04/10/2003 J CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-APRIL 10,2003 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California,on April 10, 2003, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Don Larkin, Councilmember Bea Cortes, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Larry Ronnow,Finance Director Jerry Glander, Building& Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director Lt. Guerra, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Councilmember Herman Hilkey,followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Pro Tem Maryetta Ferr6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Proclamation-National Community Development Week 2003 Mayor Pro Tem Ferr6 read a Proclamation proclaiming April 21-27, 2003 as National Community Development Week in the City of Grand Terrace urging all citizens to join in recognizing the Community Development Program and the importance it serves to our Community. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2003-43 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT), to approve the following consent calendar items: 3A. Approval of Check Register Dated March 27, 2003 and April 10, 2003 3B. Ratify 04-10-2003 CRA Action Council Minutes April 10,2003 Page 2 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of March 13, 2003 and March 25, 2003 Minutes 3E. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Apply to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for Land and Water Conservation Funds 3F. Selection of City Auditor for Fiscal Years 2002-2003,2003-2004,2004-2005 3G. Reject Liability Claim GTLC-03-01 (May) 3H. Travel Authorization-Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Councilmembers, and City Manager to the League of California Cities Annual Legislative Action Days, May 14-15, 2003 in Sacramento, California 3I. Resolution Endorsing the Grant Application Under the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee by 2002-03 Local Government Match Program PUBLIC COMMENT Deirdre Taylor,22238 Van Buren Street,thanked the Council for the swift action on the Blue Wave Swim Program with the YMCA and encouraged the Council to approve the program for the children of Grand Terrace. Lori Shearer,Grand Terrace Branch Library,gave a brief presentation on the"Kiss the Cow" event that will be held on April 30, 2003 starting at 11:00 am, which will be a spaghetti luncheon. ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports 1. Historical and Cultural Activities Committee a. Minutes of March 3, 2003 CC-2003-44 MOTIONBY COUNCILMEMBERLARKIN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT),to accept the March 3,2003 minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee. 2. Emergency Operations Committee a. Minutes of March 4, 2003 CC-2003-45 MOTIONBY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT),to accept the March 4,2003 minutes of the Emergency Operations Committee. Council Minutes April 10,2003 Page 3 COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Larkin, indicated that he will not be attending the Meeting on April 24, 2003, he will be out of town. Mavor-Pro Tem Ferre, reported that she attended the San Bernardino County Gangs and Drugs Task-Force Meeting as well as the IEEP Board of Directors Meeting. She thanked the Sisters of the St. Benedict Holy Spirit Monistary for the Labyrinth. PUBLIC HEARING-None UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None NEW BUSINESS 8A. Establish the Blue Waves Swim Program at Terrace Hills Middle School Contracted through the YMCA for the Summer of 2003 CC-2003-46 MOTIONBY COUNCILMEMBERHILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT), to contract with the YMCA to provide swimming lessons at the Terrace Hills Middle School pool for Summer 2003. 8B. Resolution Changing Council Meeting Day CC-2003-47 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT),to approve a Resolution changing the Council Meeting days to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. effective July 2003. 8C. Schedule a Workshop to Discuss the Formation of a Grand Terrace Foundation CC-2003-48 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (MAYOR GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to schedule a Workshop to discuss the formation of a Grand Terrace Foundation on May 8, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. CLOSED SESSION -None ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Council Minutes April 10,2003 Page 4 Mayor Pro Tern Ferr6 adjourned the City Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City oebrand Terrace �/ oc M�&OR of the City of Grand Terrace