A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the
Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on January 10, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Walt Stanckiewitz, Mayor
Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Darcy McNaboe, Councilmember
Bernardo Sandoval, CounciImember
Gene Hays, CounciImember
Betsy M. Adams, City Manager
Tracey Martinez, City Clerk
Bernard Simon, Finance Director
Joyce Powers, Community & Economic Development Director
Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director
Richard L. Adams II, City Attorney
Sgt. Ed Finneran, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
Lt. Steve Dorsey, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
Rick McClintock, San Bernardino County Fire Department
The City Council meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m. with an Invocation by Pastor Pat Bower
from Calvary, the Brook Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Pro
Tern Lee Ann Garcia.
A. Certificates of Appreciation — Various Members of the Community for Events
in October & November, 2011
The following members of the Community were recognized for various community
events in the months of October and November, 2011:
Maria Fraser — Zumbathon "Parry in Pink" — October 23, 2011
Grand Terrace Woman's Club — Zumbathon "Parry in Pink" — October 23, 2011
Bowen -Hayes School of the Arts — Dancing for the Cure -- October 29, 2011
Low Brow Ink -- "Low Brow Pink" — October 23, 2011
Community Events Committee — Halloween Festival, October 31, 2011
Historical & Cultural Activities Committee — Annual Country Fair - November 5,
2011 and the Annual City Birthday Celebration Pot -Luck — December 13, 2011
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COUNCILMEMBER MCNABOE, CARRIED 5-0. to approve the following
Consent Calendar Items with the removal of item 3F.:
3A. Approve Check Register No. 12-27-2011 & 01-10-2012
3B. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
3C. Approval of 12-13-2011 & 12-20-2011 Minutes
3D. Award Non -Exclusive Services Contract for the Publication of
Legal Notices — City News Group, Inc.
3E. Corrected Treasurer's Report — September 30, 2011
3G. Emergency Operations Committee Member Appointments,
Reinstatement and Vacate
3H. Historical & Cultural Activities Committee — Committee Member
Appointment (Monteon)
31. Emergency Operations Committee Meeting Minutes of
10/04/2011 & 11 /01 /2011
3J. Notice of Completion for the Public Improvement Project on
Barton Road, Michigan Street, and La Paix
3F. Crime Prevention Committee Member Appointments, Reinstatement and
SANDOVAL, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following:
Vacate the term of Philomene Spisak as a Regular Member of the Crime
Prevention Committee and appoint her as an alternate member with a term
continuing to June 30, 2014.
Reinstate Don Bennett as a Regular Member of the Crime Prevention
Committee to fill his unexpired term continuing to June 30, 2014.
Appoint Manuel Baltierra as a Regular Member of the Crime Prevention
Committee to fill an unexpired term continuing to June 30, 2014.
Appoint Robert J_ Kaplanek as a Regular Member of the Crime Prevention
Committee to fill an unexpired term continuing to June 30, 2012.
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Appoint Philip H. Robb as a Regular Member of the Crime Prevention
Committee to fill an unexpired term continuing to June 30, 2012.
Direct Staff to send a letter to all of the individuals informing them of the
action taken by the City Council.
R.A. "Barney" Barnett, reported that they have been fighting for a MetroIink Station
in Highgrove for 10 years. SCAG is in the process of doing a 23 year plan and
requested that the citizens of Grand Terrace write SCAG to promote this Highgrove
Station because it will benefit the entire area and region. A copy of the plan is
available at the Highgrove Library and other information is available on their
Jeffrey McConnell, reported that the Lion's Club held their third sight clinic. They
saw 322 people and most, if not all, received a pair of recycled prescription glasses.
He reminded everyone that no longer need their old prescription glasses to donate
them to the Lion's Club.
Debra Hurst, reported that a CERT class will begin on February 6, 2012. Classes
will be held at the Loma Linda Fire Station. Those interested should contact the
Loma Linda Fire Department Emergency Operations Center and speak with Debra
Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia, stated that there is a possibility of having a teen
CERT. Those interested should also contact Debra Harris. Mayor Pro Tern Garcia
requested that the CERT flyer be placed on the website.
Councilmember Gene Hays, reported that the Grand Terrace Community Youth
Soccer All -Stars Girls 12U showed great effort and spirit in the tournament in
Yucaipa. We should all be proud.
Councilmember Darcy McNaboe, clarified that the Sheriffs Service Specialist
Officer position was not cut, there is just a change in the types of services that is
going to be provided by that individual. She participated in the Lion's Club Sight
Clinic. It was a great service provided to the community. She attended the Grand
Terrace Youth Basketball Opening Ceremonies and it was great to see the parents
and volunteers coming together to make the event happen.
Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval, recapped events that took place during 2011.
He feels that it is always the motivation of the community to do what is best for the
City, even though the view -points may be different. The people of the community
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work hard to make Grand Terrace a special City. We have an amazing City and it
has been a privledge to be a Councilman for the City. 0
Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia, agreed with Councilmember Sandoval. She is
optimistic about the future of Grand Terrace because of all of the support from the
community. She thanked the Sheriffs Department for catching the individual who
robbed Roses' Nails. She reported that Burt's Jewelry moved his location next to
Mr. TV Video. She attended the Grand Terrace Youth Basketball Club, which was
an outstanding event. They were very organized and did a great job. She feels if
we all have the right perspective and attitude as we move forward we can
accomplish anything. She looks forward to creating a game plan with the
dissolution of Redevelopment with the community.
Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz, stated that he is going to try and do a Sacramento update
on what his interpretation is of what Governor Brown puts out to the public. ERAF
and SERAF were ploys by Sacramento to rob money from our Redevelopment
Agency starting two years ago. They got away with both of them and they were
done in the name of education. He read a quote from the documents about the
SERAF payments that were taken from City Redevelopment Agencies and "given to
school districts". "The funds distributed to schools or County offices of education
from SERAF must be used to serve pupils living in the project area or in housing
supported by redevelopment funds. It is unclear how an agency is supposed to
determine how many students are in housing supported by redevelopment funds.
The total amount of SERAF funds received by a school district is deemed to be
local property taxes and will reduce dollar for dollar the states proposition 98
obligation to school districts." They basically took from Grand Terrace, gave to
Colton Joint Unified School District and then took from Colton Joint Unified School
District Proposition 98 funds. So Colton Joint Unified School District netted nothing.
He feels that is what is going to happen with the abolishment of Redevelopment and
the billion dollars that Governor Brown is talking about that is going to go to Public
Education. He reported that the wood was delivered for the gymnasium of the new
high school in Grand Terrace. He announced that the Second Annual Mayor's
Charity Ball for Breast Cancer Research will be held on Saturday, April 14th at the
Hilton in San Bernardino. He suggested tabling the City Manager Evaluation until a
later time.
6A. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California
Repealing in their Entirety Ordinance No. 221 and Chapter 5.80 of the
Municipal Code and Adopting an Ordinance Establishing a New Chapter 5.80
(Non -Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program) of Title 5 of the Municipal
Code 0
Joyce Powers, Community and Economic Development Director, gave a brief
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overview of the proposed Ordinance.
Councilmember Hays recused himself from this item.
Mayor Stanckiewitz opened the Public Hearing for discussion.
Tom Lanza, is opposed to the Ordinance and would like the program to be
Jeff McConnell, is opposed to the Ordinance and feels the program should be
suspended or ended.
Philip Tardibuono, is opposed to the Ordinance and feels that the program should
be discontinued.
Kathy Tardibuono, is opposed to the Ordinance as it is written and feels that the
program should be eliminated.
Mayor Stanckiewitz closed the Public Hearing.
HAYS RECUSED HIMSELF), to approve the following:
Repeal existing Ordinance 221 and Municipal Code Chapter 5.80
establishing the "Nonowner Occupied/Rental Property Program" in their
Conduct a public hearing to introduce an Ordinance establishing a new
Chapter 5.80, "Nonowner Occupied/Rental Property Program" and read by
title only.
Schedule adoption of the new Chapter 5.80 for January 24, 2012 and waive
further reading.
Designate the Community and Economic Development Director or her
designee to prepare a summary of the Ordinance pursuant to Government
Code 36933(c)(1).
6B. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, County of San
Bernardino, State of California Adding Section 18.10.090 Planned
Residential Development to Chapter 18.10 of Title 18 of the Grand Terrace
Municipal Code
Sandra Molina, Senior Planner, presented the proposed Ordinance.
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Mayor Stanckiewitz opened the Public Hearing for discussion.
Doug Wilson, indicated that he instigated this Ordinance. He feels that there needs
to be some changes with the Ordinance presented to the City Council and
requested that the Council send it back to the Planning Commission to be re-
Matthew Addington, stated that he is in favor of the Ordinance and feels that it could
be a benefit to the community, however, it needs some tweaking. He would like the
Council to consider this ordinance as it moves forward.
_Daryl Moore, is in support of the proposed Ordinance. He presented the Council
with eight recommendations that he would like to be changed and/or included in the
Jeffrey McConnel, is in support of the Ordinance. He feels that the adoption of the
Ordinance will stimulate development and businesses within the community.
Mayor Stanckiewitz closed the Public Hearing.
COUNCILMEMBER MCNABOE, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following:
Conduct a public hearing on the proposed Ordinance to add Section
18.10.090 Planned Residential Development to Chapter 18.10 of Title 18 of
the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, read by title only, waive further reading,
and introduce Zoning Code Amendment 11-02; and
Designate the Community and Economic Development Director or her
designed to prepare a summary of the Ordinance for publishing by the City
Clerk pursuant to Government Code 36933 (c)(1).
7A. Review of Preliminary Design for the New Active Park on Grand Terrace
Greg Meeks, Albert A. Webb Associates, gave a presentation on the preliminary
design for the new active park on Grand Terrace Road.
This is a review item for the City Council. The following comments were made by
the public:
Janise Llewellyn, expressed her concern with the lack of privacy with the installation
of a chain link fence around the perimeter of the park. She would like to see a block
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wall built instead.
Robert Macias/Jose Oliver, indicated that he did not participate in prior meetings
with regards to this park because he recently purchased the property. He is
concerned with safety issues with the design of the proposed park. He feels that
there is inadequate lighting and a lack of privacy for the surrounding homeowners.
He is also concerned that there may be a rodent problem with the suggested plants
on the chain link fence. He would like to see a block wall built instead of a chain link
Staff will look at alternatives and costs involved with the items that were brought up
this evening.
8A. Resolution — Display of National Motto "In God We Trust"
MCNABOE, CARRIED 5-0, to approve a Resolution supporting the display of
the National Motto "in God We Trust" in the Grand Terrace Council
Chambers in a prominent location above the seal.
8B. Resolution — Consider Whether the City Wishes to Serve as the Successor
Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Pursuant to Health &
Safety Code Section 34173
COUNCILMEMBER HAYS, CARRIED 5-0, to approve a Resolution electing
to have the City of Grand Terrace serve as the Successor Agency to the
Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace pursuant to
California Health and Safety Code Section 34173 and electing to have the
City of Grand Terrace retain the Housing Assets and Housing functions
previously performed by the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City
of Grand Terrace pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section
8C. Fiscal Impact to the General Fund of the California Supreme Court's
Decision in the California Redevelopment Association v. Matosantos Case
Betsy Adams, City Manager, indicated that on December 29, 2011 the Court upheld
ABX126 and invalidated ABX127 thereby eliminating redevelopment agencies and
the voluntary option to pay and continue redevelopment. She reported the potential
Fiscal Impact to the General Fund of the City.
Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia, questioned if the City will be able to use the bond
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City Manager Adams, responded that it is not clear at this point. Staff is waiting for
legal review.
Councilman Bernardo Sandoval, feels that unless the City does something to create
revenue the residents will see significant cuts in services.
Councilman Gene Hays, stated that residents need to be aware that some of the
basic services will be cut out as a matter of necessity.
Councilwoman Darcy McNaboe, is positive about the future of Grand Terrace with
an increase in property taxes and sales tax revenue. She feels that the City is
moving in the right direction.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, feels that the residents need to be kept informed. She also
feels that the community will come together and get through this tough economic
time. She requested the updates on the Redevelopment issues be placed on the
Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz, feels that the City does need to do something to raise
revenue. He is not in favor of using one time monies to get through the next fiscal
Sylvia Robles, feels that we should let this play out and be positive through the
process; we have time on our side_
Jeffrey McConnell, feels that there are many things the City can do to survive this
tough economic time_ He feels that we need to look outside of the box and be
creative in ways to generate revenue_ He feels that slashing the budget and
increasing taxes is not the answer.
There was no action taken by the City Council_ This is a receive and file item only.
Mayor Stanckiewitz adjourned the meeting at 10.28 p.m., until the next City Council
Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 6.-00 p-m.
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CITY CLER f t e City of Gra Terrace
MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace