02/11/2012CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — WORKSHOP — FEBRUARY 11, 2012 A special meeting/workshop of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 11, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. PRESENT: Walt Stanckiewitz, Mayor Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern Darcy McNaboe, Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval, Councilmember Gene Hays, Councilmember Betsy M. Adams, City Manager Tracey Martinez, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director Ivy Tsai, Assistant City Attorney Lt. Steve Dorsey, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Rick McClintock, San Bernardino County Fire Department ABSENT: Joyce Powers, Community and Economic Development Director Richard L. Adams II, City Attorney Sgt. Ed Finneran, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department The Special Meeting/Workshop was opened at 9:00 a.m. with an Invocation by Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Gene Hays. 1. Public Comment Sylvia Robles, stated that there has been a lot of discussion regarding the demise of Redevelopment. She is unsure how the winding down of redevelopment agencies will affect Grand Terrace but feels that the City should not be quick to increase fees for residents. She feels that core services, youth services and ball fields are most important to the residents. She suggested forming a committee if the City Council chooses to propose some type of tax measure so that they can do the campaigning. There are new laws for polling that will restrict staff and Council from campaigning. Jeffrey McConnell, felt that if the special workshop was noticed more people from the community would have attended the meeting. 2. Closed Session Council Minutes 02/11/2012 Page 2 A. Employee Negotiations — Labor Negotiations per Government Code 54957.6 City Labor Negotiator -- Betsy M. Adams, City Manager Negotiated With —All Unrepresented Employees Mayor Stanckiewitz recessed the Workshop at 9:15 a.m. Mayor Stanckiewitz reconvened the Workshop at 10:42 a.m. Mayor Stanckiewitz announced that the Council met in Closed Session to discuss Labor Negotiations per Government Code 54957.6 and there was no reportable action taken. 3. Budget Update San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Presentation - Lt. Steve Dorsey from the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department indicated that there have been some personnel changes that affect Grand Terrace, which will result in some financial savings to the contract without creating service reductions. He also presented the Council with a new license plate reader system that he feels will be a great asset to Grand Terrace and to the Department in their efforts to reduce crime. The City Council was supportive of the technology presented by Lt. Dorsey and his efforts in lowering the cost of the contract with the Sheriffs Department and crime in the City of Grand Terrace. 0 San Bernardino County Fire Department Presentation — Rick McClintock, gave a presentation on a one time capital request for approximately $47,000.00 to purchase paramedic supplies with an annual maintenance cost to have a paramedic located at the Grand Terrace Fire Station, The Council was in support of this concept and suggested getting local service groups to help with donations to make this one time purchase so that Grand Terrace would have a paramedic in town. The Council suggested that the Sheriffs Department and Fire Department give their demonstrations and presentations on their proposed items so to educate the public and possibly get financial assistance from individuals, large employers and local service groups to help fund both items - City Mana er Betsy Adams, presented the following items to the City Council. Information that was provided to her by LAFCO on Municipal disincorporation in California indicating that it was not a good option for the City of Grand Terrace. Staff was directed to place a statement on the website regarding this. 0 Information on conducting a resident survey. Out of this discussion, staff [I] Council Minutes 02/11 /2012 Page 3 was directed to receive proposals for a survey and to request information on bankruptcy that will be provided to the Council at a later date 4. Major Projects/Priorities Review City Manager Betsy Adams presented the following items to the City Council. Staff is moving forward with the City Wide Storm Drain Design and Michigan Street Roadway Improvements at this time because they will be funded with the bond proceeds. Finance Director Bernie Simon prepared a lot of information for the Council but due to the time constraints, it will be presented at a later date. Mayor Stanckiewitz adjourned the workshop at 1:40 p.m., until the next City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. PAY'eOR oTM�Clty of Grand Terrace .L CITY CI_E oft a City of G d Terrace