09/25/2012Z ctitY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation - Pastor Andy McRae, Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church Pledge of Allegiance Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Walt Stanckiewitz Mayor Present Lee Ann Garcia Mayor Pro Tern Present Darcy McNaboe Councilwoman Present Bernardo Sandoval Councilman Present GeneHays Councilman Present Betsy Adams City Manager Present Bernie Simon Finance Director Present Richard Shields Community Development Director Present Tracey Martinez City Clerk _ Present Richard Adams City Attorney Present Manny Mendoza _ _ San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Present_�_� Ed Finneran San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Present Rick McClintock San Bernardino County Fire Department Present 1. ITEMS TO DELETE 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation - Senator Bob Dutton Senator Bob Dutton gave an overview of the things that he has accomplished over his term as a Senator. The City Council Presented Senator Bob Dutton with a Certificate of Appreciation The City Council presented Robbie Broedow, Senator Bob Dutton's Field Representative, with a Certificate of Appreciation B. Proclamation - Fire Prevention Week - October 7-13, 2012 Mayor Pro Tern Garcia read a proclamation, proclaiming the week of October 7 - 13, 2012, as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Grand Terrace and urged all the people of Grand Terrace to practice their home fire escape plan during fire prevention week 2012, and support the many public safety activities and efforts of Grand Terrace Fire and Emergency Services and presented the certificate to Chief Rick McClintock. C. Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Updated 101412012 3:46 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 25, 2012 0- A. Sally McGuire, President, Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce, announced that Taco Village is their Business of the Month for September 2012. She also reported that the Chamber will be hold their annual Golf Tournament and encouraged everyone to come out and support them. CONSENT CALENDAR Approve the Consent Calendar with the removal of items 3C. and 3E. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays Waive Full Reading of Full Ordinances on Agenda B. Proclamation - Twelfth Annual Binational Health Week - October 1-21, 2012 FC C E. 4. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 09/11/2012 Patricia Farley Questioned why addresses of those who spoke during public comment are not included in the minutes. She also indicated that she had commented that the trees on her property were at least 100 years old. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Review and Approve the Proposed Facility Use Agreement Between the City of Grand Terrace and the Grand Terrace Youth Football and Cheer. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays - Approval of Check Register No. 09-25-2012 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe SECONDER: Bernardo Sandoval, Councilman AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays PUBLIC COMMENT Patricia Farley Stated that it is extremely rare to find people that care about the City and the rights of the residents in the community. She appreciates those individuals that get involved in the community and care. It is hard to get people to come to meetings and express their concerns because they are so angry. She would like the Council to focus on how hard it is for residents to come to meetings after working all day and to only have three minutes to talk about the list of things that she legally needs to discuss in order to protect herself and the community. It sets her up to talk fast and people don't understand. She would appreciate City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Updated 101412012 3:46 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 25, 2012 5. being treated respectfully and being allowed more time to talk. She would like to see more encouragement and appreciation for those who come and speak at the meetings. Ryan Stephens Gave the following update on the Foundation of Grand Terrace: -The Youth Services Committee is running very well, with several people getting involved and considering a variety of options on how they can help the youth and young adults of the community. -The Veteran's Memorial was reviewed by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors where they received a vote of approval. A ceremony will be held on November 11, 2012, at the planned site for the memorial. - The Halloween Festival will be held on October 31, 2012, at Richard Rollins Park from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. There will be a Trunk n Treat, various foods, a dog costume contest, a costume contest and various games and booths. This should be a safe and fun environment for all families to enjoy. - They have a new website that will allow people to donate on-line to the Foundation. It will also tell about the things that they are doing in the community and should be easy to interact with. This should be up and running in a couple of weeks. Hayward Robinson, President Grand Terrace Titans Junior All American Football and Cheer Gave an update on Grand Terrace Titans Junior All American Football and Cheer. He reported that their first home game will be held at Valley College. He referred to a workshop that was held at the beginning of the year and felt that things were going to move forward and possible scheduling fixes and access to lighting. They are practicing at the elementary school and the middle school and there are no lights. He has been speaking to Matt and having good discussions but they are not moving forward. He feels that something can be done that can work for everyone but someone has to be willing to do the work. He is requesting help from the Council. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Gene Hays Expressed his satisfaction with the appearance of the City. He thanked staff for doing a great job keeping the City clean. Councilmember Bernardo Sandoval Reported that the Zumba "Party in Pink" hosted by the Grand Terrace Woman's Club will be held on October 13, 2012. He stated that the rave that was recently held at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino was not a problem for the residents in Grand Terrace. There were a few calls but they were taken care of quickly. The promoter has taken the issue seriously and has responded to them. He feels that the Sheriffs Department, staff and San Bernardino Police Department did a great job resolving this issue. Councilmember Darcy McNaboe Reported that she has received complaints from a number of residents regarding the traffic flow at the high school in the parking lot. She had the opportunity to meeting with Superintendent Jerry Almendarez and he indicated that the facilities department has been on site tracking the flow of traffic to come up with alternatives for a long term fix. She encouraged parents to talk to the principal about any concerns that they may have, they are willing to discuss the issues and try and come up with solutions. She reported that there is a posting inviting bids for the construction of the Grand Terrace Fitness Park, which is great. She indicated that she has received inquiries about political signs. She stated that the Sign Ordinance was amended in 2010 addressing the freedom of speech issue and she gave an overview of the City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Updated 101412012 3:46 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 25, 2012 1.1 7. 0 L:? ordinance relating to political signs. She announced that Wilden Pump will be holding a blood drive on Wednesday, September 26, 2012, from noon to 5:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia She indicated that she is pleased to see a variety of residents at the meeting. She questioned if addresses should be included in the minutes. She requested an update on Walgreens. City Attorney Richard Adams Indicated that if the Council would like to discuss whether or not the City Clerk should include addresses in the minutes the Council would need to agendize it at a future meeting. The speaker slips are public record and available in the City Clerk's Department. Community Development Director Richard Shields Walgreens is complete. A Certificate of Occupancy was issued. The project should be 100% complete by mid October. The grand opening will be held at a later date. Mayor Pro Tern Garcia Thanked the Chamber of Commerce for putting together good luncheons it is great to hear from local businesses. She stated that the local businesses are reporting that they are getting busier, which is great news. She thanked the Foundation for their update. She also thanked C.E.R.T. group for keeping up with their training. Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz Announced that his daughter became a peace officer and he attended her graduation. She is a corrections and probation officer. He is very proud of her. PUBLIC HEARINGS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Tentative Project Schedule for the Michigan Street Improvements This is a receive and file only report. No action was taken by the City Council. Patricia Farley Indicated that she had a hard time following the presentation at the last meeting. She requested a legible map. She is unhappy with the speed that the project is moving forward. She is concerned with safety, smog, pollution, the trucking business and the noise. Nothing is addressed. She is just asking that the City be respectful. City Attorney Richard Adams Stated that the Council has not approved any particular design for these improvements. The Council will be deciding on the design at a later date. Follow -Up on Michigan Street Update: Commerce Way Alternative This is a receive and file only report. No action was taken by the City Council Don Farley Indicated that he was encouraged at the last meeting and felt that the Council was interested in what the residents needs are however it appears that the project is moving forward. He feels that there needs to City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Updated 101412012 3:46 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 25, 2012 be a long term plan and goals. He really feels that the development of Commerce Way needs to be considered. Adrian Merendon Expressed his concern with the widening of Michigan Street. He feels that the speed limit is not followed now and it is dangerous. He questioned how much input the residents will actually have with the final plan. Patricia Farley Expressed her anger. She feels that residents have been given false information and have been made promises that have not been fulfilled. She feels that the City has been mismanaged and feels that the Council needs to make her whole and the residents need to be listened to. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Adopt Resolution Authorizing Successor Agency Staff to Transmit the Due Diligence Review to the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace and to Other State Agencies Pursuant to the Health and Safety Code Adopt a Resolution authorizing Successor Agency Staff to communicate and distribute the Due Diligence Review to the Oversight Board and other State agencies for further action and authorize staff to take all related action as required under AB 1484. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman AYES: Stanckiewitz, Garcia, McNaboe, Sandoval, Hays Jeffrey McConnell Referenced the Canal Street Low Mod Project. The window period for County funding is coming up and it only comes up once a year. He indicated that the county is pushing for generational housing. 9. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(b) - One Potential Case The Council met in Closed Session to discuss significant exposure to litigation, pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(b) - One Potential Case with the City Attorney. There was no reportable action taken. B. Public Employees Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 (B) Title: City Manager The Mayor indicated that this item will be continued to a later date to be determined. ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 9, 2012, at 6:00 PM. City of Grand Terrace Page 5 Updated 101412012 3:46 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council September 25, 2012 Mayor oft a City of Grand Terrace City Clerk of4he City of Grand T ace City of Grand Terrace Page 6 Updated 101412012 3:46 PM