01/24/2012CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — JANUARY 24, 2012 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 24, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Walt Stanckiewitz, Mayor Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern Darcy McNaboe, Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval, Councilmember Gene Hays, Councilmember Betsy M. Adams, City Manager Tracey Martinez, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Joyce Powers, Community & Economic Development Director Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director Richard L. Adams 11, City Attorney Sgt. Ed Finneran, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Lt. Steve Dorsey, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Rick McClintock, San Bernardino County Fire Department ABSENT: None The City Council meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m. with an Invocation by Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia. City Clerk, Tracey Martinez read the following statement: We are convening a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace. Our agenda also includes a meeting of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency. Councilmembers receive an additional $30.00 stipend per existing California Health and Safety Code 33114.5 as a result of convening the Agency meeting. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department — Deployment of SSS Resources & Introduce SSS, Sylvia Beasley Steve Dorsey, Lt. San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, indicated that since he came to Grand Terrace he has been going through the operations at Central Station and as a result he realized that there were Council Minutes 01 /24/2012 Page 2 some duties that were being duplicated by the Sheriff Service Specialists. In order to make it more advantageous for the public they decided to combine some duties and jobs and reassign some personnel. They selected Sylvia Beasley as the Volunteer Public Affairs person for the County. This will allow the SSS's for the City to assist deputies with various non -criminal contact investigations. One of the SSS's has since given her resignation which has left them with an unfilled position in Grand Terrace. He recommended that the Council leave this vacancy unfilled until a later time. This will not affect the service to the City and it will create a large savings on the contract forthe remaining fiscal year. He introduced Sylvia Beasley, SSS. B. Assemblyman Mike Morell's Business of the Year for Grand Terrace Sally McGuire Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce, announced that the following businesses were honored at the first Annual Top Chamber Businesses of the Year hosted by Mike Morell in November 2011: Burt's Jewelry & Repair City News Group, Inc. Darwin Enterprises New 2 You Wilden Pump C. Riverside Highland Water Company Update — Don Hough Don Hough, Riverside Highland Water Com an , gave a presentation on the ongoing projects that they have going on in the community. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2012-07 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SANDOVAL, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following Consent Calendar Items: 3A. Approve Check Register No. 01-24-2012 3B. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3C. Approval of 01-10-2012 Minutes 3D. Notice of Completion, Pico Street Asphalt Overlay 3E. Crime Prevention Committee Minutes of 12/12/2011 3F. An Ordinance Establishing a New Chapter 5.80 (Non Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program) 3G. An Ordinance Approving Zoning Code Amendment 11-02; New Section Council Minutes 01 /24/2012 Page 3 18.10.090 Planned Residential Development The Title of the Ordinances under item 3F. and 3G. were read by the City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENT JoAnn Johnson, reported that they finally have a flag pole at the Susan Petta Park and Grand Terrace Senior Center. She thanked staff for their assistance in making this happen. They would like to do a flag raising ceremony on Flag Day in February. Jeremy_ Smith, representing Senator Mike Morrell, requested the support from Council of AB 1437. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval, feels that it is important for people to know that how the State is handling Redevelopment Agencies is not a Republican or Democrat issue, it is a State issue. At all levels of government, both Republicans and Democrats oppose the way that Redevelopment Agencies are being handled and eliminated. The idea that Redevelopment Funds will go to add funding to schools is not accurate. What they are doing is replacing funds that they had already committed to providing to the schools; not an increase, while taking away the life blood of the local economy. Cities and Counties are now paying the price for the State not making the hard decisions along the way. Councilmember Gene Hays, thanked the Sheriffs Department for doing a great job and for keeping a handle on crime in town. Councilmember Darcy McNaboe, reported that she attended the City's first Winterfest that was held at the Blue Mountain Brewery. It was a great event and she looks forward to more events like that throughout the community. The Grand Terrace All Star U10 is playing in the Tournament of Champions. This is the first time that Grand Terrace has been represented in this tournament. She requested that the Council agree to discuss supporting the City of Ontario and its bid for local control of the Ontario Airport. It was the consensus of the Council to place this on the February 14, 2012 Agenda. Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia, reported that she, along with Councilmember McNaboe, attended the Colton Joint Unified School District Board Meeting last Thursday. Frank Ybarra made the statement, "When are we going to say enough is enough." Staff and Council constantly have to respond to all of the state legislation that is coming down. It seems like we have been on a RDA roller coaster. All of staffs time is being taken up by these new rules and regulations and the most disturbing thing about it all is that we are creating more government. In addition, Council Minutes 0112412012 Page 4 instead of us being able to determine what we want the future of our City to be, there will be a board made up of various individuals from a larger body. This is another classic case of unfunded mandates. She is having a hard time seeing the positive in the process. She reported that she will not be able to be at the Special Meeting on January 31, 2012, however, she will review the written material and the meeting before any action is taken. Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz, thanked the Sheriff's Department for all of their efforts. The SMASH unit has been roaming between Grand Terrace and Loma Linda. They are doing more with less and he expressed his appreciation. On February 22, 2012 at the San Fe Depot in San Bernardino, he and Mayor Dennis Michaels will be hosting the infrastructure presentation on the County Visioning plan from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Supervisor Derry and Rutherford will be doing the presentation. He encouraged whoever is interested to attend. He reported that he received a letter indicating that the San Bernardino Department of Motor Vehicles will be closed for remodeling. More information will be available on the City's website. On Friday February 3, 2012 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m., Wilden will be hosting a blood drive. The Governor, at his state of the State address that things are getting better but we still need money and proceeded to say how important high speed rail is out in the middle of nowhere to connect San Francisco to Los Angeles at some time in the future. This issue was floated to the voters in 2003 and the voters approved bond offering in the 9 billion dollar range. Then is blossomed to 45 48 billion and now that magic number is 98 billion. Where is that money going to come from Mr. Brown is 100% behind the high speed rail. He encouraged voters to pay attention. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7A. Fencing Options for the New Active Park on Grand Terrace Road Bobbie Forbes, feels that this park is a great addition to the community and feels that the proposed fence will look good. She encouraged neighbors to be aware of what is going on in your neighborhoods and to keep an eye on vacant properties. A German Shepherd was found in town and taken to the pound by Target in San Bernardino. Janise Lleuellyn, supports the installation of a vinyl fence at the park. CC-2012-08 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SANDOVAL, CARRIED 5-0, to direct staff to install vinyl fencing at the New Active Park on Grand Terrace Road and direct staff to proceed with the final design. NEW BUSINESS 11 11� Council Minutes 01 /24/2012 Page 5 8A. Transfer of Ownership of Agency -owned Parcels to the City CC-2012-09 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HAYS, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the transfer of ownership of the following Agency -owned parcels to the City as the Successor Agency to the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency: 0275-242-11-0000 0275-242-10-0000 1167-151-62-0000 1167-151-73-0000 0276-462-10-0000 1167-141-08-0000 1167-151-68-0000 1167-161-03-0000 1167-151-22-0000 0276-202-54-0000 1167-151-61-0000 1167-151-71-0000 1167-161-04-0000 8B. Post AB x1-26 RDA Dissolution and Successor Agency Required Action to Establish a Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund and Retirement Fund and Resolutions Regarding Forgiveness of Obligations CC-2012-10 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER MCNABOE, CARRIED 5-0, to approve a Resolution Establishing a Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34170.5(A) 8C. Local Revenue Measure Betsy Adams, City Manager, explained options for local revenue measures. Council directed staff to look into getting proposals to aid in conducting a survey of residents on services that are desired and whether they would support a tax to help pay for those desired services. Mayor Stanckiewitz Recessed the City Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Stanckiewitz Reconvened the City Council Meeting at 7:40 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 9A. Public Employee Performance Evaluation per Government Code Section 54957 (b) Title: City Manager Mayor Stanckiewitz announced that the Council met in Closed Session to discuss the Employee Performance Evaluation of the City Manager. Council has established a time- line to complete the evaluation process that will move forward. Council Minutes 01/24/2012 Page 6 Mayor Stanckiewitz adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m., until the next City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City of G nd Terrace MAYOR of of Grand Terrace 0 I�