1991-13 RESOLUTION NO. 91-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CUP-91-04, A REQUEST FOR A SECOND FAMILY UNIT AND NEW ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN THE R1-20 ZONE DISTRICT WHEREAS,the applicants,Bruce and Terri Halstead, applied for a Conditional Use Permit to install a second family unit and new accessory structures (storage facility and tree house) located at 23000 Grand Terrace Road; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is a permitted use in the R1-20 Zone District, Section 18.10 and the second family unit is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the second family unit is categorically exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Chapter 15302, Class 2; and the accessory structures (storage facility and tree house)per the California Environmental Quality Act, Chapter 15303, Class 3. I WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on November 21, 19911, for the purpose of considering the proposed projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California,pursuant to Section 18.66.040 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, certain findings must be made for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, those findings have been made: 1. Will the proposed use be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the City? This finding must be made in the negative. No. As long as the project is conditioned as recommended by staff, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood or within the City. 2. Will the proposed use be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City? This finding must be made in the negative. No. For the reason stated in Finding #1. 3. Will the proposed use be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan? This finding must be made in the positive. Yes. The current General Plan land use designation for this property is Low Density Residential. The proposed "granny flat" will not intensify the use of the property. 4. Is the site for the proposed use adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use without altering the exterior front appearance of the structure? this finding must be made in the positive. Yes. The granny flat unit is located in the rear of the lot resulting in no exterior evidence of the second family unit from the front of the property. 5. Is the proposed second family unit clearly subordinate in size, location, and J� appearance to the principle unit? This finding must be made in the positive. Yes. If approved as recommended by staff, the second unit is approximately 23 percent of the main unit as proposed. 6. Are conditions necessary to secure the purpose of this section? This finding may be made in either the positive or the negative. Yes. The conditions of approval as listed below are recommended by staff. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed projects are subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with the Site and Architectural designs as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board on November 21, 1991. Minor changes or clarification may be made by the Planning Department. 2. The second family unit and tree house shall be maintained by staining and repair when needed. The storage facility shall be painted to match the main residence and trim work along the roof and windows shall be painted a different color, still compatible with the main residence. A color palette shall be submitted to staff for review and approval. 3. The final grading plan shall also indicate overall site drainage and walkways between the storage facility, second family residential unit and the tree house. The design of the pathways is to be reviewed at staff level. 4. The right-of-way dedication is to be done in such a manner as to satisfy requirements of the City Engineer. 5. All recommendations listed in the City Engineer's memorandums to the City dated February 27, 1991 (SA-91-01) and July 25, 1991 (CUP-91-04/SA-91-15) attached as Attachment 2. 6. All recommendations listed in the Forestry and Fire Warden Department in their memorandum dated November 14, 1991 attached as Attachment 3. 7. -All recommendations listed in the Riverside Highland Water Company's memorandum'dated November 14, 1991 attached as Attachment 4. Will Serve letter from the Riverside Highland Water Company to be submitted to the Planning and Building/Engineering Departments. 8. All standard school impaction fees as required by the Colton Unified School District shall be paid. 9. The applicants shall apply for appropriate building permits for the second family residential unit, storage facility and tree house. Detailed and properly dimensioned working drawings shall be plan checked by the Planning and Building/Engineering Departments. 10. All working drawings shall be consistent and provide all easements as well as exact property lines, as per the Record of Survey. 11. All aspects of the proposed projects including building maintenance shall be kept-in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. 12. The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that a deferment agreement be approved, whereby the applicant will pay for and install street improvements along Grand Terrace Road when the City completes the remaining street improvements, or when the City simply request the applicant to do so. 'l _ 13. The recordation of the Record of Survey and the completion and recordation of a lot line adjustment providing for adequate setbacks along the west property line shall be completed before any certificate of occupancy is issued with respect to the project. 14. The five conditions in the July 25, 1991 memorandum from the City Engineer shall be satisfied within 60 days of the Record of Survey or the Conditional Use Permit expires. NOW,THEREFORE,THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY APPROVES CUP-91-04, SA-91-15 AND SA-91-01 BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of November, 1991, by the following vote: AYES: 5 - Chairman Buchanan, Vice-Chairman Hargrave, Commissioners Munson, Van Gelder and Wright NOES: 0 ABSENT: 2 - Commissioners Hawkinson and Sims ABSTAIN: 0 Dan Buchanan, Chairperson Planning Commission ATTEST: Brenda,Stanfill Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Harper City Attorney r C1Ty 12-8.5178 i 1J0 GROM)TERR CE M E M O R A N D U M TO: Patrizia Materassi , Planning Director 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace FROM: Joseph Ki cak, City Engineer -r-� California 92324-5295 DATE: November 14, 1991 Civic Center (714) 824-6621 SUBJECT: SA-91-15 and CUP-91-04 Per our conversation, please be advised that not all of the conditions of approval have been met. The conditions which were previously stated are contained in our memoranda of: Byron R.Matteson Mayor 1 . February 27, 1991 2. July 25, 1991 Hugh J. Grant Mayor Pro Tempore These recommendations are valid and should be considered as conditions of approval . Gene Carlstrom .ondid M. Christianson Herman Hilkey JK/ct Council Members Thomas I Schwab City Manager ATTACHMENT 2 v : (VL=141 I(I it emr. t r y 12-f3.5166 OR(NnD TERRjr 22795 Barton Road Oralld 'Icrrace MEMO (� AN D_U-M Calilbrnia 92324-5295 Civic Cen(er 1*0: David Sawyer-, Community Development Director (714) 824-6621 FROM: Joseph 'Kicak, City Engineer I� .� DATE: February 27, 1991 SUBJECT: SA-91-01 I3yrun It. Matteson General Observations: nt aq n The proposed project consists -of 2,000-1 s. f, sLorage facility on Grand Ilu61t1. (.;rant Terrace Road. westerly of its intersection with Vista Grande Way. In mayorPw'tcmpare addition, a separate set of plans have been submitted for a tree house on the sauce 2.72 acre parcel . Gene Carlsh,ont tonaidM. C'hristianscr,t It should be noted that the footings and the floor system have been Herman Ililkey completed wi thou the belie fi L- of any pl an submi LtaI , review or permi L. c71111%cilntc11111crs All of the existing electrical system in I:lie vicinity of tire proposed structure has likewise been -Installed wlLhouL any plans or permits. 'I'honias.I. Schwab City htouuiEer -Elie property 1 i nes as shown on the s i Le pl an appear not to fo I I ow the existing fence lines ( theoretical and accepted 1)F6 erty lines by adjacent property owners) . Based on the above observations and in accordance with the provisions of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, following recommendations should be considered as conditions of approval : I . File with County Surveyor a "Record of Survey" for subject parcel , and record the same. 2. Show all easements of record on subjec-L property. 3. Show on plot plait the Lopogr•apliy of adjacent parcels and any improvements thereon within 15 feet of the property line as said property line is shown on record of survey. 4. Dedicate to provide for 30 foot Half r•ighl:-of-way on Grand Terrace Road. Memorandum to David Sawyer February 27, 1991 Page. 2 5. Construct: standard improvements along the frontage of the Marcel on Grand fer•race (toad. These improvements shall include: (a) Curb and gutter 18 feet: from street centerline. (b) Standard roadway between new curb and street ce"Lerline. (c:) Standard sidewalk. (d) Ornamental street: lights. / (e) Standard driveway approaches , V 6. My increase in drainage rum-off to properties other than public right-of-way is subject to drainage acceptance letter from those properly owners. 7. Based on information available to the City, the 24 foot wide SCE easement as shown is incorrect. The easement extending into this property may he a part of a much larger easement: covering all of the nnr ther•ly portion of the parcel . H. Proposed structures Lo include the proposed storage f ac i I i t i es have been partially constructed. Therefore, to continue the proposed construction, the applicant shall : (a) Provide detail plans for the 21 foot: high tree house, and the support system. (Note: It appears that the primary support of the upper floor - 12' 8" above ground is Ull past to support: floor beam and the two eucalyptus Lrees, 16" diameter and 42" diameter. In heavy wind conditions, it is anticipated that: some (wind) bending forces wnulc.l create differential bending, potentially crushing the floor of upper deck clue to forces from the bending of 16" eucalyptus tree. ) Calculations for all structural elements will be required. (b) Any bleuLr•ical facilities in the tree house shall be required to meet the standards of NEC, (c) Proposed storage facilities have been partially completed, The applicant shall be required to: I . Provide detail plans and calculations fur the structure, meeting the requirements of all the codes as they relate to subject structure. Memorandum to David Sawyer February 27, 1991 Page 3 2. Shall provide an as--built plan for the portion completed to date, showing the depth of footings, reinforcement within the footings and type of concrete used for constructing said footings (Class 11 or B) . Based on that, and the soils report• for the area of construction, prepared by registered soils engineer, a registered professional engineer or a structural engineer shall submit a report, showing calculations and certifying that the footings as constructed are adequate to support the structure. 9. Capital improvement fund fees shall be paid based on the determination of the type of use by the Planning Commission. Storage Facility of approximately 2,000 s,f, -would not normally be considered as a residential use, Therefore, the fees must be consistent with the findings of the Commission. The fees that would require payment pursuant to Grand Terrace Municipal Code are the following: (a) Street (b) - Storm Drain (c) Park (d) School Fees.- Note that sanitary sewer fees are not being recommended since no sanitary sewer facilities are proposed in conjunction with the proposed project;, 10. All of the work which has been reconmiended in the above conditions of approval must be done by personnel registered by State of California as specified in California Business and Professions Code. JK/cL 12-8.5178 -�`- k�,_ MEMORANDUM GR6146 TER: CE TO: Patrizia Materassi , Planning Director 22795 Barton Road FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer _, Grand Terrace California 92324-5295 DATE: July 25, 1991 Civic Center SUBJECT: SA-91-15 and CUP-91-04 (714) 824-6621 With respect to the above project, please refer to our recommendations dated February 27, 1991 (copy attached) , and the folio ing conditions: 1 . Provide certification from Registered Profe ional Engineer that structure meets the requirement of the U.B.C. , U.M.C. , U.P.C. , N.E.C. and State of California Title 24 Energy Requirements. Byron R. Matteson Mayor 2. Verify physical connection of sanitary sewer system to public sewer. Hugh J. Grant Mayor Pro Tempore . 3, Approval from Fire Warden. (j GeneCarlstrom 4.UProvide Record of Survey for subject property and field certify onald M. Christianson setback from property line by a Licensed Surveyor. Herman Hilkey Council Members 5. Show on site plan, the topography of adjacent parcels and any improvements thereon within 15 feet of the property line as said Thomas J. Schwab property line is shown on Record of Survey. City-Manager JK/ct i" F P.'0 H El E.'U 1 L F E T FORESTRY A. ND FIRE WAR111DEN DEPAR"llrIMENT CU— y& (ip AA n— BAN ote pkrfi pr, tactlar,Ma."niag Sor'Aces $8.5 NO. Arrowhhad Avgrcue, p i &.n Bomard-no, CA �2415.0116 ........ ........ ..... C,fvl,;a 11N, Bakar FMX (71- 4) 387-4101 LI&I-4y mksa B!g River Moodow Londing Sloron Fod.ml Nton fc, i DIN chin'o )-Ni, DATE erace tA "le Coy -,(lNeed crallovi Hilli cot pvt mounitin vievi TO: 'Do.vo'c Alt Havaf.0 Loke t - FROM Jo%nzon Vt'lev T�. Dilde I C P'A Vitw Ac!zi V ed 1 u NUMBER Or PAGESS 111CLUDING THIS PACE) f,)a k G i mn. C)ik H-% 11,.-,,L Moahi SPZCIAL INSTRUCTIONS! IF YOU EXPERIENCE PITV PROBLDIS RECEIVIENG THIS VAINIFORMP�,TION, PLEASE CONTACT THE OPERATOR THE TMEPHONE NTMVR NOTED BELVWt Vv 4;y- V4 l%-.e eph=e nWTZ0,r ATTACHMENT 3 sin trig 6dara cur 't- RIC,J ILI FORVESTRY' AND FIRE ".0,7ARDEN DEPAPA,11ME.-NIT COUNTV CWISMN' pl-,4 P1.y0t;;CfiC,11 8QrV'1C%ji 1, Cotj;r:,J GOYA�MAAOM Contol OFFECE O-z-F PUSMIC 2AP­­Yv. �Sf I P& Atmawhuad ikvcave, Pivot Mwor Sim 92415-M-5 (7 i 56F 7-4 2 mr,lit.4 2 1 a 'M MO. .131 My .Az.-.vgg MUM-U& -4r_ d'h,Ir-91 vqte e- Min 'R1 FIRE CONDIMONS Tot The following circled condlICAons aPply to Jvou.r RA.re 'Dlepaa:tmant RsfGrencO Nunw' er: SMNAi —.c6 Locationt zaitq�Lz =of on all group R division 3 ocuupancies, single famllY dwellings, duplexes, and manufactured Moines, the fire department will perform 8L site inspection and est alizah lChe fire conditions for the project, All subseament plait revieW, iaspections and the final inspection wiii b- conducted lbq Buil..ding and Safety. privt .rx- e road M44snance, inc ng ludi but not ii,vnitQl I. &grading and anew'�' r' errloval, shay be provide%d, 'Written dooumant&tion ahall be submitted to th,-A -l"its department having Jluri_Oiction. PrlvdAts fier-e- ac, era roads shall provide an &I-I weather surface with a n­A41Mim= paving Widtlh of tc.enty 12,P) feet,. h V &W to rrl,,6ee C ` Eer systems des.4 the rc �.ire: re flow y his development ahaI3 be approved by. the fire department having Jur.' adic-tiort. The develope-1--- ahalll fur Aish I.- ' the water -yrstem he fire department with two copiess Of plan for approvai. Water systevia Mh a 1 b e Operational and approved by the f ire dep&rtraent pri-.;r to &n. Y framing construction o-cur,ring. The requirc-isd f ire flaw ahall be deterintined by the appropriate calcul&tions. uaing the San Bernardino County "Guide for the date rrni ria t loh of f I VG f 010 Water systems shall have mTNiFalm eight h J-8) - i rA-Ctri 0� inaMns six ( !5) lnoh laterals an s"Ix ( 6) inch ri 15.r % later 1" a. tou_ IW6 A Pv n�4 u t i 'J_ R F A. I are &.�Iw lou- water tier., the. r system am 6 LZ I - fire protection w r system alliall be b&a:2!d on N?DA M1 and 1 sys eme 121 be operational prior to framing. All NM I , 6b.a11 be a minirilum 5o0o gallons wit1i gravity, flow or an approved NFPA 13 , 13R, or 11D fire sprinkler syst=, PART, 1 , T r Waterpa 3 r required r:� �L' � 'rt .tx tv _ he C� i �C k.�= appro�p `ice- ve by thF-.' .�-it �L,�' ,,p&r�,iY.en �l o _ s....:,. i 13g Bona tru.c ved��6 LL �1 1.. I Sd l.� �:...�_�dL L-`... _w..o- ow.. n-g The eq:;idE...i fire f Ow 'r;rh q 00 by appropriate cal-W at;ona, using the San B rnardirs-"' Courit,Q Guide e for t:`Ae determinat.ton Of Yequi.red f; le f10w T e_;:rrsaa without water serving uTEE ld ti s, 4 th .ire i�rotc;is on water system shall be based on HLPA 1231 and be operational, prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 sfstams sh&11- be a minimiur, 5040 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 1.3, ldR; or 1.3r fire sprinkler systain° Ear r3 . The above referenced project 's pxot�3uted oaf the Sd arda.no County Forestry and Fire '► al-ilea! Dcapastn%nt Prior to any cdonstruation occurring on any :parcel; -he appl.i.aant shall contact the fire dspartmant for Varification dL current fine protection davelopmewt., requirwients. All now construction shall comply with the existing Un iforr Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutesk codes: ordinonces, or standards of the fire dapartment. BP M This development shall co,%.ply with Fire "afetj Overlay oonditi.ons as adopted by Cot�ty C�rc inani :e �;Urnl,�w t, 3341.. This dovelopmend is located in Fire Review Area BP �'a. Prio. 4.o any faAwT.Ing cans-.-action 1cour��ng; ai fly a vegetation shall be removed from each: bU'Udi g -i.te a ml'nimum di.stanloo of thi-ty ( 3 Q) feet f m or-, :a-ny f las-t . l.e building �iateri l , i%iol udi_dg a f finished tr ct re BP F6. A foot fuel modification zone "M oomipllariaa with county standards is required . BP , F7 Prior to framing construction, approved firs iaydr �d �s and fir- hydranta.vemont. markers sh-?l he insf-alled. _•ire nydrantB shall '-e six , Q: inch In with a minimum of one foux (4) inch aa:d one t ao &«d a 1142.E ( 2 1/2) inch connection as specified by the fire department, The design of thia fire hydrant and fi.rd hyd.razt- pavement marker shall be approved by the fire department, In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an apoprove'd posy` :free feet frovs the hydrant. All fire hydrant spaoizng shall kse three hundred 1. 3001 feet with the excedti.oA of si,n-gl.e farrd v resideati.a.1 which may bo i.noroaaed to �i.6 hundred 1,500) feet Maximum. �� Y � r t ....\ DP .9 'tz(�` '+ Y� bra v- r'y q<•••4 i t shall `t-.•- r't '1 +.,143d �_ �L. S:?. a�'.'.PAS C 5• •9 } < r3: e hundred '`S r4 �! f t � i '"t'i 11 Z i�t�.a.�, or \� JF, �.���� F.��1��'�ra"e.`� .� Ca._.s .1.A.S. a t a� f .5.�. a- §�-+ {r `' '.i -. n .4. !`a; }a.&y 1 .:: la', eta; _p ,$ 'zs f;.a A� v.ia 'Cu :.. 's a.c ...vn ��9 ait:. �,G P'eCJ'� -.. .,�'... .., wf. taZ,.1 .L:- ..-._ i Mt f3 i,t_�ti' �' .l.in i' ?li 1.t:`� �.i. '.a4e t"°e?"Ji n •Paa*yt, E- j fi J r �. &pprt:vsd b4= L-ha fie Y ::fSie' V' F9 The street ad-dress steal" he j_ej.st.i';d l-h a im.InLatux, of f ( 4) inch numbers; vvsi.ble Prot, the �tr et and d" i z� 4he hours of darkness the nuLarg ahal 1 be a.ow Voltage internally eiectrically illuminated. Posted :t��: era shall konl-rast "w' �'`h their baok.ground and be .i t�.g I l�. front the Stre t n accordance with the Uniform Fire Code, Wha»a building ae backs exceed one hundred (100) !eat- A-1:or-, Cho isoadiway$ additional cont.raatinq four ( 4) inch n-.ws ber a. shall h'aa dis•pla.yed at the prope r. rty access. Q F9A. Friar to fiWL inspection, Commerical or "Enduatri.al Buildings ahal,l post street address with a mininmu.,% of eight ( 8) inch nt=bara. Visible from he agree- and cur nig the hours of darkness -hey shall be electrically 111unainate-d< Where building set back exceed 100 feet f rbm f ro ei roa dww additional: no illuminated contrast-in six ( 6) inch ntorbera stall be displayed at property mcco&g entrance. G 10 Every chutney used in v�:,njuncti.ozz with any fAirepl e or any heating app14 ante J n which AoIl . or liquid QUAL Is used shall be main:.ai e.d with an approved spar.. arrester,, visible from the grot,ild. &.d as Identified in th Uniform F+re code, The develon'Mant and each ph--Aae thereofE she-1) b&v8 'CW0 ( L) pt7t_nak of vehl .cider acceses fa- �,Jtre and oihar w.argency equipment, and for rout(�s as esc%pe which wl safely handle evacuati6 n& ase required by the d velopmsent Code. V B12ar Private roadways which oxce d ore-huun. dyed fi. ft6 ; 15t; et in length shall be approved l��t e e fi.re dep€�z went having juris,Uction, and shall be axtendtd tc within aneti- . hundred fifty ( 1:'50) feet of, and shall give rGasonable. ac;e€a to all portions of the exterior, wa5l..�j of . ti:iaa first story of any build-i ng. An access road shall be provided within bi.ft l ( 54; feat of all buildings if the natural grace between the acceaa road .arid the building is in exoessa of thirty ( 1-0 percent. Where the access read Cannot _o_o:sided., a fire Protect-ion syster:, shall be provided as required and approved' ��,' by the fire departfnont. L411 r"..I A �-�roved Unnt�eq—Iutent I_�'�c�'z+�"� �.0 ll".t i,, -1 aC rd C. aer5Q r4 i:v 4 uCeti ark ;1.p3 G�f.�r and, S-y�t.-{;° ili f? 'y �e �k'.t`r.•�of .�%�c d26 4 b�1 1.tt ..�h• ka'I a, �.f- �y'1-'W�,-+��. �%i�i „Yi s.•''-ia a. >,t.4"ia •?.,a SPECIAL COM1,AI"ONSt etG�a 6Fu a4 1 t'3 " 'ems `frtasro N�'-F J' s9 - ` 6 ne s "! tom" cji !__ _ . .yr ._.._......._,.�..�.... ,v........ 3. 4. Qu stLonS and. comments may ba ditected �;� 4i�� Fps� Fr..���� �:.��n P Ianring Section; CoUn�y G�V�� I"cic:L� C :o% spa - Arsawhead AVOn G San Bernw-Giro, Galifl, zj.� Phone (71.4) 387-42 13 . Thank yom for- your cooperation. Sincerely, David J. Dril.50011, Chief � 8`.r , ii Fire r tic�- - : !Iannin.g officer c • FEES TYPE F R C1 1-1 '__B C C1 2 U I L 1;1 f 4 11 .-. S A F E T y i C. I FORESTRY AND FIRE VMARDEN DEPIMMENT C VIER P.-,596ctlon plemplar. 80'WIC-6 0 Count,; G-Overnmont Center COUN I-Y OF G AN OFMICE' 0'._,: P1030C SA-Ftrs' '71411 387-4112, 367-421S, :!J11 30M FIRE DEPhRITMENT C-101MITIONS OF APPROW�L vifvg A to V ba,!4 Date: N Ric Rivvi To C D F; ('Nr,,o T)ih f oll o,,s,izz i g circled condi-Itions ar.,PIV Y,)U-r P_'-0JG-t. =4 Fire DepartMent Reference Number: I A plicant Looftionz 2�004 City of Higila-m-1 jQ;-m,..Gn VC11ey xt P-1 , PriVato road incl%!dAng but nut J.-;Ahua Tt"c 1.1mited to grddiiiq and G-ftow reMoval, shall be pVov led. W.-Itten documnentation shall be subraitted �c f Ire department having jurisdiction. private fire aCoeSS ro&CIS .Lyd-v Ci41.1, shall provide an all weat-her aq�rface with 'a min'Umur. Pavin-e width of tweaty ( '20) feet. requ;red fAre WaLter systems desiqlq0d- tO 'Met ;same- _L_ 4. r f V low 6;�t)hjs development shall be appko,"'ed bv thG fire epaxLment having Autis,Uction. The level-oper sba f", I u-11i t1the fire department With. ILWO COP165 0E the water lian,,provement plan for approval. W&ter syeterns shall be tntent P-iOr tc anY operational. and approved. bar the fire depa- r framing* cor.struction occurring. The requ..10-ral fire flow shall be determined by the appropriate calculations, us.ing the San Red Mlour.uw Bernardino %County "Guide fOr the determination of lire flow- " ArOoni, '40 Ei— , "- , Water systems ah&ll h&.v'e WER'Kirm, �,,Ight (8' Ea- nr., six 4( 6) jr,ch llaterxis ,.tnc!L ix ( 6) inch riser- % x ce, A A A. n ai as Ithout water S the fire protection water systeril sh-al, he based on HFPA 1,231 and 4 L be operational -prior to fr&minj. A I I N F 1P,,k, 1231 systems shall be & minimum 5000 gaAt.Alons with gz:aLv' *Y f'OW v approved NFPA 13 , 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler, aystom. PART 2 HARRY M, W.AYS is RA . . . . . . . Ull.t. 0 NVOLS FF' il'i 1:1 E.U!L 14 II1G _AFF.' f , ! i i - . l ;' 7 Page Two b 2 IS-IL3 THROUGH l 65 a i mil.itrL R v Xt"om.-T< �.4'u"*y7 r ._. uL:• .asyR 5 e. Ineet the requi-red Llre flow sh?11 be ozst-ationa-k and approved by the fire department prior :-o fr&mina conatru-zt o;x occurring. The required fire flow be determined. �y appropriate calculations, using the San Be _aatdino Cou.npy "Guide for the determination of required fire flow" . 7n / r etss WltilOi. t waterserving utilities, the fire pratectio wa.er system shall be based on NFPA 12M and be operation al Prior to fra.�ning. All NF&PA 1231 systems shall be a mi,nlr,lm 5000 gallons with gravity flora o; an approved a"FrA 13, or 13D fire sprinkler system. BP Onardino The above refeirenoed. project is protected by theSan County Forestry and Fire Warden Department. Prior to any constru.oti.on occurring on any the applicant sh.a11 contact the fire departm-Unt for verdmication of current fire protection development requirements. All new construction shall oomply with the existing Uni.forat Fire Code requirements and all applic&ble statutes, codes, ordinanQes, or standards of the fore department. BP F4 . 71hi.s development shall comtpl%? wit.h ?ire Saf;st.° Overlay conditions as adopted by :our:ty O.dAnance Number 3341 . This development is loe_,ated in 'Fire Ravg_ew Area BP qrrias PrioZe to anyframing construction orcurrir2t_j, a1t.. l+c'ie vegetation Sha.:.1 be remove', frzo�m each bu ld ns. s."7'e a minimum distance of th.14 ty ( 30) feet fx.om any f a.a,-,Lmable building material, Inc uding a finished etl'uctu:re. L:�:,`•iT`4i f . [ l �st.9 BP P6 . A foot fuel modification Zone .tea: a ` with county standards is required. BF F 7 . Prior to framing construction, approved fire hydra and fire hydrant pavament marke' s shall he installed. Fire hydrants shall be six ( 6) .inch in di&meter With a minimwr,� of one four ( 4) inch and one two and a half. t 1 2) inch connection as specified by the fire department. The design of the fire hydrant and fire tdyd ant pave-marat marker shall be approved by the fire dzp&rt.ment. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved X-ogds exist the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be poat.ed on an apprQvad post three feet. from the hydrant. All fire hydrant spacing Shall be three hundred 3G0) fent wish the excenti=gin of single family residential which may be increase" to six hundred! (600) feet mauximum. l , 6 , Ib.I - Pam._.: S.U B I.; I!4 C, 1 4 1 :­.. 1 Page Three BP A n a p o v e d t u,A-n a.r u In d', s h-a ME, r c;v id e dd &,t. t'Z e of ea�A.'O_d""aY OIA-'s. nu'ndred and. ( 1EO) feet. Or In. length- Cul-de-sac ".1-e-nath ahall not exceed ai.x, 'hun'-f-rie'd - 6100) foot, except as identif-ied in the development -lode aorid approved by the fire.. c 4e 6,> V - 0 F9 The street address Shall be posted. W4th a rvi iz nima of :O�M inch members, visible frorp, the street and during the hourg". of daA-kness the nwnbers shall be low- vol-rage internally electrically MILMi inl&ted. hosted nwmbers shall contrast with their backg&round and be llngib,".e from the street in accordance with the Uniform Fire ",ode. Where-- butilding setbacks ex.coed one hundred ( 100) feet-- fz-orq the roadway. .. additional contrasting four ( 4) inch n1=wber8 be displayed at the property access. �, 0 F9A. Prior to final Inspection, Cowtierci&I or Industrial Buildings shall post street address with a min.'Umun, of eight ( 8) inch nurtibe.-s. Visible from, the street. and durina the hours of darkness they shall be electrically 4?1=inatod. Where building set back exceed 100 feet From,; ftom roadway additional non-illuminated contrasting ai.y. ( 6) i ftch ni-mLbere ved at property acoess ent.-ran-ce. shall be displa 0 F10. E"Wery chimney used in conjunction, w1t-h- 4my fireplace or any heating appliance L, whi-h solid or liquid fuel is used sba" ! be miaintai-ned with an approved, spark arrester, visible from the ground, and as _16dentified in the Vniform Fire Code. -A . development and each phase thereo' sisal haV6 0 F1.L The development, - 16. M AL two ( 2) Points of vehicular access far fire other eme.-Vency equipment, and for ro-ates of escilp-o [.,'hi ah will safely handle evacuations as required by thte development code. 0 Ptl2e, Private roadways which exceed one-hundred fifty (1.50) in length shal" be approved by the fire dapartmteznt having jurisdiction, and shall ba extenided to wl6thin one- hundred fifty ( 150) feet of , and shall 'give reason able access to all portions of the exterior walls of the fire-, story of any building, An access road shall be provided within fifty ( 50) feet of all 1-d-Wildings if tb.e nano al 'grade betweej,,. the access road and -he building is in excess of tJjirty ( 30) Percent. IwThere 'Chh'a acces-s- road cannOIC be provided, as fire Protection systern shall be provide_,d as .required and approved by the fire department . LL•I ti iiFEii Paste ,Four An approved J..i. C: - 6.1!eri t- its ree,,u l-p�r If autOt�ia�i0 electric security gaff--:s &se s:�@may ��}a �,�-;I.Ir�y I 'swi ch is required on each gate in l eu of she SPECIAL CONDITIONS; d 4 . Questions and 00=11--nt-S M&Y be di''Octed to he Fire 4 a01%te ."Lo : Planning Section; Goverment Center, 38a° No.th Arrowhead Avenue, First Fl-oor, Sari Bernal-dino, Cdlifo-r iia 92415 -0186, Phone (714) 387-4213 , Thanes you fob your Cooperation, Sincerely, David J. Driscoll, Chief Cdun4; Fire Warden By � Fire Y ot. Ot.i n lanning Offloer, c; PEES TYPE _' DATE PAI NOSFDS. 5\Q�y,G Q,wN •aV 1450 Washington Street Colton, California 92324 (714) 825-4128 R�o November 14, 1991 PATRIZIA MATERASSI Planning Department City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Rd. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 RE: Bruce Halstead 23000 Grand Terrace Road File No. SA-91-01 Dear Patrizia, It is Riverside Highland Water Company's understanding that the San Bernardino County Forestry and Fire Warden Department's requirement that an on site fire hydrant and/750 GPM fire flow is required for this project. We have no problem with the applicant tapping the water main in Grand Terrace Road to install the on site fire hydrant. Proper inspection by the water company will be required. At this time there is only a 4" fire hydrant with a single 2'/2;� connection and insufficient fire flow to meet the required1750 GPM. Several thousand feet of new upsized water main and a 4" and 21/2" fire hydrant would be required to satisfy the fire department requirements . If we can be of additional assistance, please contact Rich Haubert (714) 825-4128. Thank you. Sincerely,T Eugene P. McMeans 'f^ General Manager EPM/kb ATTACHMENT 4