09/11/2003 J CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING- SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on September 11, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Don Larkin, Councilmember Bea Cortes, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager Larry Ronnow,Finance Director Jerry Glander,Building& Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director Lt. Guerra, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Mayor Pro Tem Maryetta Ferr6,followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilwoman Bea Cortes. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Mayor Garcia welcomed the Firefighters and their families from Station 23 "The Lions Den of Manhattan." She introduced the Firefighters representing Station 23 in Manhattan and Station 23 in Grand Terrace. Mayor Garcia read a proclamation for the September 11`' Memorial for Station 23 Midtown Manhattan welcoming them to Grand Terrace and thanking them for their dedication to the safety to those they serve and presented it to Captain Bendick. Mayor Garcia also read a proclamation fo the September 11'Memorial for Station 23 Grand Terrace recognizing and commending the Firefighters of Grand Terrace Station 23 as the hosts of this special September 11''Memorial celebration in honor of their brother Firefighters at Station 23 Midtown Manhattan. Council Minutes September 11,2003 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2003-106 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBERLARKIN WAS ABSENT),to approve the following consent calendar items with removal of item 3D. and 3E.: 3A. Approval of Check Register Dated September 11, 2003 3B. Ratify 09-11-2003 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 3D. Approval of 08-28-2003 Minutes CC-2003-107 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,CARRIED 3-0-1-1 (COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN WAS ABSENT AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES ABSTAINED)to approve the Minutes of the August 28, 2003 City Council Meeting. 3E. Purchase of Equipment for the Annual Halloween Haunt and Other City Sponsored Events Councilmember Cortes indicated that JoAnn Johnson had some comments regarding the Purchase of Equipment for the Annual Halloween Haunt and invited her to speak to the Council regarding them. JoAnn Johnson,indicated that the Seniors felt that this amount of money could be spent on something that the children would enjoy more like a bounce room or something of that nature. Citv Manager Schwab,indicated that staff was going to rent a court j ester for the Halloween Haunt and found that it would be more cost efficient to purchase one. A bounce room would be much more costly. CC-2003-108 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN WAS ABSENT), to approve the purchase of a Court Jester in the amount of$1,087.85 for use at any City of Grand Terrace sponsored event. PUBLIC COMMENT JoAnn Johnson, 12723 Mt. Vernon, invited everyone to attend the Senior's Monthly Council Minutes September 11,2003 Page 3 Programs, which are always held on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. On Friday, September 12, 2003 they will have a special program by Dana Loyal, and she encouraged everyone to attend. Janet Laiblin, South Coast Air Quality Management District introduced herself as the San Bernardino liaison for AQMD. ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports -None COUNCIL REPORTS Mavor Pro Tem Ferre, reported that she had the opportunity to attend the IEEP Meeting, which is the Inland Empire Economic Partnership meeting. They have moved to a new location in Riverside. The discussion was how to make California, especially the Inland Empire, business friendly. The private sector membership of IEEP is down because businesses are just not coming to California. An interesting statistic that was given is that right now there is 9 million square feet of dead office in the Silicon Valley alone. She also represents the Council on the Gangs and Drugs Task Force and they also met last week. Michael Martinez from the San Bernardino County District Attorneys Office talked a little bit about the Community Prosecution Program. She gave an overview of the program. The program is working very well, however it is expensive. She attended the League of California Cities Annual conference in Sacramento along with the City Manager, Councilmember Hilkey and Mayor Garcia. The League sponsored a ballot measure to strengthen the constitutional protection of local revenues,which passed unanimously and is now going on to the next step. She thanked the Grand Terrace Firefighters for the very moving 9/11 Memorial and welcomed back Councilmember Bea Cortes. Councilmember Hilkev, reported that Omnitrans passed a rate increase, however they are getting opposition from a group of people that are totally dependent, i.e., those that are mentally or physically challenged. Omnitrans has decided to hold off on the increases for those individuals that are totally dependent upon transportation. He attended the Annual League Meeting and although Councilmember Cortes was unable to attend the conference she graduated from the Mayors and Councilmembers Academy and he congratulated her. He feels that the most dynamic and the most exciting and the most successful part of the League right now is what they call CITIPAC. It is an Initiative driven to copy what the school districts did back in prop 98 to guarantee through a constitutional limit through the State of California that so much money would stay with the cities. He is very impressed with the effectiveness of the League of California Cities and the success that was demonstrated this past week. There is so much excitement and unity in the cities to go back to legislation in Sacramento and say leave the Cities monies alone. He felt that the 9/11 Memorial that Council Minutes September 11,2003 Page 4 was held at the Fire Station was very touching and well done. It made all of the news station and Grand Terrace got good exposure from it. He felt that the Union President gave a great speech as well as the Fire Captain from New York. Councilmember Larkin. welcomed back Councilmember Cortes. He congratulated Councilmember Cortes on being honored as one of the four Women of Achievement at the Fiesta de la Muerte and felt that it was very commendable and appropriate that she received this award. He reported that he attended the 9/11 Memorial at the Grand Terrace Fire Station and felt that it was a wonderful and well deserved event. The New York Firefighters and our local firefighters should all be commended and honored for their bravery. Councilmember Cortes.reported that she attended the Memorial for 9/11 that was held at the Fire Station and felt that it was very moving,touching, and emotional. She appreciated the most the bond of the two stations and the friendship that they have established. She would like to go to New York and visit station 23 and take a bag of goodies from Grand Terrace. She is very glad to be back and thanked staff for the notes and flowers. She thanked Councilmember Hilkey for all of his thoughtfulness and consideration that his family has shown her. Mavor Garcia. welcomed Councilmember Cortes back. She encouraged anyone that is interested in the High School to attend the Grand Terrace Chamber of Commerce meeting where they will have Dennis Byas, Superintendent of Colton Joint Unified School District, speaking. On September 18,2003 from 9:00-3:00"Celebrating Seniors 2003"will be held at the National Orange Show Fairgrounds,which is all Free. The Grand Terrace Lions Club will be holding a Pancake Breakfast on October 12, 2003 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All proceeds will go to benefit the Grand Terrace Branch Library. She attended an event with Councilmember Larkin,the Inland Empire Visioning. It was a very good session where they talked about the future. She stated that there was some excellent reports that she will share with the City. There was a good session on the 2003 Indicators Report related to education, environment, housing development, technology, and transportation. She thanked Councilmember Hilkey for his memo and update on the SANBAG Survey and the Honey Hill Traffic signal that he sent to all of the members of the Council. She requested that Staff and Council set October 9 as the date to talk about transportation as a whole. She feels it is critical as we move forward on the Measure renewal that there is an expenditure plan that goes along with it. She requested that our SANBAG Representatives at the next Board Meeting specifically ask for the Expenditure Plan for the renewal of Measure I. She has heard that they are trying to keep it rather generic and she is concerned with that due to the fact that when they went out for the measure before we were one of the projects that were definitely suppose to be funded and due to cost overruns of the other 7 or 8 projects ahead of us, ours did not get done. She feels that it is imperative, for our residents,that 215 South gets called in the next Measure renewal and the time is getting closer and closer. She would like a report back to the Council at the October 9, 2003 Meeting. She is going to invite Ty Council Minutes September 11,2003 Page 5 Schuiling to come to the meeting so he can participate in the discussion on our transportation priorities. She feels that it is important for the entire Council to understand what the priorities are and how they all work and more importantly how the funding goes along with them. She requested that staff prepare a matrix on what the transportation priorities are, where the projects are and the funding sources. She indicated that at the next Council meeting we will be discussing the directly elected Mayor proposal that a group of citizens have brought forth so she has asked the City Attorney to prepare a report. She reported that one of her good friends that works for IEEP said that the people at IEEP and the Tech Park use the Starbucks in Grand Terrace as the meeting place of choice. She attended the League of California Cities Annual Conference and shares Councilmember Hilkey's and Mayor Pro Tem Ferr6's enthusiasm as we move forward on the initiative to make sure that local government continues their funding. They have done some educational programs in the Community and is sure that the Council will be supportive of going out and continuing that educational effort. It will be very difficult for the Council to do their job if the State has taken away all of our money so we want to make sure and keep our local funds here. The best chance of that is what Councilmember Hilkey said and that is to protect it constitutionally. She thanked the staff for the tremendous work that they do for the City and .that it is greatly appreciated. She expressed her love of poetry and read a poem regarding human spirit and event that took place on September 11, 2001. Councilmember Hilkev. questioned if Council is going to come up with a new priority list at the October 9'meeting. Mavor Garcia. responded that she would like to have discussion on the priorities that staff will put together and if there is a need to make changes it will be agendized at a later meeting. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a Transportation Workshop on October 9,2003, prior to the meeting beginning at 5:30. PUBLIC HEARING-None UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None NEW BUSINESS 8A. Schedule Joint Meeting with Colton Joint Unified School District Board of Education It was the consensus of the Council to schedule a Joint Meeting with Colton Joint Unified School District Board of Education on January 8, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. Council Minutes September 11,2003 Page 6 8B. Policy for Naming Public Facilities It was the consensus of the Council not to have a Policy for Naming of Public Facilities. CLOSED SESSION-None ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Garcia adjourned the City Council Meeting at 8:07 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. CITY CLERK of the.City 1 Grand Terrace zl�6' MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace _