1987-07 RESOLUTION NO. 87- 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CUP-87-6 , AN APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT A 26 ,400 SQ. FT. PRIVATE SCHOOL FACILITY IN THE R-3 ZONE WHEREAS, the applicant , The Advocate School , applied for a Conditional Use Permit to construct and operate a 26 , 000 sq. ft. private school facility to be located at 11980 S . Mt . Vernon Avenue ; and WHEREAS , a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on August 17 , 1987 , regarding this application; and WHEREAS , the subject property is currently developed with an existing church facility; and WHEREAS , a private school facility is a permitted use with the issuance of a conditional use permit in the R-3 zone; and WHEREAS , the proposed use is in conformance with the City' s General Plan; and WHEREAS , conditions have been placed on this conditional use _ permit so as to insure the proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals , comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace , California, that said Planning Commission finds that : 1 . As conditioned, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals , comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the city; or is injurious to the property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the city; and 2 . The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan; and 3 . The following conditions are made a part of this approval and are necessary to secure the purposes of Section 18. 66. 040 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code; 1) A combination of six foot high fencing and landscaping, to be approved by the Planning Director, shall be located along the exterior property lines . 2) A maximum student enrollment for this facility shall be set at 120 students . 3) Enclosed trash facilities shall be located and identified on the site plan. 4) If a kitchen facility is to be included in the project, appropriate plans shall be submitted to the Department of Environmental Health Services Food Division for review. 5) All requirements of the City Engineer listed in Exhibit A shall be required. 6) All requirements of the Department of Forestry and Fire Warden listed in Exhibit B shall be required. 7) All requirements of the Riverside Highland Water Company listed in Exhibit C shall be required. 8) The placement of entry barriers shall be required at all driveways during the time school is not in session and during evening hours . 9) The applicant shall pay the appropriate pro-rata share of capital improvements necessary for the development of the Mt. Vernon Avenue area. Said amounts and pro-rata formula to be approved by the City Council . 10) This Conditional Use Permit is granted for this applicant and the facility as presented only, any subsequent school use or change in use shall require a the application and approval of a new conditional use permit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that : 1 . CUP-87-6 is hereby approved as conditioned. 2 . The associated Negative Declaration is recommended for approval by the City Council (See Exhibit D) . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace , California, at a regular meeting held the 17th day of August 17 , 1987 by the following vote: AYES : 6 NOES : 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 Norm4n Caouette, Chairperson, Grand Terrace , Planning Commission ATTEST Dl :-ey City /C 1 erk APPROVED AS TO FORM Ivan Hopkins , City Attorney