10/25/2016 * CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • OCTOBER 25, 2016 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNaboe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Invocation was given by Pastor Alger Keough, Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Richard Peterson. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title ;:-Status .Arrived _Darcy McNaboe I Mayor I Present Sylvia Robles i Mayor Pro Tern Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member j Present j - Doug Wilson Council Member Present Bill Hussey Council Member ; Present G. Harold Duffey City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk i Present j _Richard Adams City Attorney _ j Present j Linda Phillips ! Child Care ; Present j Yanni Demitri I Public Works Director Present Sandra Molina i Planning & Development Services Director Present Cynthia Fortune ! Finance Director_ N ! Present ) Dan Wooters Battalion Chief ; Present j Doug Wolfe ! Lieutenant Present A: SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department1st Quarter (January - March) and 2nd Quarter (April - June) Statistics Report - Lt. Wolfe Lt. Wolfe provided a summary of the PowerPoint Presentation for this item. A Council and staff discussion ensued on the deputy reports and calls for service. The ability to have the Citizen's on Patrol Grand Terrace volunteers patrol within the City of Grand Terrace only. Additional information was requested and provided on what residents could do to deter burglars. _,A City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 CONSENT CALENDAR Approved all consent calendar items. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Doug Wilson Council Member SECONDER: Sylvia.Robles, Mayor Pro'Tem AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda WAIVED FULL READING OF ALL ORDINANCE ON THE AGENDA 2. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting — 10/11/2016 APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE 10/11/2016 REGULAR MEETING 3. Monthly Financial Report for August 2016 RECEIVED AND FILED THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2016. 4. Monthly Business License Report for August 2016 RECEIVED AND FILED THE MONTHLY BUSINESS LICENSE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2016. 5. Authority to Apply for Grant from CalRecycle Rubberized Pavement Grant Program APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2016-41, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION FOR ALL CALRECYCLE GRANTS FOR WHICH THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IS ELIGIBLE. 6. Appointments to the Volunteer Emergency Operations Committee As amended 1) RE-APPOINTED PAUL TICKNER AND VIC PHENNIGHA.USEN TO NEW FOUR- YEAR VOTING MEMBER POSITIONS WITH TERMS EXPIRING ON JUNE 30, 2020; AND 2) RE-APPOINTED PETE PARSONS TO A NEW FOUR-YEAR ALTERNATE MEMBER POSITION WITH A TERM EXPIRING ON JUNE 30, 2020. 7. Amendment to CalPERS Health Contract for City Hall Employees ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2016-42, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION AT UNEQUAL AMOUNTS 'FOR City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION C. PUBLIC COMMENT Bob Lavin, Freedom Wall Committee Chairman, invited everyone to the Veterans Day ceremony and park dedication scheduled for Friday, November 11, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. at Pico Park now Veterans Freedom Park. D. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS r Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone in attendance and Lt. Wolfe for his presentation. He and Mayor Pro Tern Robles did a fellowship at the senior center and there were some Veterans there that would like to place their names on the wall. Council Member Hussey already provided this information to Danny Flores. He also informed City Manager Duffey that there were several Veterans at the Senior Center that wanted to attend the ceremony on Friday and requested the use of the City's bus for this. He attended the High School football game on Friday it was a great event. Council Member Hussey along with Mayor McNaboe attended the Community Clean up day on October 22, 2016. He thanked the volunteers that organized it and the Titan players that also helped clean. He reported that at the CVS parking lot there was a lot of trash and requested to have someone inform them. Council Member Hussey requested additional trash cans along Vista Grande Way and have the Sheriffs patrol that area. He also requested that the replacement slide at Richard Rollins Park be expedited to ensure child safety and that the volunteer at the park has requested additional trash cans. Council Member Hussey thanked City staff for the upcoming dog clinic and requested that the participants have their dogs on leashes and that they control their dogs. Council Member Doug Wilson -Council Member Wilson acknowledged the Emergency Operations Committee Members and requested that an item be put on the agenda to provide them with one of the three City pins in recognition of their years of service. He also acknowledged the Sheriffs Department especially Lt. Wolfe on a very busy month. Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell thanked everyone that attended the meeting. She reported that she attended the anti-bullying rally at Terrace View Elementary School. She also participated in the second meeting of the annual Grand Terrace Holiday Event. Council Member Mitchell, with the assistance of City Manager Duffey, hosted a Girl Scout Troop tour of the Council chambers. She suggested that the City staff use heavy duty plastic City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 wrap on the slide to prevent its use. Council Member Mitchell stated she would be out of i town next week and would work through the City Clerk to get a replacement to attend her Gangs & Drugs Taskforce meeting on November 2, 2016. Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia.Robles Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported that the Chamber had a meet and greet candidate forum. The Senior Center also had an informal meet and greet. She attended the Grand Terrace Woman's League meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Robles praised the senior center meals and the new senior transportation services. Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe provided a written summary of her report as follows: SANBAG - Metro Valley Study Session - October 13, 2016 Consent - Proiect Delivery Recommend for approval - Construction Contract Change Orders to on-going SANBAG construction contracts with Ortiz Enterprises, Inc., Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Riverside Construction Company, Inc., Flatiron West, Inc. and MCM Construction, Inc Discussion - Proiect Delivery Reviewed and recommended approval for; Interstate 10/Alabama Street Improvement Project o A. Approve an exception to Measure I Strategic Plan Policy to allow the City of Redlands to act as the Sponsoring Agency o B. Approve Cooperative Agreement with the City of Redlands for all phases of the Project o C. Approve Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for review and approval of the Project Study Report/Project Development Support for the Project pursuant Discussion - Regional/Subregional Planning Receive a presentation about SANBAG's "Customer-Based Ridesharing, and Transit Interconnectivity Study." Reviewed and recommended submission of grand application to Caltrans and to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) o A. Received information on proposed SANBAG grant applications under the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program and the 2016 SCAG Sustainability Planning Grant Program. o B. Authorize the SANBAG Executive Director to sign a letter of intent to support the projects under,the 2016 SCAG Sustainability Planning Grant Program prior to receiving funding. �. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand:Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 Discussion -Administrative Matters Reviewed and voted to recommend rebranding of the San Bernardino Associated Governments and San Bernardino County Transportation Authority o A. Approve the new brand associated with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, effective January 1, 2017, concurrently with the effective date of SB 1305. o B. Approve the new brand associated with the San Bernardino Associated Governments, effective January 1, 2017, concurrently with the effective date of SB 1305. o C. Approve and authorize the Executive Director to execute and file such documents as are necessary to enable the San Bernardino Associated Governments to do: business as the San Bernardino Council of Governments. 2. Monday, Oct 17 - Addressed the students at Terrace View Elementary as part of their Red Ribbon Week kickoff on. The focus of the week is the choices that are available to students, encouraging them to staff off drugs and value the choices they have available to them. Local businesses participated by reinforcing the students pledges to be drug free with discounts and giveaways - McDonalds, La Pasta, Chillz. 3. Wednesday, Oct 19 - Unity Day at Terrace View and Grand Terrace Elementary - encourage students to be kind to each other and put an end to bullying. 4. Saturday, Oct 22 - Foundation of Grand Terrace Keep Grand Terrace Clean and Beautiful Committee - Semi Annual clean up day - residents & members of the high school football team. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. Zoning Code Amendment 16-03; an Ordinance Repealing and Replacing in Its Entirety Chapter 18.91 (Marijuana Regulations) of Title 18 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code As revised. Planning & Development Services Director Molina introduced Deputy City Attorney Keith Collins. She also corrected packet page 58 to read City Council instead of Planning Commission. Deputy City Attorney Collins presented this staff report. Mayor McNaboe opened the Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m. There being no speakers in favor or opposition, Mayor McNaboe closed the Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m. City Clerk Jacquez-Nares read by title only Ordinance Nos. 299 and 300 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 299 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THIS City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 AMENDMENT IS EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061(B)(3) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND AMENDING THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING AND REPLACING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 18.91 (MARIJUANA REGULATIONS) OF TITLE 18 RELATING TO MARIJUANA ACTIVITY; AND ORDINANCE NO. 300 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 36937 DETERMINING THIS AMENDMENT EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061(B)(3) OF .THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND AMENDING THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING AND REPLACING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 18.91 (MARIJUANA REGULATIONS) RELATING TO MARIJUANA ACTIVITY FOR THE IMMEDIATE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY 1) CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; 2) READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 299 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THIS AMENDMENT IS EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061(B)(3) OF THE - CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND AMENDING THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING AND REPLACING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 18.91 (MARIJUANA REGULATIONS) OF TITLE 18 RELATING TO MARIJUANA ACTIVITY; AND 3) READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 300 - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 36937 DETERMINING THIS AMENDMENT EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061(B)(3),OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND AMENDING THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING AND REPLACING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 18.91 (MARIJUANA REGULATIONS) RELATING TO MARIJUANA ACTIVITY FOR THE IMMEDIATE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY RESULT: ' APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member `SECONDER: Bill Hussey, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE I. G. NEW BUSINESS City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 9. Award of October 2016 Community Benefit Funds Finance Director Fortune presented the PowerPoint Presentation for this item. A Council and staff discussion ensued on whether there was funding from other sources to enhance this City owned parkway and the cost savings for. the City if this item was approved. Concern was stated on the precedent it would set for other businesses because this was a benefit provided to that business. Additional discussion was on the permits required for these improvements, the increase of the property value, the increase of the property tax, and the benefit to the City. This was an opportunity for the City to partner with a business to beautify the City with minimal impact on the City's funds. Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, stated that when the owners added units to this property they would need to widen the street and add sewer laterals and this landscaping request would be moot point. Planning & Development Services Director Molina stated Mr. McConnell was correct and in the long term when the developer wanted to add enhancements the project would be looked at comprehensively to ensure that the landscaping had continuity. Mayor McNaboe clarified that with the Council approval of this item it would be waiving the City's fees to review the plans not approving their plans. APPROVE THE AWARD OF $2,000 FROM THE CITY'S COMMUNITY BENEFITS FUND TO THE SYCAMORE MOBILE PARK HOME PARK FOR THE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE PARK'S FRONT ENTRANCE. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER. -Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: , McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 10. Formation of the Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1, Annexation #3, Engineer's Report, and Levy of Assessment Public Work Director Demitri presented the PowerPoint Presentation of this item. City Manager Duffey clarified that the new annexation policy has an annual escalator built in to recover the City's true costs. 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-43, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR AN ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY INTO THE 89-1 LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT; City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 2. RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE ENGINEER'S REPORT. 3. RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE LANDOWNER'S CONSENT. 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-44, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY INTO THE 89-1 LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING : ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS, AND DECLARING THE RIGHT TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 15, PART 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tem SECONDER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell;Wilson, Hussey 11. Emergency Operations: Assessment Report and Emergency Operations Plan Planning & Development Services Director Molina presented the PowerPoint Presentation for this item. Council Member Wilson stressed the urgency of this item and that the City needed to appoint an Operations Manager. He also urged residents to be prepared individually for any disaster that may occur. Mayor McNaboe asked Battalion Chief Wooters and Lt. Wolfe to address the residents' concerns that they would be left to fend for themselves if an emergency occurred. Battalion Chief Wooters assured the Council and residents that emergency services would indeed be provided by Fire and Sheriffs to the City of Grand Terrace. They-have a mutual aid system throughout the State that allows them to pull resources from other areas to assist here in Grand Terrace. Lt. Wolfe concurred with Battalion Wooters comment, that they would be deploying resources to the Grand Terrace. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVE AND FILE THE REPORT RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe,Mayor AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 12. Award of Contract for Tree Trimming Services Public Works Director Demitri provided a brief summary for this item. City of Grand Terrace Page 8 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council October 25, 2016 A Council and staff discussion ensued on the replacement of trees and the availability of Forestry grants for the replacement of trees. Additional discussion was on the contract amount, funding for the remaining years and confirmation was made that it would not become a tax burden for the residents. Staff also confirmed that West Coast Arborists had a local branch office in Grand Terrace. Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, stated his support to award the contract to West Coast Arborist. Ernesto Macias, Manager of West Coast Arborists Corporate, provided a brief summary of their services, workforce, experience, and offered to-assist the City staff with the grant available. 1. AWARD A CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT NO. 2016-50 TO WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. FOR TREE TRIMMING SERVICES 2. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT RESULT APPROVED IUINANIMOUS] MOVER: , Bill,Hussey, Council.Member SECONDER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson,-Hussey �. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey announced the following items: Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony scheduled for December 6, 2016, Rabies Vaccination Clinic scheduled for October 27, 2016 here at City Hall from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Country Fair scheduled for November 5, 2016 here at City Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. He also announced the Ready San Bernardino Preparedness application. City Manager Duffey informed everyone that the City had 976 likes on their Facebook page and that it would celebrate upon hitting 1000 likes. I. CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe wished everyone a Happy Halloween, reminded everyone to vote, and adjourned the City Council meeting at 7:38 p.m. The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday,=November 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. D rc or Pat Jac s,--Ct le k _ City of Grand Terrace Page 9