Chuck Clendenen Recorded in Official Records,Coaniy of San Bernardino 6/20/2018
Recording Requested By: BOB D UTTO N G17 AM
TN ok,45 K
P Counter
When Recorded Mail To: Was 1 gages 3
Doc# 201 8—0222511 Fees 8.00
Name Chuck Clendenen Texes
Street CH I Fee 0.00
Address 41606 Date Street Suite 203 A Others 0.00
Paid $9.00
city 6 State Murriela CA 92562
{CA Civil Code§§818MI90,81004118,92OM208}
1. The undersigned is an owner of an interest of estate in the hereinafter described real property,the nature of which interest or estate is:
Fee (e.g.fee,leasehold,joint tenancy,etc,)
2. The full name and address of the undersigned owner or reputed owner and of all co-owners or reputed co-owners are:
Name Street and No. City State
22000 Commerce Way LLC. 22085 Commerce Way Grand Terrace CA
cc 0
3. The name and address of the direct contractor for the work of improvement as a whole is:
Chuck Clendenen 41606 Date Street Suite 203A Murrieta Ca 92562
4. This notice is given for(check one):
0 Completion of the work of improvement as a whole.
a Completion of a contract for a particular portion of the work of improvement(per CA Civ.Code§8186).
5. If this notice is given only of completion of a contract for a particular portion of the work of improvement(as provided in CA Civ.Code
§8186),the name and address of the direct contractor under that contract is:
6. The name and address of the construction lender,if any,is:
7. On the 8th day of November .2417 ,there was completed upon the herein described property a work of improvement as a
whole(or a particular portion of the work of improvement as provided in CA Civ.Code§8186)a general description of the work provided-
A new ground up 9,992 sit Animal Hospital containing a 2,689 sft vacant suite
8. The real property herein referred to is situated in the City of Grand Terrace .County of San Bernardino
State of California,and is described as follows:
Attached Exhibit'A7
9. The street address of said property is:
22085 Commerce Way Grand Terrace CA
10. If this Notice of Completion is signed by the owner's successor in interest,the name and address of the successor's transferor is:
I certify(or declare)under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Stale of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: - Y ` Y fZ q�R
gnature of Ownerrof OwneeOmforized Agent
l L r' -Se /L}. &I.t
0 Porter Law Group,Inc.2015 Print
Page 1 of 2
I, Lr'r�-PIe'rt,�eicr')
u, state:I am the M �✓6V' ryW-9 ("Owner",'President",
'AuthorizedAge * . of the Owner identified in the foregoing Notice of Completion.I have read sai otice of Completion and know the
contents thereof;the same is true of my own knowledge.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on t Z l K ) (date),at ►'► r/y� / r;
{ �y), ttstate).
gnature�ofOwn�eror �ut�horizedAgent
I, declare that I served copies of the above NOTICE OF COMPLETION,(check
appropriate box):
a. ❑ By personally delivering copies to (name(s)and titles)
of person served)at (address),
on (date),at .m.(time)
b. ❑ By Registered or Cedified Mail,Express Mail or Overnight Delivery by an express service carrier,addressed to each of the
parties at the address shown above on (date).
C. ❑ By leaving the notice and mailing a copy in the manner provided in§415.20 of the Califomia Code of Civil Procedure for service of
Summons and Complaint in a Civil Action.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on_ (date),at (City), (state).
(Signature of Person Making Service)
A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this
certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document.
COUNTY OF i/1 If nu'vd t`g to
On Wllu�1'' 2Ql7 (date). before
A. LEDESMA me, tary Public(name and title of
Commission #207""6 officer)personally appeared I&V mruz e& who proved
Z .-a Notary Public-Ca la Z to me on the basis of satisfactory Oence to be the person(s) whose name��are
Z San Bernardino Co = subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he they executed the
M Comm. Ex ires Be 018 same ire lher�their authorized capacity(ie*, and that by ibhe it signature,(ou the
instrument the personKor the entity upon behalf of which the person(ep"acted,executed the
certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the
foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Page 2 of 2 Signature
The Lund referred to in this report is situated in the County of SAN BERNARDINO,State
of California,and is described as follows:
Parcel No. 7 of Parcel Map No. 3803,in the City of Grand Terrace,County of San Bernardino,
State of California, as per Plat recorded in Book 49,of Parcel Maps, Page(s) 16 and 17, in the
Office of the County Recorder of said County.
Excepting therefrom,that portion of Parcel 7 of Parcel Map No. 3803, in the City of Grand
Terrace, County of San Bernardino, State of California,as shown on Plat filed in Rook 49,Pages
16 and 17 of Parcel Maps,records of said County lying Northeasterly of the following described
Commencing at the Northwest confer of said Parcel;thence along the North line of said Parcel
also being the South right of way line of Commerce Way(36.00 feet-half width),as shown on
said plat,North 46°04'36" Fast,54.82 feet to West right of way line of Michigan Street(44.00
feet-half width)as shown on said plat, and the Terminus of this description.
APN: 1167-141-0 8-0000