1988-06 RESOLUTION NO. 88-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CUP-88-11 ALLOWING WILDEN PUMP AND ENGINEERING CO. TO OPERATE AT 22069 VAN BUREN AVENUE IN A M-2 ZONE WHEREAS, the Applicant, Wilden Pump and Engineering Co. , applied for a conditional use permit to allow the operation of a manufacturing facility within a M-2 zone located at 22069 Van Buren Avenue; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is a permitted use in a M-2 zone with a conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held before this body on August 15, 1988. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, that the following findings have been made: 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental. to the general health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the. neighborhood - .of_ the- proposed use or within the- City. Wilden Pump and Engineering Company has been operating on the same parcel of land for many years. No health, safety or public complaints have come to the attention of the City. The site is located in a manufacturing zone and the area which is being expanded does not abut any residential district. 2. The proposed use will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City if it is approved subject to the recommended conditions of approval as listed in this resolution. 3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT CUP-88-11 shall be conditioned as follows: 1. All requirements as recommended by the Forestry and Fire Warden Department in its Memo dated August 9, 1988 and attached as Exhibit A or as negotiated and approved by -the Forestry and Fire Warden Department; 2. All requirements as recommended by the City Engineer in his memorandum to the City dated August 11, 1988 and attached as Exhibit B. 3 . A revised landscaping plan for the frontage of the project be submitted to the Planning Department for approval by the Director of Community Development, with the addition of the same type of shrubs as are currently existing in front of the existing building; 4. A revised parking plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval by the Director of Community Development. This parking plan shall conform to the landscaping requirements as set forth in Section 18.60. 190 of the Municipal Code in relation to landscaping to parking ratio and include a revised curculation plan addressing the concerns of the Planning Commission; 5. All landscaping shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director- of Community Development for the duration of this Conditional Use Permit; 6. Four loading spaces shall be provided, dimensioned according to the Municipal Code at 12 ' X 201 . These spaces shall be striped and marked, accordingly; 7. Any trash enclosures indicated on the plans shall conform to Section 18.27. 130 of the Municipal Code; and, 8. All signage. must go through the normal City sign application process. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of . Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of August, 1988. AYES: 7 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN:0 Stanley Ha grave, Chairperson Planning Commission ATTEST:. APPROVED AS TO FORM Deputy'-Cityrle�tk John Harper, i y Attorney FORESTRY AND. FIRL.__,VARDEN DEPARTMENT_ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Fize Protection Planning Services •'County Government Center OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY .385 No. Arrowhead Avenue, First Floor • San Bernardino,-CA 92415-0186 71 FLOYD TIDWELL, Director �t 1 2, 387-4213 MOM EMERGENCY SERVICES tip H,2 DATE AUGUST 9, 1988 AU r 9 PLAh1%11vU U" `hrMcNT tr,giiW }ak= TO CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REFERENCE N0: CUP 88-11 Planning Dept. SA 88-11 FROM GLEN J. NEWMAN ` County Fire Warden . ,s Ln.t:� n« r:rar;;r', F.>:it>rai Prs��s� SUBJECT FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BOXES WILL APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT ''`' " '""''' r``Tp IXI Fl. The above referenced project is protected by the Forestry 3F�OT & Fire Warden Dept. Prior to- construction occurring on any parcel the t owner shall contact the 'fire department for verification of current fire ca« <, -s'rport protection development requirements. Devon F_iNlinse . XI F2. All._new construction shall comply with applicable sections of the e; ale;n 5F002 1985 Uniform Fire Code- (Ordinance No. 106) , Development Oade, Community Plans, and other statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations regarding fires and fire prevention adopted by the .State of California. F3. The street address shall be posted with a minimum of three (3) 5F003 inch numbers' visible from the street in accordance with -San Bernardino 4i County Ordinance No. 2108, prior to occupancy. Posted numbers shall ' ` '``, "ky contrast with their background and.be visible and legible from the street. J _-Tree IXI F4. Each chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any c;f-> o== ' "`� 5F004 heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maint- ained with -an approved spark arrestor as identified in the Uniform Fire 1-y e Creek Code. IXI F5. All flammable vegetation. shall be removed from each building 3F005 site a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet, from any flammable building OaX Glen material, including a finished structure. F6. The development- and each phase thereof shall have two points W06 of ''vehicular access for fire ::and -other emergency equipment., and for �;ur routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations as required in the Rcgwerlown Development Code. ;z;,£ Ix F7. Private roadways which . exceed one-hundred' and fifty (150) in „.r '`i" `� 1F007 length shall be approved by the fire. agency having jurisdiction,- and `''`-'" t`'"+ '"�K` shall be extended to within one-hunded and fifty (150) feet of and shall give "reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walls df ''�` '"Ge valey' the first story of any building. An access road shall be provided yucai'pa, within fifty (50)- feet of all buildings is the natural grade between the CT)r) Val'>y access road and building is in excess of thirty percent (30%) Where 1 - the access roadway cannot be provided_, approved fire protection system or systems shall be provided as required and approved by the fire department. IXI F8. A turn-around shall .be required at the end of each roadway 150 1F008 feet or more in length and shall .be approved by the fire department. Cul-de-sac length shall 'not exceed six=hundred (600) feet except as identified in the Development Code. IXI F9. Private road maintenance, including but not limited to grading 009 and snow removal, shall be provided for prior to recordation or approval. Written .documentation ..'shall be submitted to the fire agency having jurisdiction. IXI F10. All fire protection systems designed 'to meet the fire flow 1FO10 requirements specifide in the, Conditions of Approval for this project shall be approved by the fire agency having jurisdiction prior to the installation of said systems. Said systems -shall be installed. and made serviceable prior to recordation unless construction of said. systems has been bonded for a s required by the water purveyor. Water for fire protection, as required by the. fire agency having jurisdiction, shall be in. and operable prior to the start of building construction and shall be over and above the average daily-consumption of water. The following are minimum requirements for your proposed development: A. System'Standards .*Fire Flow 4200 GPM.@20 psi Residual Pressure- with sprinklered building Duration 4 ' Hour/s Hydrant Spacing 330 , Feet between hydrants *If blank, flow to be determined by calculation when additional construction information is received. B. Distribution System Mains 6 inch minimum Laterials 6 inch minimum Riser 6 inch minimum C. Fire Hydrants Numbers 3 Total (public only) Type 6 - ..Inch w/ 2 - 2 1/2 Inch outlet/s with National Standard thread and with 1 - 4 inch pumper connection Street Valve 6 Inch Gate Fll. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate cal- Ll (2) culations, using the 1974 editin of the Insurance Services Office (ISO) "Guide for the Determination of required Fire Flow." IXI F12. In areas without water-serving utilities, the fire protection 3F012 water system shall be based on NFPA Pamphlet No. 1231, "Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting",: A storage reservoir must be provided for each parcel; the minim= capacity to be maintained shall be determined by the fire department. IXI F13. The developer oro his engineer shall furnish the fire department 1F013 with two copies of water system improvement plans where fire protection water systems are required. The fire department . shall also sign all water plans.prior to recordation. F14. Mountain Fire Zone building regulations specified in San Bernardino 3F014 County Ordinance No. 2475 shall be strictly enforced. F15. A greenbelt or fuel modification zone shall be required Req-' 1F015 uirements will be site specific to the project. The greenbelt/zone plan must be filed with and approved by the fire department with jurisdiction . prior to recordation of the final map. Maintenance of said greenbelts and/or fuel modification zones shall be provided for with approval from the fire department. ouestions and/or CMILLents may be directed to the Fire Protection Planning Lion; County Government Center, 385 North Arrowhead, 1st Floor, San Bernard California, 92415-0186; or call 714-387-4225. Thank you for your coopera- tion. Sincerely, BY NA1vCY BEST Fire Protection Planning Inspector cc: Wilden Pump & Erig. Co. Riverside-Highland Water Co. Steven Papneder 3517 File The following are IXI Non-Standard Conditions I Clarifications i I Comments: ONE ADDITIONAL ON-SITE HYDRANT REQUIRED (3) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS NON-STANDARD REFERENCE # SA-88-11 CUP 88-11 CONDITIONS: Fire Extinguishing Systems LOCATION: 22069 VAN BUREN AVENUE APN#k_ NAME IXI F 26. An automatic . fire extinguishing system is required for the following area (s) : A."' Commercial-type food heat-processing equipment (UFC Sec 10. 314) 1 ,I. B. Spray paint booths or rooms (UFC Sec 45.209) IXI C. High piled combustible storage (UFC Sec 81.101) IXI D. Occupancy and location (UFC Sec 10.308) E. Entire building due lack of access (UFC Sec 10. 207 {b} as amended by Co . Ord . #3055) IXI F. Entire building and/or complex as fire flow mitigation measure ( UFC Sec . 10 . 301 {c} as amended by Co . Ord . #3055) G. Other area as indicated (UFC Sec . 10. 301{a} and 10.301{b} Spl haz) I I H. Entire Building or portions thereof as applicable under State Fire Marshal ' s Regulations (Title 19, CAC) All fire extinguishing systems , including automatic sprinkler systems , Classes I, II and III combined standpipes , Halon systems and other special automatic extinguishing systems and basement pipe inlets shall be approved by both the Fire Department and the Office of Building and Safety prior to installation. Said systems shall, meet the appropriate standard whether NFPA or UBC. The Fire Department shall be notified of any testing approval and shall witness said tests . Systems shall be operational prior to occupancy. Rev . 3/7/88 rd BYRON R. MATTESON Mayor 3 BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN r5r Mayor Pro Tem Council Members !d i HUGH J.GRANT DENNIS L. EVANS SUSAN CRAWFORD r.. . `` THOMAS J.SCHWAB - - City Manager TO: David Sawyer, Planning Director FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer DATE: August 11, 1988 SUBJECT: SA-88-11/CUP 88-11 Following recommendations should be considered.a.s conditions of approval for subject project: 1. Install standard sidewalk frcan the west end .of existing sidewalk along the frontage of subject parcel. 2. Install ornamental street lights. 3. Pay capital improvement fund fees as required by ordinance. 4. Driveway approaches to be constructed to city standards. 5. Comply with the provisions of UBC. JK/ss .`EXHIBIT B 22795 BARTON ROAD • GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324-5295 • CIVIC CENTER — (714) 824-6621