Council Chambers
MINUTES • JUNE 26, 2012
Regular Meeting
Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road
6:00 PM
Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment
Invocation - Pastor Andy McRae, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Pledge of Allegiance - City Attorney Richard Adams
Attendee Name
Walt Stanckiewitz
Lee Ann Garcia
Mayor Pro Tern
Darcy McNaboe
Bernardo Sandoval
Gene Hays
Betsy Adams
City Manager
Bernie Simon
Fi nance Director
Joyce Powers
Community and Economic Development Director
Richard Shields
Director of Building & Safety/Public Works
_Tracey Martinez
City Clerk
Richard Adams
City Attorney
Manny Gonzales
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
Ed Finneran
San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
City Hall Volunteer Recognition (Stephanie Mercado & Beth Hartley)
The City Council presented Stephanie Mercado and Beth Hartley with certificates of recognition for their
numerous hours of service that they have volunteered to the City of Grand Terrace.
The three individuals that applied for the Planning Commission Positions will be interviewed in the
following order:
Doug Wilson
Tom Comstock
Bill Hussey
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Comstock were both interviewed. Mr. Hussey withdrew his application prior to his
Darryl Moore
City of Grand Terrace
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 26, 2012
Stated that he feels the existing Planning Commission does an excellent job and does not want to see
any changes on it_
Norman Wright
Supports the reappointment of Doug Wilson to the Planning Commission.
Don Smith
Endorsed the reappointment of Doug Wilson for the Planning Commission.
Frank Tetley
Supports the reappointment of the current Planning Commissioners, Doug Wilson and Tom Comstock.
Jeffrey McConnell
Supports the reappointment of Tom Comstock and Doug Wilson
Denis Kidd
Supports the reappointment of the current Commissioners, Doug Wilson and Tom Comstock.
Motion: Planning Commission Appointment
To reappoint Doug Wilson and Tom Comstock to the Planning Commission with a term continuing to
June 30.2016.
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern.
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tem
SECONDER: Bemardo Sandoval, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Waive Full Reading of Full Ordinances on Agenda
Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting — 06/07/2012
Notice of Completion for the Demolition of 21974 De Berry Street Owned by the Successor Agency
Calling for General Municipal Election - November 6, 2012
Notice of Completion for City Hall Lighting Retrofit
Accept Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) Minutes of 03-06-2012, 04-03-2012, and 05-
Accept Historical and Cultural Activities Committee Minutes of 05-07-2012
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 26, 2012
H. Accept Crime Prevention Committee Minutes of 05-14-2012
Approval of Check Register No. 06-26-2012
Bobbie Forbes
Thanked Tom Comstock and Doug Wilson for their time. She encouraged residents to subscribe to
crimemapping.com so they can follow the crimes that are going on in town. Scrapping is going on in town
and it's a problem that is not just in Grand Terrace but everywhere. She feels that the community needs
to pay attention. She thanked those who put up the pet lost and found signs in town but requested that
they take them down and the same for the garage sale signs.
David Radtke
Reminded everyone that the Grand Terrace Lion's Club will be hosting the Movie in the Park program
which will be held on July 7, 2012. The feedback has been very positive and he thanked the Council and
staff for their support.
Sylvia Robles
Stated that the Lions are at the meeting because of the sign project that is going to be discussed later on
the agenda and feels that it should be recognized_ She feels that it is a shame that Mr. Hussey did not
finish the process with the Planning Commission interviews. She follows crime mapping and indicated
that crime is becoming more intense. As a community, we are going to have to find a concensus and in
order to do that we are going to have to hear each other out.
Sally McGuire
Announced that Dr. Robert Jung is the Business of the Month. He has been in business in the City of
Grand Terrace for 29 years and a long time Chamber of Commerce member. She presented the City
with a check in the amount of $250.00 from the Food Connection for the Paramedic Fund that they raised
in their week long fundraiser. She reminded everyone that the Installation Dinner wil be held on
Thursday, June 28. There will be a Chamber Mixer on July 7th at Blue Mountain Beer Company. She
spoke to Grand Terrace Care Center about doing some fundraising for the Paramedic Fund and they
would like to team up with the firemen and do a bbq. Tickets will be $5.09 any money that is raised they
will match the funds. It is tentatively set for July 11. She also spoke to Emeritus regarding them donating
some funds and is waiting to hear form them.
Councilmember Gene Hays
Thanked the Seniors for reporting the crime in their monthly newsletter. He encouraged residents to
install an alarm system in their homes and to be aware of what is going on in the community_ He thanked
the Chamber of Commerce for the business expo and Community Days.
Councilmember Darcy McNaboe
Wished everyone a Happy 4th of July.
Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval
Thanked the Lions Club for the movie in the park program. It is important to recognize that these types of
activities are going to require more and more volunteers. He thanked everyone who volunteered their
time and efforts to put the event on. He announced that Robert Armenta resigned from the Colton Joint
Unified School District. He was one of the key people in getting the new high school in Grand Terrace
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 26, 2012
named He encouraged residents to support Tobin Brinker to apply for the board. Wished everyone a
great 4th of July,
Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia
Reported that a flyer is available at the front counter for swim programs in surrounding cities_ The
Chamber Luncheon that was held on June 19 was well attended. The Chamber Installation Dinner will be
held on Thursday, June 28, 2012. She announced that the Foundation of Grand Terrace is targeting the
youth, Teens of the community need something to do. She encouraged residents to contact the Sheriffs
Department if they see anything suspicious. She wished everyone a happy 4th of July_
Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz
Wished everyone a happy 4th of July.
A. Special Assessments for Delinquent Non -Owner Occupied/Rental Property Program Fees and Fines
Approve a Resolution adopting a Report of Delinquent Non -Owner Occupied Rental Program Properties
Fees and Fines and Directing that such Delinquent Fees and Fines be Collected on the Tax Roll and be
Imposed as a Lien Upon the Property within the City of Grand Terrace with the amendments to Exhibit A
removing those who have paid the delinquent fees and fines to date.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Gene Hays, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
There was no one in the audience to protest the Assessment.
B. Protest Hearing for Placement of Special Assessment Liens for Delinquent Refuse Accounts.
Approve a Resolution Adopting a Report of Delinquent Refuse User Fees and Directing that Such
Delinquent Fees be Collected on the Tax Roll and be Imposed as a Lien Upon the Property with the City
of Grand Terrace with the addition of the Revised List of Noticed Property Owners.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
There was no one in the audience to protest the assessments.
C. Protest Hearing for Placement of Special Assessment Liens for Delinquent Sewer Accounts.
Approve a Resolution Adopting a Report of Delinquent Sewer User Fees and Directing that Such
Delinquent Fees be Collected on the Tax Roll and be Imposed as a Lien Upon Property within the City of
Grand Terrace.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 26, 2012
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Gene Hays, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
There was no one in the audience that protested the assessment.
2012-2013 Annual Levy of Assessment for the Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1
Adopt a Resolution Confirming a Diagram and Assessment and Providing for Annual Assessment Levy
for a Landscaping and Street Lighting District.
Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Mayor Stanckiewitz opened the Public Hearing for discussion, there being none, he returned discussion
to the Council.
Reconsider Contract for Audit Services
Approve a contract with Rogers Anderson Malody Scott for one year and solicit audit proposals next year.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Gene Hays, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
1) Adopt FY 2012-13 Budget Resolution and 2) Adopt Resolution Setting New Child Care Center Fees
Approve a Resolution Establishing Fees for the City of Grand Terrace Terrace Child Care Services,
approve a Resolution Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, direct the City Manager to implement
a spending freeze immediately and bring back to the City Council on July 24, 2012, or sooner any budget
implications from the State Legislature.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
C. Sylvia Robles
Reported that she has been following as much legislation as she can with what is going on at the State
level. Local governments are a creation of the State. A City is delegated to do what the state gives you_
She feels that it is important to focus on core municipal services. We have to have serious dialogue and
there has to be a culture that works together.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 26, 2012
A. Request to Approve in Concept the Installation of a Sign Structure for Recognized Community Service
Support the concept proposed by the Woman's Club and the Lion's Club pending approval of the final
design and City Encroachment Permit.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Denis Kidd
Indicated that he supports the concept of the sign. He would like the Friends of Blue Mountain to be
Doug Wison
Supports the concept of the sign. He feels that the material proposed in consistant with some of the other
signs in town and will last longer_ He feels that it is important to recognize the service clubs in the
Jeff McConnel
Supports the concept of the sign. He indicated that many towns have similar signs. The City should be
proud of their volunteers. He does feel that all service clubs and organizations be recognized not just
nationally recognized organizations.
Debbie Earl
Stated that this project has been a long time coming and thanked the Lion's Club for their participation.
B. Crime Prevention Committee Responsibilities
It was the consensus of the Council to hold a workshop in the month of August with the Crime Prevention
Committee, Sheriffs Department and the City Council to determine what the role of the committee should
Manuel Baltierra
Indicated that the Committee has been working on a Mission Statement for the last few months. He feels
that there has been a lack of communication between the Committee and the Council_ He indicated that
they have not been invited to the neighborhood watch programs. He would like to see the committee
continue and that he is committed to the Committee if the role of the committee is defined. He feels that
there is more to Crime Prevention Committee than Neighborhood Watch.
C_ Reappointment of Committee Members
Reappoint the Committee Members who indicated that they would like to be reappointed to their
respective Committees.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council June 26, 2012
MOVER: Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman
SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
D. Review and Approve a Proposed Facility Use Policy
It was the consensus of the Council to add the following to the Facility Use Policy:
- Add that the discount for the lighting fees will continue for one more year (August 2012 - August 2013)
and in the succeeding years they will be required to pay the full fee.
- Clarification will be added to the policy under the insurance requirements if a small group is utilizing the
Community Meeting Room for a small meeting with no extras, proof of insurance will not be required.
- Exceptions for grand -fathering groups should be within an agreement with the individual groups.
Council directed staff to meet with the individual sports groups to let them know what lighting fees they
can expect next year so that they can incorporate those fees in their budget. This item will be brought
back to the Council at their second meeting of July or first meeting of August.
Ryan Stephens
Expressed his concern with the insurance requirements and fees/deposits for the use of the community
meeting room proposed in the facility use policy_
Stephen Robertson
Indicated that Toastmasters has called Grand Terrace home for many years, however, with an increase in
fees for the use of the Community Meeting Room, they will be forced to look for another location_
Richard Loder
Expressed his disappointment with the staff report prepared by staff and the lack of communication
between staff and the leagues. He indicated that the leagues are willing to do their part but they do not
have lighting fees in their budget for this year.
Robert Sanchez
Stated that they would have liked an opportunity to participate in a workshop with regard to the proposed
facility use policy. He feels that soccer gives back a lot to the City and that some of their concerns and
issues may have been resolved in a workshop with the leagues and staff. He indicated that they have not
budgeted for the increase this year.
E_ Settlement of Internal Revenue Service Assessment for Calendar Year 2009
Authorize the City Manager or the City's Tax Consultant to execute a settlement agreement (Form 2504)
with the Internal Revenue Service for the 2009 tax period and authorize a fund balance appropriation of
$58,815.16 from the General Fund for the payment required under the agreement.
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Grand Terrace City Council
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe. Councilwoman
SECONDER: Gene Hays. Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
June 26, 2012
Council met in closed session to discuss Employee Negotiations and General Direction was given to staff
with regard to retirement program reform.
Council also met in closed session to discuss the Performance Evaluation of the City Manager. The
Council is making progress and the summaries of their evaluation will be discussed during Closed
Session on July 24, 2012,
Employee Negotiations - Labor Negotiations Per Government Code 54957.6 City Labor Negotiator -
Betsy Adams, City Manager - Negotiated with - All Unrepresented Employees
Public Employee Performance Evaluatiorn Per Government Code Section 54957 (B) Title; City Manager
The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 6:00 PM.
MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace ZITY CLE of the City of nd Terrace
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