12/13/2001 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-DECEMBER 13, 2001 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on December 13, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Dan Buchanan, Mayor Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Don Larkin, Councilmember Maryetta Ferr6, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Steve Berry,Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Larry Ronnow, Finance Director Jerry Glander, Building & Safety Director Lt. Hector Guerra, Sheriff s Department John Harper, City Attorney ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Mayor Pro Tem Lee Ann Garcia, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Don Larkin. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Adelphia-Melinda Bitney, General Manager Melinda Bitney, General Manager Adelphia, gave a brief presentation on the status of high speed data for residential service and that it is their plan to launch it no later than the first quarter of 2002. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2001-106 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0,to approve the following consent calendar items with the removal of 3F: 3A. Approval of Check Register C0122 AND C0123 3B. Ratify 12-13-01 CRA Action Council Minutes December 13,2001 Page 2 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 11-08-2001 Minutes 3E. Combined Cash and Investments Treasury Report for Quarter Ended September 30, 2001 ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 3F. Resolution Supporting a Metrolink Station in Highgrove Barnev Barnett,474 Prospect Avenue,encourage the Council to approve the Resolution and requested that the City of Grand Terrace work with them on getting a Metrolink stop in Highgrove. CC-2001-107 MOTION BYCOUNCILMEMBERHILKEY,SECOND BYCOUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 5-0,to approve a Resolution Recommending that the Riverside County Transportation Commission Grant a Metrolink Station at Highgrove. 'PUBLIC COMMENT Dick Rollins,.22797 Barton Road,reminded everyone that the cable line up will be changing on the 28`h of December and indicated that all cable boxes should be shut off by midnight that evening. Jerry Hill, resident, encouraged the City to take a proactive stance and get involved on the new High School, the sludge dumping in Colton and the Billboards along the freeway. JoAnn Johnson, 12723 Mt.Vernon Avenue,commended Steve Berry and Gary Gerhard for all of the improvements at City Hall;the Senior Center and throughout town. She encourage Council to try and budget Mr. Gerhard's position once again for the next fiscal year. ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports 1. Historical and Cultural Activities Committee a. Minutes of October 22, 2001 and November 5, 2001 CC-2001-108 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER FERRE, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the October 22, 2001 and November 5, 2001 Minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee. 2. Emergency Operations Committee Council Minutes December 13,2001 Page 3 a. Minutes of October 1, 2001 CC-2001-109 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER FERRE, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the October 1, 2001 Minutes of the Emergency Operations Committee. COUNCIL REPORTS Mavor Pro Tem Garcia, commended Assistant City Manager Berry on all of the wonderful improvements he has made throughout the City. She reported that she along with Councilmembers Hilkey and Ferre,read a list of individuals that are being recommended to be part of the Oversight Committee that will watch over the disbursement of the 102 million dollar school bond that was passed which included: Ray Abril, Kelly Chastain, Maryetta Ferre,Herman Hilkey,Bea Cortez, Carlos Monroy,Dr. Albert Atkins, Joanne Ruskin, and Jenny Blakensaw. The League Legislative Task Force has been busy and they have plans to get out into the..community how serious some of the issues the State is going to raise. She thanked the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee for another outstanding City Birthday Party. She wished everyone Happy Holidays. _ . Councilmember Hilkev,indicated that Redlands has indicated that they are opposed to new billboard signs and he had heard the City of Riverside is not opposed to billboard signs in San Bernardino County. He questioned the position of the City with regards to the signs. The sludge situation in Colton has potential to affect the location of the proposed high school. The Natural Gas Fueling Station that Omnitrans is being challenged on, was paid for,suggested by,and forced upon them by AQMD. Now AQMD is fining them because the technology that is available is not adequate. This location has become the heartbeat of the entire Omnitrans system. They are very active in natural gas busses to help clean up the atmosphere. If they are forced to close this facility, all riders will be forced to pay higher prices. He reported that SANBAG has approved SEMAC Money to sequence all of the signal lights through town. He indicated that Dennis Hannsberger, County Supervisor, is very supportive of Grand Terrace and was instrumental in getting a time table and cost estimates of the 215 South and a commitment has been made by SANBAG to begin construction on the 215 South sometime between 2008 -2009. He reported that the County of San Bernardino put together a map of all of the bicycle routes in the County and the proposed routes. He thanked staff for all of their efforts with the bicycle routes in Grand Terrace. SANBAG is a Measure I recipient and RCTC is a recipient of Measure A monies, both agencies are discussing the renewal of the measures. SANBAG has prepared a flyer that will be mailed to all residents in Grand Terrace informing them of all of the benefits of the Measure I money. He thanked Mayor Pro Tem Garcia and Councilmember Ferre for their sponsorship of soccer teams. Councilmember Larkin,thanked the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee for hosting Council Minutes December 13,2001 Page 4 the City Birthday Party. He commended Assistant City Manager Berry for doing an outstanding job. He reported that Manuel Ortiz passed away. Mr. Ortiz did a lot for the community and was very active in Seniors and Lion's Club and requested that the meeting be adjourned is his memory. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Councilmember Ferre,commended Assistant City Manager Berry for all of his efforts. She indicated that Sunbridge Care Center is doing the Toys for Tots program. This center not only cares for their residents but for the entire community. She expressed her appreciation for the Birthday party and'thanked the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee. She reported that it has been a year since she was sworn in as a Councilmember and that she has throughly enjoyed working with her fellow councilmembers and is thankful to the community for allowing her to serve in this capacity. She wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Mavor Buchanan, indicated that the City of Grand Terrace is opposed to the Billlboards in Colton and that the City would support their efforts in the removal of them. He thanked the Historical and Cultural Activities 'Committee for putting together the Birthday Party. He indicated that the meeting will be adjourned in memory and honor of Manuel Ortiz, a very valuable member of the community that will be sorely missed. He indicated that the City is watching to see what the State of California will do as a solution to the budget shortfall that they will be facing the next fiscal year. Cities voice their opposition to the State taking away the constitutionally protected Vehicle License Fees Revenue stream and looked skeptically at their promises that it would never be touched and that there will be backfill provided. This is not just an issue that Councilmembers and City Administrators need to worry about. These are the types of cuts that all cities will be affected by. This is our city's largest single source of tax type revenue. PUBLIC HEARING-None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7A. Vehicle Parking on Newport Avenue CC-2001-110 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the report done by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department with regards to Parking on Newport Avenue deny any further restriction of Parking on Newport Avenue. 7B. Grand Terrace Consolidated Capital Improvement Plan-Priority List It was the consensus of the Council to continue the Grand Terrace Consolidate Capital Council Minutes December 13,2001 Page 5 Improvement Plan-Priority List to January 24, 2002 at a workshop beginning at 5:00 p.m. NEW BUSINESS 8A. Grand Terrace Community Pride Program Assistant City Manager Berry gave a presentation on the Community Pride Program and outlined his goals of the program. 8B. Resolution Approving a Circulation Fee CIP It was the consensus of the Council to continue the Resolution Approving a Circulation Fee CIP to January 24, 2002 at a workshop beginning at 5:00 p.m. 8C. Request for Appeal of Building Permit Fees (Circulation Improvement Fee) GC-2001-111 .MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA,CARRIED 3-2-0-0(MAYOR BUCHANAN AND COUNCILMEMBER ='a FERRE VOTED NO),to waive and refund the Circulation Improvement Fees for the 5,600 square foot proposed metal building located at 21506 Main Street in the amount of$41,150.00 to Mr. Tony Harris,Harris Transfer, Inc. 8D. Billboard Proposal CC-2001-112 MOTION BY MAYOR BUCHANAN, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA,CARRIED 5-0,to reaffirm Council's commitment and priority to the 1215 South Project and the expectation that local government transportation agencies will honor their commitment to that project and hold them to it; and direct staff to, investigate and report to Council on effective methods on communicating the responsibility for the failure to honor that commitment to the occupants of the 215 freeway and anyone else that could be affected. 8E. Relocation and Expansion of Composting Facility in Colton City Manager Schwab indicated that staff met with the City of Colton with regards to recent articles in the newspapers on the relocation and expansion of a composting facility that would host sewer sludge in Colton and that currently no application has been filed. In the event that an application is filed it will have to go through the process and at that time the City of Grand Terrace will have an opportunity to be involved in the process. He stated that staff will monitor the situation and send a letter indicating that we would like to be included in the process. Council Minutes December 13,2001 Page 6 Mavor Pro Tem Garcia,requested that a letter be sent to the School Board requesting a status report with regards to the new High School and whether or not the expansion or relocation of this composting facility will compromise the building of the school. She also requested that she would like a letter sent to the City of Colton indicating that a new high school is a priority for Grand Terrace. Councilmember Hilkev, questioned whether or not the City Manager of Colton explained that the current permit for the Sullivan Composting Facility does allow sludge to be imported. Citv Manager Schwab, indicated that they did not discuss that issue. Councilmember Hilkev, indicated that their permit does allow them to import sludge currently. He feels that it could pose a problem for Grand Terrace and he expressed his concern. He questioned whether or not the City of Colton will inform Grand Terrace if and when they will begin importing the sludge at their current location. Councilmember Ferr6, questioned whether or not the importing of sludge at their current location will compromise the building of the new high school. Councilmember Hilkev, indicated that he has heard that there is a possibility and that the proposed site would have less of an impact on the proposed high school site. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to compile all of the information and facts with regards to the Relocation and Expansion of the Composting Facility in Colton. CLOSED SESSION -None ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Buchanan adjourned the City Council Meeting at 10:47 p.m. in memory of Manual Ortiz, until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace