09/11/2012Council Chambers
Regular Meeting
Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road
6:00 PM
Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment
Invocation - Pastor Jared Wright, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Gene Hays
Attendee Name
Walt Stanckiewitz
Lee Ann Garcia
Mayor Pro Tem
Bernardo Sandoval
Gene Hays
Betsy Adams
City Manager
Finance Director
Bernie Simon
Tracey Martinez
City Clerk
Richard Shields
Community Development Director
Richard Adams
City Attorney
Manny Mendoza
San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department
Ed Finneran
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
Michigan Street Improvements and Storm Drain Project Update
Dilesh Seth, Webb & Associates
Gave an overview and update of the Michigan Street Improvements and Storm Drain Project.
Dominic Aldrete
Indicated that he was concerned with the original plan but is more comfortable with the revised plan. He
expressed his concern with parking on his property with the shortening of his driveway and questioned if
there would be any compensation to assist with extending the parking on the side of his property.
Roger Burgett
Questioned what the speed limit will be on Michigan Street once the widening to three lanes is completed.
He is unsure whether this is a good change.
Liz Cox
Indicated that there is a lot of speeding on Michigan and questioned if there will be extra traffic control
and what type. She questioned where the water is corning from that comes out of the drain on Pico
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 11, 2012
Street west of Mt. Vernon Avenue flowing down hill_ She also questioned if semi trucks will be allowed on
Michigan once the project is completed.
William Hays
Indicated that he participated on the traffic mitigation committee. He questioned what the benefit is to this
project. He feels that this project will impact the property owners negatively. He expressed his concern
with sound and questioned it there will be some type of barriers installed. He questioned if property
owners will be allowed to get competing appraisals if their property is involved. He stated that he has lost
four mail boxes from people hitting them_
Donna Henderson
Expressed her concern for her neighbors. She indicated that she is concerned about the traffic and the
problems they have getting out onto Michigan Street. She won't let her grand daughter walk or ride her
bike to school because it is too dangerous without a sidewalk. There is a tot more traffic with the new
high school. Next year there will be a lot more cars because of the seniors driving. She questioned if
street parking will be allowed on Michigan Street. She stated that it looks like the storm drain will only be
going to Michigan Street and expressed her concern that it is not going all the way to Pico Street. She
also questioned if the off -ramp for Barton Road is still in the works.
Charles Prato
Questioned what the plan is to accommodate the residents that reside on Michigan Street between
Barton Road and Pico Street. He feels that it will be a huge problem for him to get in and out of his
driveway and questioned if he will be allowed to have a driveway on DeBerry and turn his back yard into
his front yard. He also indicated that traffic noise will be increased dramatically.
Don Farley
Indicated that he owns two properties on Michigan Street and is concerned with the area on Michigan
Street between Barton Road and DeBerry Street, He realizes that the original plan has been modified but
feels that they still may even be able to do better. He feels that the City needs to look at the long term,
this area has been residential and over the years different uses have filtrated into the area. There is a lot
of traffic on Michigan Street and feels that long term solutions need to be considered. He feels that
diverting traffic and truck traffic off of Michigan Street can be done. Extending Commerce Way will allow
the City to get truck traffic off of Michigan Street allowing some residential aspects to be retained. He
encouraged serious consideration for other solutions.
Patricia Farley
Stated that when her family purchased their home in 1950 on Michigan Street, it was zoned residential.
For years she has given input on the General Plan and the old plans. She feels that the problem is Grand
Terrace was made a City, maps were wrong, things were thrown in that didn't make sense and every time
a project has come to the City, they have violated their rights in the Environmental Impact Reports. She
feels that the high school should never have been allowed to be built without putting in Commerce Way.
People on Main Street can report violation after violation. She does not believe anything that she is told.
She is going to protect her interest and her interest also includes her neighbors. She feels that they have
a legal right to a residential neighbor_ She feels that proposing four lanes on Michigan Street is ridiculous
and changing it to three lanes is unacceptable. The City can totally protect their area by putting
Commerce Way through and it should have been done a long time ago_ She feels that the City has
already done serious damage to the residents personally and to the property values on Michigan Street
with the misuse of RDA funds and purchasing properties, allowing a trucking business on residentially
zoned property_ She feels that they should be made whole by the Council. They have already been
damaged_ She would rather not park cars on her street than remove trees that are 100 years old that her
family has spent thousands of dollars on. They are prettier than what the City has spent thousands of
dollars on for public parks. She is offended on how her family has been treated.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 11, 2012
Ron Ogawa
Indicated that he doesn't see a need to widen Michigan Street. He supports putting in side walks and
improving the roads. He questioned how the City can afford to pay for this project. He feels that there
are safety issues that need to be addressed prior to Michigan Street being widened.
Mike Raya
Resides between Van Buren Street and Pico Street on Michigan Street. He indicated that he is not for
three lanes on Michigan Street. He supports sidewalks and the lighting being improved. He fees that the
street is dark and dangerous.
Kim Stromwall
Has been before the Council before on this same issue. She would like her neighborhood to remain as it
is. She supports having sidewalks. She feels that their quality of life has been invaded and lowered the
values of their homes. She supports the City putting this effort into building commerce and giving the
residents on Michgan their neighborhoods back.
Stacey West
Indicated that the Chamber of Commerce placed the City Projects Update in the Blue Mountain Outlook
from information they got off of the City website. Unfortunately the website is not being updated regularly
and apologized for printing the wrong information.
Joe Aboytes
Indicated that his driveway is steep and will get steeper if the road is widened. There is a lot of noise now
and it will only increase. He does not have the room to have a second driveway and questioned where is
he suppose to park. He feels that the work that was done on Main Street was unacceptable and should
never have been paid for. He stated that he was told that this project has not been approved. The
residents don't want this project. They want lights and sidewalks only_
It was the direction of the Council for staff to do the following:
- Remove all information that is not current on the website.
- Prepare a time line on the next steps of the project and provide it to the Council at their next meeting.
- Complete research on the Commerce Way alternative and provide it to the Council at their next meeting.
MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
Waive Full Reading of Full Ordinances on Agenda
Five Year Measure I Capital Improvement Plan
Approval of Check Register No. 09-11-2012
Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting — 08/28/2012
Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 08/28/2012
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 11, 2012
Tony Tardibuono
Requested that a skate park be built in an effort to eliminate the problems that occur from skate boarding
throughout the city.
Stacey West
Feels that City staff is mistreated by the public and feels strongly that a policy should be put into place to
protect them.
Councilmember Gene Hays
Indicated that he received a letter from property owners on La Crosse Avenue with regard to the new
bridge being planned on Barton Road over the 215 freeway, He is hopeful that all parties can come
together for a resolution that works for everyone.
Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz
Stated that it is still in the design phase. There will be a public scoping meeting within the next few
months. There are some difficulties with La Cross Avenue that deals with Cal Trans engineering
Councilmember Darcy McNaboe
Thanked Mr_ Tardibuono for speaking at the Meeting and suggested that he get in touch with Pastor Andy
McRae at Azure Hills Church. She congratulated Grand Terrace resident Dr, Tom Rivera who was
appointed to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. She is glad that we are getting
someone from Grand Terrace to represent Grand Terrace. Cub Scout Pack 242 will be holding their
spaghetti dinner fundraiser on September 15, 2012, from 3,00 to 8,00 p.m. at the Grand Terrace Lions
Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval
Congratulated Tom Rivera on his appointment. The football game at the high school was great_ There
was a lot of support for the school and the kids, He thanked everyone that participated making it a great
game and event.
Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia
Requested an updated on Walgreens.
Community Development Director Richard Shields
Responded that he is working with them on issuing a temporary COP_ They should be opening on
Friday. The corner building is not yet complete and will be working with them on a deferral agreement.
Mayor Pro Tem Garcia
Requested that information that is not current be removed from the website and to include important
information on latest news. She reported that the Chamber of Commerce will be holding their annual golf
tournament. The Lion's Club is holding a Peace Poster contest. The contest is a national contest and
encouraged residents to participate_ She reported that the reader board has a lot of information on it and
any information that is on it can be obtained at City Hall. She congratulated Dr. Rivera on his
appointment. The Halloween event will be held on October 31, 2012 and the Country Fair will be held on
November 3, 2012. She congratulated Tony for speaking at the meeting regarding a skate park.
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Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 11, 2012
Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz
Reported that he attended, along with Councilmember Sandoval, the unveiling and dedication of the
September 11th Memorial in front of the Fire Station in Loma Linda_ He thanked the Sheriffs Department
for everything that they did for the first home football game at Grand Terrace High School. The next
home game will be on Friday, September 14, 2012.
A. Formal Action to Disband the Current Crime Prevention Committee and Set Goals and Membership
Requirements for a New Crime Prevention Committee
To disband the current Crime Prevention Committee, direct staff to draft a new application for the Crime
Prevention Committee to include additional information required on fundraising knowledge and
experience as well as project planning and participation, invite current members of the Crime Prevention
Committee to apply as well as other members of the community and schedule Council interviews with
applicants when applications are received, and change the meetings of the Crime Prevention Committee
to the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
MOVER: Gene Hays, Councilman
SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays
A. Due Diligence Review -Authorization to Contract with Auditor and Appropriation of Funds
Authorize the City Manager to contract with Rogers Anderson Malody Scott to perform RDA Due
Diligence Review, as required under AB 1484, in an amount not to exceed $15,000 and appropriate
unassigned fund balance from the Successor Agency CRA Debt Service Fund to pay for the contract.
MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Gene Hays, Councilman
AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval. Hays
The Meeting was adjourned in memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, at 6:00 PM.
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