1989-13 RESOLUTION NO. 8 9-13
WHEREAS, the City's General Plan was first adopted on April 26, 1984, and was
subsequently revised on December 8, 1988; and
WHEREAS,'the City's General Plan contains the following Iplementation Policies:
* "Commercial areas along Barton Road shall be designated for special study
and methods to prevent "strip commercial" type development investigated;
this will require financial and legal cooperation between local merchants,
land owners, and the City."
* "Development of retail and general commercial uses shall be encouraged."
* "Additional freeway service-oriented commercial uses shall be encouraged."
* 'Enhancement of the City's image shall be undertaken by the establishment
of City entrances and development of unified streetscapes.'; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan further states:
* 'Prevention of "strip development" uses along Barton Road is a major
concern. It is the intent of the General Plan that new commercial uses be
carefully monitored. New commercial uses should relate to existing
development. Isolated commercial projects as well as conversion of
residential units to commercial use should be limited and prevented
wherever possible."; and
WHEREAS, the City Council authorized staff to hire Urban Design Studios, a
planning and urban design oriented consulting firm for the purpose of preparing a
specific plan for the Barton Road Corridor; and
WHEREAS, Urban Design Studios in coordination with City staff and the Barton
Road Specific Plan Advisory Committee has completed the draft Barton Road Specific
Plan (SP-89-02, Exhibit A); and
WHEREAS, the draft Barton Road Specific Plan includes the properties along
'both sides of Barton Road extending from the Riverside Freeway (Interstate 215) on the
west to the intersection of Barton Road and Victoria Street on the east; and
WHEREAS, the draft Barton Road Specific Plan addresses the issues identified
above as directed by the General Plan; and
WHEREAS, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act, an Initial
Study was completed for this project and a negative declaration has been prepared
(Exhibit B); and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing, ,was held by the Planning
Commission on November 20, 1989 regarding the draft Specific Plan (SP-89-02).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of Grand Terrace, California, that:
1. The Negative Declaration for SP-89-02 (Exhibit B) is hereby
recommended to the City Council for approval; and
2. SP-89-02, the Barton Road Specific Plan (Exhibit A) is hereby found
to be consistant with the General Plan of the City of Grand Terrace
and is hereby recommended to the City Council of the City of Grand
Terrace for approval.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand
~ Terrace, California at a regular meeting held the.20th day of November, 1989 by the
following vote:
Ayes: 5 Commissioners Hilkey, Van Gelder, Hawkinson, Buchanan and Sims.
Noes: 2 Commissioners Hargrave and Munson.
Absent: 0
Abstain: p
Aer awkinson, Chairman
Pl 'ng Commission
Approved as to Form:
John Harper,
City Attorney
I Background
1 . Name of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295
Attention: David Sawyer, Planning Director
3 . Date of Environmental Assessment: November 9, 1989
4. Agency Requiring Assessment City of Grand Terrace
5. Name of Proposal, if applicable Barton Road Commercial Corridor Specific Plan
6. Location of Proposal : 1.3 mile corridor along Barton Road extending from
Interstate. 215- .on the west to .the intersection of
II Environmental Impacts Barton Road & Victoria Street on the east.
(Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are provided on
attached sheets. )
Yes, Maybe No
1 . Earth. Will the proposal result in :
a. Unstable earth conditions- or in
changes in geologic substructures? — x
b. Disruptions, displacements, compac-
tion or overcovering of the soil? x
c. Substantial change in topography or
ground surface relief features? x
d. The destruction , covering or modi-
fication of any unique geologic or
physical features?
e. Any substantial increase in wind or
water erosion of soils , either on or
or off site? x
Yes Maybe No
f. Changes in deposition or erosion of
beach sands , or changes in siltation ,
deposition or erosion which may modify
the channel of a river or stream or
the bed of the ocean or any bay,
inlet or lake? X
g . Ex-posure-of people -or.__p_roperty
to geologic hazards such as earth
quakes, landslides, mudslides , ground
failure-, or similar hazards? X
2 . Air. Will the proposal result in :
a. Substantial air emissions or deterior-
ation of ambient air quality? X
b. The creation of objectionable odors? X
c. Alteration of air movement, moisture,
or temperature, or any change in
climate, whether locally or. regionally? X
3. Water. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial changes in currents , or the
course or direction of water movements,
in either marine or fresh waters? X
b. Substantial changes in absorption rates ,
drainage patterns , or the rate and
amount of surface runoff? X
c. Alterations to the course or flow
of flood waters? X
d. Change in the amount of surface water
in any water body? X
e. Discharge into surface waters, or in
any alteration of surface water qual-
ity, including, but not limited to,
temperature, dissolved oxygen or
turbidity? X
f. Alteration of the direction or rate
of flow of ground waters? X
— —__ -- ----- Y a g M a-v b-e--N-o— -.
g . Change in the quantity of ground
waters, either through direct addi-
tions or withdrawals , or through inter-
ception of an aquifer by cuts or
h. Substantial reduction in the amount
of wa-ter==otherwise available for
public water supplies? X
i. Exposure of people or property to
water related hazards such as flood-
ing or tidal waves? X
4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in :
a. Change in the diversity of species,
or number of any native species of plants
(including trees; shrubs, grass,
crops, and aquatic plants) ? X
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
unique, rare, or endangered species
of ;plants? X
c. Introduction .of new species of plants
into an area of native vegetation , or
in a barrier to the normal replenish-
ment of existing species? X
d. Substantial reduction in acreage of
any agricultural crop? X
5 . Animal Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of species, or
numbers of any species of animals
(birds , land animals including rep-
tiles, fish and shellfish , benthic
organisms or insects) ? X
b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique,
rare or endangered species of animals? X
c. Deterioration to existing fish or
wildlife habitat? X
i - .
Yes Maybe No
6. Noise. Will the proposal result in :
a. Increases in existing noise levels? x
b. Exposure of people to severe noise
• - — x
7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce - -
substantial new light or glare? x
8. ; Land Use. Will the proposal result in a
substantial alteration of the present or
planned land use of an area? _ x
9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal
result in :
a. Substantial increase in the rate of use
of any natural resources? x
b. Substantial depletion of any non-
renewable natural resource? x
10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve:
a. A risk of an explosion or the release
of hazardous substances (including ,
but not limited to, oil, pesticides,
chemicals or radiation) in the event
of an accident or upset conditions? x
b. Possible interference with an emerg-
ency response plan or an emergency
evacuation plan? x
11 . Population. Will the proposal alter the
location , distribution , density, or growth
rate of the -human population of an area? x
12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing
housing or create a demand for additional
housing? x
13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the pro-
proposal result in:
a . Generation of substantial additional
vehicular movement? x
Yes Maybe No
b. Communications systems?
c. Water? X
d. Sewer or septic tanks? X
e. Storm -water drainage? X
f. Solid waste and disposal? ----- X
17. Human Health. Will the proposal result
a. Creation of any health hazard or
potential health hazard (excluding
mental health) ? X
b, Exposure of people to potential
health hazards? x
18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result
in the obstruction of any scenic vista
or view open to the public, or will the
proposal result in the creation of an
aesthetically offensive site open to
public view? X
19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in
an impact upon the quality or quantity
of existing recreati::.nal opportunities? X
20. Cultural Resources.
a. Will the proposal result in the
alteration of or the destruction of
a prehistoric or historic archaeo-
logical site? x
b. Will the proposal result in adverse
physical, or aesthetic effects to a
prehistoric or historic building,
structure, or object? X
c. Does the proposal have the potential
to cause a physical change which
would affect unique ethnic cultural
values? X
Yes Maybe No
d.J Will the proposal restrict existing
religious or sacred uses within the
potential impact area?
21 . Mandatory Findings of Significance. .
a. Does the project have the potential.
to degrade the quality of the environ-
ment substantially--reduce *the habitat
of a fish or wildlife species, cause
a fish or wildlife population to drop
below self sustaining levels, threaten
to eliminate a plant or animal or
eliminate important examples of the
major periods of California history
or prehistory? X
b. Does the project have the potential
to achieve short-term, to the dis-
advantage of long-term, environ-
mental goals? (A short-term impact
on the environment is one which oc-
curs in a relatively brief, definitive
period of time while long-term impacts
will endure well into the future. ) x
C. Does the project have impacts which
are individually limited, but cumu-
latively considerable? (A project's
impact on two or more separate
resources may be relatively small , but
where the effect of the total of
those impacts on the environment
is significant. ) X
d. Does the project have environmental
effects which will cause substan-
tial adverse effects on human beings,
either directly or indirectly? x
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant
effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be
I- find that although the proposed project 'could have a signi
ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi-
ficant effect in this case because the mitigation measures
described on attached sheets have been added to the
I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on'
the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is
David Sawyer
Planning for
Date Signature �
For City of Grand Terrace
Prepa'r.'ed by: Marilyn J . Beardslee, Project Manager
2940 Inland Empire Blvd. , SO te ,105
Ontario, CA 91764
The proposed project is a specific plan for the approximately 1.3-mile corridor along Barton Road
extending from the Riverside Freeway (Interstate 215) on the west to the intersection of Barton
Road and Victoria Street on the east within the City of Grand Terrace (see Exhibit 1, Specific Plan
Area Map).
Over the years, the Barton Road Corridor has evolved into a mixed use area defined by a variety
of commercial, office, service, and residential development. Quality and condition of structures
vary widely. The dominant use along the corridor is strip commercial, which has developed in
a disjointed, incremental manner. Residential uses comprise a significant portion of the Specific
Plan area, generally in the form of single family homes, some of which have been converted to
commercial/office uses.
The preparation of the Specific Plan was initiated by the City of Grand Terrace in 1989, in order
to assure the systematic implementation of the City of Grand Terrace's General Plan within the
study area. Initial work consisted of the Constraints and Opportunities for the Barton Road
Commercial Corridor as well as goals and objectives of the Specific Plan.
The Barton Road Specific Plan is a regulatory plan that will serve as zoning law for properties
within the boundaries of the Plan as depicted on Exhibit 1. All proposed development plans or
agreements, tentative tract or parcel maps, and any other development approvals must be
consistent with this Specific Plan and automatically will be deemed consistent with the General
The proposed Specific Plan requires a discretionary action by the City of Grand Terrace, which
is.considered the Lead Agency. According to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),
all discretionary projects must be reviewed to determine their potential effects on the environment.
Pursuant to CEQA, the following analysis of environmental factors was conducted to determine
whether the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment. Background
explanatory information that supports the determination of effect for each issue is provided
The Barton Road Terrace area is composed of older, undifferentiated alluvial fan deposits and
decomposed clay-rich alluvium of the Pleistocene age. While the region is generally seismically
active, no known active fault zones are within the City of Grand Terrace. However, the San
Jacinto fault is located approximately one-half mile from the northeast corner of the City.
Mitigation measures should include requirements for design of structures in accordance with the
Uniform Building Code. Dust control techniques should be required during site grading as a
Condition of Approval for issuance of the grading permit.
Wind conditions control both the local and regional trajectory of emissions. The primary users of
new developments will be residents whose destination is already the Corridor, rather than new
shoppers from outside the area whose ultimate destination is the City's commercial core. Proposed
traffic control techniques (e.g., the addition of one traffic signal and synchronization of the traffic
signals), as well as the pedestrian orientation of the Specific Plan should mitigate the impacts of
auto emissions on the City's air quality.
Sheet flow of rain water from hillside areas has at times resulted in some localized street flooding.
A storm drain system has been proposed to alleviate this problem. The proposed Specific Plan
could impact local hydrology through the introduction of more intensive development and
resulting increases in storm flows. As commercial development evolves and areas are paved to
meet parking requirements, mitigation measures to allow for proper drainage should be
incorporated as Conditions of Approval.
The Corridor has been heavily impacted by existing development and human activity. No rare
or endangered plant species are known to inhabit the area. Numerous mature trees are located
within the study area that could be impacted by project development. However, it is a policy
of the General Plan and the Specific Plan to preserve, wherever possible, significant existing trees
along the Corridor and emphasize provision of trees in new development. This policy should be
incorporated as a Condition of Approval for all new development.
The proposed Specific Plan could result in increases in noise levels within the study area through
the introduction of higher levels of traffic than presently exist.
Noise impacts resulting from the proposed project would be primarily related to three sources:
(1) Traffic generated by study area uses (particularly in residential areas adjacent to the Barton
Road Corridor and commercial uses); (2) Commercial activities, such as unloading/loading of
goods and the operation of machinery and equipment; and (3) Construction activity, primarily
consisting of heavy equipment operation. Of these, the first two would be long-term cumulative
impacts; construction noise is short-term in nature and generally limited in area and extent.
The primary sources of long-term noise impacts could potentially be mitigated through reduction
in the number of vehicle trips generated within the study area. Because of the pedestrian
orientation of this Specific Plan, this mitigation will most likely occur as the Plan is fully
Light and glare may increase as commercial development evolves. These impacts should be
mitigated through Conditions of Approval by requiring that all lighting be directed away from
neighboring residential developments.
Although the proposed project is intended to establish a compatible pattern of land uses, the
proposed Specific Plan could result in land use impacts related to neighborhood compatibility.
Primary potential sources of neighborhood compatibility impacts include: the interface between
commercial and single family residential areas; traffic generated by commercial uses entering
residential areas; location of loading zones and trash areas adjacent to residential areas; and
the generation of noise by commercial uses.
One of the primary objectives of the proposed project is the elimination or reduction of land use
conflicts; thus, if implemented, the proposed project will likely result in positive impacts.
The level of any traffic and noise impacts can be mitigated through requiring the use of screening
and buffering to reduce potential incompatibilities.
Subarea 1, as identified on Exhibit 1, is close to the 1-215 Freeway and consists mainly of
residential uses, a school, and some strip commercial. It is an area in transition with several
residential structures having been converted to commercial uses. Lot consolidation and new
commercial development are the primary focus for this area.
West of City Hall in Subarea 3, uses are predominantly residential with a mixture of single family
and multiple family dwellings. The Specific Plan's main emphasis will be continued development
of office uses, but further multi-family development will not be permitted.
The loss of existing housing will be minimal, with the residential development market in other areas
of the City absorbing this reduction in available housing units. This loss is already accounted for
in the General Plan and are classified as legal nonconforming uses. The General Plan indicates
that sufficient medium density designated property and low density designated property exists that
could be developed with low- and moderate-income units.
Development of the proposed project, in combination with development in other areas of the City,
will increase traffic on study area roadways, caused by the increase in land use intensity within
the study area. Traffic levels will increase compared to existing levels however, they should not
increase over levels that would result from buildout according to existing General Plan
designations. Improvement of the study area's circulation system is a primary objective of the
proposed project; thus, positive impacts will result if the Specific Plan is developed as proposed.
Roadway improvements and synchronized traffic signalization will thus be required throughout most
of the study area. Other mitigation measures include: (1) limiting and/or consolidating vehicular
access points onto Barton Road; (2) providing necessary infrastructure improvements, such as
undergrounding utilities and landscaping, to maximize traffic efficiency; (3) establishing placement
of bus shelters and bus turnouts to assist traffic safety and efficiency; (4) reducing the number of
vehicular trips between individual sites that must use Barton Road by requiring private projects to
secure reciprocal parking access agreements prior to development. Shared parking and access
would facilitate efficient parcel usage and minimize traffic support facilities such as drives, parking
spaces, etc.; (5) discouraging new developments from taking primary access from residential
streets by developing internal circulation systems that direct traffic away from adjacent
Demand for police and fire protection would increase even if the proposed project is not
approved and the study area develops according to existing General Plan designations.
Demand for public utilities would increase even if the proposed project is not approved and the
study area develops according to existing General Plan designations.
One of the overall goals of the proposed project is the improvement of aesthetics within the
Specific Plan area, Thus, the proposed project has the potential to positively impact aesthetics
within the study area through the introduction of a significant amount of new development.
Without the establishment of development guidelines, negative impacts could result. Negative
impacts could also result from the potential removal or degradation of existing desirable visible
Potential positive impacts could result from the replacement of existing structures that exert a
negative visual influence on the study area and through the introduction of aesthetically pleasing
structures on parcels that are vacant or presently poorly maintained. Preservation of existing
mature trees within the study area could also positively impact study area aesthetics.
Demand for recreational activities will increase with or without development of this Specific Plan.
The landscaping and design concepts proposed in the Plan will provide open space and "pocket
park" opportunities within the Corridor.
No known archaeologic or paleontologic sites have been identified within the City of Grand
Terrace. The existing body of knowledge has not identified any likelihood of local settlement by
native Californians. The history of the City, particularly the agricultural use of the area, makes the
possibility of finding archaeologic and paleontologic resource materials remote. However, the
need for an archaeologic survey of vacant properties, especially in areas not subject to previous
development activity, should not be overlooked.
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