10/23/2003 N
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council
Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California,on October
23, 2003, at 6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Lee Ann Garcia,Mayor
Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Pro Tem
Herman Hilkey, Councilmember
Don Larkin, Councilmember
Bea Cortes, Councilmember
Tom Schwab, City Manager
Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk
Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager
Larry Ronnow, Finance Director
Jerry Glander,Building & Safety Director
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
Lt. Hector Guerra, Sheriff's Department
John Harper, City Attorney
The meeting was opened with invocation by Mayor Lee Ann Garcia, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance led by Mayor Pro Tem Maryetta Ferr6.
A. Home of Distinction Award
Assistant City Manager Berry announced that the Abacherli Family at 12715 Blue Mountain
Court are the winners of the Home of Distinction award for the third quarter. Mayor Garcia
presented the family with the award and a gift certificate from Stater Brothers Markets.
B. Commendation-Hugh Grant
Councilmember Don Larkin read a Commendation for Hugh Grant commending him
on his commitment to community service and the contributions that he has made to
the City of Grand Terrace.
Councilmember Bea Cortes presented Mr. Hugh Grant with a Certificate of
Recognition from the California State Assembly on behalf of Gloria Negrete McLeod
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October 23,2003
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member of the Assembly, 61s` Assembly District congratulating him on his
appointment as the Lion's Club International District 45 Governor.
Hugh Grant thanked the Council and Assemblywoman and gave a brief overview of
what his job will be as the Lions Club International District 45 Governor.
C. Terrace Crest Baptist Church
Kevin Norbridge,Associate Pastor of Terrace Crest Baptist Church,reported that the Church
will be participating in the Halloween Haunt and gave a brief overview on upcoming events.
Councilmember Dennis Yates of the Citv if Chino,gave a briefpresentation of whyhe would
like the City of Grand Terrace City Council to support him as the San Bernardino County
Representative on the AQMD Board.
LARKIN, CARRIED 5-0,to approve the following consent calendar items with the
removal of items 3D and 3E:
3A. Approval of Check Register Dated October 23, 2003
3B. Ratify 10-23-2003 CRA Action
3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
3F. Update Resolution Authorizing Investment in Local Agency Investment Fund
31). Approval of 10-09-2003 Minutes
HILKEY,CARRIED 4-1-0-0(MAYOR GARCIA VOTED NO),that the October 9,
2003 Minutes be amended to delete the items saying 5:30 p.m. Workshop down to
the sentence that the City Council held a workshop to discuss transportation.
3E. Contracting with the City of San Bernardino for Animal Housing Services
FERRE, CARRIED 5-0,to approve a Contract with the City of San Bernardino for
Animal Housing Services.
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October 23,2(03
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5A. Committee Reports
1. Emergency Operations Committee
a. Minutes of 09-02-2003
HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0 , to accept the September 2, 2003 Minutes of the
Emergency Operations Committee.
b. Appoint Regular Committee Member(Nichols)
FERRE, CARRIED 5-0, to appoint C. Glenn Nichols as a regular member of the
Emergency Operations Committee with a term continuing to June 30, 2006.
2. Crime Prevention Committee
a. Minutes of 09-08-2003
FERRE, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the September 8, 2003 Minutes of the Crime
Prevention Committee.
Mavor Pro Tem Ferr6, reported that on October 2 she attended the Southern California
Edison's breakfast which was offered to all City representatives. It was held at the Radison
and the purpose was to update City officials on what is happening in the electric utility
industry and to identify questions or concerns that any of the City representatives have.
There were quite a few questions and the SCE representatives did a good j ob answering those
questions. It was a worthwhile meeting. She indicated that everyone's thoughts are with
those having to deal with the fires in the area.
Councilmember Hilkev,he commented that when the fire was in Reche Canyon a couple of
news stations were reporting that some of the equipment was pulled out of Grand Terrace to
cover the Fontana Fire and that there were homes that were lost as a result. This was an
incorrect statement by the news, it was untrue.
Councilmember Larkin,congratulated Hugh Grant on being recognized this evening.He has
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done a lot for the community especially for the Lions and he feels that it is well deserved.
He reported that Valley Bank is having their Grand Re-opening on Friday,October 24,2003
from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Halloween Haunt will be held on October 31, 2003 and
the Country Fair will be held on November 1,2003. He reported that he has received several
messages on e-mail and by phone on some apartments that were being considered on
DeBerry Street. He requested that the City Manager give the Council information on the
proposed apartments.
City Manager Schwab, indicated that it is a 59 unit apartment complex that was set to be
heard by the Planning Commission. He believes that some of the citizens thought that it was
going to be the Council to hear this particular project which is why the Council was being
contacted to vote against the project. He requested that the Community Development
Director give a quick run down of what happened at the Planning Commission Meeting and
what the status of that project is.
Community Development Director Koontz, reported that a public hearing was held last
Thursday. There were quite a few residents in the audience that spoke in opposition of the
project. The Commission was concerned about crime,traffic,drainage and a couple of other
minor issues. The project was continued for two months to allow the applicant to prepare a
traffic study,look at reducing densities and they will be bringing it back in two months. The
general consensus of the Planning Commission was not very positive.
Councilmember Larkin, reported that the Foundation for Grand Terrace will be having
different events coming up to further explain about the foundation and if anyone is interested
in attending these events they should contact the Community Foundation and requested that
the information be posted on channel 3.
Councilmember Cortes,indicated that she was unable to attend the last council meeting due
to a job related issue. She welcomed Tony Petta.
Mavor Garcia, reported that the Community Foundation will raise money within the
community and will be spent within the community. She reported that as of today the
foundation has raised$10,000. She complimented the Foundation Members for their work.
She attended along with the City Manager and Councilmember Larkin, the League of
California Cities Legislative Task Force. On November 20, there will be a special Inland
Empire Division Dinner where they will be doing a Jim Thalman Distinguished Service
Award for Chino Hills Councilmember Jim Thalman that passed away. They will also
recognize the support of the coalition partners that have been giving dollars to help cities.
On November 19th at the Doubletree in Ontario,there will be a legislative briefing. She gave
a status report on where the League is on the ballot initiative for cities. She reported that
Christine Leathers is the new Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. Janet Leyban is the new
AQMD Representative Liaison for our area. On October 29,2003 from 10:30 to 12:00 noon
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October 23,2003
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there will be the Decimation 20/30. She was out of town and missed Dennis Byas'
presentation at the Chamber Luncheon,however, she heard there was a good turn out. She
reported that she had the opportunity to speak with Dennis Byas today and he reported to her
that the 2003 State of California High School Ranked by API Growth ranked Colton High
School number 10 out of the 690 high schools in the State. She is looking forward to the
upcoming Halloween Haunt and Country Fair.
6A. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California,
Amending Title 6 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and Establishing
Regulations Governing Animal Control.
Assistant City Manager Berry gave a brief overview of the proposed amendments to title 6
of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code regarding regulations governing animal control. He
indicated that the fee schedule will be brought to the Council at the next meeting for action.
Mayor Garcia opened discussion to the public.
Wavne Youngman.22574 Van Buren,confirmed that the current licenses will remain current
until the date of expiration.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, concurred.
Wavne Youngman, indicated that he has an animal that is very precious to the family and
reported that they have a microchip planted in her. He feels that the micro chip implantation
should be voluntary.
Mayor Garcia returned discussion to the Council.
Councilmember Hilkev, questioned if the $750.00 fee on page 4 is a one time annual fee.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, responded in the affirmative.
Coiuncilmember Hilkev, confirmed that the Ordinance will come back to the council for a
second reading. He questioned if there is any way to get pricing on microchips for a
voluntary program.
FERRE, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the first reading of an Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending Title 6 of the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code and Establishing Regulations Governing Animal Control.
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7A. Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace,California Approving
General Plan Amendment GPA-03-01, E-03-05 Adding the Noise Element and
Respective Negative Declaration
FERRE,CARRIED 5-0,to approve the Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City
of Grand Terrace,California Approving General Plan Amendment GPA-03-01,E-03-
05 Adding the Noise Element and Respective Negative Declaration.
8A. Adoption of a Resolution Calling for a Special Municipal Election relating to
Directly Electing the Mayor
Dick Rollins.22797 Barton Road, indicated that the current system has worked for almost
25 years. Grand Terrace is a contract city not a General Law City, he feels that having a
directly elected Mayor doesn't serve any purpose at all. We have a good Council and a good
City why change it.
Betty Guzman, 23202 Glendora Drive, questioned if the Council is going to decide if the
term is going to be two years or four years tonight.
Mavor Garcia,responded in the affirmative.
Citv Attornev Hamer.indicated that the first thing that the Council needs to decide is if they
want to place this issue on the ballot.
Mavor Garcia, stated that the Council already voted to place it on the ballot.
City Attornev Hamer, responded that the item is on the agenda tonight.
Bettv Guzman, stated that it was not their understanding.
City Attornev Hamer, indicated that there is no legal obligation for the Council to call the
election. Although at the last meeting some of the Councilmembers indicated that this is
what they would like to do ultimately the decision is when you approve the resolution calling
the election. In order for this to move forward the majority of the Council will have to vote
in favor of some version of this resolution calling for the election. Council will have to
determine in the body of the first resolution whether they want a two or four year term and
decide in the body of the second resolution who they want to appoint to write the arguments.
Ultimately the Council has to vote positively on the two resolutions.
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Mavor Pro Tem.Ferre, indicated that it was her understanding that at the last meeting that
Council voted to bring a resolution to this meeting calling an Election and whether we accept
the resolution or not determines whether it goes on the ballot. She did not feel that they
voted last meeting to put it on the ballot. She voted to bring the resolution to tonights
Mavor Garcia, confirmed that the Council will be voting on the resolution and if the
resolution fails it will not go on the ballot.
Bettv Guzman, confirmed the Council will be voting on the resolution tonight calling an
election. She indicated that they feel a two year term will be the best for the City. Grand
Terrace residents want the opportunity to make the choice on who the Mayor is. She
questioned whether the citizens will know who the Council appoints to write the written
City Attornev Hamer, indicated that the Council will make that decision tonight at the
meeting if it goes that far and it will be public. What is on the agenda tonight is simply the
resolution and nothing else.
Tonv Petta,indicated that each member of the Council should have an opportunity to be the
Mayor if they desire. He feels that there should be term limits even if the Mayor is chosen
by popular vote.
Citv Attornev Hamer. indicated that many Council's adopt term limits that aren't elected
Wavne Youngman. 22574 Van Buren Street, indicated that this was brought up by the
concerned citizens of Grand Terrace because they felt that they didn't have a voice in the
government. He feels that Grand Terrace should have a Mayor where their performance is
the deciding factor on whether they go on for additional terms,performance counts. Citizens
want a voice.
Dick Rollins, indicated that each councilmember has a single vote, the Mayor can not out
vote the rest of the Council,they can not say what the City does. He knows of no other City
that will allow anyone to get up and talk throughout the meeting. The citizens of Grand
Terrace have more voice than any other city that he knows of. He feels that they need to take
a real good look at this before they vote.
Mavor Garcia.encourages residents to get involved and believes that everyperson in the City
counts. The Council wants to be responsive to their needs. Should this go forward she
would ask that we have public policy discussions and that we be respectful of each others
opinions and really understand that people have different perspectives and understand that
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if there is not agreement that there isn't animosity toward your neighbor. Because we are a
small city, she wants the heart of Grand Terrace to stay intact, even when there are difficult
public policy discussions.
Councihnember.Larkin,indicated that he feels that it is very important that our citizens have
a voice and participate actively in our government and he feels that this is one of the things
that this Council has tried to promote. Right now there is one of two ways to place
something on the ballot. One,you do a petition drive of citizens within the community and
they put it on the ballot or two,the City Council can put it on the ballot. The reason behind
placing directly electing the Mayor on the ballot is to give the voters a direct voice on who
is the Mayor. It seems to be a concern that we will have a situation that possibly 3 of the 5
Councilmembers will select the Mayor. In the same light, why should 3 or 5 of the
Councilmembers take the citizens right to place something on the ballot. If we want to have
active discussion and engagement then it seems like the most logical way to do that is to let
the citizens decide. They can have the opportunity to do that by doing a petition drive and .
them placing it on the ballot. He feels that the petition drive is the more logical way to go.
Councilmember Hilkev, indicated that it was his understanding that at the last Council
Meeting it was understood that staff was going to bring back an examination of some kind
of research on how this would affect the City,if the Mayor is directly elected. He would like
to get down to the detail on what we are trying to fix. He is getting very strong conflicting
messages on what we are trying to fix. One person feels that if the Mayor is elected it will
change the authority of that position. The Council says that it will not change the authority
of that position. Term limits is not addressed in this resolution for Mayorship and he feels
that term limits takes voters rights away. He has heard people say that they are not happy
with somethings in the City. He is hearing inconsistencies in what we are trying to fix. We
can't fix it unless we know what we are trying to fix. He has a concern with electing a
Mayor for two years, who is going to run for a two year term when everyone else on the
Council is going to run for a four year term. Those type of analysis is what he expected staff
to bring back to the Council. He feels that we need to look at unexpected consequences that
could happen before rushing into an election. Why not let the highest vote getter take the
position of Mayor Pro Tem and rotate that person in two years to Mayor and rotate that
person out in two years. The elections will stay the same, it won't cost anymore, and we
have a structure that addresses the Mayor Pro Tem and the Mayor. And the public picks
them. He wants more analysis on what the long term effects will be. He feels that it is only
right that if we are going to make a decision like this that we need some analysis on how that
will effect the long term ability of this Council and what things will cause change by a Mayor
that is elected as opposed to a Mayor that is appointed on the Council.
Citv Manager Schwab, indicated that he was not at the last meeting when this item was
discussed,however,he watched the video and reviewed the minutes. It was very clear to the
staff that the only item that was going to be brought to the Council is the question of would
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this item be placed before the voters. There was no request for an analysis. He actually does
not believe that staff could provide an analysis, because what you are asking him to do is
provide his opinion and he does not believe that his opinion has any part of this discussion.
The Council is the policy body that sets policy. This is a major policy decision,his opinion
simply has no place in that discussion. What we did is place this before the Council and the
question tonight is do you or do you not want to put this to the voters in March of 2004 and
whether you want that to be a two year term or a four year term and that is simply.what is on
the agenda tonight.
Citv Attomev Harper, indicated that the Mayor is essentially a ceremonial position even if
elected. Staff could look at how other cities go through the Mayor selection process absent
an election. Every city that he has represented has had this same discussion on how Mayors
are chosen. Periodically there are political issues that make the selection of Mayor more
difficult than other years. Most cities have tried to adopt rules.
Mavor Pro Tem.Ferre, indicated that she was in favor, at the last meeting, of bringing this
resolution before the Council, which is exactly what has happened tonight. She is still in
favor of bringing the issue before the voters so that they can decide for themselves. Whether
it is done via this resolution or by a petition is yet to be determined. In this resolution, she
is adamantly against a two year term for a directly elected Mayor. Her father was the first
elected Mayor of the City of Colton. There was a group of concerned citizens who thought
this was the right way to go, it has never worked and this group of people that are still in
Colton will tell you if they had it to do again they would not do a two year term. No one on
this Council should have to run every two years for a position that is a position of ceremony.
That is her opinion regarding this resolution. She wants to make it very clear that whether
it is via the resolution or via a petition,the people have a right to decide on this issue.
Councilmember Cortes,indicated that she was under the impression that we were going to
vote tonight if this item is going to be put on the ballot. She indicated that she is waiting to
see who is going to make a motion to support it or not support it.
Mavor Garcia, indicated that ever since she has been involved in government she has liked
when people are involved in their government, she likes when people want to go and vote
on an issue. She understands Councilmember Larkin's concern,however,the group will be
able to do this should the Council not approve the resolution. She is supportive of giving the
people a choice to vote. She feels that this will allow the public dialog to start. She feels that
it would be wonderful to have the community involved in the discussion as opposed to five
people. She believes the more perspectives you can have on an issue the better it is. She
truly respects different perspectives. It may be frustrating at times, however it is good to
have different perspectives. She supports this to go on the ballot to allow this dialog to be
opened to the community and should it go that route we should be respectful of each other.
She never wants the City to be divided. She feels that it is best for the City to allow the
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residents to have public dialog on this issue and let them vote on it in March and let them
Councilmember Hilkev,stated that he feels that this issue would be the ideal topic to discuss
at a Town Hall Meeting. He feels that the misinformation within the last month is pretty
horrendous. There are questions about a two year or a four year term and which cycle the
Mayor is elected on.
Mavor Garcia, indicated that at any point anyone that fills the requirement of living in the
City can run. She feels that Councilmember Hilkey is doing more of a political analysis as
far as whether or not it would be in somebody's best interest to run,however anyone can run
whether they are on Council or not.
'Citv AttornevHamer,indicated that he feels Councilmember Hilkeyis saying that rather than
adopting a Resolution tonight it might be appropriate to discuss this subject at a Town Hall
setting and get input on these issues prior to deciding whether or not you are going to put it .
on the ballot. He reminded the Council that once it is decided to place this on the ballot the
City may not spend money supporting or opposing the ballot measure.
Mavor Garcia,responded other than the arguments.
Citv Attornev Hamer, concurred,however,he gave an example of the City of Norco where
they have a Charter on the ballot and one of the things that they are realizing is that the Town
Hall Meetings on the ballot measure are simply the City Attorney answering questions on
what the legal effect is going to be it is not I am in favor or opposed because the City can't
spend money to have that type of dialog. At a Town Hall Meeting if it's not a ballot
measure,the City can spend money organizing the Town Hall Meeting sending out notices,
Councilmember Larkin,stated that if the citizens are in the process of getting a petition drive
and the City holds a Town Hall Meeting it can be used as a forum.
Citv Attomev Hamer, concurred.
Councilmember Hilkev, again stated that he feels that it would be an ideal application for a
Town Hall Meeting,he feels that it would be very appropriate.
Mavor Garcia,indicated the deadline for the March Election is December 5"'. She feels that
it doesn't give them enough time to get the information out there.
Councilmember Hilkev, questioned why the rush.
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Mavor Garcia. responded that at the last meeting the members of the community that
attended the meeting had the understanding that the Council was supportive of this measure
going on the March ballot and she feels that it is important when you give your word that you
try to keep it as much as possible. She feels that through discussions that she has had with
the group of concerned citizens they felt that the promise had been made.
Mavor Pro Tem Ferre. stated that Mayor Garcia is speaking for herself. She is not involved
in any type of promises whatsoever. As she reads this agenda item she sees it as an Adoption
of a Resolution calling for a special municipal election relating to directly electing the Mayor
and she doesn't feel that she has any misinformation, she has not received any information
other than there is a group of people who want to have the right to decide whether they have
a directly elected Mayor or not and they are willing to do it either with the resolution or with
a petition. That is the only thing that the Council is dealing with this evening. She knows
nothing of promises..
Mavor Garcia.clarified that the vote that was taken a month ago and the perception from the
residents that were at the meeting,based on a conversation that she had with them,was that
they felt that the Council was supportive of putting the issue on the ballot and for the staff
to bring back the resolution.
VOTED.YES), to adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Grand
Terrace,California,Calling and Giving Notice of the Holding of a Special Municipal
Election to be held in said City on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 for Submission to the
Voters a Question Relating to Directly Electing the Mayor for a four year term.
8B. Schedule November and December City Council Meetings
LARKIN, CARRIED 5-0, to schedule one meeting for November 13, 2003 and
schedule one regular meeting for December to be held on the 11th following the City
Birthday Celebration.
8C. Regional Committee Appointments
There was no action taken.
8D. Highgrove/Grand Terrace Rail Station
Councilmember Larkin indicated that Grand Terrace's participation would be relative to the
cost. Each councilmember expressed their support for a Highgrove/Grand Terrace Rail
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8E. Town Hall Meetings
It was the consensus of the Council to discuss Town Hall Meetings at the next Goal Setting
Workshop in 2004.
Mayor Garcia adjourned the City Council Meeting at 9:20 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council
Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday,November 13, 2003 at 6:30 p.m..
CITY CLERK of the City y Grand Terrace
MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace