1991-07 RESOLUTION NO. 91 -0 7
WHEREAS,the Applicant,Inland Lumber/R.W.Mfg of Southern California,applied
for a conditional use permit to install a dust bin and filter collector at 21850 Main Street
(attached as Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS,the proposed use is a permitted use in the MR Zone,with a Conditional
Use Permit; and
WHEREAS, the project is categorically exempt per the California Environmental
Quality Act, Chapter 15302, Class 2; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on March
7, 1991, for the purpose of considering the proposed project, and;
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on March
21, 1991, for the purpose of considering the proposed project, and;
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on April
4, 1991, for the purpose of considering the proposed project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made:
1. Will the proposed use be detrimental to the general
health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the
persons residing or working within the neighborhood of
the proposed use or within the City? This finding must
be made in the negative.
- No. The proposed dust bin/filter collector has been reviewed by the
i appropriate City Reviewing Agencies and their comments and
recommendations have been included as conditions of approval to
insure this use will not have a detrimental effect to the general health,
safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or
working within the neighborhood of the use or within the City.
2. Will the proposed use be injurious to the property or improvements in
the neighborhood or within the City? This finding must be made in
the negative.
No. The construction of the proposed dust bin/filter collector subject
to the conditions listed below will not be injurious to property or
improvements in the neighborhood or within the City.
3. Will the proposed use be consistent will the latest adopted General
Plan? this finding must be made in the positive.
Yes. The current General Plan land use designation for this property
is I (Industrial) and MR (Restricted Manufacturing District) Zone.
The proposed dust bin/filter collector will not alter the present and
conforming landuse.
4. Are conditions necessary to secure the purpose of this section? This
finding may be made in the positive or the negative.
Yes. The conditions of approval as listed are recommended.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following
conditions of approval;
1. The proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with the Site and
Architectural design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board
on March 7, 1991, attached as Exhibit A, and minor changes or clarification
may be made by the Planning Department.
2. All conditions as recommended by the Department of Engineering/Building
and Safety in their memorandum dated February 18, 1991 and attached as
Exhibit B.
3. All conditions as recommended by the Forestry and Fire Warden Department
in their memorandum dated February 27, 1991 and attached as Exhibit C.
r' 4. All conditions as recommended by the South Coast Air Quality Management
Department, and any other future amendments to act.
5. Prior to finalling of the building permits for the new dust bin/filter collector,
the existing dust bin/filter collector must be demolished and removed.
6. Upon completion of the new dust bin and filter collector, the decibel reading
levels of the new dust bin and filter collector shall be no greater than that
which was indicated by the applicant of the existing dust bin and filter
collector. Any testing shall be based on the same premise, location and
situation as the previous test submitted to the Planning Commission.
7. Pulling of appropriate building and demolition permits.
8. The dust bin shall be capped and the truck loading area be enclosed with
sheet metal to eliminate dust escapage.
9. All traffic areas involved in access to or servicing of the dust bin and filter
collector shall be paved, including the actual site and flooring of the location.
10. The hours of operation for the facility (dust bin filter/collector and mill) shall
be 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,
California, at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of April, 1991 by the following vote:
AYES: 4 - Vice-Chairman Buchanan, Commissioners Munson, Sims and Van
NOES: 2 - Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioner Hargrave
ABSENT: 1 - Commissioner Wright absent
awkinson, Chairperson
P Commission
Deputy-City Clerk
John Harper,
City Attorney
Community Development Department
City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, CA 92324
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U NLY .......
u::.:: , : ;:...:.::..::. ..: :::::::, . ................:.::..::.
::::a:::::: :...: :::::::.. t=�
::bm..ktd::::::::.:.::::::::::::::.:::::. Received::: :;».:::::.::.:::.:::.::::::._:._.::::::::::::.
»>:;:::.::tComptte::;;:::;:>;:;::;::;::::>;:;:;.:>::>::>,;:::»::>::>:::;Ass. Fees
Applicant or company name
Contact person
Mailing address 1,5-jo5/i,96VjCLr9• /
cityN T '4 State (7,9L. Zip
Phone 7�/ �}Z 3 0/// or
Property owner
Mailing address / ;,S /�,q � J;T-
City 61eyq� State Zip C Z3 2 SL
Phone 2/,9-- P 77-ZOO/ or �)
Site address OU 6,T-0 179,41 ) &,
Assessor's Book a7 7 Page // Parcel(s) 0/, 3 2 , 3 j
Number of parcels ¢, Site size (square feet) . (acres)' ,�iZ C)4-r
General plan land use designation
Zoning Overlay Zone
Existing land use(s) Number of existing buildings
Proposed project 7,)U3 i COLL6C-7-01e-
Proposed Use Hours of operation
Square footage of proposed project &-P'
Number of required parking spaces Parking provided
Required setbacks: Front Rear Side Side
Proposed setbacks: Front Rear Side Side
21�- EE,o01''91NO1 100.00
Applicant's Certification
,the applicant,doherebycertify
that the foregoing and following information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Signature Date 2 f/-1
Property Owner's Certification
1, �s''1 /vl[/L�l.�f ,certify that I am currently the
legal owner of the land described in this application and that I am aware of and have
authorized this application.
Signature Date
300 Foot Radius Property Ownership List
1, 1 d►/l t/CAL/t.J , the applicant, certify to the
best of my knowledge that the ownership list and radius map submitted with this application
correctly show the latest available list of names and addresses on the San Bernardino County
Assessor's records, dated
- Signature Date Date 2//- 7/
A. Application
B. 300-Foot Radius Map and Mailing List-See attached instructions.
C. 26 copies (one set completely colored for presentation purposes) of the following:
Site Plan - a fully dimensioned drawing showing:
All buildings, property lines and easements
All parking spaces, driveways and drive aisles
All landscaped areas
Walls and fences
Location of signs (existing and proposed)
Public improvements to the street centerline
Site address, assessor's parcel number and zoning
Property owner name and address
Applicant name and address
Number of lots and their sizes
North arrow,graphic and numeric scales
Building Elevations(for new facilities and exterior remodels)-Scaled and dimensioned
drawings of each side of the building. Specify colors and materials and dimension to
the highest point.
Grading Plan (for new facilities only). - A plan showing existing and proposed
topography for the site and within 100 feet of the property lines. Show all trees with
(�, a trunk diameter greater than four inches.
GZHnD TEZR cE W.O. 12-8.5167
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace
California 92324-5295 TO: David Sawyer, Community Development Director
Civic Center FROM: Joseph Ki cak, City Engineer
(714) 824-6621
DATE: February 18, 1991 Til
SUBJECT: SA-91-04 CUP-91-02 (21850 Main)
Following recommendations should be considered as conditions of approval
for proposed project:
Byron R. Matteson
Mayor 1 . Submit soils report prepared for the purpose of footing design.
Hugh J. Grant 2. Submit calculations and detail plans for the* proposed struc-
Mayor Pro Tempore ture. Calculations shall be performed, sealed and signed by
registered structural engineer.
Gene Carlstrom
)naia M. Christianson 3. Obtain the necessary building permits and pay all permit and
Herman Hilkey inspection fees.
Council Members
Thomas J. Schwab JK/ct
City Manager
<�OiO '�rSN B 4i1i:
Fire P o"ec:_on 54rrwtces CIO drlrk Govafnme�� -e it:as OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY
38S No. Ary^nwhosd AvenuF First Flcs , ® £ p�r�F n h' `.+(
, C+ .7.'� — e.! Ctefi Q, 4A 3Q4c�s•Q41:V
(14) .3 •42-11 7-421" i i FLOYD TIDWELL. Diroct v
e t4} 4V
The following ei c editions apply to your project.
Fire Department Reference Numbez ° "f &zp
F-1 The above referenced project is protected by the San
Bernardino County Forestry and Fire Warden Department.
Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the
applicant shall contact the Fire Department for
Verification of current Fire Protection requirements.
All new construction shall comply with the existing
Uniform Fire Code Requirements and all applicable
statues, codes, ordinances, or standards of the Fire
F 33 The street address shall be posted with a minimum of
four ( 4) inch numbers, visible from the street and
during the hours of darkness the numbers shall be
low voltage internally electrically illuminated.
Posted numbers shall c�nntract with their background
and be legible from 'the street in accordance with the
Uniform Fire Code. Where building set backs oxceed
100 feet from the roadway, additional contrasting four
( 4) inch numbers shall be displayed at the property
access entrance.
F-4 Prior to final inspection or occupancy each chimney
used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating
appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall
be maintained with an approved spark arrester as
identified in the Uniform Fire Code,
F-S Prior to any construction occurring, all flammable
vegetation shall be removed from each building site a
minimum distance of thirty (30) feet from any
flammable building material, including a finished
F-6 Prior to final inspection or occupancy the development
and each phase thereof shall helve two (2) paints of
`ie: -cL la. a—ess 'or r re an otnn
eTL1ipMC-T%,L.v and fo 1.v`c�teS Of�2aCa € vt iC�1v'rii � Safely
I eYaYua-ions as rsgaired In the development
F-7 Prior to final inspection or occupancy, private
roadways which exceed one-hundred and fifty ( 150)
feet in length shall be approved by the Fire
Department having Jurisdiction, and shall be extended
to within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of, and
shall give reasonable access to all portions of the
exterior walls of the first story of any building. An
access road shall be provided within fifty ( 50) feet
of all buildings if the natural grade between the
access road and the building is in excess of thirty
percent (30) . Where the access roadway cannot be
provided., an approved fire protection system or
systems shall be provided, as required and approved by
the Firo Department.
F..g Pr_Lo_ to final inspection or occupancy a turn-around
shah be provided at the end of each roadway, one-
hundred and fifty (150) feet or more in length and
shall be approved by the Fire Department. Cul-de-sac
_ length-shall- not exceed six-hundred ( 600) feet except
as identified in the development code and approved by
the chief.
F-9 Private road maintenance, including but not limited to
grading and snow removal, shall be provided for prior
to recordation or approval. written documentation
shall be submitted to the Fire Department having
Jurisdiction. Private fire access roads shall provide .
an all weather surface with minimum paving width of
twanty "0) feet.
FRiO Water Systems designed to meet the required fire flow
of this development shall be approved by the Fire
Department having jurisdiction. The developer shall
furnish the Fire Department with two copies of the
water system improvement plan for approval and a
letter from the Water Purveyor stating the
availability of the required fire flow prior to
recordation. Water systems shall be operational and
approved by the Fire Department prior to any
construction occurring. The required fire flow shall
be determined by appropriate calculationa, using the
San Bernardino County "Guide for the Determination of
Required Fire Flow." In areas without water-serving
utilities h fire protection water system shall be
based on NFPA pamphlet number 1231 and Uniform fire
Code requirements.
m � .+ a—• � 1 ;�li Vbt RAJ.J
Wa eZ systems %f3sig1` ed to meet, Clhe regLzired fire flow
shall be operational and approved, by the Fire
Department prior to any construction occurring. The
required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate
calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide
For The Determination j Rea•uired Fire Flow" . in
areas k=ithout water-serving utilities, or fire
protection water serving utilities, the fire
protection water system shall be based on N.F.P.A.
Pamphlet Number 1231 and the San Bernardino County
uniform, Fire Code.
prior to Building permits being issued approved fare
hydrants and fire hydrant pavement markers shall be
installed. Fare hydrants shall be 6" diameter with a
minimum one 4" and one 2 1/211 connection. The hydrant
and fire hydrant markers shall be approved by Fire
Department. All fire hydrant spacing shall be 300
feet with the exception of single family residential
which may be increa ed tQQ 600 feet maximum.
F-12 Prior to final inspection or occupancy this
development shall comply with Fire Safety .overlay
conditions as adopted in County ordinance Number 3341.
The development is located in Fire Review Area.
F-13 Prior to issuance of a building permit a fuel
modification zone in compliance with county standards
is required.
r-14 Prio: to final inspection or occupancy, an approved
Fire Department key box is required. if automatic
electric security gates are used an approved lock
switch is required on each gate in lieu of the box.
Questions and/or comments may be directed to the Fire
Protection Planning Section; County Government Center, 385
North Arrowhead, 1st Floor, San Bernardino, California,
92415-0186; or call (714) 387-4225. Thank you for your
o my Fire Warden
- i e Oct Planning officer
F16. Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Uniform
Fire Code Standard ri3.0-1 .
F?7 . Any gated access shall be approved by the Fire Department
and emergency access arrangements made prior to occupancy.
F18 . Additional requirements may be applied due to the lack of
sufficient infOr-mation to review. Please submit building
plans and declaration of use for proper application of
F19 . The building occupancy is under the jurisdiction of the
state Fire Marshal. Written documentation of review and
inspection required prior to final occupancy.
;lest `>G.tin6, ffico 4�t .,ontaGt the
( 818) 960-6441 .
F20. All fl ?ahle i igt2i - storage and dispensing shah be in
Compliance with the applicable sections of the Uniform Fire
Code Article 79 . Plan review and permit to operate are
1 . All corZ'1?e;cial Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage and
dispensing shall be in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code
Article 82 and County Ordinance 0054. Plan review and
Permit to operate are rcquired.
F22. All access roadways shall be in accordance with County
Ordinance 4338i .
F23 _ Development is within the Fire-safety Overlay Area
(Greenbelt Standards) . Compliance with the provisions of
County Ordinance 03341 as applicable and determined by tho
Fire Department shall be required. In those areas not so
designated under said ordinance, the appropriate Community
Plan Overlay ordinance will apply.
F24. An automatic fire extinguishing system is required for the
following area($) :
A. Commercial-type food heat-processing equipment (UFC Sec.
B. spray paint booths or rooms (UFC Sec. 45. 209)
C. High piled combustible storage (UFc sec. 81.101)
1)9 Occupancy and location (UFC Sec. 10.308)
E. .Entire building due to lack of access (UFC Sec. 10.270(b)
as amended by county Ordinance #3381)
(UPC Sec . 10 . 31011 (a ) and .10 Ol b) S p I Ha z
:'.Mire bui irjiriq or porticris th-oreof at_- anpl Icab"le
1- all 19 , CCR) .
State Firct M,-rqhAll ' s
1 . As,
A falre extjjjgLL ;'-"
l 5 S"'St.r'rrif3 , inclu.rliriq cprinkler
S-N.9 4- C j,:,S T
-nrn'hined -:;t.andni d
rither special c,utomat .;t -p Ix, . pes, hRlot
.. - 1- inguishing systems-, and. pipe
irilet.-_w shal I be approved by both the. -f'-',? department and the Office of
Buil,iing and Saf'e,'Ly p.r-icq- inn-f-Fil ] at- ion . `'aid systems shall Illoet
the iate, 3'artd 'wh i'rl'-).- C'. f-
I)e 1)Cam.:t Fri T)'L. cf a I
be not i 3 ��rl ror any rig -.,pj:)rca 1 stIa 11 i 1-7 j
S' s t tc_.
F25 ,
rl n rt d !A e. e I D r.o e,-I L f e
.lMPl'_'_j_l.re!`)RMf-F3 per Count-, Ordinance co- o. I - cv
r I rl -I . he develOF"T"-
T r e e,_c� 't ci pa r J .a t.,P. n s u c. e c-. .
are curr.=n-'L.I-y i3ropcczpd for t
6 The d,,.jp c:z,,n 1, szh,� r part 1 pate i 11 •a IMP- I I c—Ron-o or
in lan c.rdanon _
bu i I eft I r t qf n-armlits being issured .
F 27. A p,,Il z�- L. I i-,, 11 b q,ut i r 9,.j f:o j., -).-A
.14- f h
t a P. " I 11.1 1 4
at h e u v a 4D n t e- 1
A g f Or
'JnduF."' !a ! The fee wi ! I tie -jue t.r, tr�,C.
City of Yucaapa pricir It.4 1.t d i n g p-ti-mite issuecl . Fu R d
irite:7res, wl h
I. p. f f pa r a t u.s , e q 1.1 p ro c nt
'-"tat cin (7constrLtc.t ir!rl or .,I!!',p r o c.,m c.n t
d d i t 'i omit r u 1 r ho I b e u I.e Cl a I-I c'te d