A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the
Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on January 31, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Walt Stanckiewitz, Mayor
Darcy McNaboe, Councilmember
Bernardo Sandoval, Councilmember
Gene Hays, Councilmember
Betsy M. Adams, City Manager
Tracey Martinez, City Clerk
Joyce Powers, Community & Economic Development Director
Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director
ABSENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Bernard Simon, Finance Director
Richard L. Adams 11, City Attorney
Sgt. Ed Finneran, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
Lt. Steve Dorsey, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
Rick McClintock, San Bernardino County Fire Department
The City Council meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m. with an Invocation by Councilwoman
Darcy McNaboe, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Bernardo
City Clerk, Tracey Martinez read the following statement:
We are convening a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace. Our
agenda also includes a meeting of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency.
Councilmembers receive an additional $30.00 stipend per existing California Health and
Safety Code 33114.5 as a result of convening the Agency meeting.
1. Presentations by Sports Leagues
Presentations were given by the following Sports Leagues: Each group gave an overview
of their programs.
Junior All American Football and Cheer/Chargers - Hayward Robinson, President
Grand Terrace Little League — John Hickman, President
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01 /31 /2012
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Grand Terrace Community Soccer Club - Robert Sanchez, Vice President and Richard
Irwin, Director of Coaches
Steve Bills, indicated that football will need fields five days perweek in the month of August
and expressed his concern with the conflict of field use between soccer and football. He
would like to participate in the football program but not if having football in town will be a
detriment to the soccer program.
Frank Hansen, participates in all of the organizations in the community and is very involved
with the schools. He feels that the groups should and can work together.
Ryan Beebe, is a long time resident and has participated in all of the organized sports in
the community. He is proud to be a part of the Grand Terrace Community Soccer Club
and that he has been able to come back and help the program by coaching and refereeing.
The Grand Terrace Community Soccer Club is generations of families playing soccer.
Leticia Jackson, stated that football did not come to Grand Terrace to end soccer_ She
feels that both organizations can work together.
Amanda Betten, gave the history of Grand Terrace Little League. They made a lot of
improvements to Pico Park, which have been removed with the building of the new high
school. She stated that the City made promises to have a complete baseball park when
they gave up the fields at the Junior High School so that they could have a complete
soccer park yet that still has not happened. She feels that it is so important that everyone
works together_ Grand Terrace is about community and working together.
Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval, indicated that he played soccer in Grand Terrace as a
youth. He is committed to seeing that all sports organizations succeed in the community.
He has a passion for the youth of Grand Terrace. He feels that the community needs to
come together because we don't have resources and accommodations will have to be
made. Colton Joint Unified School District has helped the City with a lot of the challenges
that we face with fields. He thanked the groups for coming out and giving their
Councilmember Darcy McNaboe, thanked the leagues fortheir presentations. She can see
that the soccer club does a lot with the maintenance of the fields and facilities. She also
sees the improvements and investments that have been made by Little League. Grand
Terrace is a great community that works together to make things happen for themselves
over and above what the City can do. We don't have enough land for everyone, we need
more, but everyone wants to see opportunities for the youth.
Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz, thanked everyone for their presentations. He stated that the only
reason we have the fields that we do is because of Redevelopment. and we no longer have
it. Redevelopment was used in the right places unfortunately we no longer have that
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option. The City is facing severe deficits and there is not going to be any assistance from
the City. We have no resources and no money. The groups will have to work with the
School District to engage in some joint use agreements. He is proud of the youth
organizations in the community and feels that these organizations are very important to the
City. He encouraged the groups to work with each other so that everyone is a winner.
Councilmember Gene Hays, feels that everyone needs to work together and stated that
scheduling may need to be done creatively.
Mayor Stanckiewitz adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m., until the next City Council Meeting
which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
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