1994-03 (2) RESOLUTION NO. 94-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CUP-94-01, SA-94-05, E-94-09, A REQUEST FOR AN UNMANNED PUBLIC UTILITY SUBSTATION FOR CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS, the Applicant, L.A. Cellular, has applied for a Conditional Use Permit approval for an unmanned public utility substation and monopole with antennae array at 21971 De Berry Avenue, Grand Terrace, in the CM Zone; and WHEREAS,it has been determined that the proposed project is categorically exempt per the California Environmental Quality Act, Chapter 15301; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on July 7, 1994 to hear this application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved CUP-94-01, SA-94-05 and E-94-09; and - , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand t Terrace that the following findings have been made in accordance with the approval of CUP-94-01 (and related cases SA-94-05 and E-94-09): 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use or within the City. As conditioned below the project should not have detrimental effect on the neighborhood or within the City. 2. The proposed use will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City. As conditioned below the project should not have a detrimental or injurious effect on any physical property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City. The development of the project is conditioned to meet building codes, F.A.A. regulations, aesthetic elements of Site and Architectural Review, and site development requirements for the Zone District. 3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The current General Plan designates the landuse of General Commercial and Zoning of commercial/manufacturing. This proposed project meets the CM minimum development standards in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and landuse requirements in accordance with the General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with Site and Architectural design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board on July 7, 1994. All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines, easement location and dimensions, and other measurements. Minor changes or clarifications in compliance with F.A.A. regulations and approved by the Community Development Department. The communications building exterior materials and monopole to match the submitted material board and as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board. 2. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the City Engineer's memorandum to the City dated June 20, 1994. 3. Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Fire Warden's memorandum to the City dated June 29, 1994. - 4. Submit proof of compliance with applicable F.A.A. regulations to the City Planning Department. 5. Installation of F.A.A. approved cautionary aviation lighting. 6. Should Federal Government findings reveal that electromagnetic fields are in fact hazardous, even at a very low concentration as in this tower, property mitigation measures shall be implemented to make impact insignificant, or structure shall be demolished. 7. The applicant shall apply and submit three copies of plans for appropriate building permits for the unmanned communication building, monopole and antennae attachments, lighting, grading and any applicable permits. 8. Any significant expansion or change of use shall be reviewed by the appropriate City agencies. Additional permits or amendment to the Conditional Use Permit may be necessary. 9. All aspects of the proposed project including the building and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace. All graffiti placed on the facility, including the pole, must be removed by the applicant �" within 48 hours of notification by the City of Grand Terrace. NOW,THEREFORE,THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE HEREBY APPROVES CUP-94-.01, SA-94-05 AND E-94-09 BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of July, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: 4 - Commissioners Addington, Garcia, Huss and Van Gelder NOES: 1 - Chairman Sims ABSENT: 2 - Vice-Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson ABSTAIN: 0 ji' sims, Chairperson, Planning Commission ATTEST: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: jo6 John Harper, U City Attorney 12-8.5229 GRANDTERRK MEMORANDUM TO: Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California t FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer b 92324-5295 Civic Center (/ I DATE: June 20, 1994 (909)824-6621 . Fax(909)783-7629 SUBJECT: L.A. Cellular- Substation-CUP-94-01 Following recommendations should be considered as conditions of approval for the proposed project: 1. Provide grading plan for the portion of affected property, showing the following: Byron R.Matteson Mayor (a) Existing elevations of ground surface; )nald M.Christianson Mayor Pro Tempore (b) Proposed grading to provide for drainage; Gene Carlstrom c Surfacingmaterials on the proposed site and access roadway. Herman Hilkey ( ) p p y Jim Singley Council Members 2. Provide "State Approved Plans" as indicated on the Sheet A-1. Thomas J.Schwab , 3. Provide plans for Monopole and the footing design for the existing soil conditions, City Manager along with detail calculations. 4. Pay Capital Improvement Fund Fee for the parcel to be leased to include: (a) Street; (b) Storm Drain. 5. Provide evidence from the Colton Unified School District satisfying the requirements of the District. 6. Pay all plan check, permit and inspection fees. 7. All improvements to be designed by Ownees Civil Engineer to the City specifications. Wct D 1994 FROM F1Rc PRu1tG11un +'LHnn1nU 06:29. 1994 12:UZ P. 1 Y A%IN J rlKt .WAK1JCLN Licran 1 irlCir life Protection Planning Services • County'Government Center COUNTY O PU UC SAFETY SiS No,Arrowhead Avenue,First Floor • San Sernrlydlno.CA 92415.0186 OFFICE OF Pi1aUC SAFETY (909)$87.4219, $97-4218 DICK WII,I A MSe Director KWIMP ' EMERGENCY SERVICES # (909) M-3021 Servino the communities of: 1 Anficlus Oaks. ' fiaker DATE: 9 l gt f3nl Mae Big Ftt+cr Black Meadow Landing Boron Fcderal Pdson i I (C•hi)Chino Hills racy of Grand Tertwe City rf Nierdks r ' Copper Motinisin Mess, —a Daggett A14µ»t 7rvore El M1162e Harvtu F'H mvm n d v 'r!rler+d•le :. f�liF• hicxprtie. RE: I ( City:+!Hdhland Vnitcv .�csht:r+Tscc (CD11 Luwnc Vnlicy NUMBER OTC PAGES E IN4UDING THIS PAGE) L,,:•Cm4 ! Nkntane SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS i Ave 1f� Mountart Mew Acres NCRC;g0 Wiley r g Aft. II of T O Glen Oak Hiih Fatk Moobi I phelbr. I f{c�Wc:wlteh e,hr AIMome, Spill%'tyty Leke ! S.lar.:!t Valley Wcxt Cowie Valley WbF; Vjc.n Va4y IF YOU EXPERIENCE An PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS IMRMATIONp PLEASE CONTACT US AT T11E TELEPHONE. NUMBER LISTED ABOVE. (fax 03/94) r f.<+�+a of Surorvlytr+lf 111-FAY :A F.t/eV:; tdnRSVA iVA00 PARVARA CRAhl F001(nP.44 ...initei rwtriet +':• '+.!: �,:.: ,.t: l:t+,•,. .1010. A111111_ts. Si�c,r•JO:striri LARRYWAIII:R... .. . . . .. .fr•atthMr.tflm JERRY Fb'VEe . . .... .. . ... ....fifth Distrlct r na.rn rant rn.� cv. . n �nnn•nu �.r.�. .. r� ..- .... ` Planning RA nR Department DATE: June 2, 1�4 MIX NO: CUP-94.010 SA-94.05, &94-09 APPLICANT: L.A. Cellular {I'ropertyl Owner- Matthews Trust/VlTilliams Trust) LOCATION: 21971 De i Bery, Grand Terrace PROJECTt An appll�atlon for Conditional Use Permit, Site and Architectural Review substatio;for cellular telecommunications In the CN'Zone. Dear Reviewing Agency: i Tile above referenced application is on file with the Grand Terrace Planning Department. Please submit any comments your agency may have regarding this application to the attention of Joann Lombardo,)Interim Community Development Director, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, Califorta, 92324. Any such replies must be received in this office no later than June 16, 1994. U71IL1'I'Y COMPANIES: No input is necessary unless you have existing rights of ways or easements.YOUR RESPONSE BI& INCLUDED IN &TAEF Rfik!QRT IF YOU DO. r; i Sincerely, ' I i oann mbar o Interim Community Development Director JL:ma Enclosure CAWP51\Plannin 0rm&\rr."9 22795 Barton Road'Grand Terrace,Catirornfa 92324.5295 9(909)824.662I FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 06.29. 1994 12:03 P. 3 is ••�. •. � ibRESTRY AND-FIRE WARDEN DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Fire Protection Planning Services • County GoVernment Center OFFICF.OF PUBLIC SAFETY 385 No.Arrowhead Avenue.First Floor • San Be mardfno.CA 92415.0186 DICK WtLLiAM8. Director (714)3874212,357.4213 .ar EMERGENCY SERVICES Serving the communities of. ! Angelus Oo4 Bolter GRAND TMIRACE FIRE CONDMONS OF APPROVAL Baldy Mesa 810 River Mock Meadow Landing i Boron Federal Ptison (CDF)Chino Hills Date: Coy of Grand Tennce Coy of Needles TC: i Copper Mountain Mosa lMgg"Airport DM rage Fire Department Reference Number: !�/ T EI tpQ II Fawnsllin Applicant: /'!. tGl/C.1 + APPROVED 'rrarvere �' }f�k+ndnin `' UFr d°tp°rts • 2 8 1994 try of 49hlatd Location: Z rIW,d ►,;ie,, r - �`�7 f� �� i %7; ,,�nn✓ DERWOlmo JohT Valley e TryCOUNTY FIRE WARDEN(CDn Undo THE FOLLOWING FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 6FiAL>; BE COMPLETED pA�BL` 1e J�`'`G RECORDATION OF TH t' Pi XH4 W: ylie Crc� ' MCnIVl'tl A site inspection fina] is required to verify conditions of apDV6QhYw"`rep have_ been met. i. Moronp°valley Mr.Baldy I oak Glen R F-1. Private road maintenance, including but: not' limited toOak l-Os grads. d snow remov*1, shall be provided. Written documentatiobr'R M<.41 shall be submitted to t`e fire department having jurisdiction. Privatserker Dam fire access roads shall, provide an all weather surface with a minimum Photon paving width of twenty (20) Peet. Ptoneettown i Red Mountain San Anlonks F'R -2. Water systems!designed to meet: the required f ire f low of s pulley Laku development shall be ; approved by the fire department ha (1nH valley jurisdiction. The deve7 oiler shall furnish the fire department with;,t . n va:tey copies of the water system improvement plan for approval. Water syS I Yuralpa shall be operational and approved by the fire department prior towAY�NY framing construction olocurrina. They required fire flow shall kSe Valley determined by the appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino county•ttauide For the Determination of Fire Plow.' water systems shall. have minimum eight (8) inch mains, six (6) inch risers. Required fire flow is Tested at fioSrd r-f$1)r—v:44't f HARRY rq. MAY$ h?,ARSHA TVROCr. .. . . Firm ViEtikt IiFFi•hFt%r i:F{:.r: n!CH:�.ati . .TnMd P.rtct JnN A.h11rELS Ft:.+.d.Di&111�t [A(,n�' th'/,1v:t rpar•.t f'i�:r�c� rn rartc rKul cl.l lun Z-; . 1779 1.6 V P. 4 APPROVED , 01 9 8 1994 Page Two Fire Dept Ref. No. .3AA W rRD1R.1 COUNTY!1A 14 'ii�H i R F-2A. In areas !Without water serving utilities, the fire protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational prior- to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13., 13R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. See attached pri . ate water supply requirements. i i R F-2B. MS-IL3 THROUGH ILS. Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow shah. be operational and approved by the fire department prior to frami g construction occurring. The required fire flow shall be determined. by appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County "Guide For the Determination of. -Required Fire Flow," In areas without water serviriq utilities, the fire protection water system shall be based on 4FPA 1231 and be operational prior to framing. All NFPA 1.231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 130 1?R, or 13D fire sprinkler system. TH8 FOLLOWING CONDITIONSISHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMITS BEING -ISSUED: BP o The Ben !Bernardino County Forestry and Fire Warden Depaovides fire iroteotion for the city:of Grand. Terrace. Prior to any construction occur i l.,ng on any parcel,, the applicant shall contact the fire department fo�C verification of current fire protection development requirements.- All new construction shall comply with the existing Uniform Fire code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire department. BP F4. This develop,ment shall comply with Fire Safety Overlay conditions as adopted by ;County Development Code. This development is located in Fire Review Area BP R5 Prior to any raming construction occurring, all flammable veget n shall be remo ed from each building site a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet fromlany flammable building material, including a finished structure. FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 06.29. 1994 12:05 P. 5 APPROVED G page Three Fire Dept. Ref, No. • •lkJnU COUNTY FIRE WMDEN BP F6. A minimum. i fuel modification zone is required to comply with county stands do. bP F7. Prior to fram�nq construction, approved fire hydrants and fire -hydrant pavement maxkera shall be installed. Fire hydrants shall. 'be six (6) inch in diameter with a minimum of one four (4) inch and one two and a half (2 1/2) i inch connection as specified by the fire department. The design og the fire hydrant and fire hydrant pavement marker shall be approved �y the fire department. All fire hydrant spacinglshall be three hundred (300) feet with the exception of single fami;],y residential which may be increased to six hundred (600) feet maximuih. in areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist the blue reflective hydrant markers shall be posted on an approved post three feet from the hydrant. ! BP F8. An approved turnaround shall be provided at the end of each road a hundred and f tfty (150) feet or more. in length. Cul-de-sac J length shall• not exceed stx hundred (600) feet, except as identified in the development code and approved by the fire chief. ( ) see attached diagram of approved turnarounds. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS pHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY: O F9. Prior to final inspeotion, commercial or industrial buildings shall post street address with a minimum of eight (8) inch numbers. Street addresses shall be visible from the street and during the hours of darkness they shall bd automatically illuminated. Where building setbacks jexceed one hundred (100) feet from roadway additional non-illuminat d contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at property acgess entrance. it APPROVED Page Four Fire Dept. Ref. NC SAN BERNARDIGO CMIM FIRE WARDEN 0 F- 0 Every chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any he appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used. shall be maintained with an approv0d spark arrester. It shall be constructed of stainless steal, copper r brass, woven galvanized wire mesh, twelve (12) gauge minimum of thr4e eighths (3/8) inch minimum to one -half 12/2) inch .maximum -openings, as per County Code 3381. The mesh shall be visible from the ground. No decorator caps allowed. O F-11. The development and each phase thereof shall have two (2) points of vehibular access for fire and other emergency equipment, and for routes!of escape which will safely handle evelicuations as required by the development code. 0 F-l2 Private roadways which exceed one hundred and fift feet in Length shall be approved by the fire department having ,jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within one hundred f ifty (250) feet of, and shall%;give 'reasonable access to all portions of bhe extefior walls of the first story of any building. An access road shall be provided within fifty 50) feet of all buildings if the natural grade between the access road nd the building is in excess of thirty (30) percent. Where the acce s road cannot, be provided, a fire protection system shall be provided as required. and - approved by the fire department. 0 . 0 F13. An approved fire department look is required on all gates. Any tic electric slocurity gates used, require an approved look switch. Contact this oftice -tor lock applications. , J 0 F 4. Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Uniform Fir tandard #10-1. 0 15. Additional requirements may be applied due to the lack of suffi * information to review. Please submit building plans and declaration of use for proper application of codes. y FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING 66.29. 1994 12:06 P. , APPROVED 'Pago .x�.s••r.: F .z�.Dept,.. IteP N. � � ',,. /,/ &t :•.'i%�'' :1%'.,�`:� .�. f 'i'' . %t •1.�,i.R.,'� '. ` ,a..'.•ry;i�•. ;� t,.•.y, r,�i.Z Y+yt :•.�• .•�.. . tt `:{{��,,t.'e. � �'�4 ' i1.7.:� :k 'S;...H:':'y: t..'a'.. 7....,..+,•:iyr:.': ;. �� 74n" tt�.�i •W ...•, L,,d SAN:BERfiAItOlNf1 ':.►•y:: ;, COUNTY FIRE'K`ARDFN SPECIAL NON-STANDARD,COND4TIONSr . 2• 3 r 4. gg.ostions and comments may. be directed to: 4 Ore Protection Planning County Goverment Centex, First Floor 3�5 North Arrowhead Avenue Son Bernardino, California 92415-0186 Phone (909) 387-4213. Thank you for your cooperation. sincerely, DAVID J. PRXSCOLL, •dhief County Fire warden BY: Steve Paris, Captatin Fixe Protection Planning Officer F$FS Type Date Pd (forms/Comm 3/93) Amount W**EFIPWw%