11/13/2003 f
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council
Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on
November 13, 2003, at 6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Lee Ann Garcia,Mayor
Herman Hilkey, Councilmember.
Don Larkin, Councilmember
Bea Cortes, Councilmember
Tom Schwab, City Manager
Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk
Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager
Larry Ronnow, Finance Director
Jerry Glander, Building& Safety Director
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
Sgt. Tom Hornsby, Sheriff s Department
ABSENT: Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Pro Tem
Lt. Hector Guerra, Sheriffs Department
John Harper, City Attorney
The meeting was opened with invocation by Councilman Herman Hilkey, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance led by Councilwoman Bea Cortes.
City Manager Schwab indicated that he would like to delete item 9A. Closed Session-Real
Estate Negotiations -22645 Grand Terrace Road(276-261-14) from the Agenda.
A. Leonard Paulitz, Councilmember City of Montclair, AQMD Governing Board
Leonard Paulitz,gave apresentation on whyhe is running for a position on the Board
for AQMD and what he feels his qualifications are and respectfully asked for the
Council's support.
B. Christ the Redeemer Church
Sister Deanna O'Neal, gave a presentation on the history of Christ the Redeemer
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Church and different activities that take place at the Church. She also gave the
history of the Sisters of St.Benedict and the different activities that they participate
in. She also talked about the Serra House that is being built.
approve the following consent calendar items:
3A. Approval of Check Register Dated November 13, 2003
3B. Ratify 11-13-2003 CRA Action
3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
3D. Approval of 10-23-2003 Minutes
3E. Award of 2003-04 Street Striping contract- Traffic Operations
3F. Travel Authorization-Dragos Barbu to Attend Comdex from November 16-
20, 2003
3G. Tract Map 16474
JoAnn Johnson. 12723 Mt.Vernon Avenue,gave abiography of Wayne Webster,amember
of the community and Citizen Patrol. He washer patrol partner for the past 10-12 years. He
recently passed away and those who knew him will miss him, he was a great friend.
5A. Committee Reports
1. Historical &Cultural Activities Committee
a. Minutes of 10-06-2003
accept the October 6, 2003 Minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities
Councilmember Hilkev,reported that the new Inland News Broadcast that is on at 10:00 p.m.
every night covers San Bernardino County. He feels that it is an amazing show of a
combination of national and mostly local news, he has really enjoyed it. He also reported
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that there is a local radio show 590 am. Between the two, there is a lot of local news, that
we have never had before. He along with City Manager Schwab and Wayne Youngmen
attended the Crime Prevention Committee and would like the City and the Crime Prevention
Committee to consider a speed watch program. Reche Canyon is closed, the traffic is
coming through Grand Terrace and because the 215 widening has been delayed until 2008
or 2009,we are going to get a lot of traffic on our streets and it seems timely to do something
about traffic watch which will allow people in Grand Terrace to either document or record
where the volume of traffic is. He appreciates staffs interest and believes that it will come
back to the Crime Prevention committee at their next meeting. He won first place in the
cooking contest at the Country Fair and he brought cookies in to share.
Councilmember Larkin, thanked City Staff and all of the organizations for putting on a
successful Halloween Haunt. He reported that the Country Fair was successful and had a
good turn out even with questionable weather. He took a walk down to look out point a few
weeks ago and noticed that there was a house on fire on the corner of Arliss&Vivienda. He
suggested setting up some type of an emergency relief fund for Grand Terrace residents who
have suffered some type of catastrophe or for those who did and have moved to Grand
Terrace and are in need of assistance. This would be a way of taking care of our own
community and helping out our neighbors. He will approach the Lions club and suggested
doing the same with the Women's Club. He feels that Veteran's Day is a great time to honor
all of the Veterans that have put so much effort towards our freedom. He wished everyone
a Happy Thanksgiving.
Councilmember Cortes,reported that at the SANBAG Board Meeting the Directors approved
funding for a motorcycle police officer and a crossing guards for selected Rialto Schools to
help control traffic and help also prevent accidents during the construction of State Route
210. They are opening two streets that has increased the traffic where school children are
crossing and they don't have signals or stop signs or crosswalks. They also voted to remove
the ramps for the same project because of the San Bernardino kangaroo rat. She feels that
we should ask for a motorcycle police officer, because of the increased traffic due to the
closure of Reche Canyon. She thanked staff for participating and helping out with the fire
victims as well as her colleagues. She thanked staff for doing a great Halloween Haunt. She
felt that the Country Fair was very nice.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, thanked everyone who made the Halloween Haunt happen.
He thanked the Grand Terrace Woman's Club, the Grand Terrace Lion's Club, Waste
Management, Grand Terrace Real Estate, Blue Mountain Real Estate, Terra Loma Real
Estate,Mr.&Mrs.Frank Ferre,Mr.&Mrs.Tony Petta,Keystone Schools,California Skate,
Nolte&Associates,RoquetPaving,andValleyBank. He thanked Riverside Highland Water
Co. who provided the generator that kept everything running and Air Borne Bike gave the
City a good price for a bicycle that was given out as a prize. He thanked Terrace Crest
Baptist Church for staffing the event. He showed approximately five minutes of a video of
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the Halloween Haunt and the Country Fair.
Councilmember Cortes, expressed well wishes to former Councilmember Gene Carlstrom
that was recently in the hospital, he is doing well. She wished Gary Koontz a Happy
Birthday and also Councilmember Don Larkin.
Mavor Garcia, wished them both a Happy Birthday. She thanked Assistant City Manager
Berry for all of his efforts on the video that he put together. She congratulated
Councilmember Hilkey on his win with his cookies and also congratulated the Grand Terrace
Library on raising$6800 in the kiss a cow contest. She thanked everyone for doing whatever
they could for the fire victims. The Chamber of Commerce had a major drive. She was able
to go to the Jerry L. Petta's Veteran's Hospital in Loma Linda for a tour. She feels that it is
important to remember the sacrifice's that our Veteran's have given. She reported on the
tremendous strides that the Foundation is having and requested that Assistant City Manager
Berry give a report on the two events that they have had.
Assistant Citv ManaL-er Berrv.reported that the Foundation held an event at Valley Bank and
was able to raise another $2,500 and they are looking at holding another event in early
Mavor Garcia, congratulated Valley Bank on their Grand Re-opening. She asked Council
what their feelings are on starting the Council meeting at 8:00 p.m. on December 11, 2003.
It was the consensus of the Council to start the meeting of December 11, 2003 at 8:00 p.m.
following the City Birthday Party.
Mavor Garcia, received a message on her answering machine from Elizabeth from
Congressman Jerry Lewis'Office indicating that we got$500,000.00 dollars for the 1215 and
Barton Road interchange. They are finalizing the conference report and then it will get
passed by the House and Senate and then it will go to the President's desk for support.
6A. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, Approving BRSP-
03-01 (Amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan)and E-03-08 (Environmental
Review -Negative Declaration)
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz indicated the in 1990 the Grand
Terrace City Council approved the original Barton Road Specific Plan. Over the past 13
years, several minor amendments have been approved to address specific issues associated
with the Specific Plan and its implementation. However, no comprehensive review and
revision has occurred. The Community Development Department has undertaken the task
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of performing a comprehensive review of the current Barton Road Specific Plan. Based
upon this review, the Department has prepared a major revision to the Specific Plan. He
gave an overview of the proposed changes.
Mayor Garcia opened discussion up to the public.
Charles Hadie. 2209 West Balboa Blvd.,Newport Beach, CA 92663,indicated that he is in
support of the proposed amendment to the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Mayor Garcia returned discussion to the Council.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned what measures have been taken in the Barton Road
Specific Plan to ensure that a bunch of strip malls aren't built along Barton Road.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that throughout the
specific plan it still provides the same guidelines and with the planning process they have,
staffreview and the Planning Commission review he is quite comfortable that they can avoid
that from happening.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned if there were any incentives to get multiple property
owners together due to the current sizes of the lots on Barton Road.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that they left a
discussion on incentives,however, they are not specific. They made it an open discussion
between the Planning Commission and the applicant.
Councilmember Larkin. questioned if the plan includes multi-zoning to mix the residential
and commercial together to make it more pedestrian friendly.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz. responded that it maintains the
desire to keep the pedestrian access with the commercial development. They aren't avoiding
anything that was in the original plan.
Councilmember Larkin,requested clarification on drive-thru's.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz.responded that they are permitted
and that have always been permitted in the Specific Plan and you will probably see one or
two drive-thru's coming across our door soon.
Councilmember Hilkev.questioned what changes are taking place on Preston with the multi-
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Community and Economic Development Director Koontz,responded that they are basically
focusing on the area of the vacant lot that is surrounded by multi-family development.
Councilmember Hilkev. asked if the language has been changed regarding the 300 foot
access along Section 2.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz,responded that the language has
been modified slightly. There are going to be certain cases where you simply can not get a
300 foot access.
Councilmember Hilkev.stated that he agrees with everything that Community and Economic
Development Director Koontz is saying. He questioned what assurance does the Council
have that strip malls won't be approved at Staff or Planning Commission level.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz,right now he is depending on his
understanding of the direction of the City Council and the Planning Commission to ensure
that those things don't happen. To put in some type of qualifier that says if this happens or
that happens it has to be approved by the City Council, we can do that, however, it will be
interesting wording.
Councilmember Hilkev, questioned the section pertaining to monument signs.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz,responded that the existing zoning
sign section is exactly the same for all intensive purposes.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned if there is any consideration of signs near the 215
interchange in the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Communitv Development Director Koontz, responded that it is not a part of the Specific
Plan,however, it would fall under the existing sign ordinance.
approve the first reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand
Terrace, Approving BRSP-03-01 (Amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan)
and E-03-08 (Environmental Review-Negative Declaration)
6B. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace,California,amending
Title 4 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and Establishing Animal Control and
Licensing Fees
Assistant Citv ManaLyer Berrv. indicated that as of November 1, 2003 the City of Colton
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began providing Animal Control Services for the City of Grand Terrace. Staff has been
working closely with Colton's Staff to bring our fee schedule up-to-date regarding Animal
Control and Licensing fees. He gave information on the AVID Chip Implant. He
recommends that the Council adopt the proposed Ordinance and that residents have the
option of choosing an electronic chip implant program for their pets. These implants will be
available at all pet licensing clinic held in Grand Terrace.
Councilmember Larkin. questioned how long a dog is held before taking it to the shelter.
Assistant City Manager Berrv,responded that they will bring the animals to the shelter at the
end of the officers shift.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned if the officer will try to find the owner if the animal is
Assistant Citv Manager Berm responded in the negative that the officer will take it to the
Councilmember Larkin, questioned if an animal has the Chip implant and the officer scans
the animal,will the officer take that animal to the owner.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv,responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Larkin,questioned then why not have a discount for those animals that have
a chip implanted.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, responded that at this time the City of Colton has not
purchased the equipment. When we get to the point where they do purchase the equipment,
then we can modify the fees.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned if the officer will pick-up any animal.
Assistant Citv Manager Berm responded that from what he understands that for skunks and
opossums residents will have to rent the trap and trap them and the officer will pick them up.
Councilmember Hilkev,indicated that in the past he borrowed the traps from the County,that
there wasn't a fee for them.
Citv Manager Schwab,indicated that from his experience, although it has been a few years,
there was money involved.
Councilmember Hilkev. confirmed that there is a rental fee that is being proposed.
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Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Hilkev,referred to a letter that he received regarding the Chip implant, He
would like to postpone this until we can find out if Colton has a scanner and if the City can
buy the chips.
Assistant Citv Manager Berm indicated that Colton does not have a scanner and not does
the County of San Bernardino.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned how much a scanner costs.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, responded that he does not know. He indicated that it is
important to move forward with this fee schedule,otherwise the City will be unable to do the
licensing clinics in January and will really hold up the process.
Councilmember Hilkev, questioned if the general animal fees are the City's fees or the fee
to house the pet at the shelter.
Assistant Citv Manger Berrv,responded that it is the fee that the shelter charges and the City
recaptures a portion of that if someone picks up the animal.
Councilmember Larkin,stated that there is no cost to the City if the animal never goes to the
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv,responded that there should still be a fine because there is a
leash law. He indicated that we survive off of fees and fines and licenses to make this
program work.
Councilmember Hilkev,indicated that he feels strongly that we should require a chip or that
a first offense fines should be less. He feels that if we are going to make a change we should
make a change for the better.
Citv Manager Schwab, indicated that any fee that we do not collect will come out of the
General Fund.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, indicated that the licensing fees did not increase.
Councilmember Hilkev, questioned if the shelter fees went up.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, responded that the first time second time and third time
offense went up,however, those are minimal amount of revenues that come in.
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Councilmember Larkin, feels that it will be helpful to have background information for
comparison. He supports requiring a chip implant and having a reduced fine as an incentive.
Mayor Garcia opened discussion to the public,there being none, she returned discussion to
the Council.
Councilmember Hilkev, feels that we are rushing into this and feels that we should put
together a fee where residents pay for the chip when they license the animal for the first time.
If the animal is caught they won't get charged the horrendous housing fees. If they choose
not to get the chip then they pay the housing fees.
Citv Manager Schwab,indicated that the City won't be collecting the fees until January and
questioned Assistant City Manager Berry if there would be a problem pushing this back to
the December Meeting.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv. indicated that the Ordinance requires a second reading.
Councilmember Hilkev.indicated that he would like the fees to be set up where you pay$9
for a neutered dog plus$40 for a chip and registration and a discount if your dog gets picked
up and the satisfaction that your dog will be returned.
Mavor Garcia, indicated that she is all for encouraging the chip implant, however, she has
a little bit of a problem mandating the fee. She feels that most people that want to do it will
do the implant. She has a problem telling people they have to do it.
Councilmember Hilkev.indicated that he has a problem telling people that they have to pay
for a license that has no value. He would rather tell someone would you rather pay$9 for
a license that has no value or would you rather pay$50 and get an implant for your pet.
Councilmember Larkin,indicated that he doesn't feel the chip should be mandated,however,
he feels it should be an option and should the dog get caught, there should be a$15 dollar
discount on the first offense.
CARRIED 4-0-1-0(MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE WAS ABSENT),to adopt the first
reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace,California,
amending Title 4 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and Establishing Animal
Control and Licensing Fees with the deletion of section 7C and the amendment to
Section 8A.to I"time offense$30 for any animal that has a identifying chip and$50
if they don't have an identifying chip.
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7A. Second Reading An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace,
California,Amending Title 6 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and Establishing
Regulations Governing Animal Control
approve the Second Reading An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand
Terrace, California, Amending Title 6 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and
Establishing Regulations Governing Animal Control
8A. Resolution-Measure I Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) Re-allocation
MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE WAS ABSENT), to approve a Resolution of the City.
Council of the City of Grand Terrace, State of California,Adopting the Measure"I"
Five-Year Capital Improvement Program.
8B. City Selection Committee Elections
It was the consensus of the Council to recommend that Mayor Garcia support the following
for the City Selection Committee:
City Selection Committee Chair-Bill Alexander, City of Rancho Cucamonga
City Selection Committee Vice-Chair- Judith Valles, City of San Bernardino
Local Agency Formation Commission- Jim Bagley, City of Twentynine Palms
South Coast Air Quality Management District Board-Leonard Paulitz, City of Montclair
Cal-ID Remote Access Network Board-Eunice Ulluoa, City of Chino
Mayor Garcia adjourned the City Council Meeting at 9:00 p.m.,in memory of Wayne Webster,until
the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday,December 11,2003
at 8:00 p.m.
a CITY CLERK of the Cijof Grand Terrace
MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace