A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council
Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on
September 9, 2004, at 6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Herman Hilkey, Mayor
Maryetta Ferre, Mayor Pro Tern
Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember
Don Larkin, Councilmember
Bea Cortes, Councilmember
Tom Schwab, City Manager
Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk
Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager
Jerry Glander, Building& Safety Director
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
Lt. Hector Guerra, Sheriff's Department
Colin Burns, Attorney
Ralph Megna, Economic Development Director
ABSENT: Larry Ronnow, Finance Director
John Harper, City Attorney
The City Council meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor John Brunt,Azure Hills Seventh-
Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
FERRE, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items:
3A. Approval of Check Registers Dated September 9, 2004
3B. Ratify 09-09-2004 CRA Action
3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
3D. Approval of 08-26-2004 Minutes
3E. Notice of Completion- Combined Roadway Project (EGN)
3F. Request for Temporary Street Closure for Block Party- Tanager Street
3G. Resolution to Participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program
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Debbv Welch,22720 De Berry Street, expressed her concern with the increased number of
cars and speeding traffic that go up and down DeBerry. She is interested in having the City
put in speed humps to slow down the traffic. She provided a list of residents that are
interested as well as a map of where they would like the humps.
Beverlv Powell. Region Manager for Southern California Edison, 287 Tennessee Street,
indicated that she spoke to the Council two weeks ago regarding the Devers Palo Verde
Transmission Project and reported that they held the open house in Loma Linda and that a
few residents from Grand Terrace came. She stated that the Mayor had asked her at the last
meeting if Edison will be working on the towers across from Terrace View Elementary
School and the answer is no. She stated that Councilwoman Garcia questioned if Edison will
be doing anything about creating a landscaping buffer at the Vista Substation and the answer
to that is no. The engineer that is designing the project expects to have six towers removed,
however, he doesn't know which ones at this time. Another Councilmember asked about
having this information available on the City's website, the project manager stated that the
City can put any information that they have published on the website. She stated that the
Mayor had questioned the use of Edison right-of-way for trails, she stated that all the City
will have to do is submit plans for review.
Bill Hays.22114 DeBerry Street,expressed his dissatisfaction of the continual attacks of the
Guzmans. He indicated that the Grand Terrace Community awareness Group is having a
meet the candidates evening on September 13, 2004. He stated that the Blue Mountain
Outlook media committee refused to publish the advertisement of this forum. He feels that
the City should find another vehicle to spend tax dollars to inform the citizens of when there
are going to be meetings than in the Blue Mountain Outlook until something can be done.
Patricia Farlev. 12513 Michigan Street,stated that she is apart ofthe Community Awareness
Group and feels that there is a great need for the public to be better informed and involved
in what is. going on in the City. Many people feel that they don't have a say in the
community and stated that the Community Awareness Group was started to fill the need of
those people. She knows a resident that she found to be knowledgeable and that cares a great
deal about the City, who is Sharon Abbott. It was her idea and inspiration that got the
Community Awareness Group going and she supports this important effort and is trying to
help. This important effort should be supported by the leadership in this City. She reported
that on Monday,September 13,2004 the Community Awareness Group is having a question
and answer meet the candidate meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center on Barton
Road. She encouraged everyone to attend. She stated that she was told that Mr.McConnell
would not help the Community Awareness Group in any way if the Guzman's were involved
in their group in anyway including placing announcements in the Blue Mountain Outlook,
which was stated to her and Sharon Abbott. Although she feels that Mrs.Guzman's personal
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which was stated to her and Sharon Abbott. Although she feels that Mrs.Guzman's personal
attacks on Mr. McConnell were unfortunate, she feels that no one should be allowed to use
the Blue Mountain Outlook for their own agenda nor should they be allowed to withhold
information from the community,which the public has the right to know. She feels that Mr.
McConnell has mis-used the Blue Mountain Outlook. She feels that Mrs. Guzman's
concerns were validated by what Mr.McConnell wrote and supported by a court of law. She
feels that City Leaders should stop and contemplate why citizens are frustrated and angry,
they have the right to express their views and if they don't want them to say negative things
then don't violate their rights. She feels that people should not make personal attacks against
others. She feels that no court would support the use of tax payers money on a local paper
for someone to use to fulfill their personal agenda at the expense of the rights of the residents
of Grand Terrace. It is her personal view that the City can not and that the Chamber of
Commerce should not support Mr. McConnell continuing to have anything with the Blue
Mountain Outlook. She encourages everyone to hold Mrs.Guzman responsible alone for her
Jeff McConnell, 21758 Walnut Avenue, indicated that approximately the first week of
August the Editor of the'Blue Mountain Outlook blocked him out of the Editor webmail the
first week of August and until the paper came out he was unaware of anything coming in or
any conversations that he had with any of those people who just stood up and complained.
He apologized from the Chamber. The Editor will receive a letter of reprimand from the
Chamber for all of the damage that has been created. He originally requested to speak to
apologize for the OAC announcement not making it into the September BMO. He indicated
that he has been working with the Community Awareness Group as well as the Chamber of
Commerce unfortunately the Editor has created a lot of damage and he was unaware of how
much damage until this meeting. He stated that as a Chamber Board Member he apologizes
for the damage.
5A. Committee Reports -None
Mavor Hilkev. reported that the construction in Highgrove has started and the staff has
negotiated very well with the builders and that there is some money coming through for
traffic mitigation. He indicated that he will bring to council on a later agenda that if an issue
of traffic calming is requesting byresidents on Van Buren,Pico or DeBerry that the City fund
that calming if it is designed by the City Engineer. He reported that the sprinklers at Rollins
Park are broken and staff is fixing it as quickly as possible. He reported that he received a
request that the City get a new Flag for City Hall and requested staff to look into it.
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6A. Specific Plan SP-04-01 and E-04-03 to Develop Approximately 123 Acres as Mixed
Use Commercial and Open Space Uses
Gary Koontz Community Development Director, indicated that the City of Grand Terrace
Redevelopment Agency is proposing the development of a master planned outdoor
recreation-oriented commercial project on approximately 123 acres of property lying
generally south of Barton Road, west of Michigan Street, north of Pico Street, and east of
Interstate 215. In order to implement the proposed project, the Redevelopment Agency,
through the Community Development Department,has prepared a Specific Plan of Land Use
(SP-04-01) the Outdoor Adventures Center (OAC) Specific Plan. Based on the OAC
Specific Plan, an Environmental Impact Report (E-04-04) was prepared per CEQA
guidelines. He gave an overview of the project and how it will effect the area around it.
Ralph McRna, gave a presentation of the project and showed what that area would look like
if developed under the existing zoning code as opposed to the proposed master planned
outdoor recreational-oriented commercial project.
Community Development Director Koontz, stated that the Planning Commission
recommends that the City Council certify E-04-03,an Environmental Impact Report for the
Outdoor Adventures Center Specific Plan and approve SP-04-01, the Outdoor Adventures
Center Specific Plan.
Councilmember Larkin, wanted clarification on how the individual buildings will be
Communitv Development Director Koontz,responded that the developer may come in with
a series of projects at one time to review as one package so they can see if there are any
impacts. Any project or structure would have to go through the Planning Commission
review,CEQA review,compare what the project is,how it is laid out,what the activities are
to the environmental impact report that was part of this project to ensure that they are
addressing the impacts and mitigation measures associated with it. There would be a formal
public hearing before the Planning Commission and if there were any issues from the general
public that the Planning Commission did not address it could be appealed by the City
Councilmember Larkin, questioned if that would be when traffic mitigation fees would be
paid or would the fees be paid by the developer up front.
Communitv Development Director Koontz, responded that they are expected to see the
overall backbone infrastructure built up front by the developer. The project is designed to
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support itself.
Councilmember Larkin, stated that the area that they are defining the zoning to include the
Outdoor Adventure Use is the only area that allows Adult Entertainment and questioned if
it will still be an allowed use.
CommunitvDevelopment Director Koontz,responded that they specifically excluded Adult
Entertainment,however,if it is the desire of the Council it can be written into this document.
He indicated that there is another area that will be left in town that will allow adult
entertainment just east of La Cadena.
Mayor Hilkey opened the Public Hearing.
Patricia Farlev. 12513 Michigan Street,indicated that her statements are not a formal opinion
or statements for the Community Awareness Group,however, what she has to say tonight
is not only her personal opinion but it includes the concerns and opinions of many other
people in Grand Terrace of whom she has discussed this project with. The majority of the
people in the City do not want the proposed project misrepresented as the Outdoor Adventure
Center to be built in the City. She feels that the people that live here should decide what is
best for the City and not just City Officials and staff, some of which don't even live here.
She feels that the City needs quality development and a positive tax base for the City,
however, it can not be done at the expense of the people who live here by destroying the
quality of their lives and the property that they have worked for years to build. She feels that
the City Officials and Staff were so sure of themselves on this project that they have already
spent so much money on reports, including preliminary, engineering, preparation of the
specific plan and the master development attraction. These companies are still being paid
large vouchers almost every month as they have been in the past few years. Approximately
1.8 million has already been spent as of June 2003 in land acquisition for this project.
Almost all of this expense is usually done by the developers,but not in this case. They have
estimated that the City has already spent over a million paying some of the private consulting
companies that Mr. Koontz and Mr. Megna work for. She feels that it is unbelievable that
we have to go to Mr. Koontz and Mr. Megna to get information because not only are they
paid part-time by the City as consultants but they also work for the private contract
companies that plan the Outdoor Adventure Center. She stated that she did not receive any
updated pages for the environmental impact report. She expressed her concern with freeway
access. She also expressed her concerns with the impact that the High School may have
along with the project. She questioned emergency vehicle access. She feels that we don't
need six boat businesses in Grand Terrace. She expressed her frustration with getting the
financial impact analysis so late,which, she feels is incomplete in many ways. She resents
being told that somehow if this isn't approved we could have a Walmart with 12,000 vehicle
trips per day. They don't even want a Walmart. She feels that we should have 1 police
officer per 1,000 people so she feels that by the time you pay for everything it is going to
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clear out any of the profits. She questioned what tax incentives businesses are being given.
She stated that the EIR stated that the Outdoor Adventure Center would operate its own
uniform security services, which she feels is unacceptable. She stated that there was an
armed robbery in Grand Terrace and that it took 45 minutes for deputies to arrive. An
attractive entrance to the City could be done without going to such an extreme as the plans
as the Outdoor Adventures Center has. The entrance is merely to attract thousands of
outdoor enthusiasts from anywhere and everywhere to the City of Grand Terrace. She
doesn't feel that it is appropriate to threaten residents that if they don't want the Outdoor
Adventure Center then they will get a Walmart. She feels that Grand Terrace doesn't need
a lake with the threat of the West Nile Virus. She stated that she loves lakes and waterfalls.
It would be beautiful,however the crowds,west rile problems,and code enforcement needs
to be considered. She feels that it is a shame that some of the main people promoting this
project did not think it was important to make time to review the reports that could
drastically impact all of the lives in Grand Terrace. She stated that they have collected over
400 signatures on a petition of people who are opposed to the project and presented it to the
Council. She feels that there are so many holes in this environmental report that do not
comply with the Environmental law that you need time to look at them and take care of them.
Dorothv Farlev. 12513 Michigan Street, asked Mr. Koontz what he is planning to do with
Van Buren Street. She questioned why the trucks have to come down Michigan and feels
that there can be some restrictions of certain areas where trucks of only a certain weight can
use. She stated that Mr. Megna and Mr. Koontz are in Grand Terrace for one purpose only
and that is to make money for themselves. They do not live in Grand Terrace therefore they
don't need to worry about what they do to Grand Terrace. They have sold their bill of goods
to City Hall because City Hall has not been smart enough to send them on their way. She
sincerely wishes that City Hall would wake up before it is too late. She feels that the City
should never have tried to become a City it is much too small. Mr.Megna and Mr.Koontz,
when they have gotten all the money that they can from Grand Terrace,will be on their way
leaving whatever mess they have created for us to clean up with no money left to do it.
Bill Hays, 22114 DeBerry Street, concurred with what Patricia Farley said.
Donald Farlev. 12251 Michigan, questioned whether there were going to be concrete curbs
and gutters. He stated that he feels that it is important to note that this is not an
entertainment center,it is a retail center. It is not intended for entertainment of any sort. He
indicated that he has expressed many concerns regarding the proposed OAC since he first
became aware of the project. He expressed his concern with the approval process of the EIR,
essentially all of the concerns expressed by individuals were ignored. The Grand Terrace
Planning Commission seems to have no accountability to the residents of Grand Terrace. He
feels that the City needs real vision to take a look at this area and come up with a plan that
really makes sense for the community. He stated that the Grand Terrace City Council has
the responsibility to review the proposed Outdoor Adventures Center from the perspective
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of the big picture and approve as submitted, approve as modified or to disapprove the
proposed Outdoor Adventure Center. He feels that Council needs to review the project EIR
objectively before making a final decision as well as address the outpouring of concerns of
residents and property owners that have already been documented. He is disappointed and
disillusioned by the approval process for the EIR. The Grand Terrace Planning Commission
approved the EIR,which he felt is flawed and incomplete. He referred to a Notice of Public
Hearing he received. He feels that a group of promoters has taken advantage of a small and
unsophisticated City Government to sell a project that is clearly not compatible with the
residential nature of the community. Grand Terrace seems to have financial issues and
appears that the promoters of the proposed OAC have played on the basic instincts of greed
and City Management to advance the project at the expense of the community as a whole.
Lee Swertfe2er. 12438 Michigan&22002 Van Buren, owns the trailer repair business and
parts sales. He indicated that he is not opposed to the project, however he has a lot of
concerns. He is concerned that the proposed project will keep his business from growing.
He feels that the property owners in the area are in limbo and has concerns with the amount
of time that it may take for the project to be completed.
Dan Buchanan. 22975 Wren Street, is happy to see the large turnout of residents that came
out to express their concerns. He feels that it is important to know that not everyone is
supporting the project as well as not everyone is opposing the project. He feels that as
important as it is for individuals to plan for their future he feels that it even more important
for those intrusted with the public trust to plan for the future. This is a prof ect,from his point
of view, that is well design, well mitigated and vital to the economic success of the
community. He knows first hand how serious the damage to local government finances has
been over the past several years withe the State raids on local government funds. He knows
how difficult it is to support a bare bones law enforcement presence in this community.With
a high school on the horizon the necessity of having better police presence in the community
is going to be increased. We know what is happening outside of our city limits in Higrove,
which will also require an increased police presence and we don't have the money to pay for
it. So the question is how are we going to continue to support ourselves as a community.
He is not one of those in favor of giving up on the existence of Grand Terrace and asking
Colton to please annex us. He feels that the City of Grand Terrace was a great idea and he
feels that it is a viable and remarkable community and feels that it is important the we keep
its future in mind. The project will generate significant revenue, it will require an
expenditure of revenue to add law enforcement support and other things,but it is also going
to generate additional revenue that will allow us to have a safe community, a safe new high
school, and to maintain the safety of our other schools in this community. It will also
provide us with some tools and funds to deal with the traffic and the impact from the
development that we have no control over around the community. He feels that it is
particularly important to take note of what happens if we say alright let's leave things the
way they are. All you have to do is take a look at Highgrove to see what type of development
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that takes place on its own in the area,which is massive distribution centers. Personally he
would like to have a lot of vehicle traffic coming into the community for people that are here
to spend money rather than large trucks dropping off and picking up loads and idling for
hours and creating diesel fuel pollution. He indicated that what is before the Council tonight
is approving a specific plan that allows for a developer to come in and do this. This is giving
someone the opportunity to build this in a very controlled organized and well planned
process. He feels that it is critical that we do this. A lot of people are going to express
concerns with the project and their concerns should not be ignored. Every person in this
community deserves their voice to be heard. Those people that live near this and the most
significant impact would be opposed to this or at least some concerns and feels that those
concerns need to be addressed. As councilmembers of this community you have a fiduciary
obligation to the whole City and to the entire public to find the appropriate balance between
the future financial security,the benefits to the City,and the efforts to mitigate the individual
impacts that this may cause. I would like to go on record on his own behalf as well as those
who choose not to come out when they are for something,that this really is a good idea and
applaud the effort of the City to look towards its future.
Barbara Wetzel, 12355 Vivienda Avenue, concurred with what Patricia Farley had to say.
She expressed her concern with the lake and west nile virus. She pleaded that if they are
going to put something in that area not to put a lake. She indicated that she received a letter
from the Council with regards to questions she has of the proposed project and that her
questions still weren't answered. She questioned if we are going to keep the Barton Road
exit going northbound,are we going to have two exists. She also questioned if the California
Department of Transportation given approval to the City to make this new on and off-ramp
off Commerce Way. She pleaded to reconsider this project. She is not against doing
something in that area.
Donna Coolev,22285 Mavis Street,expressed her support of the OAC and commended staff
for seeking these opportunities for the residents in an effort to make a better life for everyone
and feels that it is encouraging to see that they have solved a lot of the problems of traffic
and congestion and maybe less pollution. She feels that Mr.Buchanan said it very well and
she says Amen to that.
Jeff Allen,22549 Brentwood Street, indicated that he has spent the last two months talking
to countless people in the City regarding the OAC. Although those that are in favor of the
project do not come to the meetings just those opposed, there are quite a few that are for the
project. When he moved to Grand Terrace he was looking for Mayberry, however, this is
Southern California and we need to look to the future. He thanked the Council for their
foresightedness and planning.
Matt Addington, 23058 Peacock Court, indicated that he has been a resident of Grand
Terrace for over twenty years and has served on the Planning Commission for over nine
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years. In addition he is a professional engineer in the field of land development and feels that
this provides a unique perspective to share with the development of the Outdoor Adventure
Center and that for the record he did vote on it as a Panning Commissioner. His perspective
is that he understands both sides of the table. The developer would want something with a
low construction cost with a fast return on their investment. In addition they would not want
to overdevelop the property with a lake and 1400 trees where the construction costs could
exceed the expected resale value of the project. If the City denies the specific plan, the
assumption that this land would never develop is wrong. The property for the OAC is
currently zoned in the general plan and the current property owners can either sell their
property to a developer or build the property themselves. They have a legal right to improve
the property within the current zoning codes as staff has shown. Any of the alternatives
would bring additional traffic to the residents on Michigan Avenue. Through his career of
almost thirty years as a engineer he has seen this played out many times before, even when
he has been on the developers side negotiating with the City. The City Council has directed
staff to investigate and prepare preliminary studies for a much nicer project to fit the image
of this fine town we and I call home. The specific plan that is presented tonight and
approved by the Planning Commission, has unique perspective in that the City is now the
author of the plan not an outside developer. Instead of a bare bones project with minimal
improvements constructed around the existing constraints,the specific plan is proposing to
reroute these constraints for the development of the land. In addition to ease traffic along
Michigan Road Commerce Way would be extended through the project initially with new
off-ramps and signals being constructed. This project would achieve an image for the City
with fine restaurants along the lake,outdoor retail type stores,visibility for the City to attract
new businesses for the current Barton Road Specific Plan. All of this would and could
increase the City's sales tax income to help us overcome those future financial lean years as
all cities are currently experiencing at this time. As a resident of Grand Terrace,he strongly
urged the Council to approve the specific plan before them tonight for the betterment of the
Jeffrev McConnell. 21758 Walnut Avenue, stated that he lives behind the Stater Bros.
Warehouse and that residents do not want to have big rigs idling and dieseling anywhere near
your neighborhood. He feels that every community should have a community awareness
group in concept. Asa licensed contractor developer he believes in master planning,whether
it is the Outdoor Adventure Center or not, he is glad that it is being master planned. He
suggested that they may want to call it the Outdoor Adventure Retail Center. He had heard
that they are planning on removing the northbound off-ramp to Barton Road and feels that
it would be a mistake to do that. As a local real estate agent he is glad that this is a upscale
development because that means upscale retail values which is what most homeowners want.
As a member of the Board of Directors for the Chamber of Commerce he doesn't want to see
anything go into town that will create a sudden vacuum and void of some of the local
business owners to go to other buildings and leave vacancies up and down Barton Road. He
thanked GFE for providing free coffee.
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Tom Comstock. 123 9 5 Vivienda Avenue,indicated that he lives a block up off of Michigan
and is also one of the City Planning Commissioners and has served in that capacity for the
better part of a year. This plan has been looked at for a long time. He feels that a lot of good
judgement has been used along the way. He feels that what is being seen tonight is a result
of good judgement being used for developing very difficult parcels of land. He feels that
City Staff has done a marvelous job of researching this. He indicated that he voted in favor
of the specific plan. He had questioned if there had been any market studies done about
developers and businesses that are willing to come into this area. The answer was in the
affirmative and that there were several developers that were in the region that had expressed
interest even before the plan. He said that there is a high school going in that is projected to
put in somewhere around 2700 high school students. The school already has a contingency
plan to put modular units down up to 3000 students, that is a lot of kids, busses and cars.
There will be a lot of people coming in and out of the community based solely on that high
school,no retail sales revenue or anything and as a resident that lives there he is not looking
forward to coming and going from his home and if something isn't done to reroute that
traffic Michigan will become a parking lot. He is in favor of the project.
Janelle Marks.22670 Main Street,feels that the community is largely misrepresented. Most
people that she has spoken to are in favor of the project. She feels that it is a great idea and
that many issues have been addressed.
Hank Ramev,21845 Grand Terrace Road,#23,indicated that he doesn't feel that the EIR or
any of the Environmental documents cover enough of the proposed alternatives to the
project. He feels that this whole project has not been properly reviewed from the beginning.
He feels that the reviewing process should start over. He doesn't object to have other
revenue sources built there,however,he feels that this project will bring in too much traffic.
He questioned when the ordinance will be available for review. He is opposed to the project.
Mayor Hilkey closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to the Council.
Councilmember Cortes,questioned the statement that the cityhas spent over a million dollars
on the project.
Citv Manaizer Schwab,indicated that the Citybought approximately 70 acres from Southern
California Edison for approximately .70 cents per square foot on average. Currently a
portion of that land is being purchased by the school district for the high school and the
balance may be included in this project by either sale or lease,it hasn't been determined yet.
The price of land was in excess of 1 million dollars, however that land has a present value
of over 4 million dollars. He indicated that approximately$200,000 has been spent on the
EIR, Specific Plan and any other studies that were completed.
Councilmember Garcia,requested an answer for the question of Van Buren becoming four
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lanes and restricting trucks from using roadways based on weight.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that the only
improvement would be within the project area. He stated that at any given time the Council
can elect to establish weight limits on any road.
Councilmember Garcia. questioned what would have to be done in order to have weight
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that you would
probably first ask the City's Traffic Engineer to evaluate it and get his recommendation. He
would present it to the Council and if it seemed like a logical thing to do the Council would
adopt an ordinance that restricted weight limits and from that point on it would be posting
Assistant Citv Manager Berm stated that he has spoken to the Traffic Engineer and they
couldn't restrict trash trucks and any trucks that are delivering in the city. We can restrict
trucks taking a short cut through our community.
Councilmember Garcia, questioned the Notice of Public Hearing that stated that there was
a categorical exemption.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that was an error on
his part and accepts responsibility for it. It is not a categorical exemption.
Councilmember Garcia, questioned if Caltrans has given approval for the new off-ramps.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that they have not
given their final approval. SANBAG is responsible for the widening of that segment of the
freeway and the City has presented the proposal to them and at this point they have accepted
these as logical improvements to make.
Councilmember Garcia, questioned if we get the new off-ramp will the existing one be
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded that Caltrans and
SANBAG have said if the new one goes in the existing one has to go.
Councilmember Garcia,questioned if by approving the Specific Plan we are setting in stone
the off-ramp issue.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz,responded in the negative.
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Mavor Pro Tern Ferr6, questioned if Mr. Swertfeger wanted to expand his business would
he be able to.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz. responded that if he wanted to
move into the Specific Plan area that would not be appropriate, however if he wanted to
move further to the north,that is industrial zoned property similar to what he is currently in.
Mavor Pro Tern Ferr6, questioned if there was some way that he could expand if he desired
other than into the OAC.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded in the affirmative.
Mavor Pro Tern Ferr6, requested clarification of the time frame for the completion of the
project if the Specific Plan is approved.
Ralph Meena.responded that if the specific plan is approved and the certification of the EIR
were to take place tonight it will probably be between 12 to 15 months before the first dirt
could be moved. The earliest that you would see any operational activity in this center would
be mid to late fall of 2006.
Mavor Pro Tern Ferr6, asked for reassurance with regards to the West Nile Virus with the
lake,the wet lands and the pond.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz,responded that all the appropriate
organizations will be involved in the process to create a safe environment.
Mavor Pro Tern Ferr6, indicated that she wants to make it very clear that the Council is
considering the approval of a Specific Plan not the infrastructure.
Councilmember Larkin, requested clarification that Michigan had been designated as a
secondary highway prior to incorporation.
Community and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Larkin, stated that it is his understanding that the zoning for this particular
area was also zoned this use prior to the incorporation.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Larkin, clarified that the Notice that was sent out stated that there was an
EIR noted on the notice not a negative declaration. He questioned if we wanted to limit the
weights on the streets,we still will have to allow trucks to deliver in town.
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Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Larkin, clarified that currently there are marsh lands in the area of the
Specific Plan and that the Department of Fish and Game are stating that if we are going to
develop there we will have to move them.
Communitv and Economic Development Director Koontz, responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Larkin, questioned when the Specific Plan for Barton Road was approved.
City Manager Schwab,responded that he believes that the original Barton Road Specific Plan
probably goes back 13 years.
Councilmember Larkin, feels that it is difficult to make a decision between balancing the
rights of a property to have use of his property and what is the overall good of the
community. He believes that the property owners rights should take emphasis over the
community unless there is a good reason to take that property away. In this case the City had
the foresight to purchase the property when Edison had to sell it. It is a situation where staff
should be commended for making a recommendation to purchase this property,because what
we could not do as a City through zoning now we are partially the property owner and it can
be zoned for a warehouse but if we are the property owner we can say we are not going to
sell it to you. In this case what we are trying to do is say lets develop a specific plan so that
we have better control of what is being developed there. We have one of two ways that we
can go. We can let it be developed how it is currently zoned and all those individuals that
are going to be impacted by the Outdoor Adventures Center will be far more negatively
impacted by that type of development. This specific plan is something that improves the
guidelines and what is going to end up happening there. This is a specific plan it doesn't
guarantee anything.
Mavor Hilkev, stated that when he and Assistant City Manager Berry were out looking for
stagnant water,the issue of the wetlands came up. What is in the wetlands,he understands
that it is a huge mosquito generator.
Assistant Citv Manager Berrv, responded in the affirmative.
Mavor Hilkev, stated that Virginia Harford had a very important question,does this type of
center exists someplace else. The answer was yes.
CARRIED 5-0 , to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation approving
E-04-03 Environmental Impact Report for the Outdoor Adventures Center Specific
Plan and approve the SP-04-01 Outdoor Adventure Specific Plan and adopt the first .
Council Minutes
September 9,2004
Page 14.
reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace approving
SP-04-01 Outdoor Adventure Center Specific Plan and E-04-03 Environmental
Impact Report with the following conditions:
1. All vehicles boats,watercrafts,toys or other powered items demonstrated or
powered-up within the Grand Terrace Outdoor Adventure Center will have
complete exhaust and sound retardation equipment in place and functional.
2. The Outdoor Trail will not be used for powered motorcycles.
3. The small lakes included in the Grand Terrace Outdoor Adventure Center
will contain fish that reduce mosquito production.
4. The public will have access to the lake and outdoor areas of the Grand
Terrace Adventure Center just like any public mall.
Councilmember Garcia.stated that her two main issues are traffic and noise. For the record
she stated that when it comes to circulation and noise the greatest level of documentation and
outreach to our public will be made to make sure that the concerns of the public are met.
Councilmember Larkin.stated that he feels everyone is concerned with the noise and traffic
congestion and he would like to address the issue that if there is a factor about circulation and
noise that a negative declaration can not be issued and that it would have to be studied. He
questioned if they are being too specific with regards to the conditions especially number 1.
Mavor Pro Tem.Ferre. indicated that she has spent a lot of time reviewing the OAC and it
really is important to her to hear the pros and cons and she appreciates the people that are in
attendance this evening and at the Planning Commission meetings.
Councilmember Garcia. thanked all of the residents that came out today. She knows how
much each of them care about the community. She thanked them for their time and
comments. She feels deeply for those who live close to this area and knows that there will
be impacts and she will do everything possible that she can to make sure that as the process
moves forward issues will be mitigated to the full possible way that it can. She thanked the
staff for the time that they spent responding to each concern.
Councilmember Cortes. concurred with Councilmember Garcia and Mayor Pro Tem Ferre.
She thanked all of the residents for expressing their opinions. Council wants to do what is
best for the City. She thanked staff for doing an outstanding job and appreciated Dan
Buchanan for speaking on our behalf.
Mavor Hilkev, thanked staff and Patricia and Dorothy Farley.
Councilmember Larkin. appreciates all of the comments from the residents. He hopes that
everyone understands that the Council could do nothing and we could end up with the worst
Council Minutes
September 9,2004
Page 15
development out there. What staff and council are trying to do is protect the interest of the
Mayor Hilkey adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. until the next CRA/City Council Meeting-which '
is scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 6:30 p.m.
i/ / ,p CITY CLERK of the City o Grand Terrace
MAYOR o�`theity oWrand Terrace