1985-03 12-8.5025 RESOLUTION NO. PC 85-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND.TERRACE, .CALIFORNIA,.•RECOMMENDING- APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-02, Chaparral Pines WHEREAS, Specific Plan 85-02.has been prepared and submitted for approval as required by the General Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Environmental Review - That with .respect to an environmental review of Specific Plan No. 85-02 an environmental review-has been conducted and noticed.pursuant to Section 21092 of the Public Resources Code; that based upon the review, - including the mitigation measures,. the City of Grand Terrace Environmental Review Officer found the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 2. . Mitigation:Measures —That-this -Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of the Mitigation Measures-.and finds and determines that said Plan as conditioned by _said Mitigation Measures will not have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 3. Public Hearing - That a public hearing- has been-noticed, held, and conducted in the time, form, and manner pursuant to Government Code .65500... SECTION 4. ' Approval of Specific Plan -That this-Planning Commission having reviewed the findings of the Environmental Review-Officer and the.testimony given does hereby recommend the City Council .of the City-of-Grand Terrace approve the Specific Plan 85=02, subject-to the mitigation measures, make' the findings, adopt the Negative Declaration, and instruct the City Clerk to issue' a Notice of Determination. ADOPTED this .6th day of May 1985. ATTEST: iYl, CITY. C Approved as- to form: 1 e CITY..ATTORNEY 1 � I I I, Myrna Erway, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 6th day of Mav , 198 5 , by the fol 1 owi ng vote: AYES: Commissioners McDowell , Andress, DeBenedet, Cole Caouette, Hawkinson NOES: Chairman Collins , Vice 4hairman Munson ABSENT: Commissioner Bartel ABSTAIN: None City Clerk(/ i 2