, 3 and 4 in the City Engineer's memorandum to the City - dated July 12,2000 (Attachment C) 4. Compliance with County Fire Department requirements listed in letter dated August 1, 2000 (Attachment D). 5. Satisfy questions posed in letter from the Riverside Highland Water Company dated July 11,2000 (Attachment E). 6. Street addresses shall be posted during construction and appropriate lighted address numbers(min. 4") shall be installed prior to final occupancy. 7. Replace all missing or damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks. 8. Traffic"signal improvement fee"of$80,and a"circulation impact fee"of$650,are applicable to this project per Ord.No. 190 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 9. Pay all applicable development fees,park fees, and school impact fees. 10. Appropriate dust control measures shall be integrated into grading plans. 11. Hours of construction shall be limited to 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.weekdays and Saturdays. 12. All construction debris shall be collected and placed in appropriate containers on a daily basis,and the construction site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 13. Installation and maintenance of front yard landscaping shall occur prior to issuance of occupancy permit. 14. Place three 24"box trees,two in the parkway consistent with other street trees on Vivienda Ave., and one in the front yard,with irrigation and root barriers in place as appropriate. 15. Ensure the property is graded so all drainage from the lot flows toward the public street. 16. Provide divided light style windows for all windows visible from the street/front yard area. 17. All mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted and shall be screened from public view. All HVAC units shall be located in the side yard behind solid side yard fencing or in the rear yard. No roof mounted HVAC units shall be allowed. 18. Expansion of the residential care facility use to more than six(6)residents/patients requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Any uses other than residential, such as educational or commercial uses will require review per the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY APPROVES SA 00-07,BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of October 2000 by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 pp Fran Van G elder, 1. Chairperson,Planning Commission ATTESV6L�/-?-Z. Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk . C:\Steve'sFiles\Projects\SA0007\resolution.doc c►`T Y Community and Economic Development Department Conditions of Approval File Nos. SA-00-07, E-00-07 12539 Vivienda Avenue Design standards for the R1-7.2 Zoning District Building Setbacks from property lines: Front: 25' Rear: 20' Corner Side: 15' Garage side: 10, Other side: 5' ` Setbacks are adequate as shown on the site plan. Maximum lot coverage is 50%. Lot coverage is approximately 26%for the proposed home. Distance between buildings (on same lot): 5' No secondary structures are proposed at this time. Conditions of Approval: 1. The proposed project will be constructed in accordance with the Site and Architectural Review design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission on October 19, 2000. All plans will be consistent in terms of property lines, easement location and dimensions, and other measurements. Minor changes shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. 2. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memoranda dated July 24, 2000 and September 18,2000, (Attachments A&B). 3. Compliance with recommendation nos. 1,3 and 4 in the City Engineer's memorandum to the City dated July 12,2000 (Attachment C) 4. Compliance with County Fire Department requirements listed in letter dated August 1, 2000 (Attachment D). 5. Satisfy questions posed in letter from the Riverside Highland Water Company dated July 11, 2000 (Attachment E). r- 6. Street addresses shall be posted during construction and appropriate lighted address numbers (min. 4")shall be installed prior to final occupancy. i 7. Replace all missing or damaged curbs,gutters and sidewalks. ( 8. Traffic"signal improvement fee"of$80,and a"circulation impact fee"of$650, are applicable to this project per Ord.No. 190 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 9. Pay all applicable development fees,park fees, and school impact fees. 10. Appropriate dust control measures shall be integrated into grading plans. 11. Hours of construction shall be limited to 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.weekdays and Saturdays. 12. All construction debris shall be collected and placed in appropriate containers on a daily basis, and the construction site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 13. Installation and maintenance of front yard landscaping shall occur prior to issuance of occupancy permit. 14. Place three 24"box trees, two in the parkway consistent with other street trees on Vivienda Ave., and one in the front yard,with irrigation and root barriers in place as appropriate. 15. Ensure the property is graded so all drainage from the lot flows toward the public street. 16. Provide divided light style windows for all windows visible from the street/front yard area. 17. All mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted and shall be screened from public view. All HVAC units shall be located in the side yard behind solid side yard fencing or in the rear yard. No roof mounted HVAC units shall be allowed. 18. Expansion of the residential care facility use to more than six (6) residents/patients requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Any uses other than residential, such as educational or commercial uses will require review per the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Acceptance of Conditions I am the owner/applicant of the property described above. I am aware of an accept all of the conditions set forth herein. It is further understood that all of the aforementioned conditions which require installation and improvements shall be completed in a manner satisfactory to the Community and Economic Development Department of the City of Grand Terrace and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by said Department. Signature of Property Owner or Agent Date Signature of Applicant or Agent Date City of Grand Terrace Date Community and Economic Development Director R U�rl1� 12-8.5315 T` MEMORANDUM GRBMD TERR C �yCs TO: Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director FROM: Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public Works DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING&SAFETY, DATE: Jul 24 2000 PUBLIC WORKS y AND HOUSING SUBJECT: S.A.00-07/E-00-07 - 12539 Vivienda Avenue - Joseph 22795 Barton Road Suite B Grand Terrace After project review and in compliance with the City of Grand Terrace Municipal California 92313-5295 Code Chapter15.28 Article I,the following recommendations should be considered Civic Center as conditions of approval for the proposed project. (909) 825-3825 Fax(909) 825-7506 1. Provide the following plans and documents: A. Title report B. Plot plan - _ C. Grading and drainage plan D. Complete set of construction plans for structure E. Property survey and corner points 2. Show all recorded easements on grading plan. 3. ' Remove and replace all damaged sidewalk. 4. Provide preliminary soils report in accordance with the 1997 U.B.C. 5. Install new driveway approach per San Bernardino County Standard No. 128. 6. Provide will serve letter from Riverside Highland Water Company. 7. Install ornamental street light. 8. Provide proof of payment of school impaction fees. 9. Provide for all utilities underground. 10. Pay all capital improvement and maintenance fees for sewer,parks, streets and storm drain. 11. Pay all plan check, permit and inspections fees. 12. All improvement shall be designed by persons registered and licensed to perform such work pursuant to the State of California Business and Professions Code,which shall comply with all requirements ofthe Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National. Electrical Code, Americans with Disabilities Act, Title 24 California Energy Requirements and the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. k 5 Attachment A i 4 �COMMUNI,� 12-8.5315 T r " MEMORANDUM 0 GRAIfD TERRACE Cti TO: Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director UGH1 DEPARTMENT OF FROM: Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public World BUILDING & SAFETY,PUBLIC WORKS DATE: September 18, 2000 AND HOUSING 22795 Barton Road SUBJECT: S.A.00-07/E-00-07 - 12539 Vivienda Avenue - Joseph Suite B Grand Terrace After project review and in compliance with the City of Grand Terrace Municipal California 923I3-5295 Code Chapter15.28 Article I,the following recommendations should be considered Civic Center as conditions of approval for the proposed project. (909) 825-3825 Fax (909) 825-7506 1. Construct concrete block wall across rear of property. 2. Provide engineered right-of-way line adjustment along frontage,to parallel the centerline of street and 30 feet east of centerline. 3. Minimum size driveway depression is 16 feet, measure along curb depression. i 4. Comply with all conditions outlined in the memorandum to Patrizia Materassi, Community&Economic Development Director, dated July 24, 2000. i VB:af E i s Attachment R i I 1 > 1 � — !_►T), o MEMORANDUM cRAMD TERR CE 22795 Barton Road DATE: July 12, 2000 Grand Terrace '. California 92313-5295 TO : Steve Cumblidge, Planning Technician Civic Center FROM: William H. Addington, City Engineer w*4 (909) 824-6621 Fax (909) 783-7629 RE : File No. SA=00-07/E-00-07 Fax (909) 783-2600 i APPLICANT: Richard Elshof/Jonathan Joseph LOCATION: 12539 Vivienda Avenue i Grand Terrace Byron R.Matteson Mayor I have reviewed the site plan. and the site and have the Dan Buchanan following comments: Mayor ProTempore 1. The existing irregular right-of-way between the West Herman Hilkey property of the site and a line 30 ' East of the Jim Singley ; center line of Vivienda Avenue should be vacated by Lee Ann Garcia the City of Grand Terrace. All costs of engineering conaciiMembers and related expenses to be paid by the developer. The site plan should be revised accordingly. Thomas J. Schwab CityManager 2. Both proposed driveways should be constructed according to S.B. Co. Std. 128 with a minimum width of 18 ' . 3. A grading plan showing existing and proposed elevations and grading quantities will be required in conformance with the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code. 4. The South side setback should be 5 ' between the proposed building and the block wall. WHA/cma cc: Virgil Barham Attachment C 1 d4441 Yoe 9Ei WW � Sf 1 1 II � �uunuu •,�I a„r.•'d, -�" +I � .,v �fl � eL 4 l 4� POAj `' C - r R J� •� o � -MC. 30 30 r 6 Wall, Two Q My�{f tl�J M UTA .IR 1ry" ,y � ♦ _..� \ ems— �� :� ~ /•+ VrR / t J TCA ,. Iallov�JK � ' r� . ..tat co•as 6S w 1 CD 14 1 Vow ( ♦. ' � or uI r;is; l ... � . i I CITY O �nMIND TERR CE MEMORANDUM 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace Date: September 12, 2000 California 92313-5295 To: J.D. Skladany ,, San Bernardino Civic Center ` County Surveyor's Office (909) 824-6621 ` Fax (909) 783-7629 From: William H. Addington City Engineer Fax (909) 783-2600 Subject: Review of Records of Survey 00-127 for Johnathan Joseph by Richard P. Siegmund L.S. Byron R. Matteson may., Thank you for sending the print of R.S. 00-127 for my review. Dan Buchanan When the proposed development progresses through the City of Grand Mayor ProTempore _ Terrace review process, I intend to recommend that the City convey all of the excess property beyond the required 30' half right of way to the property Herman Hilkey owner at the property owners expense. I would like that parcel to be Jim Singley conveyed to be shown on this record of,survey. If you or Mr. Siegmund Lee Ann Garcia have any questions, please call me at (909) 528-6692. Council Members Thomas J. Schwab City Manager WHA/cma cc:Virgil Barham Steve Cumblidge 1 4 COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT �~�' COUNTY 0r�SANBi;IlNaRn1NQ �on'i� COMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION PETER R.HILLS 385 Nona Arrowhead Avenue,Third Floor • Sam Bernardino,CA 92415.0179 Fire Chief (909)387.5372 Fax (909)387-4382 County Fire Warden August 1,2000 RIChARD ELSHOF 12539 VIVIENDA AVENUE GLAND TERRACE,CA 92324 FILE NO.: MIS GT6011469 LOCATION: 12539 VIVIENDA AVENUE—GRAND TERRACE - PROJ T-TYPE:' RES W- ENTML PLANNER-STEVE CUMBLIDGE Dear Applicant: With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project,the San Bernardino County Fire Department requim the following fire protection measum to be provided in accordance with applicable local ordinances,codes,and/or recognized fire protection standards. The following information of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and GUMELINES which are applied to this project. •FIR_CONDIrIONN: F2PC: Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow of this development shall be approved by the fire department having jurisdiction. The developer sball furnish the fire department with two(2)copies of the water system improvement plan for approval. 'hater systems shall be operational and approved by the fire department prior to recordation or any above grade construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations,using the"Guide for the Determination of Reauired Fire Flow," New water systems shall have minimum eight(8)inch mains,six(6)inch laterals,and six(6)inch risers. T- JFt ti" lktPe.--12SQGPM, 2 Hodr-24,20psf 1=3PC: The above referenced project is protected by the San Bernardino County Fire Department. prior to any construction occurring on any parcel,the applicant shall contact the Fire Department for'vexification of current fire protection development requirements. A11 new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes,codes,ordinances or standards of the Fire Department. F9PC: The street address shall be posted with a rninimum of four(4)inch numbers,visible from the street and during the hours of darkness the numbers shall be internally electrically illuminated with a low voltage power source_ Posted numbers shall contract with their background and be legible from the street in accordwnce with the Uniform Fire Code. 'Where building sabacks exceed one hundred(100)feet from the roadway,additional contrasting four(4)inch numbers shall be displayed at tl'.e property access. �--n�!rl n;S�parvl,r�rr> t~!9!.1I�i�r5,r*rSii1:2.w°!-; KATHY.A.';ll`!!-'.: ............. ri;S9pWht! DENNIS'^dihi�EERGE; .... .... VhirdDistrieA i .gun f atirY:itistrai;e::Ufiic+r Ot!D.Pois:F.;:.s .... .... sue.orld 01-nrlat FREQ C.GWAS-i . ..... FoUi�ft pi8tri! J'MRY EAVI-S Flit!,J3!:W1rt Attachment D F 1 OPC: Every chimney used iu conjunction with any fireplace or any heaving appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used,shall be maintained with an approved spank arrestor visible from the ground,as identified in the Unifor a Fire Code. F14SC: All Group"R,"Division"3"Occupancies;single family dwellings,duplexes and manufactured homes,will require fire staff site inspection to establish fire protection requirements needed for the proposed project. E23SC: Prior to fnW inspection or occupancy,hand portable fire extinguishers are required to be provided. The location,type,and cabinet dwsign shall be approved by the Fire Department, GL 941.4.4: PREMISES IDIENTFFICATION (ADDRESSING) ... _ _ - 1. Smoke detectors shall be in accordance with Uniform Building Code. Sincerely, 0 POU,CItA`bd O Planning&Engineering Section �Iy 1 rr 1450 E. Washington St. Colton, CA 92324-4696 ® (909) 825-4128 FAX(909) 825-1715 P � July 11, 2000 ;j Mr. Steve Cumblidge Planning Technician City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Re: SA-00-07/E-00-7 - 12539 Vivienda Avenue, Grand Terrace Dear Mr. Cumblidge; No one has contacted Riverside Highland Water Company regarding water service to the above referenced parcel. At this time, there is no water service to this lot. Water stock must be acquired, all applicable fees must be paid and water service must be installed. Also, with this use will fire sprinklers be needed? Will two water services be needed? Will a backflow prevention device be required? Please contact me at your earliest convenience regarding this matter. Thank you. Sincerely, Rich Haubert Distribution Superintendent RNH/ss Attachment E