A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council
Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on October
26, 2006, at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Maryetta Ferr6, Mayor
Bea Cortes, Mayor Pro Tem
Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember
Herman Hilkey, Councilmember
Jim Miller, Councilmember
Tom Schwab, City Manager
Brenda Mesa, City Clerk
Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager
Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director
Lt. Hector Guerra, Sheriffs Department
John Harper, City Attorney
ABSENT: Larry Ronnow, Finance Director
0 Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
The City Council meeting was opened with Invocation by Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-
Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Pro Tem. Bea Cortes.
2A. First Class CERT Training Graduates
Steve Berry, AssistantCityManager, introduced Lt. Rich Solemento, SanBernardino County
Fire Department
Rich Solemento, San Bernardino County_ Fire_Department, thanked the residents of Grand
Terrace, Steve Berry, and Barrie Owens for being the driving force behind the new adventure
in the City of Grand Terrace. It was an honor to be a part of the instruction staff and seeing
how the group was able to progress. He thanked all the CERT Trainers for their participation
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October 26.2006
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and he hopes that the success of the team will be an asset to the City of Grand Terrace and
to the Emergency System if they are called upon.
Mayor Ferre, introduced all of the CERT Training Graduates and presented them with a
Margie Miller, on behalf of the City News presented to each of the graduates a framed front
page of the City News with their individual names on them.
Assistant City Manager Berry., stated that these graduates spent 21 hours going through pretty
intense training_ He thanked the instructors for doing a great job.
An Oath was given by City Clerk Mesa to all of the graduates.
MILLER, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following Consent Calendar Items with the
removal of item 3A.:
3B. Waive Full Reading of Ordinance on Agenda
3C. Approval of 10-12-2006 Minutes
3A. Approve Check Register Dated October 26, 2006
Patricia Farley, 12513 Michigan Street, indicated that she is a busy person and doesn't like
to keep getting up to speak at Council Meetings. She realizes that Council has a busy job and
that they receive a lot of paperwork. One of the reasons that she doesn't run for Council is
because she can't make the commitment to know all of facts and look through all the
material for approving things, however, when citizens make the effort to do that they should
be supported. One of her concerns is that at every meeting these check registers are passed
and she really doesn't believe that they are actually looked over and understood. Also, when
she asks questions they are not answered or at least not on public record. They have been
told that Mr. Rollins is not an employee of the City, however, the City continues to issue
checks for work that he has done for the City and he received a $50.00 birthday bonus. She
appreciates the citizens that are looking at more than what the Council Members are looking
GARCIA, CARRTED 5-0, to approve the following Consent Calendar Item:
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3A. Approve Check Register Dated October 26, 2006
Bi11s Hays, 22656 DeBerry Street, stated the following:
Why is the public being misled on the type of Senior Housing planned on Grand Terrace
Road in Grand Terrace?
It is not what was published in the media and presented by staff or the developer at Public
It is not the low and moderate income senior housing that Grand Terrace seniors were
promised and is referred to in the Housing Element of the General Plan as affordable housing
and required.
There will be no moderate income housing. It states in a Regulatory Agreement approved
on October 27, 2005, that almost 90 % of the units will be leased at very low and lower
income levels. They appear to be in totally different categories. Only 10% will be at market
In a Ground Lease Agreement approved on September 22, 2005, it describes the maximum
monthly rental for the required lower income units to be rented to very low income
households shall be established at one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of fifty percent
(50%) of San Bernardino County Medium Income for a household of a size appropriate to
the housing unit.
The maximum monthly rental amount for the required lower income units to be rented to
lower income households shall be established at one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%)
of sixty percent (60%) of the San Bernardino County medium income for a household of a
size appropriate to the housing unit.
Also in the Ground Lease Agreement it also defines "medium income" as the medium
income for the area as most recently determined by the secretary of housing and urban
development under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, or, if
programs under section 8 are terminated, medium income for the area determined under the
method used by the secretary prior to such termination.
According to these agreements that have already been approved by our City Council, many
of our Grand Terrace seniors may not qualify. They were supposed to be provided for and
have first priority. That does not appear to be what City Staff, Officials and the Developer
really have planned for most of the seniors living in our City.
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Seniors need to become involved and fight for what they are entitled to regarding Senior
Housing. All types of senior housing should be made available and not just cater to only
certain categories. Priority should be only given to what is needed most in our City and
nearby homes should not be impacted regarding property values or zoning.
If there needs to be more apartments in Grand Terrace after most people in the City did not
want any more, everything has to be taken into consideration and planned more carefully.
The Senior Housing should also have been located in a much more convenient location to
everything, like it was planned years ago in the General Plan.
He thanked Herman Hilkey for his service to the community. He and Herman never agreed
on anything but at least he was fair and would debate with him.
R. A. "Bayne, ' Barnett, 474 Prospect, Highgrove, congratulated the CERT graduates. He
indicated that for the last five years they have been working on a Metrolink Station for
Highgrove. Grand Terrace passed a Resolution supporting a Metrolink Station in Highgrove
back in 2002. There is a renewed interest because they have an ideal location for it. He
knows that two of the City Council Members have been to visit the site. They are trying to
educate everyone and let them know about the location. He reported that tomorrow morning
at 8 a.m. he will be meeting the Mayor of Loma Linda to show him the location. Anyone
that would like to join them can meet at City Hall in Grand Terrace. He stated that
transportation issues are going to affect Highgrove and Grand Terrace and this is a prime
location for a Metrolink Station. They need help from Grand Terrace. He encouraged people
to come and see the site and contact him if they would like to get involved.
Anne Wade -Hornsby, 22656 Brentwood Street, indicated that she gave each of the Council
Members a packet from the Senior Housing Developments in Riverside, some of which are
section 8 housing and some of which are not. She has been to all of them and there is a big
difference between the two. She expressed her concern with the Senior Housing Project
being built behind Brentwood affecting their home values. At the last Council Meeting she
questioned discrepancies in the financial support given to the development. She stated that
she has concerns with the requirements of residents of the housing project. She requested
that the Council look at the financial requirements of residents for the project.
Patricia Farley, 12513 Michigan Street, pointed out that she and other residents are
expressing items publicly that are public questions that need to be answered publicly not
privately. She expressed her concern with small agendas right before the election when
there are many things that need to be taken care of. She stated that the Housing Element has
never been certified. The Housing Element requires that the City provide for all of the
Senior Citizens in the appropriate percentages. The General Plan says that the Senior
Housing is not called Senior Housing unless it is 65 and older. She feels that there are games
going on and guidelines that are not being followed. She feels that City Staff should be able
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to tell residents what the medium income is. She stated that Cynthia Bidney presented to the
Council an Eminent Domain proposal to support and they have been stalling. Measure O has
nothing to do with Grand Terrace. Grand Terrace must have an Eminent Domain Proposal
for Grand Terrace to protect Grand Terrace and she expects that to come back on an Agenda.
They have questions and they want answers. She feels that the Council should support
people coming up and taking the time to look at documents and bringing item to their
attention and not be slamming them as if they are trouble makers. They have taken a lot of
time to look at these items and they are trying to help to alert them. More people in Grand
Terrace need to be involved and the Council has an obligation to answer the questions and
to answer them publicly. They are important and if you can't answer them or won't you are
not serving the public. She reported that on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the
Community Room at City Hall candidates running for City Council will be there to talk to
residents and answer questions.
City Manager Schwab, stated that in regards to the Check to Richard Rollins, he stated that
he is not a City Employee, however, the City has paid him for the last 10 years to open and
close the parks. Mr. Rollins is out there at 7 a.m. and back to close them. Mr. Rollins is 86
years old and my not be able to do that for much longer. If anyone has an interest in going
out there seven days a week and performing those duties we may be looking for someone
soon. On the Senior Housing Project, these homes are for low income seniors. Most seniors
by definition are low income. One thing that Grand Terrace has done that he has not seen
with other Senior Housing Projects, is to set aside 10% of the units for market rate seniors.
If the Council would like staff to have CBH decifer what medium income means in terms of
actual dollars rather than the formula, he will do that.
5A. Committee Reports
1. Crime Prevention Committee
a. Minutes of September 11, 2006
CORTES, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the September 11, 2006 Minutes of the Crime
Prevention Committee.
5B. Council Reports
Councilmember Hilkev, reported that there is a meet and greet the candidates on November
1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. He noticed some pavement cuts on Preston and questioned if this is a
foreshadowing of the traffic control or lights. He questioned the status of the sequencing of
the lights and the project to put a light at Barton and Westwood.
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Richard Shields, responded that he attended a pre job conference with SANBAG last week
and the Honey Hill light is set for February and March. The whole process for tier 2 has
already started and will go through June. He stated that it is not just Barton Road that they
are working on, there are other communities that are having work done as well. There will
be new cabinets put on at each intersection all the way to the 215 freeway. He has given a
brief scenario for the website.
Assistant City Manager Berry, stated that the cuts on Preston were a direct result of Mr.
Miller's question on the Ioops and they have been replaced. They had to do a sidewalk cut
to get the new two inch pvc pipe in. All of these loops have been completed.
Councilmember Hilkey, stated that he would like clarification on what the threshold is for
the Senior Housing Project and questioned if children will be allowed to live there. He
would also like it explained to him how section 8 works with this project. He feels that it is
a super project and is 100% for it, he just wants to be sure to understand everything.
City Manager Schwab, responded that children will not be allowed to live in this project. He
stated that he will have Corporation for Better Housing come to the Council meeting to
explain the formulas.
Councilmember Garcia, stated that it's that special time of year and that there are a lot of neat
things happening in town. The Library will be having an alternative to Halloween for the
little ones. She reported that the Friends of the Library meet on the third Wednesday at 2
p.m. She reminded everyone that the Halloween Haunt will be held on Tuesday, October 31,
2006 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Calvary, the Brook Church is wanting to build a church
so they are having a fund-raiser, the Brooks Autumn Twilight Dinner on Wednesday,
November 1, 2006 at the Castaways. On October 31, 2006 from 4:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. there
will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at Pico Park for the installation of the new playground
equipment. She reported that the Country Fair will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2006.
She feels that it is important to stay well involved in the Metrolink Station in Highgrove.
She appreciates the comments on the Senior Housing Project. It is important to make sure
that all of the requirements that we want to go into that project are there. She stated that
Housing is very controversial, the State wants the additional housing not the local cities. She
stated that local cities are not pushing for increased density and increased housing in our area
it is the State. She expressed her sympathy to Bill Hays for the passing of his mother. She
wished everyone a safe Halloween.
Councilmember Miller, reported that the Traffic Mitigation Committee is winding down.
They had a meeting this past Monday and they will have one more meeting in December.
Staff will consolidate all of their ideas that they feel would be best and they will be brought
to the Council for action. This should be brought to the Council at the December meeting.
He questioned when the list started for those who are going to pay the market rate for the
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Senior Housing Project.
City Manager Schwab, responded that currently there is an interest list for the Senior
Housing Project only. There has not been an application process to date. This is a list of
individuals that have said that they are interested in the project only. When the time comes
where they are close enough to where they are going to start their marketing, those
individuals on the list will be contacted first. Since the project is much farther away, the list
will have to be updated since it has been compiling for the last six or seven months.
Councilmember Miller, questioned who will be making the decision on who will move into
the facility.
City Manager Schwab, responded that it will not be staff. The project will be administered
by Corporation for Better Housing, however, there is input from the City.
Councilmember Miller, feels that it was worth while to go out and look at the site for the
Metrolink Station. He felt that it was educational. He feels that it is an exciting project and
he hopes that it works.
Mayor Pro Tem Cortes, reported that the Grand Terrace Chamber of Commerce Golf
Tournament is tomorrow and that they still have some openings. She reported that the
Country Fair will be held on November 4, 2006. The Friends of the Library will be having
their book sale at very low prices. She reminded everyone that Free Dump Day will be held
on Saturday, October 280' and requested that Assistant City Manager Berry give the details.
Assistant City Manager Berry, announced that the Free Clean-up Day will be held on
Saturday, October 280' from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Canal and Mt. Vernon. This is a good
opportunity for residents to clean up their property and bring it to the dumpster. He requested
that residents do not bring construction material or hazardous waste, this is for trash and
garbage only. The Clean -Up Day is free.
Mayor Pro Tem Cortes, announced that Calvary, the Brook was asking for assistance with
door prizes for their fund-raising event and that she was going to donate some. She
introduced former CounciImember Don Larkin and announced that he has received orders
to go back to active duty and will be leaving in a week.
Don Larkin, stated that he has been in the Military for 22 years,10 of which were active duty.
He indicated that many people have asked him how he feels about being activated and the
possibility of being deployed to Iraq. He stated that he has answered that question many
times throughout his career. He was given an Oath that he has to fulfill. It is an Oath that
many have made before him and many have died fulfilling. It is an Oath that still many are
doing now and some are also making the ultimate personal sacrifice and it is because of their
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sacrifice we live in this free country. The simple fact is, the freedom that were having to
even have this meeting is a freedom that doesn't exist in many other countries. It is because
of the Oath that people have taken. In that Oath, as others have done, we solemnly swear to
support and defend the constitution of the United States. We are not talking about a bunch
of weathered pieces of paper but really the freedoms and rights and what makes this country
great. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. The interesting thing about that Oath,
especially in this time when people are trying to separate church and state, it still ends with
so help me God. Sometimes you hear people say "So Help Me God," almost as a threat, in
this case when he makes his Oath, he makes it as a prayer. So help me God, make me fulfill
this Oath and honor. He stated that he is very proud that he may be going to Iraq. He asked
for help in finding out who from Grand Terrace is serving in Iraq. He would like all
individuals serving our Country to be recognized. He stated that many people say that they
support our troops but they question the President or policy. He questions how can you say
you support our troops if you don't support what they are doing or the reason they are doing
Mayor Ferrd, announced that there will be some entertainment at the Country Fair this year.
There is going to be a quartet out on the front lawn from 11 to 12 on the comer of Vivienda
and Barton. At 12:30 inside the auditorium there will be a karate performance. At 1:30 there
will be a square dancing performance. So not only is there an opportunity to buy food to eat,
people to see, books to buy but entertainment as well. She thanked the Historical and
Cultural Activities for all of their hard work. She visited the site for the Metrolink Station
with Barney Barnett and found it very enlightening and an important thing to do. She
thanked the Traffic Mitigation Committee. It is a great commitment from our community
volunteers for a very important situation in Grand Terrace.
8A. Approve Pope and Associates as the Landscape Architect for the Passive Park on Mt.
Vernon and DeBerry
CORTES, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Pope and Associates of San Bernardino as the
landscape architects of the Mt. Vemon/DeBerry passive park, to authorize staff to
negotiate a contract with Pope and Associates and to appropriate $11,600 from Fund
13, Parks Development Fund, derived from Development Fees.
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October 26, 2006
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Mayor Ferre adjourned the meeting at 7:17 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which
is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.
(&,e� 11A Inz,2,&
CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace
MAYO of the City of Grand Terrace