MINUTES a APRIL 24, 2012
Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM
Grand Terrace Civic Center . 22795 Barton Road
Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment
Jose Crespo, Christ the Redeemer Roman Catholic Church offered the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Councilmember Gene Hays led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendee Name
Walt Stanckiewitz
Lee Ann Garcia
Mayor Pro Tern
_Darcy McNaboe
Bernardo Sandoval
Gene Hays
Betsy Adams
City Manager
Tracey Martinez
City Clerk
Joyce Powers
Community and Economic Development Director
Bernie Simon
Finance Director
Director of Building & Safety/Public Works
City Attorney
Ed Finneran
San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
Rick McClintcock
San Bernardino County Fire Department
Mayor Stanckiewitz announced that he is adding a Proclamation - National Day of Prayer under Special
Presentation of a Flag for the Susan Petta Park by Senator Dutton
Robbie Broedow, representing Senator Bod Dutton presented a California State Flag to be flown at the
Susan Petta Park. She presented the flag and a certificate of authenticity to the City Council and JoAnn
JoAnn Johnson
Thanked everyone who made it possible to have the flag pole placed at the park and for the flags that
were donated to Fly at the park.
Proclamation - National Volunteer Month - April 2012
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Grand Terrace City Council
April 24, 2012
Mayor Stanckiewitz read the Proclamation proclaiming the month of April 2012 as National Volunteer
C. Recognition of Grand Terrace Volunteer Organizations
Council recognized several organizations that help strengthen our community through all ci their efforts
Each organization was called forward to receive a certificate of appreciation
D. Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month
The Chamber of Commerce requested that this item be brought back to the Second Meeting in May.
E. Proclamation - National Day of Prayer
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia read the proclamation recognizing May 3, 2012 as the National Day of Prayer.
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
SECONDER., Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe, Bernardo Sandoval
ABSTAIN: Gene Hays
A. Waive Full Reading of Full Ordinances on Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 04/10/2012
C. Emergency Operations Committee Member Appointment (Bennett)
D_ Accept Crime Prevention Committee Member Letter of Resignation (Robb)
E. Accept Community Emergency Response Team Minutes of March 6, 2012
F. Accept Historical and Cultural Activities Committee Minutes of March 5, 2012
G. Check Register No. 04-24-2012
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
H. Accept Crime Prevention Committee Minutes of March 12, 2012
Council requested that the Purpose and Responsibilities of the Crime Prevention Committee be
agendized at a future City Council Meeting.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 24, 2012
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia. McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
David Radtke, President, Grand Terrace Lion's Club
Announced that the Lion's Club will be holding their Annual Pancake Breakfast and that all of the
proceeds will go to the library at the Grand Terrace Elementary School. He indicated that they have
changed their scholarship program. Starting this year they will be awarding High School Scholarships to
graduating seniors that is a Grand Terrace resident regardless of where they go to school. He
announced that they will be hosting the "Movie in the Park" for July 7th at Richard Rollins Park. He
presented the City with $5,000.00 to go towards the cost of the paramedic equipment. He stated that
Grand Terrace is an amazing volunteer town. There is an incredible pool of volunteers and it is part of
the reason why it is such a great town. The volunteers give quickly and generously. He hopes that the
City Council and Staff can also act quickly and generously when the need may arise for these volunteers.
Debbie Earle, President, Grand Terrace Woman's Club
Presented the City with a check in the amount of $2,500.00 to go towards the Paramedic Fund,
Jeff McConnell
Volunteer groups together make Grand Terrace what it is_ As we are about to enter this financial troubled
waters he feels that it is important to keep in mind how can we do this instead of can we do this. He feels
that if it is good for the community the Staff and Council need to figure out how to do it, not can we do it,
Rick McClintock, San Bernardino County Fire Department
Thanked everyone for all of the donations and support.
Mayor Stanckiewitz
Reported that we now have over $27,000.00 in the Paramedic Fund.
Councilmember Darcy McNaboe
Noticed that Grand Terrace Health Care Center on Mount Vernon has been doing quite a bit of work.
They are putting in a parking lot and she is very happy to see them to this project. The neighborhood
watch meeting that was put on by the Sheriffs Department was very informative and well attended. It is
her hope that these are done on a regular basis. As much as we need the professional law enforcement
in the City we also benefit from the eyes and ears of people knowing their neighborhoods and watching to
see what is going on. She attended the Beauty and the Beast performance which was spectacular. She
also attended the Mayor's Ball which was a great event as well. She thanked the Lion's Club and
Woman's Club for their donations and thanked all of the organizations and individuals that have donated
to the Paramedic Fund.
Councilmember Gene Hays
Thanked the Seniors again for publishing the Crime Report. He congratulated the 2012 Woman of
Distinction that are being recognized by Assemblyman Mike Morrell. He indicated that residents have
expressed their concern with half -way houses that are coming into town, He questioned how many half-
way houses are located in town.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 24, 2012
Community and Economic Development Director Joyce Powers
Responded that she doesn't have a number of how many half -way homes are in town They are primarily
licensed by the State. State Law provides for them. We can only regulate them with regard to distance
from each other.
Councilmember Hays
Questioned if we as a City have the ability to object to any additional half -way homes coming into the
City. He feels. that staff should look into the possibility of an action that can be taken to prevent more half-
way houses coming into the City.
Mayor Stanckiewitz
Stated that he doesn't have any problems with half -way homes in town_ He recommended that this
discussion be agendized for a future Council Meeting.
Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval
Reported that the Mayor's Ball was great fun and for a great cause. Beauty and the Beast was an
amazing play. They put forth a huge amount of effort and work_ Events like these make our community
what it is. Volunteers and al of their efforts make this community special_ The amount of money that has
been raised for the paramedic cause Is what makes Grand Terrace an amazing community_ He stated
that the challenges that the City is facing weighs heavily on him_ He attended a school board meeting
where they gave an update on Grand Terrace High School. Most items at the high school are between
97 and 99% compliete_ They are confident that the school will be completed by the time school begins in
fall. There is discussion at the school board level to not open the swimming pool at the new high school
The school district is facing a budget deficit between 9 and 11 million dollars. The savings to their
organization is $400,000.00 per year by closing all pools in the district_ which will include Terrace Hills
Junior High. Pat Haro is having her campaign kick off today. Important to know that Pat Haro fought e
many battles to get Grand Terrace their high school and urged everyone to support her. L
Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia
Thanked everyone for attending the meeting. She reported that she is being sponsored by Hugh Grant to
become a member of the Lion's Club. When she looks at the community she sees a generational
integration. Everyone is coming together. The hardships that we are facing is causing everyone to come
together and thanked all of the groups for their hard work and generosity. She recognized Pat Nix and
congratulated her for being named Woman of the Year by Mike Morrell. She encouraged everyone to
support the Lion's Club pancake breakfast. Grand Terrace Days is moving along. This years theme is a
50's theme "Getting Back to the Basics". There are a lot of home based businesses that should be
reached out to, to encourage them to get involved in the Grand Terrace Days event.
Mayor Stanckiewitz
Thanked the Lion's Club and the Woman's Club for their generosity, it is very much appreciated. He
stated that Assemblyman Mike Morell's mother passed away and requested that the meeting be
adjourned in her honor. He received an email with regard to the little league field and requested that
Facilities Use Agreements with the various youth organizations be agendized for a future meeting. He
reported that he was approached by the booster club for the new high school and they questioned If they
can participate in the fireworks sales. After looking at the Ordinance it appears that it is exclusive to the
two sports organizations and that no other organizations can participate. He would like to agendize and
request that staff work on the fireworks ordinance to see if we want to bring it up to date to allow
additional organizations to participate.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia
Expressed her concern with having multiple stands in town. She would like to outline what areas they
would like to focus on.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 24, 2012
Councilmember Sandoval
Feels that the Council needs to be mindful of the resources we have and that we don't want to take away
from the most critical things, which is to get the projects done that the City will benefit from.
Mayor Pro Tern Garcia
Concurred with Councilmember Sandoval.
City Manager Betsy Adams
Stated that staff has the list of items that Council would like them to work on and we will agendize the
items over the next several months based on the priority of each item.
A. Sale of Successor Agency Property in the 21900 Block of Barton Road to O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc.
to Develop a New Retail Store
To adopt a Resolution approving the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Successof Agency and
O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc., forward the Agreement to the Oversight Board for review and authorize
the Successor Agency's Executive Director to complete all actions necessary to complete the sale of the
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Community and Economic Development Director Joyce Powers
Gave an overview of the item being presented to the Council and requested that a Public Hearing be
Mayor Stanckiewitz
Opened the Public Hearing for discussion, there being none, he closed the public hearing and returned
discussion to the Council.
Councilmember McNaboe
She stated that the sale price is $350.000.00 and that the proceeds is $347,000.00 and questioned if the
difference in the two amounts are the closing costs that will be paid.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers
Responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember McNaboe
Questioned if there is anything in the Agreement that the Oversight Board may object to.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers
Responded that it is her opinion that there is nothing in the Agreement that they would be opposed to.
Councilmember McNaboe
Questioned if the Barton Road Interchange project stands in the way of them developing this site.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 24, 2012
Community and Economic Development Director Powers
Responded that they are aware of the issue and the project will not affect what they will have to contribute
in terms of right-of-way anymore than what they have been advised.
Councilmember Sandoval
Questioned what the approval process is and questioned if the process will cause delays for the project.
Community and Economic Development Director Powers
Explained the process and that the City will move forward as quickly as possible.
Councilmember Hays
Questioned if anyone has approached the City with regard to this piece of property_
Community and Econimic Development Director Powers
Responded that the City struggles with its business attraction efforts.
Mayor Stanckiewitz
Stated that the City is doing exactly what the State is mandating us to do.
B. General Plan Amendment 12-01, Zoning Change 12-01 and Zoning Code Amendment 12-01
Continue the Public Hearing on the General Plan Amendment 12-01, Zoning Change 12-01 and Zoning
Code Amendment 12-01 to May 22, 2012.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Mayor Stanckiewitz
Indicated that the Public Hearing will need to be continued to a future meeting. He will open the Public
Hearing for discussion then entertain a motion to continue the Public Hearing to a future specified date.
Jeffrey McConnell
Stated that bad rumors have been going around town with regard to this item. He indicated that the
developer is not building apartments, they are building town homes.
A. Engagement Letter for Records Review of Sewer Billings for 2009, 2010 & 2011
To approve an engagement letter with Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott for a records review of
Riverside Highland Water Company's Sewer Billings Handled for the City of the Years of 2009, 2010 and
City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Updated 411112012 4:18 PM
Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 24, 2012
Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Bernardo Sandoval, Gene Hays
Darcy McNaboe
Councilmember McNaboe
Under Government Code 1090, she has what is described as a remote interest in this item so she is
recusing herself from this item.
B. Purchase of Four Shares of Riverside Highland Water Company Water Stock from a Private Party to
Irrigate the New Park Site on Grand Terrace Road
To approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City and a Private Party (Lam) for four shares
of water stock at a cost of $200.00 per share, plus meter charges on their account of $63.80 and
authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement and complete all actions required to complete the
water stock transfer.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Jeffrey McConnell
Expressed his concern with secondary dwellings on properties being charged an additional full price
sewer bill. He feels that it is unfair and not right.
C. Set Budget Hearing Date
To set the Budget Workshop Meeting for May 22, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers
Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
D. Appointments to the Planning Commission
Direct the City Clerk to advertise for appointments to the Planning Commission, accept applications and
schedule interviews.
Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Doug Wilson
Indicated that he has been on the Planning Commission for twenty years. He has served as the
Chairman for approximately ten years. He Stated that the proposed recommendation by staff has not
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 24, 2012
been the standard practice of the City over the course of the 20 years that he has been involved. He
feels that staff is already burdened and feels that Council should not approve their recommendation.
Council met ir4 Closed Session to discuss the Potential Initiation of Litigation Per Government Code
Section 54956.9 (C) - One Case and there was no reportable action taken. Council also met in Closed
Session to discuss Public Employees Performance Evaluation Per Government Code Section 54957 (B) -
Title: City Manager.
Council will schedule a Closed Session Item to review consensus and input through the City Manager.
A. Potential Initiation of Litigation Per Government Code Section 54956.9 (C) - One Case
B. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Per Government Code Section 54957 (B) - Titte: City Manager
Mayor Stanckiewitz adjourned the City Council Meeting in memory of Assemblyman Mike Morell's
Mother-in-law, Yvonne Nalvarette.
The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:00 PM.
MAYOR of the ity of Grand Terrace CITY CLEM ofthe- City of dikd Terrace
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