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RESOLUTION NO. 9 1 -0 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TTM-89-04 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14483) AND ITS ASSOCIATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WHEREAS, the applicant, Mr. Richard Churchwell has applied for approval of a tentative tract map, (Exhibit A) subdividing 4.9 acres into 9 single family lots located at 23081 Grand Terrace Road (APN# 276-411-001); and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project per Article 6 of the California Environmental Quality Act (Exhibit B) and said Negative Declaration has been considered by the Planning Commission per Section 15074(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act. WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on December 11, 1989, regarding this application and continued indefinitely by the applicant, and; WHEREAS, the applicant in compliance with Section 66452.1. of the Subdivision Map Act, waived the fifty (50) day period requiring action by the appropriate advisory agency, and; WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on December 04, 1990, regarding this application, and continued indefinitely by the applicant, and; WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on February 21, 1991, regarding this application, and; WHEREAS, a propertly notice public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on March 7, 1991, regarding this application. L .% NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made: 1. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development; 2. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development; 3. That the design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat; 4. That the design of the subdivision or type of proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems or cause threat to life and property from a wildland conflagration; 5. That the proposed subdivision together with the provisions for its design and improvements are consistent with the General Plan. 6. That the proposed subdivision, its design and density, conform to the conditions imposed by this chapter, the regulations of the Development Code, and the regulations of the City of Grand Terrace. NOW,THEREFORE,ZBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that TTM-89-04 (Exhibit A) and the aforementioned Negative Declaration (Exhibit B) are hereby recommended to the City Council for approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Individual lots shall be subject to Site and Architectural Review. 2. The subject property shall be dedicated to the City in order to be annexed to the City's existing Lighting and Landscaping District. 3. The Final Tract map shall be consistent with the California Aqueduct, Riverside Highland Water, East Riverside Irrigation District easements. 4. All conditions as recommended by the City Engineer's Department in their 1' recommendations dated February 14, 1991 (Attachment Xs Exhibit Q. 5. All conditions as recommended by the Forestry and Fire Warden Department in their Memorandum dated November. 6, 1989, November 6, 1990 and February 1, 1991 (Attachment Xs Exhibit D). 6. All conditions as recommended by the Colton Unified School District in their letter dated November 9, 1989 (Attachment Xs Exhibit E). 7. All conditions as recommended by the San Bernardino County Office of Special Districts in their Memorandum dated November 7, 1989 (Attachment Xs Exhibit F). 8. All conditions as recommended by the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District in their memorandum dated September 25, 1990 (Attachment Xs Exhibit G). Also, an erosion plan is to be submitted to the City of Grand Terrace Planning Department for approval. 9. The area containing the proposed rear slope in Lots 7 and 8 shall be offered for dedication to the City for the purpose of inclusion in the City's Lighting and Landscaping District. 10. The mature and healthy Eucalyptus trees located on the western property lines of Lots 1 and 2 shall be preserved. Trees may be removed upon permission from the Planning Director. 11. Where mature and healthy trees exist, they shall be preserved where feasible. 12. Rural atmosphere street lighting if possible. 13. The pad elevation of Lot 1 shall be reduced by 8 feet, not to exceed 1152 feet. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held the 7th day of March 1991 by the following vote: AYES: 6 - Chairman Hawkinson, Vice-Chairman Buchanan, Commissioners Munson, Hargrave, Van Gelder and Wright NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 / ABSTAIN: 1 - Commissioner Sims awkinson, Chairperson PI ng Commission ATTEST ?J01__ .Brenda,Stanfill, Deputy,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM John Harper, U City Attorney n s etn a.a..rr.Nn .' I �_ ,. - W lal.Y■tO mil.•"•IOeT! Tfit/lRT/f�E Tf'TRCT,t/0• /94L?3 a r I I .r nlnnus AV VA/ lbw/w Y/N•nyl.l.l.•!.f•itlr•t 4l if r W r/H•erW farce .. y rr.•flla L.r+i It r rf+.t l.f•le.■Tarr of l.•wrwrelee e•.•er, blltr.l.V.arlr!!,A.3•..■.M..■...■. !ta•IfM fc•1.1' IO• q L /���ANfl� R/-tC•q ilift" r_ / I r1 1 107 R. Rr ad"A w11 fat R. u e.e.e. LOT 15 eDtae■ C. fllfl II I 1 �a Itl ll .l f•f:ff I I �•Ifrrf.ww.. ..I`. t / �/q�.�r.7ee� VNCAA[l 11\p, wnwt+. 1 iR/-I/O-RI a. L J T J ini��u er�.r 11 full 11141 121JI97 /+'a►rr me-1 1 �C R/-/D•A + i�i�w�.'ur 1 _" N f /1•� _ 10/1•D w.J Ila,her!••ew ���i (,••. blto•r Ch full k tMH/T� 1 �'��� - ra�jr ��/`'� n.•.•r If111 uf•l■u If*lew all 11444M- 4.0 ��1��----- .• w���-- _. •-/C '.�"..-. .....?�`_�... M" '�� 'R�v��2fa/nai�tnr'er.�emltic m. ��� •,,��/a>f. % 1 .1••trl•r .tart.huf.-"Nlr era•.t 'NN '^\ r • ^tf��'r/ll•#f- 11 .. `A OY 1-0—vLlt-. Y.Crag •.t ♦ ' '` .. t wht r u NN-1(PS.N rYi Cart 11 MA ••w. 1 cart rrr A e +t.— R//O - � Zia' rr NI F "f '' l� /Rf Rh20 t.1Nw•r r..ltl.wu -ll t•f at l'lrr flf•Mf 4 Y 2/71 at-.—It-t•arr•relr et `/ erW hii.4 aW.r YCW Art, 1 / C� a/s.es■c wnr' •'���' /Q ; ,e `�� \ 1� / t9' / /� a ❑1 Y.wrat be bll!•nta Ylwf,•{ u t.wr aC W a•w a al u.rnl• Jell-/O•A .b�roVt/ l �(� '•' , 0 d� •„� IN rr r.e•r.r rrf•.lno 1.Yw tut,r.f.ne./De lr 1.1 war.. RV r/Q A . f I P \X 1 %' !. ■rrwJr N J.wui W.•rwt.1.f.rt.t Ill1.w.r y.r s.l • O I r 1� \` //.�� / rrrW Yrr M 1■.1 l..M lur P.;!N•f err..t.•.re.of fu C + � G�•�• �/ � ,�,�N,,,,K Yr..rur ew.af. W.a LNur L...t uwt.w of r.mr.. - l d ';�^,a the )�: Q R/-�L t, Y•�M ew rlf•ur 1.f...r r utarar■Ipl.r tar c ,,. rr nrr.r ryall S.1"I l..•.t llf, •-r-•r v-r LOT •11! j ~ //�/�� /�✓ � .r N.rrel.•a n..!u•t rr.. mar r �� '� Bret. Wars 1•rUr 1.ew Uwt••r•e r.e•r. / +++ • 1 '1'/ �• 1 1, Y.r l,f•t ral.1lW.W fip tL—Y hrr .H urrrlr Q/yp�r - / _.J �L �R/-/O%Ad :�,, .�(��Ic• lrrlwel..ot.arla r.r rr I Ill•f■•aY..•r.a.r Nrr NW CralME d2c • tun Lralo• l SIAM&R er m T I I YArStNr d �C 1vj' � urtew.t .r n••r■. .rt ' a/rnrtatcars /'!�' �. �//i/�t � /�"' \ efrr.aov�rs:r�oi/saawrrx�.sra�aro t�:�wlrttlf�uuaufeuee+exrmetrw+ocemneanaalwe�� 1 I d � /`���,/ •� �7' LEGGING fAearEM m to vnut[c tallN/a..eern duet a rl[tefloen.to mreLorea i � td yYF/ �,ll �/�.' / /aG`J/LYNr/A1C /vOrf�KJ MDIalln,alwnb/.^cC J6 /� -JI 1i! /b /f• I / } //////,'r —'—" /,vLlr7rI.GMM/LM/t/C.r/C ' . / ■.' t� n' l~ ��^*1 -of 1 a I fl•�RI / }f / --A?" �&"e"rwlMfrA Wl 1 r-i / / �� i --e-- a/exmra nt/arate Aft eta 4 ve- �* -a °' •INefr� I e - /a•.la ,m ta/»e�r/nl/M fen w ' reft I !YR/C'AIC d�fG'l/C31/ / AA ArmeAm/sawn eerrr .e rr rwr� -A AIPICA if tr/Afar - i/� Mb /41CYCA r9/PtVMM~eeev.•rav 7N�/YAV 4fl.TAlV OM'IMAt' f //./ / a!t mweo vgnawAMWAtar GI/S O It1SW /aA90 // Oa *slarr>rfn noel ecanr./vav LO.s 10 obur nr w a+r ar to ta► / V/Ch!//TY NAr At.A f1C•.I' M1.erl r%r.,-..q C•r.U•rla• D Planning � TERROrr Department NEGATIVE DECLARATION, Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not. have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: TTM-89-04 , a tentative tract map subdividing 4 _9. acres into 9 single family lots of 10, 000 square foot minimum. This property is located in the City's R1-10 zone and within the General Plan's Low Density Residential. landuse designation (see attached map) . APPLICANT: Richard Churchwell - Owners - N. Stafford and Dorothea G. Cooley LOCATION: 23081 Grand Terrace Road (APN#k 276-411-001) FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT: Based upon the attached Initial Study, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. David Sawyer, / Date Community Development Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace; California 92324-5295 714) 824-6621 PYI-IIRIT R CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY I Background 1 . Name of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295 Attention: David . Sawyer, Planning Director q 3. Date of Environmental Assessment: 4. Agency Requiring Assessment City of Grand Terrace 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable �"�p� — oc� 4 6. Location of Proposal: -5O l G R P,tiZ�> _V'Eq-2Akc61 R0 II Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are provided on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe No 1 . Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions- or in / changes in geologic substructures? V b. Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcover,ing of the soil? c. Substantial change in topography or vz ground surface relief features? d. The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or or off site? L Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation , deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, / inlet or lake? -g. _E;�nosure of people or property to geologi-c hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 2. Air, Will the proposal result in: , a. Substantial air emissions or deterior- ation of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? V c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? 1/ d. Change in the amount of -surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or -in any alteration of surface water qual- ity, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction 'or rate / of flow of ground waters? I� _ g . Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals , or through inter- ception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water oth•erwi'se--avai'Ia*b"Ie for public water supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- / ing or tidal waves? 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in : a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? t/ c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native _vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- / ment of existing species? r/ d. Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? ' 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic / organisms or insects)? y b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Deterioration to existing fish or ✓ wildlife habitat? Yes Maybe No 6 . Noise. Will the proposal result in: / a . Increases in existing noise levels? V b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 7. Light and Glare. .. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or / planned land use of an area? — 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial increase in the rate of use / of any natural resources? _ V b. Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural. resource? 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil-, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? b. Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 11 . Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density,- or growth rate of the human population of-an area? 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional / housing? V ! 13. Transportation/Circulation. ' Will the pro- proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facili- ties , or demand for new parking? i c" Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? d. Alterations to present" patterns of circulation or movement of people- and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, -rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational faci- lities? V e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15.. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel ✓ or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or re- . quire the development of new sources of energy? 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following- utilities: a. Power or natural gas? y/ Yes Maybe No b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? 1/ f. Solid waste and disposal? 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: a. - Creation of any health hazard or . potential health hazard (excluding mental health) ? b. Exposure of peop.le to potential health hazards? 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to j public view? V 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeo- logical site? b. Will the proposal result in' adverse physical. or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, / structure, or object? V c. Does the proposa! have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural / values? 1/ Yes Maybe No d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the / potential impact area? V 21 . Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environ- ment, substan"fiallji reduce-the --habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history / or prehistory? 1/ b. Does the- project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A' short-term impact on the environment is one which oc- curs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts / will endure well into the future. ) V c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? ✓ 171,1VI ;;UIJAAI_� I 1. DF-i-(_RM11NATIO,1 ' On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed ,project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on' the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. David Sawyer Planning Dirzctor Date Signature For City of Grand Terrace i III . DISCUSSION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 1. b, 3 b The development of this currently vacant site will result in the over covering of a certain percentage of the soil. This impact will be mitigated by utilizing proper drainage methods which reviewed and approved by the Building and Engineering Department. 6 . a- The existing noise levels will increase as a result of the development of residential uses in an area that is currently vacant. This impact will be within the allowable levels as set in the Master Environmental Analysis for the General Plan. 8 . The existing landuse will change from vacant land to single family residential uses in accordance with the adopted General Plan. Is CM r 1fL1 I W—tro mreR.rY.t 104E I Tfit/lRT/l�E TRACT ext"AdF"70 . � I ` I /rC/Gt//DfVM /r YlN..W1.l.lN 1.Mrlla d Iw 11 d r1M rlra.lrW Tr.cr a r.an rKYrCQ•C/� �r.y«tll•1.YK l/f nrrr.a r•�r 30,.rprY of ur..rureue ceurf, blll«.l•u Y.11«11,},lt.,..M..t.r... 1, 1lI _,.It, I 15 I / 11 I 1 ]r tfN ,e:u 1• a0• 7� SF �1 r.wr.at r«rn w. rfA/lJr / r{4r� 11 / • 1 'Q 110Lard R. Gl.fUwll LU7 IJ ^°..111 for ■. r.e..• c.u.•, c" ula rlo ue-fa' VWAAlf L J_r 12 oue.•.c•r nur Xr'---- k_ ° *• , IM.., 1114I to-.M Ii NCS/LYv f `- r 1 1 I ��✓ 0-Q ��ru..�r«rw.ri...«�,.• _ I \ ,�..,,,,,,,, 1 -tea- � rV � nw/issR 1 v -. rb a«',u ran.• . rul��l -� _,w��:- r✓' Jam`. J I d � 1 iw,rrnla � n•«.r lure u.-len G ---ar,-,. �'r� ^2• _ --�- �. �� ....1 Q/a.. �r.oerzauet��.c -�"'�T.- ` .. � 5..-�t 4. ... Jsrnrtv.QZL*lt.rn otm3�•ev ror /alp QTILm_, Myra•«.nur.—YI- t 'r A1JIrr.�r ,��" t:1 rur etw«Ir-elt•1.«rur r«...r R/•/O•A• ^ �Z� I �' . ~ /ir�/%/ ' � f•'10 r.l•w«., r.eul.Yu n�r t•lrw pM ory.•u nn.a«.a.rll«lrv«eal«.r 1\ i Hll1l /V 1 ( / / `� •� I� .N.�a f.r r.l lr.r.l.N•.ri u!.«f.f W Ia.0 of Ulller.l• All /O•A eAM.rg l �(� / 0 • 'i••� ►«rr r.«.+..r.r r.lne a Yr ulr.r.e.roo,r oulrra....r« � ACAA/r � i { tT•,� d t..WrNI«u.a., -� -�! "-'O- , ,� .1/ _�I ''' �\ /� 1. ...•ew LLw.N Y rout NLL U f.—.t Oil.W«Pr s« 1Mf l•M rW rc11,rM lM of r. s«I.-"-1.ra 41-1 .4 d er r�re� 7t l• t.1 r.•NfN.l..lt u t.wr d■l..r.l..el r.,.M ..r /��••/� • •er grit 8 r0,3 ,Y r..•nl,1Y.,el L U 1 iJ'�f',.••.. � `�I / /�Ii • \/ may' W Yerrur ewq. r•.a I.wu..10 rt u«t..Naer•r.cer.. (DAM, 1/r JI I R/-/O-A� �'l"•� r •b. ,•' a. Y.««a 1. -tt.ut—&t,a.l..11r.1.f..N r r.a u.....Y a,. .� trnru« .r meC A4M W tirro r I Y.QCS�Nr I i(ir/1. /� ,•. n+d r.r.rr.+..r 7LL�Q�'ffdlC.a/7TE7')C ,( '1,/• el Iw..d r«r•. ,..ea CVf7714 CWTO. errr naae.ra reoi/eoaao rerRrtos Ftlrc ra.aMrnlwwtarouec ADJACE r�a/ran oo anv Rrew,c� I � � /( G?' [tGEivo rw+esxr to x vrlren w+e+/nlnctrrt trlrcr ran /lrr'JILY.VI/.K .relMrrs nroreten,�rnnae'.rcc I-iir•- : I / } / /1 r r '/ r t'7 :AOGYt!RM.a�.r^Ye cx-W ••�� w E M• I��h( n j fie' jay='tj Ir /"/ /// -•�� IMY.ItI l~4^15/1',c/ct- 1]V ivnereksreuo l,er/rnn.,./ exavJM•, es re1f I /YPI)eAle&Arnrri/ / / /,f•arvrs[rrisrty°•/ta. LOr'L"' // Ir P / nvc/a•,rs/iwsrSrlr . /}rs•tCY,1'/?K tt,o,rnars rtrt+r/eer ,o er,•,tr / __tl?'/GAI[S�ClAat/ &4WX xr�• :// '"0 r ATW"n WV*a wro ecrv,.rnv Gr�LOVO llYl/1�1 L'Xwo I ^( / ex nvaurn mr~xraw c,.r 'or .e• • r r /er s t4DnW G�w, Awmw?wwrwmv w rwr xcrcrr rtnv 1 ..r•�lr rr e•1//!Jr/N n CITY.. ) Planning t FxHD TERjR"F+�CE Department NOTICE OF FILING NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: TTM-89-.04, a tentative tract map subdividing 4.9+ acres into 9 single family lots of 10,000 square feet minimum. This property is located in the City's R1-10 zone and within the General Plan's Low Density Residential landuse designation. APPLICANT: Richard Churchwell Owners - N. Stafford and Dorthea G. Cooley LOCATION: 2.3081 Grand Terrace Road (APN ##276-411-001) Copies of the Negative Declaration and Initial Study for this project are available for review at the City of Grand Terrace Planning Department, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace (714-824- 6.621) . Anyone wishing to comment on this project may do so prior to January 10, 1989. . All comments should be directed to David Sawyer, Community Development Director, City of Grand Terrace. David Sawyer, Date Community Development Director City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92324-5295 (714) 824-6621 W.O. 12-1 . 1059 0 GRHHi7 TERR CE M E M O R A N D U M TO: David Sawyer, Community Development Director 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer California 92324-5295 Civic Center DATE: February 14, 1991 (714) 824-6621 SUBJECT: T.T.M. 14483 (TTM 89-4) Following 'are recommendations that should be considered as conditions of approval for the proposed project: 1 . Barton Road Byron R.Matteson (a) Construct the balance of curb and gutter, and cross-gutter im- Mayor provements at the intersection of Grand Terrace Road and Barton Road. Hugh I Grant Mayor Pro.empore 2, Grand Terrace Road GeneCarlstrom (a) Dedicate to -provide for 30 foot half street. >nald M.Christianson Herman Hilkey (b) Construct standard curb and gutter. 18 feet from street center- Council Members line. Thomas Schwab (c) Construct standard roadway between new curb and 10 feet east of city Manager street centerline. 3. Lot "C" - Extension to Grand Terrace Road (a) Dedicate 60 feet of Right-of-Way between northerly subdivision boundary and. Grand Terrace Road. (b) Construct curb and gutter 18 feet from street centerline. (c) Construct standard roadway between curbs. 4. Lot "C" (a) Dedicate to provide for 60' of right-of-way. (b) Dedicate and provide for standard cul-de-sac at south end of Lot "C". (Temporary, subject to approval by Fire Marshal ) (c) Construct standard curb, gutter and roadway within Lot "C". Memorandum to David Sawyer February 14, 1991 Page 2 5. Install standard sidewalk. 6. All the streets shall be designed to TI=6 for structural section. 7. Install ornamental street lights. 8. Construct sanitary sewer to serve all parcels. 9. Reapportion or pay off any outstanding, assessments for Assessment District 1, CSA 70 Improvement Zone H. 10. Lot 9, which is the location of existing residence and other im- provements is now connected to sanitary sewer in Grand Terrace Road. Provide for new connection for sanitary sewer for the property. 11 . Provide adequate drainage facilities. 12. Obtain approvals and permits from Department of Water Resources for any facilities to be constructed with DWR right-of-way. 13. Pay all the capital improvement fund fees to include sanitary sewer; storm drain, streets and parks. (These are to be paid prior to issuance of building permits. ) 14. Provide the City with a letter (Prior to issuance of Building Permits) stating that .,all school fees have been paid. 15. All grading shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 70 of U.B.C. 16. Developer shall comply with all of the recommendations of Preliminary Soils Report as well as Engineering Geology Investigation for the proposed development. 17. Obtain from Riverside Highland Water Company a "Will Serve Letter" and provide the same to the City. 18. This development shall be required to form 1972 Landscaping and Lighting District. 19. All improvements shall be designed by persons legally authorized to perform the design specified above, and shall meet all the requirements of the City and various codes. JK/ct 7------- ---- --- TO O 01 DATE SUBjECT SIG E SIGNED DATE 'IA: ZEDRAM AS 472 SNO PARTS I AND 3 INTACT PA 3 WILL RE RETURNED WITH REPLY. POLY PAK (60 SETS1 4e4711 Cr EXHIBIT D a A I1lY tJ A I k?A_ VV/7ALi •_.4 . ate. � i .. . u ,•a t_r V 'k if"-Protection Planning SCr-\'(CeG • Cour :ov ;cnt Center FICE Of- PUBLIC SAFETY QS {pro, ArT h •o'.� end Avcriuc, f n first Floor ., C, nY(i(no, CA 92,1 15-018f, 4) 387.42.1'2., 387-4213 f'1.0�'O 7tD\Lr1 LL• l�l CC:Of - ,� EMERGENCy SERVICES 25 2 . .+. DATE X -_ "- 12 TO: ;..: Zn FROM: David J. Dris r Chief -' County Fire Warden The >;ollowing circled Conditions apply to your projcl.st. i"- n Fire Department Reference Humbert ` U F-- The above z;eferericed project is protected by the Sari Bernardino County Forestry & Fire Warden Department. Prior to tiny 'construcL-ion occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire - Department for verification of current Fire Protection requirements. L� H•+•-crJeC ' . - All new cocst:xuction shall coiaply with the existing - Uniforn Fire Code Requirements and all applicable statues, codes, ordinances, or standards of the Fire - - Department. -3 The street: ' address shall be posted with a minimum of - three ('3 ) - inch cumbers, visible from the street in accordance with San Bernardino County Ordinance No. ---- 2108-,• prior to occupancy. Posted numbers shall contrast �,• with- their backgruund and be visible and legible from the street. P4.1 V _ .:r. F-4 Prior to final inspection or occupancy each chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or V. any heating appliance 1 nce in which, solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maintained with an approved spark arrestor � ' as identified in the Uniform Fire Coati. ` lt'-5 Prior to any construct:ion occ:utring, all flammable vege. Eat ion shall be removed from each '�`-•' building trite a. minimum distance of titirty (3U) feet }' ••1-A from any flammable' building taat:ei ial, including a finished structure. HARRY 1.4. MAYS 1AAW*4 A TUAOC(. ... .. . ...-£Ira Oisrrlut �Al:L•AIiA Cr,Ja.". tt.0 Runt. . ...Third Glaris: County I``da-'WstrCtiV@ Otl:_< JOrd D.A1WLS .. .. ... ....Sevood Otsuicr LMMY WALKtR . . :fout:l:OW&I ;' • ' SOGERT L.'NAMMOCK .. .._.._Mth 01!134 r i-C> Pr iot tc� f i 1- zn,;pec.t ioli or c,c:c-:uZJ:1 ,U L1:,; it vcluf),r :,;1. and each phase ther �aUf nlia ). )- have �- ko ( 2 ) points of vehicular a.ccesc fot fi ,t raid ot11:,r emergency equipment, and for rout_cs or. csccpe wli;_c`h will safely handle evacuations as rec,ui.s-F::d in the development code. F-7 Prior to final inspection or occupatcy private ;oadways w h i c h e x c e e d one -- hundred a n d f i f t y. (i50) feet in length shall be approved by tlir Fir© Department having jurisdiction, and stall be extended to wi thin one hundred. a.rtd fifty ( 150) feet of, and shall give reasonable -access to all. portion of the exterior walls. of the first ataxy of any building. An a access goad shall be provided within fifty (50) feet of all buildings if the natural grade between the access road and the .building is in excess of thirty p<trc:ent (30) . Where the access roadway cannot be provided, an. approvod fire protection system or systems s:�al.l be provided , zte required and approved by the Fire Department. F-8 Prior to final inspection or occupancy a turn-around shall- be provided at the End of each roadway, . one-hundred and fifty (150) feet or tuore in length and shall be approved by the Fire Department. Cul-de-sac lerigth shall not exceed six-hundred (600) feet except as identified in the development_ code and approved by the chief. F-� Private road 'maintenance , including but not Limited to gradl6g and snow removal, shall be provided for p.rior to rbcordati. on or approval . Written documentation sltdll be submitted to the Fire Department having jurisdiction. private fire zzcc:ess toads shall provide an all Breather surface with minimum Paving width of 20 feet. F-10 Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow Of this development shall be approved by the Fire Department having jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish the Fire Departmeat• with two copies of the water system improvement- plan for apijroval- and a letter from the Water purveyor stating the availability of -the required fire flow prior. to recordation. Water systems shall be operat-ioiial and approved by the fire Department prior to any construction occurring. The required fire flow $hkZIl, be determined by appropri4te calculations, Uding the San Bernardino County . "Guide: for the Determination of Required Fite Flow." rn ter'-as w , t•hout 14-a ter-Lie r;vierc� rae-la..lt'i t:;tv Li�c -, proter,tion WAter system Shall be bra.&-2d on .iT'Prt fj,�rcpizi.t.( Harsher li.jl anti Urriforra Fj.re Code ,-equirerrnents . Prloi to Ru+.)_clin permits b g Z elms issued approva..l. fire hydrants .,halal be installed. eire hydrants shall be 6" d i a m e t e r H i t h a m i it i M u m O V_ 'e 4" and one 2 1/2" connection. They hydrant tt,pt; sball bo approved by the Fire Department . All fire hydrant spacing zhal.l be 300 feet with the exception of singio family residential which may be Increased to 600 feet maximum. F-12 Prioir to final inapecrtion or occupancy this development eliall comply with Fire Safety overlay conditions as adopted in County ordinance Number 3341 . The development is located in Fire Review Area F--13 Prior to issuance of a building permit a fuel modificatioij zone in compliance with county standards is required. T F-14 Prior to final, inspection or occupancy, an approved Fire Department key box is . required. If automatic elQct4�ic security g-ates are used all approved loc}c switch is required*on eabh gate in lieu of the box. Questions and/or commeatri may be directed to the Fire Protection P1aLnnin9 800tion; County Government Center, 385 North Arrowhead, 1st Floor,' San Bernardincr, California, 92415-0186, or call, (714) 387-4225. Thank you for Your co-operation. Sincerely, By Fr Protection Planning Officer .f AND FIRE <Vt__MEN DEPAc,`TFF-41E -1 1L E L�c�`Fe c nrt it , l'!:C PCUt6Ct1Gn Plnnrtl C01U � :` OF SAiN i�t_ ,tii 1,:1,? N: n3 Servicee County Government Center 385 NO. Anowhlad Avenue. First Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415.0186 OFFICE Gq� i'ULZiiC _AI-C f;r (7I4) 387-4212. 387-4213 FLO D an- WC• L ;i��'���`����0'(}�+ �Y�Sic {lIl �'ly�;�'• ���-•_' �;. - -.•- �c-�=-.� _ \��'i`i�:f�/ � ----� f� MCES �sovPmt�er- G, 1990 5.•r,::..; ., Oi+_y of Grand Terrace 22795 Darton Road grand Terrace, Ca. 92324-5295 r:.::•,:. •j,:;.1- Attention: David R. Sawyer l�fC•, -:� r •- - Community Development Director = CA N,•"!:v, Re-. TTM 89-04 , Richard Churchwell I, have reviewed the proposed improvements for Arliss 1 •, Drive. This plan does not comply with the fire department conditions sent to the applicant on November 11, 1989. The proposed improvement plan and the original 11.,.:- : ; preliminary plan dated Ocober 20, 1989 are not in compliance with the following fire department conditions: Prior to final inspect or occupany the development and each phase thereof whall have two (2 El..•`.,''•:,•E `:• of vehicular access for fire and other emergency equipment ts ..•.. , and for routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations ` as required in the development code." "F-8. Prior to final inspection or occupancy a turn- around. shall be provided at the end of each roadway, one- hundred and 2ifty (150) feet or more in length and shall be approved by the Fire Department. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six-hundred feet except as identified in the development code and approved by the chief. " 0.14 _,:;• H.H.- The Arliss proposal gives emergency vehicles secondary E'.•= �_• access, but then creates a Cul-de-sac at the -north- end of the project which requires a redesign. Lot 8's driveway is 1It,. �,. over 150 feet which 'requires a turnaround. (Attached is a Copy of acceptable fire department turnarounds. ) � The project is not acceptable as now .ro osed l<.:.1�.,:.••,:: p p crely, :r,,,:r7 :�r�•. �1.� E'•' ifs: o:•o C is L. till LL i;.� Yrd•q.• ,_.nyle antis, tain (0.i,r•..,L„�•.,6-: P tection Planning Officer NQv.Q 7 1990 c: applicant .(. ir,. . . Ai/eft •• .i•!: • -4,1 {,..— .. ,.-. :i• ...t.r , N 13 41.611 1 1989 COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1212 Valencia Drive, Colton, California 92324-1798 (714)876-4227 November 9, 1989 BOARD OF EDUCATION MRS.DORTHA E.COOLEY President MRS.WENDY S.CURRAN City of Grand Terrace Vice President Att: David Sawyer MR.RAY ABRIL,J • Clerkk yDevelopment Communit Director 22795 Barton Road MRS.RUTH O.HARRIS Grand Terrace, CA 92324 MR.ARLIE R.HUBBARD MRS.PATRICIA I.NIX Subject: Tentative Tract 14483 MRS.PHYLLIS V.ZIMMERMAN Dear Mr. Sawyer: The Colton Joint Unified School District is impacted at the present time. As a result, the school district assesses a fee of ADMINISTRATION $1 .56 per square foot of new residential floor area. Unfortunately, the revenue generated by these "builders fees" is MR.RUSSELLI.DICKINSON not nearly adequate to construct new schools, and is in most Superintendent instances claimed by the state as part of the "Match" MR.CHARLES H.JORDAN contribution under the State Lease-Purchase Program. Assistant Superintendent, Personnel The District is very concerned about the effects new residential MR.ROBERT W.MURPHY projects will have on its existing schools, most of which are at Assistant Superi Busineessss or near capacity. As enrollments continue to climb to record Business levels, Districts i_n western San Bernardino County are seeking MISSNANCYA.NORTON Assistant Superintendent, �• increasingly methods to finance new schools and will increasin 1 look to Curriculum and Instruction cooperate with cities, counties, and developers .in identifying MR.DANNY CARRASCO appropriate mechanisms (e.g. R.D.A. Agreements, Site Dedications, Director,Administrative Services etc.) to meet the challenges posed by new growth. MRS.BONNIE RUSSELL-HUNT Director,Pupil Personnel Services Please feel free to contact the District Facilities Office if you have any questions, or wish to discuss the matter further. Sincerely, O Greg-G. Gage Coordinator, School Facilities GGG:ns EXHIBIT E .coining Together to Go the Extra Mile RUT N (gib 89 )Fr iCE 'CF SPECIAL DISTKIC t•S COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ze Sys-�-- ... - i7.West Fifth Street San Bernardino, CA 92415-0450 (714) 387-5940 . - '=• - VERNON G. KNOUREK Telecopier (714) 387-5968 Assistant Administrative Officer for Special Districts November 7, 1989 Ms . Maria Muett City of Grand_ Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295 RE: COUNTY SERVICE AREA 70, IMPROVEMENT ZONE H, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1 , ASSESSOR"S PARCEL NO. 276-411-01 , ASSESSMENT NO. 10022 Dear Ms_ Muett: In response to your correspondence dated October 24 , 1989, regarding your File No. TTM-89-04, please be advised an assessment apportionment must be completed prior to recordation of the final map. _ The project' s parcel lies within the boundaries of the above referenced assessment district which currently has an active bond issue for sewer improvements. The applicant is required to provide proof of assessment apportionment or proof of assessment payoff. The apportion- ment will equitably divide the .assessment among the subdivided parcels. For additional information, -please contact Karen Rizzo at (714) 387-5973 . Sincerely, KAREN RIZZO Special Assessment Manager Development Services Division Office of Special Districts KR:gw EXHIBIT F DE-°°9° F�iverside-Coror�a • Resource Conservation Distract � r �' k •.w�.. q - h`""'` 2023 CHICAGO AVENUE,1314 • RIVERSIDE,CALIFORNIA 92507 • PHONE(714)683=7691 �c°NSERO�`O September 25, 1990 Dear City of Grand Terrace, We acknowledge receipt of the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for n,� v an n� - u�- --� •, •• - �- a r r.e TTM-S9-�•=,---us 111r=.vv ardlino C,-uuty,Ca:iforAia dial was addressed.c ml-e USDA,Soil Conservation Service and the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District on September 25, 1990 for review and comment. We have reviewed the above Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and find that: 1. There are no controversial items in the report within the realm of the Soil Conservation Service's expertise and responsibilities. _ a. We do not find any serious potential problems with soil erosion and/or flooding within the project area- b. There is no Prime, State,Unique or Locally Important Farmland involved in the project area. c. We find no conflict with any SCS on-going or planned programs or projects. 2 We find that the items listed below should be reviewed by your committee: In review of the above application,we recommend an erosion control plan be included in overall plan to address wind and water erosion both during and after construction. We appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on this proposed project. Sincerely, STANLEY COOLEY Vice-President EXHIBIT G