06/24/1999 J CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING-.TUNE 24, 1999, A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 24, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jim Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriffs Department John Harper, City Attorney ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Councilmember Garcia, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Singley. ITEMS TO DELETE None ITEM TO ADD CC-99-94 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to add Storm Drain Repair Work as item-8B.-to the agenda. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Recycling Family of the Month - May 1999 Mayor Matteson announced that Candice McCurran and family are the recipient of the Recycling Family of the Month for May and presented them with local merchant gift certificates from Stater Brother's Market, Domino's Pizza, Blue Mountain Coffee House and La Pasta Italia. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 2 CC-99-95 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items: 3A. Approval of Check Register No. 062499 3B. Ratify 06-24-99 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 06-10-99 Minutes 3E. General Plan Noise Element Technical Study (Wieland Associates Acoustical Consultants) 3F. Provision of Water to Harris Transfer Site at 21506 Main Street by the City of Colton 3G. Resolution to Direct collection of Delinquent Sewer User Fees on San Bernardino County Tax Roll 1999-2000 3H. Audit Report of the Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund, Year Ended June 30, 1998 PUBLIC COMMENT None ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports 1. Emergency Operations_Committee a. Minutes of April 5, 1999 and May 3, 1999 CC-99-96 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the April 5, 1999 and May 3, 1999 minutes of the Emergency Operations Committee. 2. Crime Prevention Committee a. Minutes of May 10, 1999 CC-99-97 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the May 10, 1999 minutes of the Crime Prevention Committee. 5B. Council Reports Councilmember Hilkev, reported that he has been working with the Sheriff's Department on implementing and using Megan's Law. He and Lt. Ortiz have been working on maps with regard to Megan's Law in an effort to duplicate what Santa Ana and South Gate have done. The County Council does not want the Sheriff to publish a map showing where high Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 3 risk sex offenders live and so.he has been working with Community Services Officer Cahill in coming up with some alternatives. Community Services Officer Cahill has been looking for serious sex offenders in the City of Grand Terrace and is making sure that their home address is not located near a school bus stop. Communitv Services Officer Cahill, indicated that in conjunction with the schools they target situations in the community by finding out where there may be problems. When registrants are released into the community the Sheriffs Department is advised of their release and where they will be residing. She then gets with the schools and finds out where the bus stops are in the community and makes sure that their homes are not within a certain number of feet. She keeps track and makes sure that they are in compliance. Councilmember Hilkev. indicated that there are no high risk sex offenders in the 92313 zip code, however there are some in the 92324 zip code. He is waiting for confirmation from the school district to distribute a flyer to all of the schools on Megan's Law and how to research it. PUBLICHEARING None UNFINISHED BUSINESS _ None NEW BUSINESS 8A. Budget Reduction Strategy Forum City Manager Schwab indicated that staff has put together a presentation on how the City got where it is today and went over the list of proposed cuts. Barnev Karaer, 11668 Bernardo Way, feels that some of the code enforcement can be done by a deputy as opposed to having a code enforcement officer, the sewer billing can be done through the City of Colton. He feels that private individuals can be contracted with to provide some of the services at a lower cost. He feels that the City needs to cut their expenses. He feels that the community is not informed on a lot of issues and he would like to be more educated on the budget. Gale Drews. 22740 De Berry Street, feels that the community has not gotten involved enough. He went through the budget from 1995 to the current year. He expressed his concern with the increase in salaries and benefits of staff over the past five years and feels that there needs to be a reduction in salaries as opposed to services until the budget can be worked out and balanced. . Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 4 Citv ManaLyer Schwab, responded that the City Council directed staff to change the way the budget is done. He indicated that in previous years each department's budget was broken up in several areas so the true costs were not reflected in the budget. There has not been the increase that Mr. Drews has indicated in each department and indicated that the salaries for the employees would be at.the bottom if compared to other cities in the County of San Bernardino. Barbara Pfennighausen, 22111 I adera Street, indicated that all staff members are capable and do a multitude of tasks. She feels that staff is the most diverse and dedicated group of people and feels that the city owes them a debt of gratitude. She expressed her concern with eliminating the Citizen Patrol. She stated that City Manager Schwab is capable of being City Manager and the Finance Director. She feels that the Council could reduce their stipend by 50% and the Planning Commission Stipend by 50%. All of these cuts are what the community said they were willing to do. She expressed her dissatisfaction that the tax didn't pass. .Dick Rollins, 22797 Barton Road, commended City Manager Schwab on the budget and feels.that it is a sad day that these cuts need to be made. He questioned if there was a possibility that we could get money back from the state. Citv Manager Schwab, indicated that the current budget has some return of revenues to cities which would be approximately $30,000, however, the State wants to cut the VLF fees completely, which is the single largest source of income that the City of Grand Terrace receives. Tonv Petta, 11875 Eton Drive, stated that he agrees with Ms. Pfennighausen. There is not going to be a revenue increase, therefore the City is left with no other choice but to cut expenses. Costs have increased over the past twenty years. He expressed his concern with the proposed cut of Citizen Patrol and encouraged the Council to try and do something in order to keep it. He also expressed his concern with the proposed cut of the Recreation Department. He feels that there are items that can be cut and it is up to the City Council to do it, however, they need to keep in mind that certain things are not expendable. Fran Van Gelder, 11975 Mt. Vernon Avenue, stated that as a Planning Commissioner she does not have a problem with her stipend being cut. She encouraged the Council to adopt the proposed budget cuts that the City Manager has brought before the Council. Jo Ann Johnson, 12723 Mt. Vernon Avenue, requested that the Council approve the transfer of$500.00 that is in the office furniture budget to the senior newsletter in order to cover the printing costs for the remainder of the year. Michael ®'Connell, 22596 Thrush Street, expressed his concern with the proposed elimination of the Recreation Department he encouraged them to consider having at least one person there part-time. He said that little league will have no problem paying the Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 5 $5.00 per player as recommended in the staff report. Ed O'Neal, 22608 Minona Drive, expressed his concern with the proposed cuts that are before the Council. He recommended that the Council form a citizen's committee to come up with a solution to the budget problem and put off the proposed cuts until they can come back with a report. Vireinia Harford, 11825 Arliss Way, read a letter that she sent to the Council giving her suggestions to help with the deficit. Donna Ravford, 11852 Mt. Vernon Avenue, J-361, indicated that she is a resident as well as the Manager of the Highland Apartments. She encouraged the City Council not to cut the CSO position and the programs that she provides. Robert Stewart, expressed his support of Citizen Patrol. .,::Budaet Action #1 - Elimination of Citv Hall Receptionist CC-99-98 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to eliminate the position of City Hall Receptionist effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$28,000 and future annual savings of$28,000. Budget Action #2 - Elimination of Citv's Newsletter. Action #12 Elimination of Library_ Subsidv and Chamber Grant. Action #18 Senior Center Publication CC-99-99 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 4-1 (COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA VOTED NO), to eliminate the City's Newsletter, the Library Subsidy and Chamber Grant, and the Senior Center Publication effective July 1, 1999 with a. savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$22,000 and future annual savings of$22,000. Budaet Action #3 - Reduce Economic Development Associate Planner Position to Part- time. Reduce Traffic Transportation Engineerine Contract CC-99-100 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER .GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to reduce the Economic Development Associate Planner position to part-time and Traffic Transportation Engineering Contract effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999- 2000 of$33,900 and future annual savings of$33,900. Budaet Action #4 - Elimination of Citv Manager's Secretary CC-99-101 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBR HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM . BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to eliminate the position of City Manager's Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 6 Secretary effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of $28,000 and future annual savings of$28,000. Budget Action #5 - Elimination and Restructure of Accounting Positions. Out Source Manv Current Accounting Tasks CC-99-102 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to eliminate and restructure Accounting Positions and out source many current tasks effective January 3, 2000 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$35,000 and future annual savings of $72)000. Budget Action #6 - Elimination of one 40 hour Patrol Shift CC-99-1.03 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-1 (COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY VOTED NO), to eliminate one 40 hour patrol shift on a trial basis to be reviewed on April 1, 2000 effective September 30, 1999 for a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$102,000 and future annual savings of$136,000. Budget Action #7 - Elimination of CSO/Vehicle and disband the Citizen's Patrol, Action #8 Elimination of CSO Program Budget and Crime Prevention Committee CC-99-104 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to defer any action on items #7 and #8 for thirty days and direct staff to explore ways to preserve citizens patrol. Robert Northrup, indicated that he owns a duplex in the City of Grand Terrace and that every year the County of San Bernardino charges an inspection fee to make sure that his property is kept up to standards and encouraged the City to look into this and see if it is something that the City can do. He would much rather the City receive the money as opposed to the County. Barbara Pfennighausen, stated that the City Manager can be the Finance Director and that it should be considered. CC-99-105 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to add Rental Inspection Fees to the agenda. Rental Inspection Fees CC-99-106 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED , 4-0-0-1 (MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN ABSTAINED), to direct staff to look into doing Rental Inspections. Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 7 Budget Action #9 - Decrease Lighting Subsidv for Little League and Soccer CC-99-107 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to implement Little League and Soccer field use surcharge effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$7,500 and a future annual savings of$7,500. Budget Action #10 - Reduce Park and Parkwav Maintenance CC-99-108 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to reduce parkway maintenance effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$10,000, and a future annual savings of$10,000. Budget Action #11 - Elimination of Recreation Department and Programs CC-997109 MOTION BY C.OUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 4-1 (COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA VOTED NO), to eliminate the Recreation Department and Programs effective January 3, 2000 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$72,000, and a future annual savings of$144,000. Budget Action #12 - Chamber of Commerce Grant CC-99.-110 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, SECOND BY MAYOR MATTESON, CARRIED 5-0, to direct staff to place this item on the next agenda and allow the Chamber to make a proposal to continue the newsletter. Budget Action #13 - Elimination of Recvcling Familv of the Month CC-99-111 . . MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0,to eliminate the Recycling Family of the Month program effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999- 2000 of$400, and a future annual savings of$400. Budget Action #14 - Cut Travel and Meeting Expenses by 50% CC-99412 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to reduce travel and meeting expenses by 50% effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$8,975, and a future annual savings of$8,975. It was the concensus of the Council to direct staff to bring back a list of memberships of Government Organizations in 30 days for potential reductions in membership dues. Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 8 Budget Action #15 - Cut Planning Commission Stipends CC-99-113 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to reduce the Planning Commission Stipends to $25.00 for any month in which there is a meeting and reduce the Council's Stipend from$300.00 to$250.00 effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of $4,500, and a future annual savings of $4,500. Budget Action #16 - Reduce Plannina Department TraininLy CC-99-114 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to reduce the Planning Department training effective July 1, 1999 with a savings for fiscal year 1999-2000 of$1,500, and future annual savings of$1,500. Budget Action #17 - Reduce Amount on Citv Vehicle CC-99-115 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to eliminate the purchase of a new vehicle for the Community Services Department and retrofit the existing flatbed truck to a dump body at a cost of$6,000 for a savings for fiscal year 1999- 2000 of$17,000 and no future savings. TOTAL REDUCTIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF$370,775 for the 1999-2000 Fiscal Year and a future savings of$496,775. 8B. Storm Drain Repair Work CC-99-116 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to authorize staff to proceed with the repairs to the De Berry/Mt. Vernon, Barton Road/Palm and Grand Terrace Road storm pipes, authorize a contract with Earl Fraiser Construction at an amount not to exceed $42,300.00; and approve an appropriation of$42,300.00 from the Storm Drain Fund, with a net fiscal impact to the Storm Drain Fund of$7,584.00. CLOSED SESSION None ORDER OF AWOURNMIENT Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 9:18 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. Council Minutes June 24, 1999 Page 9 CITY CLERK of the Citf of Grand Terrace MAI of the'City of Grand Terrace