A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council
Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on
November 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Maryetta Ferr6, Mayor
Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Walt Stanckiewitz, Councilmember
Betsy M. Adams, City Manager
Brenda Mesa, City Clerk
Bernard Simon, Finance Director
Joyce Powers, Community & Economic Development Director
Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director
John Harper, City Attorney
Sgt. Carlos Espinoza, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
ABSENT: Bea Cortes, Councilmember
Rick McClintock, San Bernardino Coun Fire Department
The City Council meeting was opened with Invocation by Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by CouncilMayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia.
Mayor Ferrd announced that Councilmember Bea Cortes will not be at the meeting because she is
having surgery. She wished her a speedy recovery and indicated that she will be at the December
14, 2010 Council Meeting if she has made good progress by then.
Mayor Ferrd also announced that JoAnn Carlstrom passed away early this morning. JoAnn was a
very vital member of the community of Grand Terrace. Our thoughts are with Gene Carlstrom and
his family.
2A. Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month
Sally McGuire President Grand Terrace Area Chamber of jLommerce, announced that
Subway is the business of the Month for the month of October. She reminded everyone that
the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held on the third Tuesday of the month.
She also reported that Market night will be on the first Monday of December and it will be
the last market night until Spring.
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2B. Introduction of Blue Mountain Villas Community Manager - Ms. Shaddox
City Manager Betsy Adams, introduced the new Manager for the Blue Mountain Villas, C.J.
C.J. Shaddox, Manager of the Blue Mountain Senior Villas, explained what the Villas have
to offer and is happy to be a part of serving the seniors of Grand Terrace.
2C. Grand Terrace Recycling Award
Matt Wirz. Management Analyst, stated that this is the first year for the Grand Terrace
Residential Recycling Challenge. The program started as an innovative way to entice
residents to recycle. Recycling helps our environment by reducing energy related air
pollution and diverts unnecessary waste away from the landfills.
Jimmy Tatosian, Burrtec, reported that they are very proud to present this award to Bill and
Gail Woodson and presented them with a certificate and one year of free residential
collection service from Burrtec.
2D. Foundation of Grand Terrace Presentation of a Check to Citizen Patrol
Darcy McNaboe, Foundation of Grand Terrace, gave an overview of the Foundation of
Grand Terrace. She presented a check in the amount of $1,500.00 to the Grand Terrace
Citizen's Patrol to defray the cost of uniforms for upcoming community graduates. She also
announced that as part of their focus on Youth Development they have begun to bring
together a group of community members to discuss and determine needed youth programs
beyond those that are currently offered. She encouraged anyone that is interested in
participating to contact her.
ABSENT), to approve the following Consent Calendar Items with the removal of
item 3A.:
3B. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
3C. Approval of 10-12-2010 Minutes
3D. Resolution Amending Interf ind Loan from Facilities Fund (19) to Traffic
Safety Fund ( 17) for Payment of $72,203.75 to Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc.
3E. Award Contract for Design Services - Disabled Access Barrier Removal at
City Hall (Willdan Engineering)
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3F. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, (NPDES) Stormwater
Permit Implementation Agreement, Santa Ana Region NPDES No.
CAS618036, Order No. R8-2010-0036
3G. Award Contract for Baseball Field Construction (Rock Bottom,
Inc.)/Approve Right of Entry with the Colton Joint Unified School
District/Resolution Adopting Certain Findings Regarding the Construction
and Installation of Public Improvements, Which are of Benefit to the Grand
Terrace Community Redevelopment Project Area
3H. Continuing Appropriations FY 2010-2011
31. Award Contract for the Grand Terrace Senior Center Commercial Kitchen
Remodel (DJD Group Inc.)
3J. Historical & Cultural Activities Committee Minutes of 10-04-2010
3A. Check Register Dated I 1-09-2010
Debra Hurst, 22950 Orangewood Court, requested an explanation of services for the
following voucher numbers: #65998 - Billing for Fringe Benefit Research in the amount of
$1,843.50, #66006 - Phillips Software Support in the amount of $105.00 and #65936 -
Arrowhead Credit Union for September and October Visa Charges.
ABSENT), to approve Check Register Dated November 9, 2010.
Mayor Maaetta Ferrd, requested that the City Attorney make a brief statement regarding the
FPPC's opinion pertaining to the City Contract with the Chamber of Commerce and the Blue
Mountain Outlook.
City Attorney John Harper, reported that he asked the FPPC to review the agreement between
the Chamber of Commerce and the City to determine whether or not there was any potential
for mass mailing violations. The conclusion was as follows: No, a mailing sent by the
Chamber is not "sent at public expense" for purposes of section 89001, mearly because the
Chamber receives some public monies from the Agency unless the Agency expressly funds
the production and distribution of the mailing sent by the Chamber.
Mayor Ferrd, reported that the City and the Foundation of Grand Terrace announced on June
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14, 2010 the start of a First Annual Children's Art Contest. This years theme was "Happy
Dogs Love Grand Terrace". The submittal deadline was August 20, 2010. The majority of
the artwork that was received was from the Grand Terrace Child Care Center, there were a
total of 55 pieces of artwork submitted. The money was generously donated for the printing
of the calendars and all 55 pieces of artwork are featured in the calendar. The calendars are
$10.00 each and can be purchased at the Community Development Counter, Grand Terrace
Branch Library and the Grand Terrace Child Care Center. 100% of the proceeds will go
towards the purchase of a dog water fountain.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, reported that the Halloween Haunt was a nice event. She thanked
all the individuals that made this even happen. The weekend following the Halloween
Haunt, the Country Fair, hosted by the Grand Terrace Historical and Cultural Activities
Committee, was held and was nice as well. She thanked the Woman's Club for putting
together a member directory. She is looking forward to hearing more about the Youth
Development that the Foundation is doing. She requested that the schools do their quarterly
reports to the City Council so that they can hear what is going on. She wished everyone a
Happy Thanksgiving.
Councilmember Walt Stanckiewitz, reported that trash pick-up days are changing and
indicated that the schedule and map is available on the City website. He requested that the
meeting be adjourned in memory of JoAnn Carlstrom.
6A. Development Agreement - Jacobsen - An Ordinance Adopting Development
Agreement 09-01 Applicable to Approximately 12.5 Acres of the Grand Terrace
Town Square Master Development Plan
Councilmember Walt Stanckiewitz made the following announcement relative to this item:
We have been spending a lot of time with the Fair Political Practices Commission, trying to
get readings on a lot of things. John Harper, our City Attorney on my behalf, submitted a
written request for a determination on whether I had a conflict of Interest with my business
as it related to the Town Square Project. We have gotten written confirmation from the
FPPC that I do not have a conflict of Interest and therefore I may participate in any future
dealings with the Town Square Project so I'm not excusing myself and stepping out this
The letter from the FPPC is on file in the City Clerk's Department.
Communi1y and Economic Develo ment Director Jo)Kt Powers, gave an overview on the
proposed Development Agreement for the Grand Terrace Town Square Project between the
City of Grand Terrace, Dennis D. Jacobsen Family Holdings and Stater Bros. Markets.
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Mayor Ferre opened the Public Hearing for discussion.
Doug Wilson, 12168 Observation Drive, indicated that he is the Planning Commission
Chairman. He did not recommend this Development Agreement to the Council for approval
and neither did Vice -Chairman Addington. He felt that the Development Agreement may
be premature, that does not mean that it is premature. Ordinarily they see a much more
detailed document. They had a discussion about that during the Planning Commission
Meeting. The Development Agreement as it stands, the Developer receives protections
regarding entitlements, fees, moratoriums, assignment, impositions and guarantees of
approvals and in return the City is a little bit short on development standards and
performance standards and specific conditions of approval, which he is concerned about.
They were not able to recommend it for approval and would suggest that the City Council
look closely at these items, make sure that there are performance standards.
Mayor Ferrd closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to the Council.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, stated that after going through this packet he came to the same
conclusion that Mr. Wilson just expressed. He would like to see if a caviat could be added
that they approve the agreement with the condition that the economic incentives that are tied
to the development agreement would expire if the grocery store isn't built in five years.
Meaning the 1.2 million dollars that the Redevelopment Agency put up, if the store is not
built in five years that 1.2 million is off the table. He would like to see if we can remove
from the DDA parcels 1167-31 I -01 and 1167-231-01, which are City owned, so those could
be available for public use given the alternatives that were presented to the Council during
the Barton Road Specific Plan update so that those would go towards public use instead of
a commercial development.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, she feels that any type of agreements that Council moves forward
they need to be very clear on the specifics. She stated that the Council does not get to see
the reports until the Wednesday prior to the meeting. She has asked the City Manager and
Staff to consider more workshops and opportunities to meet with the residents to let them
know what is coming down to get that front-end input and dialog going with the residents.
She does not want in anyway to harm the relationship the City has established with Jacobsen
and with Stater Brothers. She stated that in a month there will be two new Councilmembers
and she is looking forward to working positively with whoever is sitting up here at the dias
and unless staff can explain to her a reason why this has to go tonight she would like to have
further analysis and to continue this to the next meeting.
Mayor Ferrel, responded that this has not been an urgent thing. She has followed this project
for 8 years and has read volumes of material as have the rest of the Council. She understands
the ramifications of this project and the importance of it to the community. This is not a
rushed thing, it has been going on a very long time and doesn't feel the need to postpone it
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and would be disappointed if she didn't have an opportunity to vote because she is prepared
to vote on this project that she has researched for nearly 8 years. We have worked toward
this, if Council has some changes that they want to make then it should be discussed but
would like to move forward.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, concurred with Mayor Ferrd.
City Attorney Harper, stated that this is an Ordinance and it requires three affirmative votes.
The development agreement, as a practical matter only solidifies the approvals that have
already been given to the project. There is nothing new in it outside of some of the fee
credits which are essentially statutory that affect the project. Council has already approved
all of the underlying pieces. This simply says that those underlying aren't going to change
for some specified period of time.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, stated that there is a second reading and the new Council will
have to approve the second reading.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, stated that she would like to see where the control is in the
Councilmember Stanckiewitzstated that it is his job to sell this City to businesses so that
they will come to Grand Terrace. His next job, when they decide to come, is to try and make
their move into this City or occupation of a building or building of a building as few hurdles
as possible to welcome them in. It is our job to make this city attractive. He feels that in the
8 years that the Mayor has been working with Stater Bros. we have tried to make it as
attractive as possible. They have committed to us with this store and he feels that they have
committed even beyond that, that they are taking the risk that not only are we going to build
the store we are going to take the responsibility to bring in tenants into other pads. They
don't succeed if they don't bring tenants.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, questioned where that is stated in the development agreement.
Councilmembetr Stanckiewitz, responded that it is in the Master Development Agreement.
The pads are shown on Development Unit 1. It is their responsibility to fill those pads and
they have an economic incentive to do that. They need to make money to pay for this
Mayor Ferrd, stated that not only has Stater Bros. invested in this but so has Jacobsen, rather
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, stated that we all have to vote the way we are and she challenged
staff to tell her the urgency to this and she hasn't heard anything other than the Attorney
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saying that this really isn't changing anything.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers, responded that they are not here
indicating to the Council that this an urgent matter, however she feels through the public
hearing process you may hear from the other parties what they will be doing subsequent to
this and that she will share with the Council. She stated that Mr. Shields will also confirm
that they are prepared to pull the grading permit and start grading next week. They would
like to pull the building permit for the grocery store before the end of the calendar year.
Providing them with this certainty is necessary for them to meet those dates. If we choose
not to assist them in meeting those dates she would assume that they wouldn't meet their 75"
Anniversary commitment to open the store next year. Staff is not saying that it is an urgent
matter, pressuring you to do it this evening, they are just telling Council what the alternative
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, questioned if Mr. Slaten from Stater Bros. would comment.
Mike Slaten. Stater Bros. Market, stated that he agrees with Councilmember Stanckiewitz.
They told the Council what they were going to do to get the store open and they will do what
they need to do. He stated that as far as removing those two properties from the agreement,
they would be ok with it as long as they would be able to fulfil the agreements that they have
with Jacobsen on what would be allowed to go on the pads. He stated that as far as the
timing issue, it is going to be their 75" Anniversary and that only comes around once. They
are ready to move forward and they would like to get on site and start. This will take them
to the end of August or September for the grand opening.
City Attorney Harper, stated that the other properties are subject to all the other approvals,
they are just simply not a part of this development agreement. The uses that have already
been approved for the entire project would apply to properties whether they are in the
Development Agreement or not.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, feels that Councilmember Stanckiewitz must have had a lot of
briefing to be up to speed.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, stated that he watched every Council Meeting and knows
exactly what took place. He was unable to vote on it, however, he watched it all.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, clarified that Councilmember Stanckiewitz' position is that he is for
the Development of Town Center.
I Councilmember Stanckiewitz, responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, questioned if Councilmember Stanckiewitz was willing to do
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whatever it takes to make this happen or is there caviats there.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, responded that he will do whatever is legally possible for this
City to make it happen.
City Attorney Hamer, stated that what is on the Agenda tonight is a City Agreement with the
Developer called the Development Agreement. That is different than the DDA, which was
approved seven or eight years ago. The DDA governed all the properties beyond and
including this property. What has happened in the interim is that the Council approved a
Town Center Project which also includes more than the properties subject to this
Development Agreement. He expects when it comes time to develop the remainder of the
Town Center, the developer, whoever it is, will come forward with another Development
Agreement request. The DDA is a Redevelopment Agency document which just has to do
with the potential disposition of Agency owned properties. All the uses are governed by the
City rules, which you have adopted in the Town Center.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, stated that what he is trying to accomplish by removing the
two properties from the DDA is making a commitment to the City that we are going to
seriously consider that land for public use. It was talked about with the Barton Road Specific
Plan Update that came to Council. He is trying to move preemptively so that we have that
property available when time comes for us to start talking about a public use facility and it's
no longer a part of this commercial development.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned if Councilmember Stanckiewitz had discussions with
Staff related to those properties.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, responded in the affirmative. These covered with both
Mr. Sla_ten, feels that there is a common thread in the two agreements and it is Jacobsen. As
Staters takes them out of the 12.5 acres, the thought is if he is not in it what need does he
have with the other properties. There are some benefits for all of the pain and suffering he
did on the west side of the project.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, stated that there has been discussion between a Councilmember and
Staff and she has been left out of the loop. She wants to be supportive of the agreement but
as it is written right now she is going to abstain. If people are willing to sit down and talk
about how the City can give Stater Bros. some certainty she feels that she needs a lot more
time to process this and digest it. She feels that the Staff is working with a Councilmember
on the side and she doesn't like to be left out of the loop.
Mayor Ferrd, stated that she hears what Mayor Pro Tern Garcia is saying, however, there is
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a huge background on this item and she put it all together. All of that information much of
it should have been read and already digested. Now it is all put together into a form that can
be voted on. Every Councilmember has their own outlook, that's the democratic process.
She feels that it is time to put it together and vote.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, stated that part of his responsibility is to do his homework in
those five days that they had to review the reports. He came to staff with his questions. He
was concerned with the fact that there was a split vote on the Planning Commission and he
got a copy of the Planning Commission Meeting so that he could listen to it, as did all of the
Councilmembers, so that he could follow exactly how the process went down. He feels that
they are the right people and is good with what they are doing and feels that it is going to be
a successful project but for the sake of the community, if something happens, and the store
isn't built in five years then the 1.2 million incentive from the Redevelopment Agency is off
the table. That gives the City control and Stater Bros. guarantee. The two parcels are just
so that the commitment to the community is that those two parcels are not going to be part
of a commercial development, they are going to be used for public use. He feels that we can
answer Staters by saying we are not going to put competing businesses on that land, that's
not our intention.
Ma, or Pro Tem Garcia, questioned if the City Manager and Community and Economic
Development Director said that those two sites could be used for Public Use.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz responded that it was his suggestion and he asked them to
contact the two player to get their opinion as to whether that was something they would
consider as a part of putting this together.
Ma, or Pro Tem Garcia, stated that she wants to be supportive of the two representatives,
however, she does not feel comfortable voting on this tonight. She will abstained tonight and
she is willing to have a special meeting to come back and vote on this item. She is
uncomfortable with some of the things that Councilmember Stanckiewitz has said. She feels
very strongly about the role of the Council. She feels that Council should not be cutting
deals with developers. It is an internal issue.
Development Agreement - Jacobsen - An Ordinance Adopting Development
Agreement 09-01 Applicable to Approximately 12.5 Acres of the Grand Terrace
Town Square Master Development Plan with the approved suggestions that
Councilmember Stanckiewitz brought forward.
City Manager Betsy Adams, stated that if the Council were going to continue this item it
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would have to be held on December 14, 2010.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned if there is any harm in waiting until the 14t' of December.
City Manager Adams, stated that the building code changes substantially in the new calendar
year. Council recently took action to adopt the new State Code effective January. She does
not know if they were hoping to pull their building permits under the 2010 codes.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, stated that this Developer Agreement is to give them certainty, why
can't we just give them certainty without all of the extra stuff being thrown into the pot. She
does not like when things come in at the last minute, especially when it looks as if
Councilmember Stanckiewitz has been working with Staff and developer.
Councilmember Stanckiewitz, stated that he takes his job seriously. He has this as an item
that had to be acted on this evening. He made sure he did his homework and got his
questions answered and his concerns raised. That is his job and he feels that he did job.
Mayor Ferrd, feels that this is a critical item and she is very comfortable with the amount of
time it has taken to get to this point and she is speaking for herself. She feels that this is a
critical point and is concerned that we have shot ourselves in the foot. She stated that she
is comfortable with staff and the players involved. She questioned what it would take to
make Mayor Pro Tern Garcia comfortable to vote this evening.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, responded to vote staff recommendations as is with no changes. She
questioned if it is stated in the staff report that the project will be delayed if action is not
taken this evening.
Mayor Ferre, responded that it would not say that in the Staff Report.
Ma or Pro Tern Garcia, stated that she likes to look at each thing separately and she feels that
she is being told since you voted for the last item, you have to vote on this item too.
Cily Attorne H er, stated that the project part is a done deal. You have already voted on
that. The Development Agreement simply gives the developer some comfort level that the
rules aren't going to change during the course of the building of the project. The project is
a done deal and the approvals are done. The Development Agreement does not have any
impact on the project one way or the other. Development Agreements are necessary to find
financing because the bank has the same level of nervousness so they too want to have some
certainty that they are going to be repaid.
Ma or Pro Tern Garcia, stated that she understands the five years on the fees and the credit.
She questioned the eight year land use.
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City Attorney Harper, responded that the eight year is the underlying approvals, the things
that you have already done, the City won't be able to change for eight years. The rules stay
the same in terms of developing the project which you have already approved for the next
eight year period. As a practical matter, the store will be built relatively quickly and he
expects that the economy will come back sufficiently that the rest of the pads are going to
be developed way before eight years runs out. He feels that this development agreement will
become mute in probably 3 or 4 years. An eight year term on a development agreement is
relatively short. Development Agreements are generally between 10 to 15 years and
depending on the type of development up to 20.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, stated that she understands that there are two 5 years extensions that
go along with it.
City Attorney Harper, responded that there are potentially two extensions, however, it is up
to the Council.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, questioned if the City Manager is comfortable that the City is in the
drivers seat with this development agreement.
City Manager Adams, responded that she will answer this with a little bit of a caviat. She
felt comfortable but then the two items that Councilmember Stanckiewitz raised seems to
give the City even more control. She stated that we are mixing two documents. The DDA
would have to come to the Council for separate action.
City Attorney Harper, stated that if Councilmember Stanckiewitz suggestions are included
in the approval it would be language directing that the DDA come back to Council for
approval with changes.
City Manager Adams, feels that it would be in the City's best interest to pursue the changes
that Councilmember Stanckiewitz mentioned but it would be separate action.
Mayor Ferre clarified that the Council could approve the Development Agreement as it is
with language in the motion that directs staff to prepare the necessary documents to amend
the DDA.
Ma or Pro Tem Garcia, questioned why Staff did not inform Council that the developers had
been asked if they would amend the DDA.
City Manager Adams, stated that Councilmember Stanckiewitz asked for some pretty
significant amendments and she appreciates the fact that he didn't just spring it on Staff and
the Developer and Stater's at the meeting tonight. It is not uncommon when talking to
developers that Staff will go out and negotiate the best agreement that they think they can.
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The reality is the Council has a lot more leverage than staff members because they are the
elected representatives. Council may be able to ask for things that Staff may not be able to
get them to agree on.
City AttorneXHaMer, stated that he would like language in the agreement that would address
having to bring back the DDA. This is an agreement that they would have to sign off on.
City Manager Adams, stated that Councilmember Stanckiewitz had some concerns because
there was a split vote. He heard the information, which was also in the staff report, and was
looking at what other things can we ask so that we feel that there is more protection to the
City. The two items that he asked for are not within the document that Council would vote
on tonight. They are within the DDA.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned why they have to be tied in together this evening.
City Attorney Harper, responded that because the Development Agreement gave the City
leverage to do something which would not have happened otherwise.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned what the benefit is to the changes that Councilmember
Stanckiewitz requested.
City Attorna Harper, responded that those two properties that are owned by the Agency are
subject to the Development Agreement and all of the rules of the Development Agreement
including the potential of having to sell it to the developer. The removal of those two
properties from the DDA will allow the City flexibility to do what they want with the
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned why Staff didn't think of that.
City Attorney Harper, responded because it doesn't have anything to do with the
Development Agreement.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, she feels that it is very important to get things in writing. She
questioned if staff is comfortable that they will agree with the added language in the
Development Agreement.
City Attorney Harper, stated that they can only sign what is approved by the Council. If they
don't agree with the added language then it will have to come back to the Council.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, stated that staff is saying that Stater Bros. is going to pull permits
next week, however, this Ordinance requires a second reading and questioned how they can
pull permits when it's not approved.
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City Attorney Harper, stated that they are pulling grading permits, not a building permit.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers, stated that the two other parties
to the Agreement have already provided their signatures, if the Council approves the
document as written. They wanted to know that the Council supported this before they
pulled the grading permit. It is staffs understanding that they were not going to wait until
after the second reading. She proposed a suggestion that she would be willing to request the
parties to provide a letter committing to making changes to the Economic Development
Agreement to cap the term at five years and to either terminate or modify the DDA to except
out those parcels in separate actions to come back.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned that they can go ahead and pull the permit before the
agreement has the second reading.
City Attorney Harper, responded that they have an approved project.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, appreciates staffs recommendation of getting a letter prior to the
second reading and to separately move the item.
City Attornev Harper, stated that they can do that but it wouldn't have the same binding
effect. He stated that if the parties made a request and the Council approved documents
which affected those changes prior to the second reading of the development agreement it
might accomplish what Council wants.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers, stated that what she was
suggesting is that Staff get their written agreement in a letter form and then we would
separately have to have a public hearing to modify the DDA because it's a disposition
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, questioned if everyone is confident that they will agree to what is
on the agenda this evening including the changes that Councilmember Stanckiewitz brought
up this evening.
Mayor Ferre, responded that she is confident that they will do the right thing. She stated that
she has felt that all along.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, stated that she would like to hear the affirmative from the City
Attorney, City Manager, Community Development Director and if they all say yes then she
will support this.
City Attorney Harper, responded that he has never discussed the subject with them.
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Cily Manger Adams, responded that she is unsure either.
City Attorney Harper, stated that if they put it in writing between now and the second reading
then he believes that they will do it.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers, stated that she contacted both
parties involved and let them know that they should be prepared for some additional
questions and their response to her was that they would be willing to do both of those items.
Mayor Pro Tem_Garcia-, questioned if the City Manager was comfortable with the process
that will take place.
City Manager Adams, responded that we have to do it separate. She stated that the Council
can take action to approve the Development Agreement this evening and further direct staff
to obtain a letter confirming what was said earlier this evening so that it is available for the
new Council when it is seated on December 14, 2010 to consider at the second reading.
Once we receive that letter and assuming that the Development Agreement goes forward on
the 14" we can come back at a separate public hearing that will be well into the new calendar
year. She feels that directionally it is more for the City than what was originally asked for.
She feels that it could all work.
first reading of an Ordinance Adopting Development Agreement 09-0-1 Applicable
to Approximately 12.5 Acres of the Grand Terrace Town Square Master
Development Plan and to further direct Staff to get a letter from the parties related
to the 1.2 million over five years and the two agency owned parcels to be removed
from the DDA.
7A. Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace
California, Amending Title 15, of the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code by
Repealing and Replacing Chapters 15.08,15.12,15.16,15.20, and Adding Chapters
15.10 and 15.17, Deleting Chapter 15.09, Adopting the California Code of
Regulations to Include the Referenced Standards, Title 24, Part 2, and 12, Volumes
1 and 2, Based on the 2009 International Building Code, Part 2.5 Based on the 2009
International Residential Code, Part 3, Based on the 2008 National Electrical Code,
Part 4, Based on the 2009 Uniform Mechanical Code, Part 5, Based on the Uniform
Plumbing Code, Part 11, Green Building Standards
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ABSENT), to approve the Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of
the City of Grand Terrace California, Amending Title 15, of the City of Grand
Terrace Municipal Code by Repealing and Replacing Chapters 15.08, 15.12, 15.16,
15.20, and Adding Chapters 15.10 and 15.17, Deleting Chapter 15.09, Adopting the
California Code of Regulations to Include the Referenced Standards, Title 24, Part
2, and 12, Volumes 1 and 2, Based on the 2009 International Building Code, Part 2.5
Based on the 2009International Residential Code, Part 3, Based on the 2008 National
Electrical Code, Part 4, Based on the 2009Uniform Mechanical Code, Part 5, Based
on the Uniform Plumbing Code, Part 11, Green Building Standards.
8A. City Council Retiree Benefit for Herman Hilkey
Herman Hilkev, 23196 Glendora Drive, stated that because of the tax issues in the last year
the benefits are taxed or not taxed. He questioned staff if he could submit for the medical
which is non -taxed and staff suggested that he take this route. He stated that between the
five Councilmembers at the time, it was your option to choose either health or medical.
Depending on the persons employment or lack of employment they chose one or the other.
He chose what he chose because of his circumstances at that time. The taxes have changed
and his employment has changed so that is why he has requested this. It is a slight tax
advantage, it's not that big of deal. He has to pay taxes on the life and not the medical, that
is the only issue.
There was no action taken on this item.
8B. Request for a Reduction of the Parkland and Open Space Acquisition Fee for New
Residential Construction
Dale Chronister, 1171 North Second Street Colton, commended the Council on the
great staff that the City has. He stated that he bought this property in 2002 when the
economy was good. He has until the first of the year to get his building permit. He
feels that the fees are too high. He stated that there has only been one building built
in the past year and there hasn't been a custom home built in two years. Neighboring
cities have built almost 600 homes. They have lower fees. He spoke to the school
board and they have lowered their fees almost 25%.
deny the request for a reduction of the Parkland and Open Space Development
Impact Fee for construction of a new single-family residence.
Council Minutes
11 '09/2010
Page I6
Mayor Ferrd adjourned the meeting in memory of Jo Ann Carlstrom at 8:55 p.m., until the next City
Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace
CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace