08/27/2013r' CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • AUGUST 27, 2013 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:00 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center • 22795 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Convene City Council and City Council as the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency Invocation - Adam Atchison, Sandals Church Pledge of Allegiance - Council Member Sylvia Robles Attendee Name Title Status Arrived i Walt Stanckiewitz Mayor Present Bernardo Sandoval Mayor Pro Tern Present Darcy McNaboe Council Member Present Jackie Mitchell Council Member Present Sylvia Robles Council Member Present Betsy Adams City Manager Present Tracey Martinez -t City Clerk Present Richard Shields Community Development Director Present Sandra Molina Deputy Community_ Development Director Present Steve Elam Finance Department Present Cynthia Fortune Finance Manager - Present Richard Adams City Attorney . Present Manny Mendoza San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department Present Rick McClintock San Bernardino County Fire Department Present 1. ITEMS TO DELETE 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Approve the Consent Calendar with the following corrections to the Minutes: June 25, 2013 Page 2 - Item 3B - Councilmember McNaboe abstained. July 9, 2013 Page 2 - The Settlement Agreement and Mutual General Release Between the City of Grand Terrace and the Riverside Highland Water Company was Item 3E on the Agenda and the Resignation of Doug Wilson from the Planning Commission was Item 3D. Page 3 - There was a type-o under Item 8A. It should read "Approve the Twentieth Amendment to" Page 5 - Name spelling correction Gary Grossich. City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Updated 41412013 11:29 AM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 27, 2013 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Council Member SECONDER: Sylvia Robles, Council Member AYES: Stanckiewitz, Sandoval, McNaboe, Mitchell, Robles A. Waive Full Reading of Full Ordinances on Agenda B. Emergency Operations Committee Membership Reduction C. Purchase of Two (2) Shares of Riverside Highland Water Company Water Stock from Grand View Baptist Church to Attribute to the Civic Center D. Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting — 07/11/2013 E. Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting — 06/25/2013 Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 06/25/2013 G. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — 07/09/2013 H. Approval of Check Register No. 08-27-2013 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Jon Gaede, Representative to Assemblymember Cheryl Brown Reported on an event that will be held on September 13, 2013 at Cal State San Bernardino. He also reported that on October 4, 2013, the first of three hearings on the Small Business and Financing Select Committee that Assemblymember Brown sits on will be held. He indicated that more information will be provided at a later date. Mayor Pro Tern Bernardo Sandoval Expressed his concern with a new Assembly Bill that is being proposed that could affect a lot of non- profits. He indicated that he would like to know what Cheryl Brown's position is on the Bill. 5. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Sylvia Robles Reported that for the last 18 months her husband has been struggling with a re-occurence of prostrate cancer. She is pleased to announce that he has overcome the cancer and has joined a special study at Loma Linda. She feels very fortunate. She also reported that she was invited to apply for an educational scholarship by the National Association of Latino Elected Officials 50 and older to discuss the issues affecting the population. She will provide a more detailed report at a later date. She received a lot of information and is glad she had the opportunity to participate. Councilmember Darcy McNaboe Congratulated Councilmember Robles on being invited to participate in the education program. She indicated that after attending the Movies in the Park event and the Grand Terrace Community Soccer Club event she made the observation that Grand Terrace has very polite youth and that it is a true testimony to the families that we have in the community. Councilmember Jackie Mitchell City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Updated 41412013 11:29 AM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 27, 2013 - Thanked the Miller's for the event that they held at the 66ers. She reported that she attended the opening ceremony for the Grand Terrace Community Soccer Club. She also feels that there is a good group of kids and families in the Community. She reported that she received a phone call regarding the vandalism that occurred at the Richard Rollins Park middle field. She requested information from Community Development Director Shields. Community Development Director Richard Shields Responded that someone stole the electrical wiring from the middle school. They are in the process of making the repairs. They will place metal plates over the boxes to prevent this from happening again. He also reported that Pico Park was hit again, drastic measures may have to be taken. Mayor Pro Tern Bernardo Sandoval Indicated that it is important to understand the dangers of social media and to be aware of fake Face Book pages that can be set up. He expressed his concern with the Colton Joint Unified School District charging rates for facility use. The proposed rates will cause a problem for the youth leagues in Grand Terrace. Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz Announced that the opening home game for Grand Terrace High School will be held on September 6, 2013 at 7 p.m. He encouraged everyone to come out and support the school. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Amend Grand Terrace Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 8.04 and 8.108 Approve the first reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending Subsection (A) of Section 8.04.020 (Declaration of Nuisance), with the Addition of a Subpart 26; Repealing and Replacing Sections 8.108.020 (Unlawful Noise), 8.108.030 (Exemptions), 8.108.040 (Special Activities) and 8.108.060 (Violations to be an Infraction) of Chapter 8.108 (Noise) of Title 8 (Health and Safety) of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Pertaining to Unlawful Noise and Public Nuisances. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darcy McNaboe, Council Member SECONDER: Bernardo Sandoval, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Stanckiewitz, Sandoval, McNaboe, Mitchell, Robles 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. CLOSED SESSION A. Labor Negotiations - Labor Negotiations Pursuant to Government Code 54957.6 - City Labor Negotiator - Betsy Adams, City Manager - Negotiated with - All Unrepresented Employees The Council met in Closed Session regarding the following: Labor Negotiations Pursuant to Government Code 54957.6 - City Labor Negotiator - Betsy Adams, City Manager - Negotiated with - All Unrepresented Employees. The Council received a briefing from the City Manager, there was no reportable action taken. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Updated 41412013 11:29 AM Minutes Grand Terrace City Council August 27, 2013 ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The Next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 6:00 PM. 1 ►_I _ • of - �• -race City Clerk o he City of Grand a ace City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Updated 41412013 11:29 AM