Minutes - 07/19/2018 L CITY OF GRAND TERRACE � PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MINUTES • JULY 19, 2018 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:30 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road Chairman Comstock convened.the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board at 6:30p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Giroux at 6:31 p.m. Attendee Name Title ' Status ' Arrived Tom Comstock Chairman I Present Tara Cesena Vice Chair Present Jeffrey Allen Commissioner Present Edward A. Giroux 7commissioner Present APPOINTMENT OF JEFFREY MCCONNELL Installation of Appointed Planning Commissioner Jeffrey McConnell and Oath of Office. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1. Motion: Motion . RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tom.Comstock,.Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Cesena, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux PUBLIC ADDRESS None. City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board July 19, 2018 A. CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting —07/05/2018 RESULT: : ACCEPTED [3 TO 0] MOVER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner SECONDER: Tom Comstock, Chairman AYES: Tom Comstock, Jeffrey Allen, Edward A. Giroux ABSTAIN: Tara Cesena, Jeffrey McConnell B. WORKSHOP 3. Workshop on Specific Plans Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director explained that since large scale Specific Plans and EIRs do not come before the City very often, Staff felt it would be beneficial to start conducting a series of workshops to augment the Planning Commission's experience and knowledge in the area. Staff introduced T&B Planning, Inc. and stated that they would provide the presentation. Joel Morse, Principal with T&B Planning, Inc. gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. Mr. Morse- provided an overview of the Specific Plan, described what a specific plan is, and provided benefits of using a specific plan. He also gave the Commission information on Specific Plan content, the land use plan and an overview of the project. Mr. Morse explained what the project goals and objectives were for the Specific Plan, gave a detailed description of the project infrastructure, zoning, development standards and architectural and landscape design guidelines. In his presentation, he provided the Commission with the steps to prepare a Specific Plan and gave examples of the various components of a Specific Plan. Commissioner McConnell asked if there would be an opportunity to bring the project to the residents for their input before a developer spends a lot of money on a project. Mr. Morse counsels his clients to discuss the land use plan being presented, what issues are there and address those concerns. He recommends the City meet with its community for their input. Commissioner McConnell asked if a property owner wants to independently develop its property located in the Specific Plan and what is the property owner's options. Mr. Morse provided two: The City could exclude the property from the Specific Plan and the property owner would reap the benefit of the beautiful surrounding community or the City could mandate the property owner's participation in the Specific Plan. Commissioner Giroux asked if the City can regulate the traffic from other community's City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes 'Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board July 19, 2018 that might impact the City of Grand Terrace. .Mr. Morse explained that traffic impacts are an environmental issue and identified and evaluated in. an Environmental Impact Report. How projects in neighboring cities impact the City of Grand 'Terrace is typically studied, however, it is difficult to do anything about it. Director Molina explained that neighboring.cities with projects of significance, will notify the City. When an environmental analysis is being compiled, those consultants will contact the City requesting a list of development projects and will factor in those projects with the traffic being generated from the surrounding cities' projects. The City has an opportunity to comment on impacts and to some extent, the City tries to get them to.address any issues through mitigation. Chairman Comstock asked if Staff has a timeframe and scope planned for the Gateway Specific Plan. Director Molina explained there are two components; the 'Specific Plan document and then an implementing project. Staff. anticipates a resubmittal sometime in October. Around that time, Staff may receive a draft environmental report. Chairman Comstock requested the City place public announcements in the.various local papers on a monthly or bi-monthly basis announcing the workshops and meetings that would be conducted on the Gateway Specific Plan. This will allow residents to be well informed and will present the opportunity for residents to provide input. He also would like to discuss ingress and egress at the Freeway and the changes to Barton Road. as.that .area dovetails together in the development of the 132 acres. G. Harold Duffey, City Manager, explained by conducting the workshops, everyone understands the ground rules of the process of a Specific Plan and will assist the. Planning Commission in establishing guidelines for.future development. Commissioner McConnell asked when notification is provided to property owners in the area of a Specific Plan and what is the radius surrounding the property area for notification and the general public. Director Molina stated notification to property owners would be direct noticing and would be mailed to those properties 500 feet surrounding the Specific Plan boundary. The City will also provide additional noticing in the newspaper and posted in public places. Vice-Chair Cesena asked how long a City traditionally works a Specific Plan. Mr. Morse explained most jurisdictions have a sunset clause for substantial completion of a Specific Plan, or a Specific Plan might have an actual timeframe. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board July 19, 2018 PUBLIC COMMENT . Council Member Kenneth J. Henderson thanked the Planning Commission and Staff for conducting the workshop on Specific Plans and stated they are extraordinarily useful and important for communities. Bobbie Forbes, Grand Terrace requested that Staff ensure notification letters go out to the neighboring properties and its owners when a Specific Plan has been approved. CONDUCT A WORKSHOP ON SPECIFIC PLANS RESULT: NO.-ACTION TAKEN C. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Director. Molina announced on Wednesday, August 15, 2018, a Special Meeting workshop will be conducted by the Planning Commission and the topic of discussion will be housing, housing products and housing trends. D. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS None. ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site. and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on August 2, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. Com c Sandra Molina Chairman of the Grand Terrace Planning Director of Planning and Development Commission Services Department City of Grand Terrace Page 4