08/09/2016 B CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL & SUCCESSOR AGENCY HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES • AUGUST 9, 2016 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center• 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair McNaboe called the City Council and Successor Agency Housing Authority meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Invocation was given by Fr. Andrew Lesko from the San Bernardino Sheriffs Department. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Garry Cohoe, Director of Project Delivery, SANBAG. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title f Status Arrived ' Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tern j Present j Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present i Doug Wilson Council Member Present E Bill Hussey Council Member Present G. Harold Duffey City Manager Present Pat Jacquez-Nares City Clerk Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Linda Phillips Child Care Present Yanni Demitri Public Works Director Present j Sandra Molina Planning & Development Services Director Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Director Present Steve Lasiter Battalion Chief i Present Doug Wolfe ! Lieutenant I Present Steve Dorsey Captain Present A. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Presentation - Update from Foundation of Grand Terrace Veterans Wall of Freedom Committee on the Freedom Wall Don Larkin, Veteran's Wall Committee Representative, presented the PowerPoint Presentation on the Freedom Wall. Mayor McNaboe asked why the time was changed from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. She also asked when the City would officially change the name of the park City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 9, 2016 Mr. Larkin stated that the time was tentative and the committee was working on finalizing the schedule. The later time was to accommodate for others that might have to participate and attend other Veteran's.Day ceremonies. City Manager Duffey stated that it would be done on November 11, 2016. Presentation - 1-10 and 1-15 Improvement Projects, Garry Cohoe, Director of Project Delivery,,SANBAG Garry Cohoe, Director of Project Delivery, SANBAG, presented the PowerPoint Presentation on the 1-10 and 1-15 improvements. Mayor McNaboe asked where the toll funds would go after they were collected. She further asked the projected payback timeline for each of these. Mr. Cohoe stated that first the funds.would be used to operate and maintain the system, second to pay back the debt from both the toll bonds and the TIFIA. After this it would be used to complete the system I-15 to Fourth Street and lastly repay Measure I Funds. If there are any excess funds after this the Board would take action on their use. Mr. Cohoe stated the bonds were for 30 years but the tolls are showing excess funds that could be used for completion and repayment of Measure I Funds in less than 30 years. The term with Caltrans is 50 years. Council Member Hussey stated he was not a fan of express lanes. He further asked -- about the bullet train to Las Vegas and if it would affect these projects. Council Member Hussey stated.his concerns with the transponders. Mr. Cohoe answered that they keep talking about the bullet train the one from Victorville to Las Vegas has been stalled. SANBAG uses SCAG's Regional Model for their traffic projections. He was aware that the speed train was incorporated in this Regional plan but was not aware if. the Victorville/Las Vegas train was also in the plan. Mr. Cohoe stated that there were several types of transponders. Council Member Wilson asked Mr. Cohoe to remind their contractors that the City of Grand Terrace was available for all their food needs during this construction.. B. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED ALL CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 1. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda WAIVED FULL READING OF ALL ORDINANCES ON THE AGENDA City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 9, 2016 2. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 06/28/2016 APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE 06/28/2016 REGULAR MEETING 3. Approval of Check Register No. 07312016 in the Amount of$1,799,759.43 APPROVED CHECK REGISTER NO. 07312016 IN THE AMOUNT $1,799,759.43, AS SUBMITTED, WHICH INCLUDES THE CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT INDEX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17. 4. Agreement for Consultant Services with HDL Inc. to Market Vacant Retail Sites On Barton Rd to Major Retail Businesses APPROVED CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTRACT NO. 2016-37 WITH HDL INC. IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM AS ATTACHED. C. PUBLIC COMMENT - NONE D. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Bill Hussey Council Member Hussey thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He thanked Mr. Duffey for having the Boy Scouts in attendance. Reminded the residents that door to door solicitors need a City's Peddlers Permit and. to ask the solicitors to show this permit. He appreciated the Freedom Wall presentation and thanked all of the volunteers that have made this happen. Council Member Doug Wilson Council Member Wilson welcomed everyone in attendance. He commented that the economy was on an upward trend. Council Member Wilson spoke about the unfortunate circumstance of one,of his hard-working very talented female students having problems with substance abuse and reminded everyone that we all need to help each other. Council Member Jackie Mitchell Council Member Mitchell thanked everyone in attendance and for participating. She also thanked the Veteran's -Wall Committee for their presentation and their hard work. Council Member Mitchell reported on the Gangs & Drug Taskforce August meeting the presentation was on the modeling of school attendance from the San Bernardino City Unified School District which included concepts for eliminating school truancies. Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Robles Mayor Pro Tem Robles stated that she would report on Omnitrans at the next.Council meeting. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 9; 2016 Mayor Darcy McNaboe r� Mayor McNaboe had nothing to report at this time. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS 5. Paving Main Street from Michigan St. to Mt. Vernon Ave Public Works Director Demitri presented the Powerpoint Presentation for this item. Council Member Wilson asked how many square feet would be done. He further asked if Grand Terrace was a silent partner or was it able to see the bids. Public Works Director Demitri stated it was 60 feet wide. it was 30 feet by half a mile. Director Demitri explained the County of Riverside's procedure on the payment processing. Council Member Mitchell requested to have bike lane striping added if it did not already exist. City Manager Duffey stated that staff would ensure that what was there before would remain. Mr. Duffey further explained staff assessment of the current bids and the cost for the paving was reasonable but not the cost for the ADA ramps. Therefore, staff would be piggybacking off another city's contract.for this part of the project. Public Works Director Demitri informed the Council that the County of Riverside modified agreement page 4 under the City agrees added a line to include CEQA, This was just a formality but did not affect this project because maintenance projects are exempt from CEQA. 1. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT (2016-33) WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PAVE MAIN STREET WITHIN CITY LIMITS FOR THE AMOUNT OF $40,000;-AND 2. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER, TO , EXECUTE ' ANY CHANGE ORDERS FOR UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION THAT ARE WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS WORK; AND 3. AUTHORIZE THE APPROPRIATION OF $40,000 FROM THE GAS TAX FUND BALANCE FOR STREET PAVING. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] T' MOVER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro .Tern City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 9, 2016 SECONDER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 6. Selection of Voting Delegates for the California League of Cities 2016 Annual Conference City Clerk Jacquez-hares corrected the date of 2015 to 2016 and provided a brief summary on this item. 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-31 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING DELEGATE MAYOR PRO TEM SYLVIA ROBLES AND ALTERNATE COUNCIL MEMBER BILL HUSSEY _TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES AS OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF GRAND,TERRACE; AND 2. DIRECT STAFF TO SUBMIT TO THE LEAGUE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION BEFORE SEPTEMBER 23, 2016. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Mayor SECONDER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 7. City Council Policy for Presentation of Certificates, Commendations, Proclamations, Plaques, and Other Recognition Awards City Manager Duffey presented the PowerPoint Presentation for this item. Mayor McNaboe asked who could request these recognitions. City Manager Duffey said that anyone could make their request through a Council Member, the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk Office. ADOPT THE CITY COUNCIL POLICY RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jackie Mitchell, Council Member SECONDER: Doug Wilson, Council Member AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey 8. Alarm Permits and False Alarm Fees City Manager Duffey presented the staff report for this item. ( Mayor Pro Tern Robles stated her concerns with one person truly having more than three panic alarms and asked how these would be handled. City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 9''. 2016 _y City Manager Duffey stated that those types would be actual alarms not false alarms and would not be counted against the resident. RECEIVE AND FILE. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Mayor . SECONDER: Sylvia Robles, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: McNaboe, Robles, Mitchell, Wilson, Hussey H. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Duffey reported that the cameras in Pico Park and Richard Rollins were live and connected to our other cameras. The cameras could be accessed remotely from a cell phone. Access to these cameras would be given to the Sheriffs Department along with the volunteers that close the parks, the sports leagues, and our Code Enforcement Officers. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor/Chair McNaboe recessed the Council/Authority Members into Closed Session at 7:10 p.m. I. CLOSED SESSION 9. Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Pursuant To Government Code Section 54957(b) (1) Title: City Manager 10. Conference with Labor Negotiators - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Designated Representative: City Attorney Unrepresented Employee: City Manager 11. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: APN Nos. 1167-151-22; 1167-151-74; 1167-151-71, and1167-151-68 City negotiator: G. Harold Duffey, City Manager Negotiating parties: Dr. Terry McDuffee Under negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment 12. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: 22273 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 APN No. 1167-231-02 City/Authority negotiator: G. Harold Duffey, City Manager _ Negotiating parties: Ms. Stringfield Under negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 9, 2016 RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mayor/Chair McNaboe reconvened the Council/Authority Members to Open Session at 8:57 p.m. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Mayor/Chair McNaboe reported as to items 9-12 as posted on the agenda, Council/Authority Members gave direction to staff and no other items to report. ADJOURN Mayor/Chair McNaboe adjourned the Council/Authority meeting at 8:59 p.m. The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. arcy cNab Mayor Pat Jae es, ity Cle" i City of Grand Terrace Page 7