05/22/2003 f CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-MAY 22. 2003 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California,on May 22, 2003, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Don Larkin, Councilmember Bea Cortes, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Tracey Martinez, Deputy City Clerk Jerry Glander,Building& Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Guerra, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Steve Berry,Assistant City Manager Larry Ronnow,Finance Director The meeting was opened with invocation by Mayor Pro Tem Ferr6, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Bea Cortes. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Water Awareness Poster Contest Winners - Grand Terrace Elementary Don Hough,General Manager,Riverside Highland Water Company,indicated that Riverside Highland Water Company has adopted Grand Terrace Elementary School and that one of the many activities they offer is the Annual Water Awareness Poster Contest. He introduced the Principal of Grand Terrace Elementary School, Jim Marshall. Jim Marshall,Principal Grand Terrace Elementary School,congratulated Riverside Highland Water Company on the True Adopt-A-School Program that they have with Terrace View Elementary School and Grand Terrace Elementary School. He introduced the winners of the contest. Don Hough presented the overall winner with a$100 savings bond. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Minutes May 22,2003 Page 2 CC-2003-60 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEN! FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN WAS ABSENT), to approve the following consent calendar items: 3A. Approval of Check Register Dated May 22, 2003 3B. Ratify 05-22-2003 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of May 6, 2003 and May 8, 2003 Minutes 3E. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program 2003-2006 Delegate Agency Agreement 3F. Contract with the Grand Terrace Chamber of Commerce for the Joint Continuation of the Blue Mountain Outlook 3G. Grant Deed for Property Line Adjustment on Property Dedicated at 22087 Barton Road(Yasin) 3H. Resolution Adopting the 2002-03 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Goal 3I. 2003-2004 City of Grand Terrace Budget Resolution PUBLIC COMMENT -None ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports 1. Emergency Operations Committee a. Minutes of April 1, 2003 CC-2003-61 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN WAS ABSENT),to accept the April 1, 2003 minutes of the Emergency Operations Committee. 2. Crime Prevention Committee a. Minutes of April 14, 2003 CC-2003-62 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN WAS ABSENT), to accept the April 14, 2003 minutes of the Crime Prevention Committee. COUNCIL REPORTS Mavor Pro Tem Ferre,reported that she attended the Annual Volunteer Appreciation BBQ. She congratulated Richard Haubert on being selected as Volunteer of the Year 2002-2003. Council Minutes May 22,2003 Page 3 She also reported that she attended the Legislative Action Days in Sacramento along with Mayor Garcia and Councilmember Cortes. She feels that it was a worthwhile trip. Councilmember Hilkev, thanked staff for the widening of Grand Terrace Road and Barton Road. He indicated that he is looking forward to the new soccer fields at Rollins Park. He reported that there is a new bakery in town and that they have great jalapeno rolls. Councilmember Larkin.indicated that he recently read an article in the paper regarding the City of Colton raising their rates and questioned how this increase would affect Grand Terrace. Citv Manaizer Schwab,responded that the increase for Colton would be$5.00 and increase for Grand Terrace should be in the range of$3.00 to $5.00. He indicated that staff will be working with Colton's staff to verify the numbers. Councilmember Larkin, expressed his concern with our residents paying a rate that would be higher than our actual capacity. Citv Manager Schwab. indicated that some of Plant#1 is being phased out and that Grand Terrace should participate in some of the Capital to decrease that reliable capacity of Plant 1. Grand Terrace will not pay a rate that will provide excess capacity of what we already own. Grand Terrace will pay for operational costs and a portion of the replacement of Plant #1. Councilmember Larkin,requested a status report on Mt. Vernon Avenue. City Manager Schwab,responded that the City is negotiating with the Gas Company for them to do a 8 foot overlay from one end of their project to the other. The Gas Company will be responsible for any sinking. Councilmember Larkin, congratulated Richard Haubert on being named Volunteer of the Year 2002-2003. Councilmember Cortes,reported that she attended Legislative Action Days along with Mayor Pro Tem Ferre and Mayor Garcia. Mavor Garcia, reminded everyone that Grand Terrace Days will be held on June 7, 2003. She encouraged everyone to attend. She reported that she attended the Volunteer Appreciation BBQ. She expressed her appreciation to all of the wonderful volunteers that we have in the Community. She commended the staff for doing an outstanding job. She reported that the League of California Cities is working on trying to hold the Cities harmless between the time the State stops the backfill payment and start the trigger with regards to the Council Minutes May 22,2003 Page 4 VLF. They are pushing to have the State budget passed by June. Senator Brulte is working very closely with the League. She reported that SCAG is looking at re-districting, which would give San Bernardino County an extra vote. She congratulated the Chamber of Commerce on the success of their Golf Tournament in particular Wendy Miller. She also reported that the Chamber held a good Luncheon. Ralf Megna was the guest speaker and talked about the Outdoor Adventure Center. He also mentioned that Savon may be coming to Grand Terrace on the corner of Mt. Vernon and Barton Road. PUBLIC HEARING 6A. An Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace,California,Amending the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Establishing a Fee for the Recovery of Costs Associated with the Towing of Vehicles by Sheriffs Deputies and City Code Enforcement Officers Lt. Guerra gave a report on the proposed Ordinance. Councilmember Larkin,questioned why we are not proposing to charge the entire averaged amount that it costs when a vehicle is towed. Lt. Guerra, indicated that the City could charge a higher rate if a car is towed because of a DUI, however, there are not a lot of DUI's in Grand Terrace. Councilmember Larkin, indicated that he would like the fee to re-coup more of the loss. Citv Manager Schwab, indicated that this fee is a policy decision of the Council Mayor Garcia opened discussion to the Public,there being none,she returned the discussion to the Council Councilmember Hilkev, expressed his concern with having to pay a fee for towing when someone is parked during a street sweeping time or in a school zone. He also indicated that the true cost should be charged. Citv Manager Schwab, stated that the City is very conservative with towing. Most of the tows consist of public safety issues. Lt. Guerra, stated that the law requires that the towing authority provide the owner of the vehicle with a tow hearing allowing them to present their case if there was some type of extenuating circumstance that required them to violate the law. Councilmember Hilkev, questioned whether there was a fee for the hearing. Council Minutes May 22,2003 Page 5 Lt. Guerra, responded in the negative. Councilmember Larkin. questioned if Barton Road would be considered a highway. Lt. Guerra,responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Larkin, questioned who would be the hearing officer. Lt. Guerra, responded that they are generally handled through the Sheriff s Department. Councilmember Larkin, stated that he feels that it would be reasonable to try and acquire a higher fee. Mavor Pro Tern Ferr6,requested clarification of the fee. Lt. Guerra, indicated that surrounding jurisdictions have established a fee of$75.00 even though the actual costs to the Cities are higher. He stated that it is the pleasure of the Council on what the City wants to charge. CC-2003-63 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,CARRIED 5-0,to approve the first reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending the Grand Terrace Municipal Code by Establishing a Fee for the Recovery of Costs Associated with the Towing of Vehicles by Sheriffs Deputies and City Code Enforcement Officers with the amendment of Section 6. to read as follows: Section 6: Fee - The administrative fee for towing a vehicle in the above stated circumstances is $115.00. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None NEW BUSINESS -None CLOSED SESSION -None ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Garcia adjourned the City Council Meeting at 6:50 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. Council Minutes May 22,2003 Page 6 = Oft CLERK -of the City Of Grand Terrace MAOR of the City of Grand Terrace --