1991-01 RESOLUTION NO. 91 -01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CUP-91-01, A REQUEST TO OPERATE A DRY CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT AT 22310 BARTON ROAD WHEREAS,the Applicant,Heritage Quality Dry Cleaners/Potomac West Properties, LTD., applied. for a conditional use permit to operate a full service dry cleaning establishment at 22310 Barton Road (attached as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the proposed use is a permitted use in the GC Zone of the Barton Road Specific Plan, Section 18.20, with a Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the project is categorically exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Chapter 15301, Class 1a; and WHEREAS a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on February � P P Y P g Y 212 1991, for the purpose of considering the proposed project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made: 1. The proposed use has been reviewed by the appropriate City reviewing agencies and their comments and recommendations are included as conditions of approval to insure this use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the use or within the City. 2. The occupation of this site for the proposed use, subject to the conditions listed below will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within �— the City. 3. The current Barton Road Specific Plan land use designation for this site is General Commercial and the proposed use is a permitted use for this location as a result of the City's Municipal Code Section 18.83, Conditional Use Permit requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval; 1. All conditions as recommended by the Department of Engineering/Building and Safety in their memorandum dated February 14, 1991, and attached as (Attachment A's Exhibit B). 2. All conditions as recommended by the Forestry and Fire Warden Department in their memorandum dated February 12, 1991, and attached as (Attachment Xs Exhibit C). 3. All conditions as recommended by the San Bernardino County Environmental J Health Department in their memorandum dated February 12, 1991, and attached as Attachment As Exhibit D). 4. The hours of operation for the proposed use shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 5. All work associated with Heritage Quality Dry Cleaners as applied for with CUP-91-01 shall be conducted either offsite or within the confines of Unit F. NOW,THEREFORE,THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY APPROVES CUP-91-01 BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of February, 1991 by the following vote: AYES: 5 -Vice-Chairman Buchanan, Commissioners Hargrave, Munson, Sims and Wright NOES: 1 - Commissioner Van Gelder ABSENT: 1 - Chairman Hawkinson ABSTAIN: 0 1' Dan Buchanan, Vice-Chairman Planning Commission ATTEST: Bfenda Stanfill, ' Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Harper, City Attorney r - DIXON SCHOENBAUM ARCHf i ECTS j` `�` y _'•I\•I —�'��« 220 YAIN STREET STUDIO SEVEN `� jf'��"' ��. t•T-'+Td vEN CE.Cw 90291 HUILDWG B t • I �2 1 3 0-.5.3 j FAx 2+a•a9e•e+e. I SUMMARY �. smosF' i \ r ` NAROWARE " V .&TORE , I LAND AREA BUI 1]IN.M16L�10 A AR A F eI_N.-AREA) 9T ^_`��'�:+r��� J \+I•..I R' .s I �ST'O�b _..er.A .L—C.F. ?w+asN PARKING 1 / % \ �� `��•r 1Rr&tL fM AUPA11TBR CL7 STALLS Lu WAE70flfO�SF.ALJDNm101 ��----�1 � ♦ ; r ��T__Y• J i�a� AIfI1QAATL71 r1I.tiPy DRYc 'J tsaW.rAroloLnue Ra.t STALLS) CLFANER �I ' ♦ { c `'+� 7663 A TWAL rAo MWOOM STALLS , A.a S_F. lo s= �> rAwlaf9 rf+ovcs9 s siwtas T— < 60B �I — L•� i LDAawc tae a.fox=mN[ NCTA•PART i 1\ ' Z 992 S.F. �+ LANDSCAPING ..��� n J 946^S.F_ _ Lam_ f ' _�� +"'�w _ -! m SUB DEPOT- r.woctar••••_•.•P.• r� 1320 S.F. J �? mewmsvr.a Two cF. \� to I VICINITY" MAP — M Ol I FIJiAKET �I��♦ � ��\�IJ ItIt ` I(/ `) 1 I I_ I ° �� •Ir, r. 1 1t14 m �A rs► ••,'�""+,,,� �.�marn �uLrsles � � 1 fi1LTOS i TJ BARTON ROAD";+:� "..,''.r"In,� � �� •�r..lc�,r,.4 I _ ea.o.Ad "'A'l uyrT - N.....oa DEVELOPER _ AO' i .woe.eYd PO'TOMAcwESrAssOLTATEr un. IM2 MOORPARK STREET.SUITET01OWNER MI Nevi � y�, Q(,(a l�.� '✓�v Cat 2/2.C/�/ BA1DARwLN ' tt 1 L/r' 23t>•1 PALM AVE j �DTamac Weil TEL�E ..rE' �,-� :v�.•`�'V ti _ LOCATION EASING PLAN .re+^A'A., f 1O eO��fAL WZ� G RAND TERRACEROAO AND WiIILAVE A zzsroeARfDN Rp{p 0T y W.O. 12-8.5165 GRAND TERR CE M E M O R A N D U M 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace TO: David Sawyer, Community Development Director California 92324-5295 FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer Civic Center (714)824-6621 DATE: February 14, 1991 SUBJECT: CUP-91-01 Please be advised that meeting conditions of approval for the total project (Potomac West) area development will satisfy the conditions for this project, except for plan checking and permits for any tenant Byron R. Matteson improvements for Dry Cleaners. Mayor Hugh J.Grant JK/ct Mayor Pro Tempore i Gene Carlstrom -naia M.Christianson Herman Hilkey Council Members Thomas J. Schwab City Manager EXHIBIT B C, 7 0-FIFICE 0' PUBI Ir c 77� 3 87• A 0,1 6 "�, ; - - 7 \.I.' '/f_ .ol_z rt V SERVICE!;_� K r-d' V_ _Zz- A I g-g�-Q_Rjw7& RM Da tie -Ile following oirc ed conditions apply to your project. Fire Department Reference Number: Off, -1 � The above referenced project is protected by the San County Forestry and Fire Warden Department. Prior .to any cQnstruction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire Departruent for verification of current Fire Protection requirements. All new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code Requirements and dll- applicable statues, codes, ordinances, or standards of the Fire Departrent. IF-3 The street address shall be posted with a minimum of four ( 4) inch numbers, visible from the street and during the hours of darkness the numbers shall be low voltage internally electrically illuminated. Posted nurabers shall, contrast with their background and be legible from the street in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. where building set. backs exceed 100 feet from the roadway, additional contrasting four (4) inch numbers shall be displayed at. the property access entrance. r-4 Prior to final inspection or occupancy each chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall bo maintained with an approved spark arrester as identified in the Uniform Fire code. F-5 Prior to any construction occurring, all flammable vegetation shall be removed from each building site a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet from any flammable building material, including a finished structure. F-6 Prior to final inspection or occupalicy the development and each phase thereof shall have two ( 2) points of EXHIBIT C nIA • i 1 *n Fs • / qp+. - h . J of e s c a p �'fY 1 1�. V9 J_J. 1.?i f 1 Y hae d?e evacuations asRreq=fired in the development code. F�7 Prior to final inspection or occupancy, private roadways which exceed one-hundred and fifty ( 150) feet in length shall be approved by the Fire Department having jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within one hundred and fifty ( 150) feet of, .and shall give reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walla of the first story of any building. An access read shall be provided within fifty ( 50) feet of all buildings if the natural grade between the access road and the building is in excess of thirty percent (30) . ' Where the access roadway cannot be provided, an approved fire protection system or systems shall be provided, as required and approved by the Fire Department. F-8 prior to fi,na3 inspection or occupancy a turn-around shall be provided at the end of each roadway, one- hundred and fifty (150) feet or more in length and shall be approved by the Fire Department. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six-hundred (600) feet except as identified in the development code and approved by the chief. F-9 Private road maintenance, including but not limited to grading and snow removal, shall be provided for prior to recordation ar approval. Written documentation shall be submitted to the Fire Department having jurisdiction. Private fire access roads shall provide . an all weather surface with minimum paving width of twenty (20) feet. F-10 Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow of this development shall be approved by the Fire Department having jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish the Fire Department with two copies of the water system improvement plan for approval and a letter from the water purveyor stating the availability of the required fire flow prior to recordationg water systems shall be operational and approved by the Fire Department prior to any construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide for the Determination of Recmired Fire Flow." In areas without water-serving_ ut3.lities, the fire protection water system shall be based on NFPA pamphlet number 1231 and Uniform fire code requirements. t t , w te_;�s designed to e;, the required fire _fio4 shall. be operational any. approved by the Fire f Department prior to any construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate cai.culations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide For The Determination of Required Fire Flow" . In areas withoutt water-serving utilities, ofire protection water serving utilities, the fire protection water system shall be based on N.F.P.A. Pamphlet Number 1231 and the San Bernardino County Uniform Fire Code. F-1.1 Prior to Building permits being issued approved fire ; hydrants and fire hydrant pavement markers shall be ' installed. Fire hydrants shall be 6" diameter with a minimum one 41' and one Z 1/2" connection. The hydrant and fire hydrant markers shall be approved by Fire Department. All fire. hydrant spacing shall be 300 feet with the excepti Qn of single f ar►�ily residential which may be increased to 600 feet maxiMUMM. F-12 Prior to final inspection or occupancy this development shall comply with Fire safety overlay conditions as adopted in County Ordinance Number 3341. The development is located in Fire Review Area. F-13 Fzior to issuance of a building permit a fuel modification zone in compliance with county standards is required. z F-14 Prior to final, inspection or occupancy, an approved i Fire Department key box is required. If automatic electric security gates are used an approved lock switch is xe,qui,red on each gate in lieu of the box. Questions and/or comments may be directed to the Fire Protection Planning section; County Government Center, 385 North Arrowhead, let Floor, San Bernardino, California, 92415-4186i or call (714) 387-4225. Thank you for your cooperation. sincerely, , DAVID J. DRISCOLL, Chief county Fire warden By - jc:t Fi Pr planning' Officer c: FIG Fire extinguishers are required in accordance N•;ith Uniform Fire Cade Standard 010-1. F17. Any gated access shall be approved by the Fire Department and .emercrency access arrangements made prior to occupancy. the lack of requirements may be applied due to 1$ . Additionalq`-- sufficient information to review. Please submit building plans and declaration of use for proper application of . codes ,Ti.0rvG 41 F1.9. The building occupancy is under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal. written documentation of review and inspection required prier to final occupancy. Contact the west Covina office at ( 818) 960-6441. All f laramable liquid storage and dispensing shall be in '. compliance kith the applicable sections of the Uniform Fire Code Article 79. Plan review and permit to operate are required. f 1.. All co:roniercial Liquefied petroleum Gas (LPG) storage and dispensing shall be in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code Articic 82 and County Grdinance 43054. Plan review and permit to operate are required. F22. All access roadways shall be in accordance with County ordinance #3381. F23 . Development is within the Fire-Safety Overlay Area (Greenbelt Standards) . Compliance with the provisions of County Ordinance 43341 as applicable and determined by the Fire Department shall be required. In those areas not so designated under said ordinance, the appropriate Community Plan Overlay Ordinance will apply. F24. An automatic fire extinguishing system is required for the following area(s) : A. Cvmmorcial-type food heat-processing equipment (UFC Sec. . 10.314) B. Spray paint booths or rooms (UFC Sec. 45.209) C.. High piled combustible storage (UFC Sec. 81.101) D. occupancy and location -MC Sec. 10.308.) ; E. Entire building due to lack of access (UFC sec. 10.270(b) as amended by County ordinance 43381) . 1 REC'D FEB 141991 — COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY 385 North Arrowhead Avenue 0 San Bernardino,CA 92415-0160 (714) 387-4646 PAUL F. RYAN, R.E.H.S. D East -D- Street e Ontario,CA 91764 - (714) 391-7570 Director J 505 Civic Drive - Victorville,CA 92392 - (619) 243-8141 Also serving the cities of J 17830 Arrow Highway - Fontana,CA 92335 '- (714)829-6244 Adelento . Lorna Linda 57407 Twentynine Palms Highway a Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Apple Valley Montclair San Bernardino County Vector Control Program* Barstow Needles 2355 East Fifth Street 0 San Bernardino,Ca 92415 a (7141383-3200 Big Bear Lake Ontario Environmental Enforcement and Housing Chino Rancho Cucamonga Calton Redlands 172 West Third Street e San Bernardino,CA 92415-0315 e (714)387-6512/6515 Fontana Rialto Air Pollution Control District Grand Terrace San Bernardino 15428 Civic Drive,Suits 200.Victorville,CA 92392 e (619)243-8200 Hesperia Twentynine Palms Highland Upland Victorville February 12, 1991 David R. Sawyer Community Development Director City of Grand Terrace Planning Department 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92324 Subject: Conditional Use Permit for a dry cleaning business. File NO. CUP 91 01. The department has reviewed the referral for the above referenced project and recommend the following conditions3of approval. 1. Prior to occupancy, the applicant shall obtain a permit for a hazardous material handler and a hazardous waste generator . from the Department of Envirorimental Health Services Hazardous Materials Field Services section. For more information call (714) 387-3080. 2. Prior to occupancy, applicant shall submit a business plan to the Department of Environmental Health Services Risk Assessment/Community Right-to-Know section. For more information call (714) 387-3044. If you have any questions, please contact me at (714) 387-4677 LAND E atleen E. Bing E.H. Environmental Health Specialist II. EXHIBIT D