2001-01 RESOLUTION NO. .01-01 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,STATE OF CALIFORNIA,APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 99-01, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 99-06 AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CASE NO. 99-06 AT 12438 MICHIGAN STREET, GRAND TERRACE WHEREAS, the applicant, Thatcher Engineering on behalf of the owner Swertfeger Equipment, has applied for the approval of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 99-06, Site and Architectural Case No.99-06 and Environmental Review Case No. 99-06 to operate common truck repair and to operate and expand the facilities for self-unloading trailer manufacturing, repair and sales.; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on January 18, 2001; and WHEREAS, under the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Article 19, Section 15002 this project qualifies for a Mitigated Negative Declaration in that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment; and NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan. 2. That the proposed use as a facility for self-unloading trailer manufacturing,repair and sales will not be: 1) Detrimental to the health, safety,morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the city. 2) Injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the city. 3. That the conditions of approval for this project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan are made apart of this approval. 4. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures,that they do no interfere with the neighbor's privacy,that they do no unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The site will be screened from the outside with wrought iron fencing and landscaping on its easterly boundary and landscaping on its southerly, westerly and northerly boundaries. In addition, there are no scenic 1 views in the area that will be blocked by this project. 5. The architectural design of the proposed structures,their materials and colors will be visually harmonious with surrounding development,natural landforms,are functional for the proposed project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 6. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. 7. There will be no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides,thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting and natural landforms will be preserved. The subject site is located in commercial/light industrial area with few or little natural features. 8. The design and location of all signs associated with this project are consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. This will be assured through the requirement that the business owner will have to file for the applicable sign permit before erecting any signs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CUP-99-01 and S.A.-99-06 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. The proposed truck dealership and truck repair of the subject site are subject to this conditional use permit and related conditions. 2. The proposed project shall be constructed in substantial accordance with the site plan and other exhibits approved and authorized by the Planning Commission during the Site and Architectural Review process. Minor changes or clarifications of the plans may be made by the Director. 3. All Phase 1 conditions need to be completed within two years or before the construction of Phase 2,whichever occurs earlier. Therefore,no metal building permit shall be issued unless all applicable Phase I conditions have been met. 4. All Phase 2 conditions shall be completed within the specified time or prior to the construction of Phase 3. 5. For Phases 2 and 3 a Site and Architectural Review application will be required before the proposed metal buildings are approved. Such Site and Architectural Review may be administrative if the Planning Commission approves the proposed structures in concept. 2 6. Note on the plans what surfacing materials are proposed for all the drive areas and storage/display/parking areas identified, e.g. decomposed granite, existing compacted dirt, asphalt,class 2 aggregate, etc. A NRDES clearance will be required within 6 months of the approval of the conditional use permit. 7. Incorporate a minimum 5%landscaping into all automobile parking areas per City code. The site plan shall show the 5% landscaped areas. 8. The raised trailer display area shown on the site plan may not encroach into the required 15' landscape setback. Relocate this proposed feature of the plan. Trailers parked here for display must be new or reconditioned and of the type being sold on site. They may not have any information about the business or the products sold painted on them. 9. Show all proposed alternative locations for the trash dumpster(s)location(s)on the site plan. The dumpster(s)must be located appropriately for refuse truck access and must be screened with a 6' high block wall unless it is screened by building walls and is not visible from off- site. 10. Specify on the site plan those areas to be used for the storage of new and refurbished trailer parking. 11. Show. on the site plan all landscaping areas and a 8' high wrought iron fence with 16" columns/pilasters 12'on center(any column in front of the display area may be eliminated)and with shrubs and trees to provide screening adjacent to Michigan Street along the business frontage (residence landscaping to remain). The fence shall be located at the back of the landscaped 15' setback. A minimum of 11 trees shall be planted (or existing trees relocated). 12. Show the following screening treatments for the sides and rear of the parcel on the plans for approval. The northern edge of the project which is located adjacent to residentially-zoned land and homes shall be screened as shown on the plan with a 5' wide landscape planter adjacent to the existing chain link fence. Vines shall be planted 15' on center(instead of 20' shown on the landscape plans). In addition,to help screen this site from nearby residences at higher elevations (along De Berry)trees at least 15 gallon in size shall be planted at 35' on center within the 5'planter. This will provide better screening and break up views of the trucks and trailers stored on site. Both trees and vines shall be watered with drip irrigation per the proposed plan. The west edge (the rear of the site) and the south edge of the property from the southwest corner of the site to the residence shall be screened. Said screening shall consists of a 8' chain-link fence with vines which shall be extended up to up to any new building which exists along the southerly property line or in the case of no building to the existing residence. The revised site plan needs to show this required screening proposal. PHASE I CONDITIONS: 3 13. The three existing lots within the subject site shall be combined or held as one through one of the following options: a. File a parcel map or lot merger to combine the three existing lots into one legal parcel within 6 months of the approval of the conditional use permit. b. File and record a document(s) to hold the three lots as one parcel, including all access easements, until released from such requirement by the City of Grand Terrace within 6 months of the approval of the conditional use permit. 14. Install the paved Phase I access drive and parking area including landscaping as soon as possible but no later than 6 months of the approval of the conditional use permit. 15. Install access drive, curb cuts and driveway apron,pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Michigan Street frontage within 2 years of the conditional use permit approval. 16. Install %2 of all landscaping and 8' high screening wrought iron fence with pilasters as soon as possible but no longer than 6 months from the approval of the conditional use permit. The second half of the landscaped area adjacent to Michigan Street in front of the residence to be completed with street improvements or within two year of Conditional Use Permit approval whichever is earlier. 17. Obtain final grading permit and grade site and improve drainage system per approved plans. 18. Final engineered plans for street improvements such as curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lights to be approved within one year of Conditional Use Permit approval,or sooner if the property to the north installs street improvements. 19. Provide proof of approval of San Bernardino County Health Department and NPDES permit. 20. Complete property cleanup, all landscaping screening, and permanent paving of specific areas within 2 years from the conditional use permit approval;however,any area not to be permanently paved with asphalt shall be surfaced with compacted slag within 2 years from the conditional use permit approval. 21. Install landscaping/screening and irrigation along northern,western and southern property lines per approved plans; during Phase 2 or within two years of Conditional Use Permit approval, whichever is sooner. 22. Install street light, as required on approved plans, during Phase 3 of the project or within three years of Conditional Use Permit approval, whichever is sooner. PHASE 2 CONDITIONS: (prior to construction of the Phase 2 building) 23. Submit construction plans for Phase 2 Building and paved areas. 4 24. Obtain Building Permit for Phase 2 construction. 25. Install Phase 2 parking area including 5% landscaping. 26. Submit plans for business sign(s). PHASE 3 CONDITIONS: (prior to construction of Phase 3 building) 27. Submit construction plans for Phase 3 Building and paved areas. 28. Obtain Building Permit for Phase 3 construction. 29. Install and landscape the Phase 3 parking area. 30. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit for the existing garage, construction plans for the new garage shall be approved. The new garage shall be constructed within one year of the approval of the demolition permit unless the residence is converted to office space. In this case,a building permit to upgrade the residence to office occupancy is required prior to occupancy as an office. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE FOR ALL THREE PHASES: 31. All proposed signs shall be subject to the applicable sign regulations of the CM zone and shall require the appropriate sign permit application. 32. Each phase of this project shall be subject to the appropriate traffic signal improvement fee and circulation improvement fee as established by Ordinance No. 190. Said fees to be paid prior to the issuance of any permits required for that phase. 33. All operations on the site including the manufacturing activities shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. 34. If two or more complaints from nearby residents are received by the City of Grand Terrace within any six month period,than the applicant or the business owner shall submit an acoustical study to the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services and shall comply with whatever appropriate mitigation measures may be required to bring any adverse noise to acceptable levels within the nearby residential areas. 35. The applicant shall comply with all of the requirements of the Director of Building/Safety and Public Works in his memorandum dated July 20, 1999. 36. The applicant shall comply with all of the requirements of the City Engineer in his memorandum dated(to be submitted). 5 37. The applicant shall comply with all of the requirements of the San Bernardino County Fire Department in the memorandum dated July 1, 1999. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 18"day of Jaunuary,, 2001. AYES: Commissioner Ferre' , Vice=Chairperson Wilson and Chairperson Van Gelder NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Trainor ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: WA6,-7h Brenda Stanfill, Fran Van Gelder, City Clerk Chairperson, Planning Commission c:\MyFiles\JOHN\swertfeger\cup9901-resolution.wpd 6