08/23/2016 r CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • AUGUST 23, 2016 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center a 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNaboe called the City Council Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Invocation was led by Pastor Alger Keough from Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor McNaboe. ROLL CALL Attendee Name ; Title ? Status I Arrived Darcy McNaboe I Mayor I Present { Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern I Present { Jackie Mitchell Council Member { Present j Doug Wilson Council Member { Present { Bill Hussey Council Member { Present { G. Harold Duffey City Manager { Present { Pat Jacquez-Nares ( City Clerk I Present ( . Richard Adams City Attorney 1 Present { Linda Phillips Child Care I Present I Yanni Demitri Public Works Director I Present { Sandra Molina Planning & Development Services Director I Present { Cynthia Fortune Finance Director { Present { Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief { Present { Doug Wolfe I Lieutenant ( Present l A. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE B. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVE ALL CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda WAIVED FULL READING OF ALL ORDINANCE ON THE AGENDA 2. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 08/09/2016 APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE 08/09/2016 REGULAR MEETING C. PUBLIC COMMENT Glen Kendall, Grand Terrace resident, reported fireworks were still being discharged and would provide the address to Lt. Wolfe. He also reported parking situation which the resident has to place their trash can in the middle of the street. Angela Wilkinson, Grand Terrace resident, reported that cars were running the stop signs on Preston/Palm between 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. She further stated that she had received complaints on cars parking in front of mailboxes. She would like the City to put a reminder in the newspaper or send out flyers to not parking in front of mailboxes. Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated her concerns with the fireworks and reported that they were still being discharged. She requested the minutes of the July 26, 2016 meetings. Ms. Farley stated her concerns with the fee for the false alarm and requested that this be made more public. D. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone present at the meeting. He stated that he was aware of the fireworks and that it was very disrespectful for people to discharge illegal fireworks. He appreciated the volunteers and people that picked up the trash in the streets. Council Member Hussey went to the soccer games on Saturday and it was a beautiful day but everyone needed to make sure that the trash was being picked up. He suggested to City Manager Duffey to have the City place additional trash cans. Council Member Hussey reported that illegal vendors were selling their goods at the high school and parks which were taking away from the youth clubs fundraising. He requested that City Manager Duffey increase Code Enforcement on illegal vendors. Council Member Hussey reminded everyone that Friday Night Lights was coming and asked everyone to support the Titans. Titan's football would be holding a special Veteran's appreciation program at one of their home games. He received a letter from James Ramos' Office that the Veteran's Affairs office in San Bernardino had application for grants to have Veteran's names on the the Freedom Wall. The Freedom Foundation has done a great job on this wall. Council Member .Hussey and Mayor McNaboe attended the Westwood town hall meeting. He reported that during his election - paperwork signing many residents expressed to him that they spoke to someone at City City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 -- Hall but did not know their names. He has asked City Manager Duffey to have City employees wear name badges or have their pictures with names on the wall. Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson thanked all of the volunteers, those who have served or were contemplating service. The City would not be able to accomplish what it had done in the past and continued to do. He would like to especially thank Mayor McNaboe, she has shown incredible strength this last year and half in times of trial and he really admires the strength she has shown. He believed that water was the most important resource and urged future generations to address this quickly. Council Member Wilson reported that his little dog got bit by a coyote and urged residents to be mindful of their pets. Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell thanked everyone in attendance. Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported that she attended three meetings for Omnitrans the Board meeting, the Administrative & Finance Committee meeting and the Plans & Programs Committee meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Robles provided a brief summary on _. these meetings. The Board meeting had sbX reporting, routine items, they were still in labor negotiations, and continue to have unresolved pending litigation. Mayor Pro Tern Robles provided a written summary as follows: The sbX Green Line travels a 15. 7 mile rapid transit bus line from Cal State University San Bernardino to Loma Linda University it had 16 stations and the cost to build was $197.1 million. Ninety-Six percent of this amount came from federal, state and county funds designated for transit projects. $75 million came from the Federal,,Transportation Agency Small Starts Program. Mayor Pro Tern Robles reported on the West Valley Connector Project. The West Valley Connector Project is a 25-mile-long bus rapid transit (BRT) project that proposes limited stops, providing speed and quality improvements to the public transit system within the corridor. It provides premium transit with 10-15 minute service, Transit Signal Priority (TSP), dedicated lanes, enhanced stations and integration with other bus routes. The Project includes stations at 27 locations/major intersections The Project seeks to improve mobility in the San Bernardino Valley with an enhanced, state-of-the-art BRT system to address the growing traffic congestion and the one million people that will be added to the area by 2030. Project Goals • Respond to growth in Pomona, Montclair, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, and Fontana • Increase transit ridership City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 • Provide faster, more attractive transit service along the Holt Boulevard and Foothill Boulevard corridors • Connect major activity centers: • Victoria Gardens, schools, downtown areas • Metrolink • Major employers • Support the cities' transportation and land use plans • Analyze all viable alternatives to determine the best option Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor McNaboe provided a written summary of her report as follows: 1. SANBAG - General Policy Committee - August 10 (Elected as one of three East Valley Representatives) Consent -Administrative Matters • May, June and July 2016 Procurement Report Receive the May, June and July 2016 Procurement Report. • Measure I Revenue Receive report on Measure I receipts for Measure 1 2010- 2040 Discussion -Administrative Matters - • Measure I Local Pass-Through Compliance Audit for City of Adelanto Fiscal Year 2014/2015 That the General Policy Committee recommend the Board review and receive the Measure I Audit Reports of Local Pass- Through Funds for the City of Adelanto for the year ended June 30, 2015. • Insurance Premium Update Receive and.file report on result of insurance premium for Fiscal-Year 2016/2017. • Investment Policy No. 20100 That the General . Policy Committee recommend the Board: A. Approve existing SANBAG Investment Policy No. 20100 with staff recommended changes to • Request for Proposal 17-1001569 Audit Services for Transportation Development Act (TDA) Claimants, Measure I Local _Pass-Through Revenue Recipients, and Financial & Compliance Auditing Services for Transit Operators. • Receive update on the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Work Goals and Objectives. • Recommend the Board approve the process for the selection of two members of the Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee (ITOC) to fill vacancies that will be created on December 31, 2016 due to term limits. • Recommend Changes to the Commercial HERO Program Adding Renovate America, Inc. • Recommend Changes to the Commercial HERO Program Administered by SAMAS Capital, LLC City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 r 2. SANBAG - Metro Valley Study Session - August 11 Consent - Proiect Delivery • Recommend approval Construction Contract Change Orders to on-going SANBAG construction contracts with Ortiz Enterprises, Inc., Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Skanska USA Civil West, Riverside Construction Company, Inc., Flatiron West, Inc. and MCM Construction, Inc. Discussion - Proiect Delivery • Receive the Major Projects Status Report for the period through June 2016. • Recommend approval of 1-215 Bi-County Project - Billboard Relocation Agreement between SANBAG, City of Ontario, and Lamar Advertising Company • Recommend release of Request for Proposal (RFP) 16-1001515 to retain a consultant for the preparation of updated Coordination Timing. Plans, to provide Semi-Annual Assessments and provide On-call System Support for the San Bernardino Valley Coordinated Traffic Signal System (SBVCTSS). B. Approve the draft templates of Cooperative Agreements between the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SANBAG) and local agencies Discussion - Reaional/Subreaional Planninq • Recommend approval of Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee Agreement for Signal Synchronization Funding Discussion - Proiect Delivery • Recommend approval amendment 4 to I-10/Tippecanoe Interchange Construction Management Contract with Simon Wong Engineering a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Kleinfelder West, Inc. • Recommend for approval an RFP for On Call Right of Way Advisor Services for various projects of the Measure I Major Projects Program. ' • Recommend approval of Caltrans Cooperative Agreement and Award for Preliminary Engineering Services for the Interstate 215 (1-215) /University Parkway Interchange Project • Recommend approval of Second Amended and Restated Cooperative Agreement No. C13027 (C13027- 04) with the City of Highland for the delivery of the Planning, Environmental, Design and Right of Way phases of the State Route 210 (SR-210) Base Line Interchange Project, which adds in the Right of Way phase roles and responsibilities and increases project funding Discussion - Transportation Proarammina and Fund Administration • Recommend approval of contract SR210/Base Line Avenue Term Loan Agreement with the City of Highland 3. Opening Ceremonies - Soccer-August 13 PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 3. Award of Contract for the Construction of ADA Curb Ramps on Main Street Public Works Director Demitri presented the staff report for this item. Council Member Hussey asked what was the difference between the Martinez and All American' bids because he was concerned that there would be additional change orders. Public Works Director Demitri did not know why the amounts were different but that he was confident that Martinez could do the job. Council Member Wilson stated that All American was an asphalt company and used sub-contractors to do concrete work. Public Works Director Demitri confirmed that All American is not a concrete company and usually uses Martinez to perform the concrete work for them as a sub-contractor. Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace:resident, asked whether the asphalt could manage the weight of all the trucks since Main Street had been designated as a truck route. _ Public Works Director Demitri stated that this would only prolong the life . of the pavement. 1. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. 2015-38 TO MARTINEZ CONSTRUCTION FOR SEVEN ADA HANDICAPPED RAMPS. 2. AUTHORIZE .CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY CHANGE ORDERS FOR THIS PROJECT. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Doug Wilson, Council Member SECONDER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 4. Report on SeeClickFix Planning & Development Services Director Molina presented the PowerPoint Presentation for this item. Mayor McNaboe asked what the average time was to close an issue that was'submitted by the public. City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 Planning & Development Services Director Molina stated she did not have that information but overall for any issue took an average of 12 days. Council Member Hussey asked if there was a kiosk within City Hall that people could use to do this reporting or could staff help people use SeeClickFix. Planning & Development Services Director Molina stated that staff at City Hall could show people how to use SeeClickFix on their mobile devices or the City's website. RECEIVE AND FILE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Mayor SECONDER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 5. Amendment#1 to City Manager Employment Agreement City Attorney Adams presented the staff report for this item. He further reported that the Council received one letter in opposition today and it had been provided to them. Council Member Hussey asked if the City had not advertised this 18.1% for their salary we would not be obligated to give this to Mr. Duffey. City Attorney Adams answered yes. Mayor McNaboe stated that the way she looked at this was that the City advertised the 18.1% and then we changed it during the course of the negotiations and then it became a bait and switch at that point. City Attorney Adams stated that the Council did not do anything illegal when they negotiated Mr. Duffey's contract but that he felt the Council was doing equity to the City Manager. Mayor Pro Tem Robles stated her support of this item and provided the history of the City's financial status. She also shared a story from the Council Academy that a City Manager from a large City and a small City had to have the same skill set and that the small City did not allow for any wrong steps. Mayor Pro Tem Robles fully supports City Manager Duffey and believes he is top notch. She further stated that this did not have anything to do with other employees. She had asked the City Manager if any City employees or representative of the employees come to ask to open any negotiations on any terms and conditions including wages and employment and none had occurred. Mayor Pro Tem Robles stated that they had the Meyers Millas Brown Act if employees needed to discuss their wages. She further suggested employees start those discussions and Council would be happy to look at that. Mayor Pro Tem Robles said she had no idea what the Council could and could not do, the history, and what other cities had done for their employees. .City of Grand Terrace Page 7 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 Council Member Mitchell stated that both she and Council Member Wilson were on the negotiating Ad Hoc Committee for Mr. Duffey's contract but not before getting consensus from the Council. With that in mind, both sides agreed on the compensation both the candidate and the City. However, she did believe that it may have been inferred or implied that 18.1% would have been given to Mr. Duffey and Mr. Duffey believed it was due to him. She believed Mr. Duffey had done a great job and the City would continue to see the fruits of his labor. To address Mayor Pro Tern Robles' comment there were pay ranges for every position and she believed that you get what you pay for. Council-Member Hussey stated he considered this a pay correction not a pay raise. Council Member Mitchell stated that she did not mean a pay raise; she meant that it was the 18.1%. She also wanted everyone to know that the Council was not obligated to give him this but wanted to as a correction. Patricia Farley, Grand Terrace resident, stated that as residents they see lots of money being spent, millions. The residents are left in the dark like with.the Lewis property and it is frustrating. She did not have a problem with Mr. Duffey but since he had been hired he has hired a fulltime assistant and Council has approved a fulltime Assistant City Manager for him. There are employees that are currently underpaid and overworked the morale for these employees would be affected if they continue to see how the Council continues to increase staff and pay for the City Manager. Ms. Farley stated that the - Measure C people felt that they had been lied to because now the City had money. She provided the salary,for a U.S. Senator and the U.S. President which she believed was less than the City Manager's. Angela Wilkinson, Grand Terrace resident, believed City Manager Duffey had done a great job. Jeff McConnell, Grand Terrace resident, believed it was a wise investment as long as the market holds. APPROVE AMENDMENT #1 TO CITY MANAGER'S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER: Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey H. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey introduced City Clerk Jacquez-Nares who provided an update on the Secretary of State Randomized Alphabet Drawing for the November 8, 2016 Election General Election ballots. City Manager Duffey updated the Council that the City Facebook page was up to 951 likes and the City's goal is 1000 by the end of the year. Currently, on the City's Facebook page was the Community Clean Up Day flyer, for City of Grand Terrace Page 8 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 23, 2016 Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. residents can bring all of their bulky items and a-waste to City Hall all residents can show their Burrtec trash bill as proof of residency. City Manager Duffey further reported the sidewalks that were deemed a hazard on the Pavement Management Index report from Interwest would be fixed within the next couple weeks and completed by November first. CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURN Mayor McNaboe adjourned the City Council Meeting at 7:25 p.m. The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. ar Mchf , Mayor Pat Ja u e `City f rk City of Grand Terrace Page 9