10/09/2018 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AND CITY COUNCIL AS THE.SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES • OCTOBER 9, 2018 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Mayor Darcy McNaboe announced that the City Council meeting will be adjourned in memory of resident and community volunteer, Michael Paul "Mickey" Bubier and Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles' relative, Jade Maldonado. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Pastor Timothy Isom of Faithway Fellowship Church of the Nazarene. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Grand Terrace resident, Frank Tetley. Attendee Name . Title ' Status _I:Arrived Darcy McNaboe 1 Mayor Present Sylvia Robles I Mayor Pro Teem_ _ Present Doug Wilson uncil Member~ Present Bill Hussey _ j Council Member Present ! Kenneth J. Henderson I Council Member _� Present ___ G. Harold Duffey City Manager Present Debra Thomas City Clerk Present Richard Adams j City Attorney Present Alan French Public Works Director Present ` Sandra Molina Planning & Development Services Present Director Cynthia A. Fortune Assistant City Manager Present ! A. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 B. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Kenneth J. Henderson asked if the City Attorney had an opportunity to review the contract for Volt Live under Agenda Item #8. Richard Adams, II, City Attorney indicated he has reviewed the contract whereby he made revisions recommended from the September 25, 2018 City Council meeting and the vendor accepted those revisions. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: :_, Doug Wilson;Council-Member SECONDER: Kenneth J. Henderson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles$ Wilson, Hussey, Henderson 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting — 09/25/2018 3. Attachment to Minutes - 09/25/2018 4. Planning Commission, Historical & Cultural Activities Committee, Volunteer Emergency Operations Committee and Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes RECEIVE AND FILE. 5. Approval of Check Register No. 09302018 in the Amount of$1,150,091.97 APPROVE CHECK REGISTER NO. 09302018 IN THE AMOUNT $1,150,091.97 AS SUBMITTED, WHICH INCLUDES THE CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT INDEX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-19. 6. Monthly Financial Report for July-2018 RECEIVE AND FILE THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT . FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JULY 31, 2018. 7.' City Department Monthly Activity Report - July 2018 RECEIVE AND FILE. 8. Contract for Laser Light Productions with Volt Live for 2018 Veteran's Day Celebration at Veteran's Freedom Park APPROVE CONTRACT WITH VOLT LIVE IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,400 FOR LASER LIGHT SHOW AT THE VETERAN'S FREEDOM PARK C. PUBLIC COMMENT Frank Tetley, Grand Terrace, CA made a few comments about the character and personality of recently deceased resident Mickey Bubier. Mr. Tetley wanted to share how he will be missed by many groups in the community and outlined those which he participated in. City of Grand Terrace page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace, CA accused the City and Elected Officials in eliminating his political signs and suppressing his freedom of political speech: He also provided a brief history.on the 2013 Measure C special election and how that resulted in failure to pass. Mr. McConnell feels singled out and harassed by the City and intends on taking his concerns to the Grand Jury. He also wanted to share that Mickey Bubier was a good friend and a good Lion. Valerie Holmes and Nicole Littlefield, Veterans Wall of Freedom Committee Members wanted to send their condolences to Mickey's family who was the organizations founding member. Ms. Holmes invited the City Council to the Veteran's Day celebration which coincides with the City's 40th birthday. Ms. Holmes stated that the ceremony will begin on November 11, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. in Veteran's Freedom Park. Jeremy Rivera, Grand Terrace, CA is concerned about Mr. TV Video's upkeep and would like City Council to direct the City Manager to get something put in on that corner. He accused GT Pit Stop of having more cars on its lot than most used cars do. He requested code enforcement address issues he has observed. He stated residents who do not maintain their lawns will be turned in to code enforcement. He accused those homeowners of not complying with the City's municipal code. He would like the City Council and staff to draft a new policy stating that a lawn must be an improved surface, drought resistant artificial turf,.or water green grass. D. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Kenneth J. Henderson Council Member Kenneth J. Henderson announced that the City Council addressed the Fire Protection District's Annexation of Parcels at its September 25, 2018 Regular City Council meeting and unanimously adopted a resolution opposing the imposition,of the parcel tax by the Fire District and the Board of Supervisors acting as the Fire District Board. It is important that residents know the board meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. on October 16, 2018 and encourages anyone who can attend to testify on behalf of the City and oppose the Fire District tax. He shared a story with everyone about a four-year-old who stopped him and asked him about his political sign which he was happy to explain. The next time he saw the young boy, he stated he wanted to talk with Council Member Henderson and he had some friends who wanted to talk with him. The young boy had a message for the Mayor and City Council which was essentially a request for better places to eat, better places to play, the need for kid's facilities, and overall it was an interesting conversation with about five or six like-minded four and five year olds. It was a tremendous experience and Council Member Henderson promised he would pass on their message to City Council and City staff. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Bill Hussey wanted to honor Mickey Bubier and shared some memories together. Council Member Hussey wanted to explain that he was contacted by.residents with numerous complaints about Mr. McConnell's campaign presence at the donut shop and he was the one who contacted the Assistant City Manager to address the issue. He explained that the City has ordinances in place to help maintain the City and its appearance. Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Doug Wilson shared some of his own memories of Mickey Bubier and stated what an extraordinary individual he was and offered his assistance to the family if needed. Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles extended her condolences to the family of Mickey Bubier and commented on a story Mickey shared about his trip to Tahiti with his family. Mayor Pro Tern Robles commented on the recent tragic death of her family member Jade Maldonado. She described how the family had limited resources and how Jade helped take care of her mother and at the age of six, donated bone marrow to help save her brother's life. She was a straight A student, just received awards for that achievement and wanted to be a medical doctor. She commented on the beauty of a daughter the family had and to extend the City of Grand Terrace condolences. Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor Darcy McNaboe extended her condolences to Mayor Pro Tern Robles for her family's loss. On September 27, 2018, Mayor McNaboe gave the opening remarks to the 6th Annual San Bernardino Country Transportation Authority's (SBCTA) Business to Business Expo as Vice President of SBCTA, as well as representing the City of Grand Terrace as Mayor. The opportunity gave the City some recognition in the countywide area. Mayor McNaboe attended the SBCTA Board Meeting on October 3, 2018 the following was discussed: Conference with Real Property Negotiators -- Property: Southeast corner of Stowell Street & 2nd Avenue, Upland -- Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation -- SBCTA--Bigg Dane & Beales's Texas BBQ, LLC v. City of Rancho Cucamonga, City of Fontana, San Bernardino Council of Governments in the San Bernardino Superior Court City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 Received State and Federal Legislative Updates and various Audit Reports Potential Impacts of Proposed Repeal of Senate Bill 1 on San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Projects Amended contracts for service on multiple contracts Adopted the. final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Lilac to Rancho Double Tracking Project Appointed Council Member Ray Marquez from the City of Chino Hills to the State Route 91 Advisory Committee as an Ex-Officio representative for a term ending on December 31, 2020. Mayor McNaboe commented on Lion Mickey Bubier and how to her, he had the heart of a Lion and would do whatever it took to complete his commitments and he could always be counted on. She stated the community will certainly miss Mickey and all of the good that he brought to the community. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 9. Re-Establishing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program and Transitioning the Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) to the CERT Program Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A RESOLUTION RE-ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE (CERT) PROGRAM AND DISBANDING, EFFECTIVE ON JANUARY 1, 2019, THE VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE City,of Grand Terrace Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 RESULT" APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER:-' Kenneth J. Henderson, Council Member ! 'SECONDER Doug Wilson, Council Member r AYES ,_ " M6N boe, Robles; Wilson Hussey, Henderson ' 10.Assessing Additional Public Safety Services in Grand Terrace through Community Survey Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager gave the presentation for this item. Mayor Pro Tern Robles believes the City should include multiple questions in the survey, not just one, for the $24,000.00 that has been quoted for the service. G. Harold Duffey, City Manager stated additional questions could be included, however the quote received is fashioned for just the one component. Mayor Pro Tern Robles suggested an Ad Hoc Committee be created to include two members which would allow for a deeper dive into what type of questions the City could ask and what the costs would be. City Manager Duffey explained that if an Ad Hoc Committee is created, staff could provide them with the last two years. of Council agenda items to help spark some questions. Council Member Hussey believes if the survey says residents require additional sheriff services, and that request is brought back to council however council doesn't approve it, the City just wasted $24,000 that could have been used for additional sheriff's coverage. Council Member Wilson asked if the item was a device to determine the likelihood that residents would actually vote for tax measure or is this something that is supposed to ask whether they recognize that they need additional police if someone will give it to them. City Manager Duffey stated he question would ask if the voter favor financial support to have additional officers. PUBLIC COMMENT Jeremy Rivera,. Grand Terrace, CA provided some history as to the reasons why he started questioning the City's expenses and employee salaries. He suggested that the City could utilize Survey Monkey to conduct a one survey question; would you like more law enforcement: Yes or No. . Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace, CA believes the item has political undertones and should be postponed until after the election. After that, he believes`the residents should City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018, conduct the survey without the assistance of staff and can be done at a much lesser cost. Council Member Henderson has difficulty with the proposal. He believes most.Grand Terrace residents believe the City should have enhanced law enforcement however the question is, "How should we pay for it." There is not a consensus on how to pay for it and he conveyed the various approaches that have been presented in the past on how to pay for it. He is not inclined to support the agenda item request. Council Member Wilson moved with a second by Council Member Henderson to: 1. NOT PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF TO HIRE A CONSULTANT TO ASSESS COMMUNITY SUPPORT IN RELATION TO ADDITIONAL, PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES; AND 2. NOT APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION OF $24,000 FROM THE GENERAL FUND FUND BALANCE TO COVER THE ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE SURVEY. RESULT: APPROVED_[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Doug-,Wilson, Council Member SECONDER: Kenneth J. Henderson, Council'Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Wilson, Hussey, Henderson 11.Award from Community Benefits Fund to the Grand Terrace High School Legacy Regiment Boosters for the Purchase of a Band Equipment Trailer. Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. 1. APPROVE THE AWARD OF $2,000 FROM THE CITY'S COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND TO THE GRAND TERRACE HIGH SCHOOL LEGACY REGIMENT BOOSTERS TO AUGMENT CURRENT FUNDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF A BAND EQUIPMENT TRAILER. RESULT: APPROVED-[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tem SECONDER: Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles;•Wilson, Hussey, Henderson, 12.Updated List of Eligible Projects that Are Consistent with the City's Redevelopment Plan and 2011 Bond Indenture G. Harold Duffey, City Manager, along with Staff gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. The presentation included a brief history of Senate Bill 107, an update on the City Council's brainstorming session from its September 25, 2018 Council meeting, the creation of priority projects with additional funding sources and additional projects for the City Council to consider. City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 PUBLIC COMMENT Jeremy Rivera, Grand .Terrace, CA suggested that the City be very diligent in how it spends the money and made some suggestions on partnering with other agencies to assist with funding the Mt. Vernon Slope which he suggested naming the Bluff at Grand .Terrace. He also suggested Barton Road be converted into a boulevard and requested the removal of a hotel from the list. Discussion ensued regarding the list of projects complying with the Redevelopment . Agency's original intent and confirmation that those items listed, are in line with that intent. Mayor McNaboe recessed the City Council meeting at 7:58 p.m. Mayor McNaboe reconvened the City Council meeting at 8:05 p.m. 1. APPROVE PROJECT LIST WHICH IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (2010) AND 2011 A AND B BONDS, AND 2. DIRECT STAFF TO DEVELOP PRIORITY PROJECTS FIRST AND ADDITIONAL ITEMS ON THE PROJECT LIST ONCE PRIORITY ITEMS HAVE BEEN FUNDED. RESULT: ' APPROVED [4 TO 1] MOVER: Kenneth J._Hende'r Council'Member SECONDER: Bill Hussey,Y Council Member '• ° , AYES: Darcy.McNaboe, Sylvia Robles; Bill Hussey, Kenneth J. Henderson , NAYS: Doug Wilson 13.Draft Grand.Terrace Active Transportation Plan Sandra Molina, Planning and Development'Services Director introduced Joe Punsalan, Senior Associate of KTU&A Planning and Landscape Architecture who gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. PUBLIC COMMENT Jeremy Rivera, Grand Terrace, CA commented that. he believed Michigan Street was missing from the plan and would request that street be incorporated into the Active Transportation Plan. Director Molina clarified that Michigan Street is included in the.plan and that KTUA coordinated with other funding agencies so there was no overlap in the plan. City of Grand Terrace page 8 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 RECEIVE- A REPORT ON THE DRAFT GRAND TERRACE ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN AND PROVIDE INPUT TO STAFF RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN 14'.Agreement for Legal Services with Aleshire &Wynder Cynthia Fortune, Assistant City Manager gave the presentation for this item. APPROVE THE AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES WITH ALESHIRE AND WYNDER. CITY COUNCIL: -- RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] - MOVER Kenneth J:;Henderson, Council Member SECONDER-- M Sylvia Robles, ayor Pro Tem .. -AYES.. McNaboe,�Robles,;Wilson, Hussey, Henderson CITY COUNCIL AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: . RESULT �, APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] 1 , .MOVER:. Kenneth J. Henderson,' Board Member. I j .SECONDER Sylvia Robles, Vice Chair AYES " ' McNaboe; Robles, Wilson, Hussey, Henderson H. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS G. Harold Duffey, City Manager provided an update that Southern California Edison completed their conversion of the City's streetlights from high sodium lights to LEDs. He also reminded City Council of the Family Picnic & Car Show celebrating the City's Fabulous 40th Birthday on Saturday, October 13th from 11:00 to 6:00 p.m. He also reminded the City Council of the City's Country Fair put on by the Historical & Cultural Committee on Saturday, November 3, 2018 from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. Also, at the country fair will be a farmer's market and live music. A celebration of Veterans will be held on November 11, 2018 at Veterans Freedom Park. City of Grand Terrace Page 9 Minutes. Grand Terrace City Council and Successor Agency October 9, 2018 I. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session at 8:30 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1) Title: City Manager RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION The City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency reconvened to Open Session at 9:04 p.m. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Mayor McNaboe announced that there was not reportable action. J. ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 9:05 p.m. in memory of Michael Paul "Mickey" Bubier and Jade Maldonado. The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Dar McN a or Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk City of Grand Terrace Page 10