1991-14 RESOLUTION NO. 91 - 14
WHEREAS, the applicant, Terry Drung Construction, has applied for approval of
a tentative parcel map, dividing 1.19 acres into four parcels, ranging in size from 7,770 to
11,576 square feet (Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission.
on December 5, 1991; and
WHEREAS, this project is categorically exempt under Section 15315 of the
California Environmental Quality Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of Grand Terrace, State of California, that the following findings have been made:
1. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development.
2. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development.
3. That the design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not
likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidable injure fish
or wildlife or their habitat.
4.. That the design of the subdivision or type of proposed improvements are not
likely to cause serious public health problems or cause threat to life and property from a
wildland conflagration.
5. That the proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and
improvements are consistent with the General Plan.
6.- That the proposed subdivision,its design, density and type of development and
improvements conform to the conditions imposed by the regulations of the Development
Code, and the regulations of the City of Grand Terrace.
f )
NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the
City of Grand Terrace, California, that TPM-91-01 (Exhibit A) is hereby recommended to
the City Council for approval subject to the following conditions:
1. Development on individual lots shall be subject to Site and Architectural
Review. The existing residence on parcel 3 must blend in materials and
colors with the surrounding residential developments. Submittal of plans
reflecting the existing residence elevations, design, materials and colors to the
Planning Department for review and approval prior to issuance of building
2. All conditions as recommended by the City Engineer's Department to the City
dated August 20, 1991 (Attachment B).
3. All conditions as recommended by the Forestry and Fire Warden Department
in their memorandum to the City dated November 21, 1991 (Attachment Q.
4. All conditions as recommended by the Riverside Highland Water Company
in their memorandum to the City dated August 12 and October 1, 1991
(Attachment D).
5. All recommendations as required by the Riverside Corona Conservation
District. Proof of filing an erosion control plan must be submitted to the City
Planning and Building and Engineering Departments.
6. Fencing plans, reflecting fencing along the west and north property lines and
interior lots as well as a barrier along the swell at the eastern portion of the
property, shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and
building permit approval.
7. Correction of setbacks on Parcel 1, reversing garage side reflecting 10 side
yard setback on side of the garage and 5' feet on the other side.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace,
California, at a meeting held on the 5th day of December, 1991.
AYES: 4 - Chairman Buchanan, Commissioners Munson, Van Gelder and
ABSENT: 3 - Vice-Chairman Hargrave, Commissioners Hawkinson and Sims
Chairman, Planning Commission
Bren�da,_Stanfill, Deputy0itylerk
John Harper, Attorney
12-2. 1077
4__,;�O�F2. M E M O R A N D U M
TO: Patrizia Materassi , Planning Director
22795 Barton Road FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer 014—
Grand Terrace
California 92324-5295 DATE: November 21 , 1991
Civic Center SUBJECT: TPM 14013
(714) 824-6621
Please be advised that revisions of P.M. 14013 have been submitted to us.
The recommendations dated August 20, 1991 for subject project are
applicable. (Copy attached) .
Byron R. Matteson JK/ct
Hugh I Grant
Mayor Pro Tempore
)'Gene Cai•lstrom
onald M. Christianson
Herman Hilkey
Council Member:
Thomas J. Schwan
City Mariaur
41f , ' 12-2. 1077
��.. M E M O R A N D U M
22795 Barton Road TO: Patrizia Materassi , Planning Director
Grand "terrace
California 92324-5295 FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer �. ..
Civic Center DATE: August 20, 1991
(714) 824-6621
Following recommendations should be considered as conditions of approval
for subject Parcel Map:
1 . DeBerry Street
Byron R. Matteson
Mayor (a) Construct standard curb and gutter 22 feet from street
Hugh J. Grant
MayorPro'lemrore (b) Construct standard roadway between new curb and street
Gene Cadstroni
`�inald M.Christianson (c) Construct standard sidewalk.
Herman Hilkey
Council Members 2. Proposed Street to Lots 3 and 4
'l'lronias.l. Schwab (a) Dedicate to provide for one-half +10 feet a total of 40
CRY Manager feet of right-of-way and portion of standard cul-de-sac.
(b) Construct standard curb and gutter 12 feet east of the
property line and around cul-de-sac.
(c) Construct standard roadway between new curb and the east-
erly property line.
(d) Construct standard sidewalk.
3. Provide sanitary sewer to all lots.
4. Install ornamental street lights.
5. Perform hydrology study of the drainage area tributary to
subject parcel .
6. Construct drainage facilities as may be required for the
tributary run-off.
Memorandum to Patrizia Materassi
August 20, 1991
Page 2
7. Subject Parcel Map shall be annexed to the existing "Landscaping
and Lighting District" and shall be responsible for the costs
associated with such annexation.
8. Detail grading plan shall be submitted for the proposed
9. Pay all plan check, permit and inspection fees.
10. At building permit stage, pay all capital improvement fund fees.
11 . Obtain slope easements as may be required on the adjacent
12. Provide will serve letter from Riverside Highland Water Company.
13, Facilities for utility services, S.C.E. , Pacific Telephone and
Cable T.V. shall be placed underground.
14. All improvements shall be designed by owner's Civil Engineer to
the specifications of the City.
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Fi.Ve Department Reference Nuimber: TPA ( .
Ap:iicant: 'r _ P V*tom. COP
Lobation: � '"
' h following aixcleQ ocridi4ions aLpply ;c yat.: protect:
I .
l 1
Private road iraiz:tQnarce-, including ;gut ncv
t0. ng and s,ow removal, s;all be provided. Written
m entaxion sha,4l be sub,itted to th
dp�L� e br::Y deaazt iei:t
havf ng auzisdiction. Private fire access .-o ds sha?i provide
ah all weather surface with a M1PJr,ku,'. pa %-:i a S•ij.G-th c" twC!nL
(�4) feet.
-L. Water systeme '8319n-d 1-0 lr-eB't t a re�tlwx'ed f�Z�
flow 4his dsve?.opmen. t shall. be approved by Une
department having Jurisdiction. The devel Pe-r
�, with 1a -of ".�'he w;te sl.�tfM
the fire depazt:�e:x4 AL ttva copies .. <,.�
ir.1provement plan for appl-oval . W&ter systems steal+, ke
oberationaa. and A-P JCOvG'.•i b, 0r 0 a_. ' " : s
fxamino construction occuxrinlg. the xecfu rep. fi.G� fl4:h' Mall
b determined by Mhs apprcprS.ate c_.1c�.latians, using the SWI
. Bornardino County "Guide for the detarminat:.On of fire
witer systems shall have mfnimur� eight (8) :.ache$ r,l ns, Uiy_
(6) inch laterals, I nc� :ix { 61 inch ri�ers,,
( e�Ls without w� se�%firt^
\ R �'-2A. lit C'.�
Kira q r
fire prorectio; Wa+Uer s�,ste:;: shall b(6 btse,l . .: � �21 l .-nr.. <
be operationa.1 prior to framing. Zill NKFIPA. J.I.3` G�&1 �- ,
small be a miri.r,rn'r,, 5)000. gallona with rrcvity fflow or %ri
approved NFPA 13, -13i?, or i31T)
I-h r
% .1.,e.
aL-culat;ons, using ♦the Sat.
"Guide f or the determinalt 10n Of r eaul—red- wwra -f T r,
1-ties, the -Afire C'
a5as wat_r serving u
water system shall 1-de used. on IzFpA 1231 a d e 01)e o n a
prior to fr&mdnig. A 1 N Fp A 1221 systems be. &
5000 g&llone with gravity flow or an approved, 1RFPk 13, 13R,
or, 13D fire sprinkler system.
is 1:7,rotectad by 4-he,
BP,. F3 . The above referenced PrOJ -
(:ip -rY and Fire Warden Departm--rit,
S a'ri ardino Co�anty rozzeSl,
Pr: or to any construction occurring on any 016-reel, the-
applicant shall contact the f1L_-e departnie-,LtfOr ver' ficat; On
protection current fire p,oectlon development requirements . All new
construction shall oampiy with the existing Q,'-!Af0-M Fire r1ode
r�quirementa and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances,,.
or; standards of th-- fire department.
!-,.rior to any framing construction occurr-Ing, aAl
fly - w building site
=(P.e vegetation shall be removed from. ea.-h buUdl,
k A
A. Y t" %
aiininimum distance of thir 130) fest .6 Zr07' In."Y I I b,4�ildina,, mat-erial, Including a fin'-shad st'ructure.
fra.ming cons truc-t J-0111, &-!:-?,j-3ved fire
BI? PF6 Prior to nt k P In
h�dr CE; _'Ind fire hydrant ,pavOlme-i s.,
Y ii1stali_6d. Fire hydralite mallI)e six 03 ! Tich J.r, dialm*tV.-r
( A ,-! a1)a-_1f -J2
w�t'h. a mlniivuum of one foUr 'e ,I inch and one two M.
1/2) inch connection as s4,_,ecjfj_d by t11a fir(; department.
deaign of t-c -Lric hyd,_rant and fire piv.-mont
IC-ker s1ha1! be approved by the 1_- ir3 ad e p a n I':-
Where non-paved rods exist the blue refietctive hvdrarlt
th-rea- feet
.parker shall be posted On. a-, approved IDOSL
,.Jl -'!,ra hydrant Spacing shall
the hydrant A.
poo) feet with the eycept-ion of singlo I—S
hundred d.- ' 60"
which may be increased to six ed t.
.BP F7 . 1) An approved turnaround Sb&lj ,�)e k-r.-,vided at t"
I. - .1 A� n
-ed and lofty 1 r," wee,: 1`0`�t
roadway one hunA
lOnth Cul-de-sac !Length. shall not exceed siA h,1rrA.
: W
f:P et, except as ident-if ied in the devalopment code and
approved by the fire chief .
0 L
ES The street address Shall be Pos*".eal
fur L. ring
inch nWTb6rSi V15 I
Ible from the gtrae� and u
k I 'L internally
A I'a shall �)a "10"I volt-aL;ge .1 ,
hours of darkness t�e nwmb lwith
,lectrioally illumin-A.ted, poster.,
their, b&ckground and be leq4ble from, the Street accord_=tice'
with t1he uniform Mode.ode. Where buildir,(J sal-backs exceed
feet the roadway, additional
one hundred A-4rom &,, I be d, I;p,, &ye.A- at the
t A,.) inch nl)rubers s"I",
contrasting four k
Pr9perty, access .
o FBA. Prior 4%-.0 final inspeotion, C_omalercAl..al Or. Industrial
Buildings ,street shall post address with_L-h of eight
( 8) Inch numbers, Visible
b)'e from the street
and dui ing the
hours of darkness they shall be electrically illumiruted.
W',q:er' e building set bac1r; exceed 100 feet ±rorn from roadway
additional non-illurninated contrasting six ( 6) inch. numbers
shall be displayed at property access entrar .:e
o (Fg Every chimey used in conjunct'O- with any fireplace
Z U4d 'rue! is
which solid or
or-t-n-f in w*
Y heating appliance
used talned w'.th an &PP-Oved spark arresteri -
us. Sh be m a-'r. �r.
visible from the ground, and as identifi.ed the Uni
Fire Code.
0 . F9 . The development and each Phass they00f have
" 2', pointS of veh-JOVIa &CCess for ;i-e an ;D+ re- ft:'"erger"
, . 1 1 " sa-Pely hand
escape w�,Ach
and -for Aroutes OL
evacuations as required bY the development cede,
'Divate roadways which exceed. on'c--h%.tnAAr-1_'c"1 )-l-
),- ,Z
:-rigt�11 Shail be approve�±. . depa�ctri _r _
e in le
ha' ving Auri:sdiction, and" slintail be 8xtendGd 0--a-
4; 4ty OSEN � cee+� O.0 % 1 )
hundred and Sha-L.-
tr, all portions of the exi;ariOr Malls Of e s -'tol:-j
any buil6i-q. An &Ccess road shall be P�rowsded with-A n f i f 4,
'* .'(S en the
feet of all buildings i�': the natUrDO.- �,Ar e,
- - and the bui).d., -&CCeSS
1-O&A is in excsas o"
I 1 e!ss rOad'C&I)nO4'
ded, a i
Pa"Ce"t. Where
Protection system ShL1 e Provded a4 1:ea-c i.e:- ana-ProrVe
by the fire department,
r .
aF1, Ar, approved fire departnoent k!��Y -I;,,' -- -equii _ 1
at o m a tic oiectric secul-it 9&tG8 M_e 'LSO
r.witc, s equire6i on eac"'n, gate n- I' he ",ey t10'
\ j
uc�s cans and ^ar;�men�ce racy !�e Cireoteu to the dire
'YineIl�: Center 385 tdo�th
Planning Section; Coun��. Dover.
Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CalifOM..
Phone (714` 397-4213 . Thank you for you:,: Coopsrati.on.
David a'. Uriscodl, Chief
County vi re Warder:'
grnyl0- -ec;tllon
one Captain
Fire Planning
i�i:.: Protection Planning Services ' A-0--y _--
3,5 No. Arro%,licad Avenue, First Floor - San Bernardino. CA 92415-0186
(114) 387-4212, 387-4213
�= 7 C/
]4 following circled conditions apply to Your project.
L'_i:e Department Reference Number:
oil all group R division 3 occupancies, single family
dwellings, duplexes, and manufactured homes, the fire
department will perform a site inspection and establish the
fire conditions for the project. All subsequent plan review,
inspections and the final inspection will be conducted by =
Building and Safety. � +
R 0tFe_1r__o
Private road maintenance, including but not
lim grading and snow re-oval, shall be provided. .... •.,_
written documentation shall be submitted to the fire
department having jurisdiction. Private fire access roads ;
shall provide an all weather surface with a minimum paving
..idth of twenty ( 20) feet.
T l
IL F-2! slater systems designed to meet the required fire
flow or this development shall be approved by the fire
department having jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish
L.he fire department with two copies of the water system
improvement plan for approval . Water systems shall be
Operational and approved by the fire department prior to any
framing construction occurring. The required fire flow shall
be determined by the appropriate calculations, using the San
Bernardino County ''Guide for the determination of fire flow. "
,, inches mains , silo
„ater systems shall have minimum eight ( 8) � �
( 6) inch laterals, and six ( o) inch risers. �-
F-2A. in areas 4llthout water serving utilities, the
fire protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and
be operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems
shall be a minimtum 5000 gallons with gravity flow or an
approved NFPA 13 , 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system.
.`•CAI.,: ` •,'] ... -
it L-2b. MS-IL3 THROUGH ILS _ vlatcr systems designed to
` njeet the required fire flow shall be operational an
approved by the fire department prior, to framing construction
occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined by
appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County
"Guide for the determination of required fire flow" . In
areas without water serving utilities, the fire protection
water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational
prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum
5000 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13 , 13R,
or 13D fire sprinkler system.
BP F The above referenced project is protected by the
?an B: ardino County Forestry and Fire Warden Deuartment.-
Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the
applicant shall contact the fire department for verification
of current fire protection development requirements . All new
construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire Code
requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances,
or standards of the fire department.
BP F4. This development shall comply with Fire Safety
Overlay conditions as adopted by County Ordinance Number
3341. This development is located in Fire Review Area
BP F5 Prior to any framing construction occurring, all
fl e vegetation shall be removed from each building site
a minimum distance of thirty ( 30) feet from any flammable
building material, including a finished structure.
BP F6. A foot fuel modification Zone in compliance
with county standards is required.
BP F7 . Prior to framing construction, approved fire
hyd s and fire hydrant pavement markers shall be
installed. Fire hydrants shall be six ( 6) inch in diameter
with a minimum of one four ( 4) inch and one two and a half ( 2
1/2) inch connection as specified by the fire department.
The design of the fire hydrant and fire hydrant pavement
marker shall be approved by the fire department. In areas
where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist the blue
reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an approved post
three feet from the hydrant. All fire hydrant spacing shall
be three hundred ( 300) feet with the exception of single
family residential which may be increased to six hundred
( 600) feet maxi mien.
�n app�.oved turnaround shall be provided at the end
or one hundred and fifty ( 150 ) feet or more in
length. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six hundred ( 600 )
feet, except as identified in the development code and
approved by the, fire chief .
O o The street address shall be posted with a minimum
of f4) inch numbers , visible from the street and during
the hours of darkness the numbers shall be low voltage
internally electrically illuminated. Posted numbers shall
contrast with their background and be legible from the street
in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. Where building
setbacks exceed one hundred ( 100) feet from the roadway,
additional contrasting four ( 4) inch numbers shall be
displayed at the property access.
O F9A. Prior to final inspection, Commerical or
Industrial Buildings shall post street address with a minimum
of eight ( 8) inch numbers_ Visible from the street and during
the hours of darkness they shall be electrically illuminated.
Where building set back exceed 100 feet from from roadway
additional non-illuminated contrasting six ( 6) inch numbers
shall be displayed at property access entrance.
O OF] %
Every chimney used in conjunction with any
fire or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid
_ -fuel is used shall be maintained with an approved spark
arrester, visible from the ground, and as identified in the
Uniform Fire Code.
O F11. The development and each phase thereof shall have
two (2) points of vehicular access for fire and other
emergency equipment, and for routes of escape which will
safely handle evacuations as required by the development
O F12 . Private roadways which exceed one-hundred fifty
( 150) feet in length shall be. approved by the fire department
having jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within one-
hundred fifty ( 150) feet of, and shall give reasonable access
to all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of
any building. An access road shall be provided within fifty
( 50) feet of all buildings if the natural grade between the
access road and the- building is in excess of thirty ( 30 )
percent. Where the access road cannot be provided, a fire
protection system shall be provided as required and approved
by the fire department.
- a -, 0.
1450 WASHIN13TON STREET ® COLTON, CALIFORNIA 92324 c. (714) 82S-4128
22065 DeBerry
Grand Terrace, CA 92324
DATE October 1 , 1991
Dear Terry,
Riverside Highland Water Company will be
serving water to this address, 22065 DeBerry
when these conditions are met.
1 . S.B. County fire flow requirements are
2. Riverside Highland Water Company has
reviewed plans for houses and water
3. Apprgoiate water stock is acquired
4. All fees to the water company are paid
-' Any questions feel free to contact me.
Tom° �
Rich Haubert
Distribution Superintendent
1NSTRUC7:0I\S TO n�cCrtc�.
.KEEP YELLOW COPY. 2.SEND WH-T=,-.a_"..T�..—,E:IL-.,T .m, .: .. .•py.0.E rU4:V WH:T --1 -.,SE Nl)-Cq
:!—-NN73U The Drawing Board.Dallas.Texas 75266-N29
Wheeler Group,Inc.1982
f ,y4gN
1450 Washington Street Colton, California 92324 (714) 825-4128
August 12, 1991
Planning Director
City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, CA 92324
RE: TPM-91-01
Terry Drung Construction
22065 DeBerry Street
Dear Patrizia,
Although, Riverside Highland Water Company does not have existing
easements on this parcel we think some items should be addressed
at this time.
1 . What are the fire flow requirements?
2. The existing water main is 8" not 6.
3. The water pressure is 95 PSI±, so pressure regulators will
be required for these homes.
4. Riverside Highland Water Company has not been contacted re-
garding stock in the company or fees to the company.
Some of these items could have a significant impact on this project.
If I can be of further assistance please feel free to call .
Thank you.
Rich Haubert
Distribution Superintendent