08/12/2008J CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 12, 2008 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on August 12, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Maryetta Ferri, Mayor Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor Pro Tem Bea Cortes, Councilmember Jim Miller, Councilmember Dan Buchanan, Councilmember Brenda Mesa, City CIerk Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager;`City Manager Pro Tem Larry Ronnow, Finance Director Richard Shields, Building & Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Mike Newcombe, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department ABSENT: Tom Schwab, City Manager Gary Koontz, Community Development Director _ John Salvate, San Bernardino County Fire Department The City Council meeting was opened with Invocation by Pastor Raul Montano, Calvary the Brook Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Dan Buchanan. Mayor Ferri gave an update on Tom Schwab indicating that he is in rehabilitation and is undergoing physical therapy. He should be returning to his home very soon, possibly within the month. ITEMS TO DELETE Steve Berry. Assistant City Mana en -'City Manager Pro Tem, requested that item 5Ala. Emergency Operations Committee Member Appointments (Stewart and Nichols) and item 3G. Reclassification of Intern to Management Analyst be deleted from the agenda. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Presentation of Red Tailed Hawk Art to the City by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owens Mayor Ferri, announced that a piece of art that was done by Robert Bateman has been donated to the City by Paul and Marjorie Owens. Paul and Marjorie Owens moved to Grand Terrace in September of 1989. Four years later they joined the Citizen's Patrol and have been active members since that time. On August 28, 2007 at the City Council Meeting Council Minutes 08.1212008 Page 2 Marjorie was appointed as an active member of the Crime Prevention Committee for a term continuing through June 2010. In 1978 Paul and Marjorie started collecting artwork, attending art auctions and art galleries. Among arts the art they love most is wildlife. Their favorite gallery was Artworks Etc. in Fountain Valley, CA and that is where they purchased the lithograph which they are presenting to the City of Grand Terrace this evening. The lithograph remained unframed in their house for several years. While attending the dedication of the Pocket Park, the Gwen Karger Park, and seeing the Red Tailed Hawk and his handler they decided that this was the perfect time to have the lithograph framed and presented to the City they have come to love. They are taking this opportunity to say thank you for the friendship and love shown to them by the City of Grand Terrace. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2008-67 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER MILLER WAS ABSENT), to approve the following Consent Calendar Items: 3A. Approve Check Register Dated August 12, 2008 3B. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3C. Approval of July 22, 2008 Minutes 3D. Notice of Completion of the Gwen Karger Pocket Park 3F. Resolution - Directing Collection of Delinquent Sewer User Fees on the San Bernardino County Tax Roll 2008-2009 ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 3E. Award Contract - City Hall Fire Detection Installation - Champion Fire Systems, Inc. CC-2008-68 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER MILLER, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to award the Contract for the City Hall Fire Detection Installation to Champion Fire Systems, Inc. in the amount of $65,000. PUBLIC COMMENT - None REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports - None 5B. Council Reports Councilmember Cortes, reported that at the SANBAG Board of Directors Meeting they approved funding for the bond measure for the synchronization of the signal lights. She has Council Minutes 08; l2/2008 Page 3 spoken to City Staff and SANBAG Staff and the reason that the signal lights have not been working as well as it should is because of technical problems and requested that Director of Building and Safety/Public Works, Richard Shields to explain what the issues are. Director „of Building & Safely/Public Works Richard Shields, stated that Barton Road is uphill from the freeway to Honey Hill where it starts heading down hill. One of the problems that they had is getting the antennas to talk to the software. They probably should have put in some additional antennas. They tried to convect this with tweaking the software and believes that they were successful in doing that. As it stands now it is communicating but it hasn't gone on-line. They are going to hold a training seminar on August 21, 2008 for the local jurisdictions that are having this device installed and they are going to teach staff how to operate the system so that there aren't any questions after it is all hooked up. It should be on-line within the next month or so. Mayor Ferrd, requested that Assistant City Manager/City Manager Pro Tern Berry talk about the Grand Terrace Little League. Assistant City Manager; City Manager Pro Tem Berry, reported that 11 girls from the Grand Terrace Softball All Star Team have won the right to represent Southern California in their division of the Little League Softball Western Regional Tournament. These girls will be coming to a City Council Meeting on August 26, 2008. Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, requested Assistant City ManagerfCity Manager Pro Tem talk about the metal plates on Barton Road. Director of Building & Safety/Public Works Richard Shields, reported that the metal plates are gone today and there is a temporary patch in the paving. That patch will be ground down and they will patch it the way it is supposed to be patched. He indicated that it is AT & T putting in fiber optic for all of the neighborhoods throughout the City. This is only the second job the first job was on Palm. He stated that there will be many more in the future. It will probably be another six months before it is complete. Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, requested that the information on fiber optics be placed on the website. Assistant City Manager/City Manager Pro Tem Berry, stated that he has a meeting with AT & T and will provide information. Mayor Pro Tem Garcia, asked if there are any updates on graffiti. Lt. Newcombe, responded that they had a good week. The MET team has been dedicated to Grand Terrace for a couple of weeks to concentrate on the problem. He reported that they Council Minutes 08,;12-2008 Page 4 had an arrest on the Pico Street graffiti and that they have been tracking the freeway graffiti. They are noticing some trends and are waiting to see if it happens again. If more graffiti is done they will commit some resources to that area. He feels that graffiti is a big problem but feels that if they can attacked it in a focused manner a couple of people will be identified and it will send a message to others. Ma or Pro Tem Garcia, is looking forward to seeing everyone on August 18 for market night. She reminded everyone that on August 22 Enchanted will be held at Richard Rollins Park. She encouraged everyone to dress warm because the evenings are getting cooler. Councilmember Miller, stated that he has a few questions of staff and the Assistant City Manager. He reported that he receives, as well as the rest of the Council, e•mails of the minutes of the on -going weekly staff meetings that are held. He referred to the last set of minutes and questioned ifthere is something scheduled for the Council to take action on with regards to the MHN benefit that staff receives. Assistant City Mana eg r/Mayor Pro Tern Manager Berry_, responded that there was discussion at staff meeting level and staff indicated that this is a benefit that will continue. Councilmember Miller, again referred to the minutes where it indicated that Fair Price Carpet is not a local business and may not be considered for the senior housing project and expressed his concern. Assistant Ci1y Manager/Mayor Pro Tern Manager BM, responded that staff will be meeting with Corporation for Better Housing next Tuesday. He indicated that they do not bid out each portion of the flooring. They bid the entire package. If this is something that the Council would like to do staff can certainly talk with them. His concern was that Fair Price Carpet is in Highgrove, in a different County not a local business. Councilmember Miller, stated that he understands what he is saying, however, Fair Price Carpet is a big supporter of Grand Terrace and feels that they are a low bidder and would appreciate allowing them to be one of the bidders. If Corporation for Better Housing is not willing to do that then he would like them to tell Council why. He would like to see information placed in the Blue Mountain Outlook as well as the City News. He indicated that there have been some discrepancies on what the rent is going to be at the Blue Mountain Villas and what we will receive. He would like an update on what is going on with the Senior Housing project. What monies are going out and what monies are going to be coming back to the City. He doesn't believe we have ever had a clear view on what we are going to receive from the Senior Housing. Assistant City Manager/Mayor Pro Tern Manager Berry_, responded that the information will be provided to the Council at the August 26, 2008 meeting. Council Minutes 08r' I2.2008 Page 5 _Mayor Pro Tern Garcia, stated that she believes when the minutes are done they are high points. To her knowledge, Assistant City Manger Berry has always given information to the Blue Mountain Outlook and the City News. PUBLIC HEARING - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 8A. Special Events Permit Requested by the Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce for a Monthly Market Night at 22325 Barton Road CC-2008-69 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, CARRIED 4-0-0-1 (COUNCILMEMBER MILLER ABSTAINED), to approve a special events permit for the Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce monthly Market Night and waive any date requirements. 8B. Request to Purchase Three Opticom M792H High Priority Emitters Using California Law Enforcement Equipment Program (CLEEP) Funding CC-2008-70 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the purchase of three Opticom M792H High Priority Emitters at $2850 per installation using funding from CLEEP. 8C. Resolution Opposing Fiscally Irresponsible State Budget Decisions that Would "Borrow" Local Government, Redevelopment and Transportation Funds CC-2008-71 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CORTES, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to Approve a Resolution Opposing Fiscally Irresponsible State Budget Decisions that Would "Borrow" Local Government, Redevelopment and Transportation Funds CLOSED SESSION 9A. Employee Performance Evaluation - Steve Berry, City Manager Pro Tem Mayor Ferrd announced that the Council met in Closed Session to Evaluate Steve Berry and has directed him to place on the August 26, 2008 agenda his appointment as the Acting City Manager. �� Mayor Ferre adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which Council Minutes 08! 1212008 Page 6 is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace AYOR fA the City of Grand Terrace ]I In