11/27/20121. 2. r CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • NOVEMBER 27, 2012 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation - Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Councilmember Gene Hays Attendee Name Walt Stanckiewitz Title Status Arrived Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Present Present Lee Ann Garcia Darcy McNaboe Councilwoman Present Bernardo Sandoval Councilman Absent _Gene Hays Councilman .Present Betsy Adams Richard Shields City Manager Community Development Director Present Present Tracey Martinez City Clerk Present Steve Elam Interim Finance Director Present Richard Adams City Attorney_ Present Present Present Manny Gonzales Rick McClintock San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department San Bernardino County Fire Department ITEMS TO DELETE SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month Sally McGuire announced that the Edward Jones Investments: Shawn Price, is the Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Approve the Consent Calendar with the removal of item 3C RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe, Gen ABSENT: Bernardo Sandoval A. Waive Full Reading of Full Ordinances on Agenda B. Approval of Check Register No. 11-27-2012 City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Updated 121612012 3:20 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council November 27, 2012 C. 4. 5. 6. 7. A. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR Approve Amendment to Professional Service Agreement Between Albert A. Webb Associates Incorporated and the City of Grand Terrace Extending the Term of the Agreement to December 31, 2013. Approve the Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with Albert A. Webb Associates Incorporated and the City of Grand Terrace extending the existing Professional Services Agreement until December 31, 2013 and authorize the City Manager to sign the amended Professional Service Agreement, I RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] j MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe, Gene Hays ABSENT: Bernardo Sandoval PUBLIC COMMENT COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Gene Hays Thanked the Seniors for the pens, He reminded everyone to be mindful of items left in their cars that may be visible to someone wanting to burglarize your vehicle. Councilmember Darcy McNaboe Indicated that she has appreciated serving on the Council with Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia and Councilmember Gene Hays. Mayor Pro Tern Lee Ann Garcia Thanked the Seniors for their monthly newsletter. She feels that the Sheriffs Department is being very proactive and thanked them for their service to the community. She encouraged everyone to purchase their trees at the fire station. Santa will be at the library on December 1, 2012 from 11 am to 2 pm. The library always does quality activities for the community. She stated that she has enjoyed very many memorable memories in Grand Terrace. Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz Reported that he attended the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors meeting where he had an opportunity to thank outgoing Supervisor Neil Derry on behalf of Grand Terrace. He reminded everyone that the blood drive will be held at Wildan Pump. He reported that he took a trip with the City Manager and Agency Counsel for a Meet and Confer concerning some of the recognized obligations payments that were denied by the Department of Finance. He was very impressed with the presentation and argument that was given_ He is hopeful of a favorable decision. We should hear by the 15th of December, PUBLIC HEARINGS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Repeal Municipal Code Chapter 3.24 and Adopt New Chapter 3.24 as the City's Purchasing System To read by title only, waive further readings and adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, Calkfornia repealing in their entirety Ordinance No 95 and Chapter 3.24 of the Municipal City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Updated 121612012 3:20 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council November 27, 2012 -11 Code and adopting an Ordinance establishing a new Chapter 3.24 (Purchasing Systems) of Title 3 of the Municipal Code. The City Clerk read the title of the Ordinance. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Gene Hays, Councilman AYES: Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe, G ABSENT: Bernardo Sandoval S. NEW BUSINESS A. Initial Review of Draft "Due Diligence Review" Pertaining to Non -Housing Funds of the Successor Agency of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace Pursuant to the Health and Safety Code Receive the draft Due Diligence Review pertaining to non -housing funds of the Successor Agency of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman SECONDER: Gene Hays, Councilman AYES: Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe, Gene Hays ABSENT: Bernardo Sandoval B. Final Design of the "Service Clubs" Sign Proposed by the Lion's and Women's Club To move forward with the encroachment permit which shall reference that the sign will be operated pursuant to the agreement that will be approved by the City Council and the Lion's Club. City Attorney Adams will work with staff to draft the agreement, which will be brought back to the Council for consideration at a later date, outlining guidelines for the process of which organizations will be allowed to display their placard. The agreement shall also include that the sign will be removed by the City if there is non-compliance of the Lion's Club. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Councilwoman SECONDER: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Walt Stanckiewitz, Lee Ann Garcia, Darcy McNaboe, Gene Hays ABSENT: Bernardo Sandoval Doug Wilson Encouraged the Council to approve the final design of the Community Service Club Sign. He stated that he would like to clarify the following: 5. Should be the Lion's Club only. 6 Should be eliminated. 7. The Lion's Club should decide which groups will display their signs. Jeffrey McConnell City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Updated 121612012 3:20 PM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council November 27, 2012 Agrees with Mr. Wilson's comments. He encourages the Council to allow all service groups to be allowed to display their sign. Mr. Radtke Stated that it is his understanding that the Woman's Club supports the project however they have not expressed wanting to be financially responsible for the sign. They would like to have their placard on it. C. Partnership with Riverside Highland Water District on Grand Terrace Fitness Park Demonstration Garden This is a receive and fife only item. There was no formal action taken. 9. CLOSED SESSION A. Employee Negotiations - Labor Negotiations Pursuant to Government Code 54957.6 - City Labor Negotiator - Betsy Adams, City Manager - Negotiated with - All Unrepresented Employees The Council met in closed session to discuss labor negotiations pursuant to Government Code 54957.6_ There was no reportable action taken. ADJOURN The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 7:30 PM. Mayor of the CI o Grand Terrace City Clerk 466 City of lAmd Terrace City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Updated 12/6/2012 3:20 PM