2016-13 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-13 / A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND APPROVING SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 15-06 AND ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-07 TO ESTABLISH A MEDICAL OFFICE/OUTPATIENT SURGERY CENTER, RESIDENCE AND TAKE-OUT COFFEE SHOP, LOCATED AT 22805 BARTON ROAD (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 0276-202-16) WHEREAS, Deborah Hong of Space Masters ("Applicant") has filed applications on behalf of Michael Gee, property owner, to establish an outpatient surgery center, residence and take-out coffee shop at 22805 Barton Road. The application proposes a complete interior and exterior remodel of the existing 2,788 square foot primary structure, a first floor addition of 1,273 and a second floor addition of 1,587 square feet. A take-out coffee shop is proposed in the 317 square foot accessory building. The property measures 20,000 square feet and is located in the Barton Road Specific Plan(`BRSP") and designated BRSP-Office Commercial. WHEREAS,the Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Guidelines,pursuant to Section 15332, which exempts in-fill projects. WHEREAS, on June 2, 2016, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on Project at the Grand Terrace City Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace: 1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the Project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and.reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission, and is hereby adopted. 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Site and Architectural Review 15-06: a. The Project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the General Plan. The proposed outpatient surgery center, residence and takeout coffee shop,are consistent with the Municipal Code and General Plan; and with the Barton Road Specific Plan, administrative commercial zoning designation, which supports mixed use residential/commercial projects. The proposed project meets the mixed use special provisions stated on the Barton Road Specific Plan. RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 1 JUNE 2, 2016 b. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this Project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The proposed project will be visually harmonious, the structure will not interfere with neighbor's privacy, the landscape will complement the area and overall it will meet the vision set out for the Barton Road Specific Plan. c. The architectural design of structures, their materials and colors are visually harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The proposed. structure complements and enhances the "village" scale, character and identity for the City of Grand Terrace Barton Road Corridor and is compatible in terms of style and scale with surrounding structures. d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The Applicants will reduce turf area with water efficient planters and meet landscaping requirements per Barton Road Specific Plan. e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting and natural landforms are preserved. The Project site is already developed and on-site existing and proposed landscaping will be maintained. f. The design and location of all signs associated with this Project are consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. No signs are proposed at this time. Any new signs that may be proposed in the future will be consistent with the Sign Code.. g. Conditions of approval for this Project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan have been applied to the Project. RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 2 JUNE 2,2016 3. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Administrative Conditional Use Permit(CUP) 15-07: a. . The proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, and conforms to the general welfare of the persons working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the City. The Project will be built in accordance with the building codes, meets all applicable setbacks, and be structurally harmonious and blend with the existing building structures of the Barton Road Specific Plan. b. The proposed use will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City because the Project will be built in an already developed site, in accordance with the building codes and meets all applicable setbacks c. The proposed is consistent with the General Plan. The project is consistent with the goals, policies and regulations of the General Plan and the Barton Road Specific Plan Office Commercial including mixed use standards. d. Conditions necessary to secure the purposes of this chapter are made a part of the conditional use permit. 4. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to the special provisions set for Mixed Use Residential/Commercial: a. The proposed shall comply with all findings required by Section 18.63.060 Site and Architectural Review of the City Zoning Code. b. The proposed residential component of the project shall be well integrated into the overall design of the project and complements the proposed commercial uses. The residential unit is on the second level of the primary structure and has been integrated into the overall design of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Site and Architectural Review 15-06 and Conditional Use Permit 15-07 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. A Site and Architectural Review application (SA) 15-06 and Administrative Conditional Use Permit(ACUP) 15-07 are approved to establish an outpatient surgery center, residence and takeout coffee shop on a 20,000 square feet lot. The proposal includes a complete interior and exterior remodel of the existing 2,788 square foot primary structure. A first floor addition of 1,273 and a second floor addition of 1,587 square feet. The second level is a proposed dwelling unit to be used as a doctor's quarters. The proposal also includes a 317 square foot accessory building to be remodeled and used as a take-out coffee shop. The proposal is located in the Barton Road Specific Plan (`BRSP") and designated BRSP- Office Commercial. This approval is based on the application and materials submitted on October 15, 2015, including the revised plans dated March 30, 2016. These plans are i approved as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered except as RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 3 JUNE 2, 2016 modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. 2. This approval shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless the use has been inaugurated or a time extension has been granted by the City, in accordance with Chapter 18.63 of the Zoning Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty(60) days prior to the expiration date. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Planning and Development Services Director. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 4. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 5. The applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees, and demonstrate the payment of school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department. 6. Construction and operational activities associated with the project shall comply with the regulations of the.City's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 7. All contractors shall acquire a valid City business license and be in compliance with all City codes 8. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace Building and Safety/Public Works Division, including the Conditions of Approval contained in the Building and Safety memorandum dated November 9,2015, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 9. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall comply with the Conditions of Approval contained in the San Bernardino County Fire Department memorandum, dated April 29,2016,permit number F201600400, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 10. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain all clearances by the San Bernardino County Division of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) for the food service. 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain all clearances by the San Bernardino County Division of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) for a Medical waste Generator Permit, if applicable. RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 4 JUNE 2,2016 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain all requisite permits and clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company(RHWCO). 13. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy a sign shall be posted stating the rear parking lot and shall only be permitted for employee parking use. 14. Prior to final site plan approval, the site plan shall be revised to shift parking spaces 5-11, 5-12,DA-1 and the"No Parking Zone"to the east by eight feet. 15. The final architectural elevations shall show the roof on the main building match the blue- gray asphalt shingle roof proposed on the takeout coffee house. 16. Pursuant to Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code, the applicant shall revise the site plan to provide two parking spaces; at least one space shall be located within an enclosed garage. 17. The location of all building-mounted light fixtures shall be shown on the elevations. A detail of said fixtures shall be shown on the elevations, and fixtures shall be decorative and complementary to the building architecture. Lighting shall not glare onto adjoining properties and may need to be shielded. Lighting shall not exceed eighteen feet in height from the finished grade and shall be designed to reflect away from residential district and public roadways. i 18. The applicant shall obtain a sign permit prior to the installation of any signs. 19. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of the final landscape and irrigation plan to the Community Development/Planning Department for review and approval. The plans shall be prepared in conformance of the adopted Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, as modified by the State of California Model Ordinance, if applicable. The plans shall include the following: a. Incorporate parkway trees in accordance with Chapter 12.10 Parkway Trees, and trees at the end parking aisle planters; b. Ensure that proposed plant material, at maturity, will maintain clear line visibility at all intersections; as determined by the City's Traffic Engineer. c. Plant material adheres to spacing recommendations based on plant and shrub species; and d. Note the material that will placed in planter areas, i.e. mulch, decorative rock, etc. e. Use drip irrigation system. 20. The trash enclosure shall be constructed of decorative block walls, with solid metal gates attached to posts, embedded in concrete. 21. Decorative paving, measuring a minimum of fifteen (15) feet wide shall be installed at all project entrances. 22. The site plan shall show the installation of a bike rack. RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 5 JUNE 2,2016 23. The location and method of screening for all roof-mounted and building-mounted equipment shall be demonstrated on the elevations. All equipment shall be screened from public view and designed to be an integral component of the building design. All roof- mounted equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls or other architectural means. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that no roof-mounted equipment will be visible from the public right-of-way. 24. The applicant shall be responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the. site, including parking lot paving condition and striping, clearing of trash, weeds and debris, lighting, and other site improvements. All parking facilities shall be maintained in good condition. The maintenance thereof may include, but shall not be limited to the repaving, sealing, and striping of a parking area and the repair, restoration and/or replacement of any parking area design features when deemed necessary by the City to insure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. 25. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division for a final inspection a minimum two weeks prior to the inspection date requested. 26. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must sign and return an "Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and content shall be prepared by the Community Development Department. 27. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the coffee shop, access along Barton Road shall be reviewed by the City's Traffic Engineer and all recommendations adhered to. 28. The proposed residence shall be used as temporary doctor's quarters only and shall not be occupied for a period of time longer than thirty(30) consecutive days, or let out for rent. 29. The applicant shall submit a grading plan demonstrating that parking lot drainage is being retained on site. 30. No later than six (6) months after issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the coffee shop, the Planning and Development Services Director shall have the use evaluated by the City's Traffic Engineer for traffic related impacts. If adverse traffic impacts are identified, the Administrative Conditional Use Permit for the coffee shop shall be reviewed, pursuant to Section 18.80.032 (Revisions or modifications). RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 6 JUNE 2, 2016 PASSED AND ADOPTED b the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace � Y g Y California, at a public hearing held on the 2nd day of June, 2016. AYES: Commissioners, Giroux, Cesena, Allen Vice-Chairman Stephens, Chairman Comstock NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: ?esseica Lambarena forn Comstock Secretary Vice Chair RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 7 JUNE 2,2016 Exhibit 1 Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Date: November 9, 2015. Applicant: Space Masters Address of Applicant: 3435 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2905, LA CA 90010 Site.Location: 22805 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 APN: 0276-202-016 Project: (SA) 15-06, (ACUP) 15-07 Provide four (4) sets -of construction plans and documentation for.plan review of.the. proposed project. Below you will find a list of the .plans and. documents Building and Safety will need for plan review. The initial plan review will take approximately two weeks on most projects. . Provide the following sets of plans and documents. Buildina and Safetv submittal's reauired at first plan review. (4) Architectural Plans (4) Structural Plans (2) Structural Calculations (4) Plot/Site Plans (4) Electrical Plans (4) . . Electrical Load Calculations (4) Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas (4) Mechanical Plans (4)- Mechanical Duct Layout Plans. (2) Roof and Floor Truss Plans (2) Title.24 Energy Calculations. (4) Precise Grading Plans (2) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan (2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (1) Approved Health Department Plan for the Coffee Shop Buildina & Safety General Information RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 8 JUNE 2, 2016 All structures shall:be designed in accordance with the 2013 California Building Code,. 2013 California Mechanical Code, 2013, California Plumbing Code,. and the 2013 California Electrical Code, 2013 Residential Code and ' the 2013 California Green Buildings Standards adopted.by the State of California. The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building & Safety Job Card. Building & Safety inspection requests can be made twenty four.(24) hours in -advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) .824-6621. You may also request inspections at the Building & Safety public counter. All construction.sites must be protected by a security fence.and screening. The fencing . and screening shall be maintained at all times to.protect pedestrians. Temporary toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers. The toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical �- Permit from Building & Safety: No temporary.electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the following items is in place.and approved by Building & Safety and the Planning Department. (A) Installation of a construction trailer, or, (B) Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located. Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers can be located in the public street right of way. Site development and grading shall be designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floors exits and.access to normal paths of travel, and where necessary to provide access. Paths of travel shall incorporate (but not limited to) exterior stairs, landings, walks and sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, warning curbs, detectable warning, signage, gates, lifts and walking surface materials. The accessible route(s) of travel shall be the most practical direct route between accessible building entrances, site facilities, accessible parking, public sidewalks, and the accessible entrance(s) to the site, California Building Code, (CBC) Chapter 11, Sections, 11A and 11 B. The City enforces the State of California provisions of the California Building Code disabled access requirements. The Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - standards may differ in some cases from the California State requirements, therefore it RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 9 JUNE 2,2016 is- the building owner's responsibility to be aware of those differences and- comply accordingly. Site facilities such as parking open or covered, recreation facilities;-and trash dumpster areas, and common use areas shall be accessible per the CBC, Chapter 11. Separate plan submittals are required for the accessory structure, (Coffee-Shop). Pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code-Section 6737, most projects are required to be designed by,a-California Licensed Architect or Engineer. The project owner or.developer should review the section of the California Codes and comply with the regulation. Building & Safetv.Conditions Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay all Development Improvement Fee's to the City; this also includes school fees and outside agency fees such as sewer water and utilities. Copies of receipts shall be provided to Building & Safety prior to permit issuance. All on site utilities shall be underground to the new proposed structure unless prior approval has been obtained by the utility company.or the City. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed and approved by the responsible agency. On site fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the fire hydrants are'established and approved. Prior to issuance of building permits, site grading certification and pad certifications shall .be submitted to .Building & Safety. Prior to concrete placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and set backs of the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structure is in conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad certifications. The certifications are required to be signed by the engineer of record. Prior to issuance of building- permits, provide Building & Safety with a will service letter from Riverside Highland Water Company. Prior to final occupancy of the Coffee Shop, a Health Department approval will be required. All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES). RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 10 JUNE 2,2016 1 1 Public Works Provide pedestrian access from the public right-of-way on-site and- to each building and on-site. Remove the entire damaged driveway approach and replace with a new driveway approach using San Bernardino County Standard 204. Provide disabled access behind driveway at pedestrian sidewalk. RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 11 JUNE 2,2016 Exhibit 2 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO . ' e PUBLIC AND SUPPORT FIRE DEPARTMENT ,�,* -, SERVICES GROUP ")FFICE.OF THE FIRE MARSHAL O MARK A. HARTWIG "OMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION - Fire Chief 620 South"E"Street ` San Bernardino,CA.92415-0179 • "' (909)386-8400=Fax(909)386-8460 DATE: April 29,2016 EXPIRATION: April 2017 CHARMS PROPERTY,INC 22805 BARTON RD GRAND TERRACE,CA 92M PERMIT NUMBER: "17201600400 PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: 22805 BARTON RD-GRAND TERRACE PROJECT TYPE: CUP OCCUPANCY TYPE: B APN: 0276-202-16-0000 PROPOSAL: PLANNER: Dear Applicant: Jith' respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project, the San Bernardino County Fire epartment requires the following .fire protection measures to be provided in-accordance with applicable local ordinances, codes,and/or recognized fire protection standards. .The Fire Conditions Attachment of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and STANDARDS.which are applied to this project. FIRE CONDITIONS: All FIRE CONDITIONS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE ATTACHED Page of . Sincerely, Jeff Stinson, Fire Prevention Specialist San.Bernardino County Fire Department Valley Division Community Safety Division Duty,Honor,Community RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE 1 OF 12 JUNE 2,2016 FIRE CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT s !SATE: 05-03-2016 � i PROJECT: ` -,:�ERMITNUMBER: F201600400 LOCATION: 22805 BARTON RD-'GRAND TERRACE ~ PARCEL: 0276-202-16-0000 a �' • CONDITIONS Cond: EXPNOTE Construction permits,.including Fire Condition Letters,shall automatically expire,and become, invalid unless the work.authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned fora period,of 180 days after the time the work is commenced. Suspension or abandonment shall mean that no inspection by the Department has occured with 180 days of any previous inspection.After a construction permit or Fire'Condition Letter, becomes invalid and before.such previously approved work recommences, a new permit shall be first obtained.and the fee.to recommence work shall be one-half the fee.for the new permit for such work,provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original construction documents for such work,and provided further that such suspension-or abandonment has not exceeded one-year.A request to extend-the Fire Condition Letter or.Permit may be made in writing PRIOR TO the expiration date justifying the reason that the Fire Condition Letter should be extended. Cond: F01 Jurisdiction. The above referenced project is under-the jurisdiction of the San'Bemardino County Fire Department herein("Fire Department'). Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel,the applicant shall contact the Fire Department for verification of current fire protection _ .,_`_quirements.All new construction shall comply with the current Uniform Fire.Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes,ordinances and standards of the Fire Department. [F01] -Cond: FO5 Water System. Prior to any land disturbance,.the water"systems shall be designed to meet the required fire flow for this development and shall be.approved by the Fire.Department. The required fire flow shall be determined by using Appendix IIIA of the-Uniform fire Code. [FO5] Cond: FO5A Fire Hydrant.Your project meets fire flow however the fire hydrant shown in your submittal is in excess of the required spacing and/or a substandard fire hydrant You will be required to either install an approved fire hydrant within 300 feet(as measured along vehicular travel-ways)from the driveway on the address side of the proposed structure or install an approved fire sprinkler system. This requirement shall be completed prior to combination inspection by Building and Safety. [FO5A] Cond: F45 Access-150+feet. Roadways exceeding one hundred fifty(150)feet in length shall be approved by the Fire Department.These shall be extended to within one hundred fifty(150)feet of and shall give reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. _,Standard 902.2.1 [F45] i 20f RESOLUTION 2016-13 Pag FAUN 1 Ut Is JUKE 2, 2016 FIRE CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT —Y RATE: 05-03-2016 PROJECT: ocia _)ERMIT NUMBER: F201600400 !. LOCATION: 22805 BARTON RD-GRAND TERRACE PARCEL: 0276-202-16-0000 s";" • _' Cond: F50 Cell Site buildings. The applicant shall submit.three(3)sets of building plans to the Fire Department for review:and approval.When the.proposed cell site.equipment.storage buildings include a fire suppression system,four(4)sets of plans shall be submitted for approval. (Add-to plan when applicable)This site is within the FS1-,2:or 3 Overlay District and all such buildings shall have a.fire:suppression system.[F50] Cond:F54 PSTS'Interference. Cell site installation and operation of the proposed system shall not cause harmful interference to the County's Public Safety Telecommunications System(PSTS). If it is determined that the system causes harmful interference with PSTS operations the cell tower operations shall cease immediately upon order of.the Fire Chief or other County official. [1751] Cond:F88 Fire Extinguishers. Hand portable fire extinguishers are required. The location, type, and cabinet design shall be approved by the Fire Department.[F88] Cond:CON0035015 ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK:Generators'with tanks that exceed 50 gallons of fuel must be permitted on separate permit.. r� Pageof RESOLUTION 2016-13 PAGE OFF JUNE 2,2016