06/11/1987CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES M REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 11, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 11, 1987, at 5:45 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Barbara Pfennighausen, Mayor Pro Tem Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Hugh J. Grant, Councilman Thomas J. Schwab, City Manager/Finance Director Randy Anstine, Assistant City Manager/Community Service Director Loretta Thompson, City Clerk Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer David Sawyer, Planning Director ABSENT: NONE The meeting was opened with an invocation by Rev. Scott Gallacher and with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilwoman Crawford. ITEMS TO DELETE CONSENT CALENDAR C C- 87-127 I Mayor Matteson asked if there were any items to be deleted from the agenda. The City Manager asked that the minutes of the May 28, 1987 Council meeting be deleted from the agenda. Mayor Matteson asked if anyone wished to delete any items from the Consent Calendar. There were no items to be deleted. Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, that the following Consent Calendar items be approved: Item A - Check Register No. 061187 Item B - Ratify June 11, 1987 CRA Action Item C - Waive Full Reading of Ordinances and Resolution on Agenda Item D - Approve the Council minutes for meetings held May 14, 1987, May 18, 1987, May 26, 1987 Item E - Approve Attendance of Councilwoman Crawford at the National Council for Urban Economic Development Conference, June 21-23, 1987 in San Francisco. Item F - Reject Liability Claim No. GTLC 87-03 Item G - Approve and Authorize Mayor to Execute Renewal of Contract (GTC86-09) for Recreational Services with People Helpers, Incorporated in the Amount of $46,470. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dick Yost Mr. Yost advised that the previous evening they had a fire 23247 Barton Rd. coning down the hill to the back of their property. Fortunately, the fire stopped within fifty feet of their property where he had cleared the brush and the weeds from the ground. The fire captain on one of the fire trucks said that, to date, fires have occurred more frequently than normal for this time of the year. They are looking for the worst fire season since the early 70's. He suggested that anyone who has property in the area should clear it of weeds and brush. COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks and Mr. Louis Galvez, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Recreation Committee, was present and advised Council had before them the Committee Committee minutes of May 18, 1987. Mr. Galvez advised that at the May 18, 1987 meeting Committee unanimously decided on the action item before Council this evening. Mr. Galvez noted the City has one five acre park. The City also has a joint use agreement with the school. We still have heard nothing regarding the possible lease with Edison on the proposed Pico parksite. We are looking for a long time lease on this site. The Parks and Recreation Committee is proposing that Council establish a policy for purchasing land within the City for future park development now while there is still land available. The Committee knows they are looking at a possible three to five year build out. In their opinion, property for this purpose needs to be set aside now. Otherwise, when it is time to develop a park, there may not be land available. Mayor Matteson asked if the Committee had selected possible locations. Mr. Galvez responded that the feasibility study conducted by the Committee outlined an area they felt had potential for parks development. They are requesting that Council acquire ten acres or more in an area bounded on the north by Barton Road, on the east by Michigan, on the south by Pico and on the west by I-215 and the railroad tracks. Ideally, the site could be adjacent to a school site. Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 2 Mayor Matteson commented Council agrees with the Committee and has set aside money for future parkland acquisition. Council is prepared to consider specific sites if the Committee wishes to make any recommendations. Mr. Galvez asked if he could take this as an invitation to contact property owners. Councilman Grant stated he did not think the Mayor's response was an indication that Council was requesting the Parks and Recreation Committee to contact property owners. He stated he thought Mayor Matteson was saying Council agrees with the Parks and Recreation Committee that we need more parks. Councilman Grant indicated he has two concerns. One, we do have a consultant and a new Planning Director who are looking at the General Plan. The first phase of the General Plan Update is to review the area to the west of the freeway. The next phase will take in the remainder of the City. The area described by Mr. Galvez will probably be reviewed by the consultant in the next phase. Council needs to know what the consultants' recommendations are before deciding where parks are going to be developed. Two, the alternative is to, consider, at least, the approximate appropriation for a future park. We have to know where and how much acreage we are talking about. We do not want to determine what it is going to cost before knowing what we are going to buy. Council appears to agree with the Committee that more parkland is needed. He wanted to ensure the Mayor's comments were not misunderstood. Mr. Galvez indicated that, basically, he is asking that a plan be established for the purchase of land for a future park site. Councilman Evans indicated Mr. Galvez's point was well taken in that, if we did not act now to acquire land and set it aside for parkland, land may not be available in the future. Councilman Evans suggested that the Parks and Recreation Committee target what they feel will be the future needs for our community. He particulary liked the suggestion that a possible sports complex be included in a long range plan for facilities in Grand Terrace. CC-87-129 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, that the Parks and Recreation Committee target the area they would like for the sports complex; that the Committee work closely with the General Plan Consultant in the acquistion of recreational type facilities and how such facilities would fit in the overall General Plan; with the review to be completed within two to three months and, specifically, to include contacting property owners of the potential sites with Staff to explore all avenues of funding sources and means for paying for any potential land once it has been earmarked. r Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 3 Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen agreed with Councilman Grant that the consultant has a big job to do and is presently looking at a particular area. The consultant will probably be reviewing the area that has been described. Therefore, it is more important than ever to let them know we need a certain amount of acrage to do certain things with so they can consider that when making their recommendations. The consultant recommendations may be different than what we are projecting right now, but at least they need to know that we have a desire to do something. There is not much space that is not already utilized which limits where a park could be developed. The consultant needs to be aware of that, too. Mayor Pro Tem Pfenni ghau sen stated she would have to support Councilman Evans' motion based on the direction, if nothing else, that it would give the consultant. Councilwoman Crawford noted she thinks the Parks and Recreation Committee is on the right track and she is behind the Committee one hundred percent. She commented that, while she concurred with everything that the rest of the Council had said, she felt she had to bring in her fiscal responsibility speech. Everytime we go to the consultant, it is costing the City more money. Council may have to budget more for the General Plan Update if a majority of Council wants the consultant to meet with the various committees. Councilman Evans questioned how the Committee meeting with the consultant is going to cost more money. We have already budgeted for the consultant to do the service and this is part of the service. Part of the General Plan includes the recreational facilities. It is extremely important that these be identified. Councilman Evans feels it is imperative that this Committee be given the opportunity to work with that consultant. Councilwoman Crawford indicated she didn't say that the Committee shouldn't work with the consultant. She did say she concurred with the whole idea. She believes that we need more parks. We need to take action now to make space available for parks. However, when we entered into the contract with the consultant, it was for certain things and they alloted certain hours to accomplish certain tasks. It might cost us more if we have each Committee talk to the consultant about their special interests. Since we have an in-house planner, she suggested it would be advisable for the Committee to work through the City Planner and let him work with the consultant. Mayor Matteson indicated he would concur with Councilwoman Crawford. At Mayor Matteson's request, Councilman Evans restated his motion, indicating, primarily, that we give the Parks and Recreation Committee the authority to target specific recreational needs; to contact property owners to determine if Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 4 they are willing to sell; to obtain costs and to work closely with the consultants; to explore all funding sources available which would include any funding available through the State. Councilman Grant noted that when Councilman Evans started his presentation he felt good about it. However, as Councilman Evans proceeded, he felt less good about it, especially when he reached the point about authorizing this Committee to look at specific land use within the geographical boundaries set forth by the Committee and to contact the property owners. He suggested the motion goes too far. He believes the consultant is working post haste to give us a new General Plan and that the Planning Director is doing the same thing. He cannot support the motion in the way it is worded at this time. Mayor Matteson stated he agreed with Councilman Grant, suggesting he felt the Committee should work through the Planning Director who will be working with the consultant. Mr. Galvez asked if the Planning Consultant is working strictly from public hearings or will he be contacting various volunteer committees for input. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen said her understanding of the direction given to this Council with regards to the procedure to follow in providing input for the consultant is that citizen schedule a meeting with the City Planning Director and the City Manager to tell them what information they would like passed on to the consultant. The City Manager and the Planning Director will transmit these comments to the consultant who will then consider them in preparing his report. She suggested that Mr. Galvez schedule an appointment with the City Manager and the Planning Director, giving specific directions on what the Parks and Recreation Committee wants passed on. Councilman Grant commented Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen had provided a fair description of the procedures established to deal with the consultant. However, he wants to make it clear this procedure was primarily established for the purpose of keeping the members of this Council from interferring with the proceedings of the consultant, the work of the Planning Director, and the work and involvement of the people interested in the approval of our General Plan Update. The idea is to work with the City Manager, the Planning Director, and the consultant. The Parks and Recreation Committee is whole-heartedly encouraged to work with the Planning Director and the City Manager. Motion CC-87-129 defeated with Councilwoman Crawford, Councilman Grant and Mayor Matteson voting NOE. Council Minutes - 6/ 11/ 87 Page 5 People Helpers Mr. Galvez indicated he wanted to thank Council for their Incorporated approval of the contract with People Helpers. The Committee had looked at a presentation from the YMCA. The Committee felt we had a very strong program existing with People Helpers. Councilwoman Crawford asked Mr. Galvez not to take Council's negative vote as a vote against the Committee and what they are attempting to do. Mr. Galvez indicated he did not take it as such. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen noted she would like to echo Committee member Galvez's comments with regards to People Helpers. She feels that People Helpers is the best thing that could happen, recreation wise, to Grand Terrace. She stated they are doing a fantastic job and are taken for granted because they do so well. She thanked them on behalf of the Council and the people of the community. Chamber of Barbara Bayus, President of the Chamber of Commerce, stated Commerce that the Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Council for allowing them to have their building, to thank City Staff for painting their building for them, and to thank Council for the grant they recently received. They appreciate all of these things. Ms. Bayus advised they have been receiving inquiries from citizens as to why they have not been reading about Council activities in the Chamber of Commerce Newsletters. She asked if the Chamber could be notified of times and dates of public hearings and special issues coming up on Council agendas so this information could be included in their newsletter. The newsletter goes to press on the 15th of each month. Mayor Matteson suggested Ms. Bayus contact the City Clerk. The City Clerk will make this information available. Councilwoman Crawford suggested that the Chamber of Commerce consider publishing a list of Councilmembers and their telephone numbers so that they can be contacted by the people. Ms. Bayus said she would take Concilwoman Crawford's recommendation to the Chambor of Commerce Board of Directors for consideration. She invited everyone to the July 17, 1987 Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. The speaker will be County Supervisor Barbara Riordan who will be speaking on the proposed half cent sales tax and the transportation issue. COUNCIL REPORT Councilman Grant For the record, Councilman Grant advised he attended the OmniTrans meeting and the SANBAG meeting held June 3, 1987. At these meetings there were some discussions of funding for interchanges - an average of fifty percent of the local share for improvements needed. This is under the same legislation Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 6 that Supervisor Riordan will be discussing at the Chamber meeting. One of the interchanges mentioned as needing improvement was I-215 at Barton Road. Councilman Grant noted he attended the LAFC meeting of June 10, 1987. At that meeting they voted to confirm the election for cityhood for the City of Highland. Mayor Pro Tem Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated that, during the last Pfennighausen Council meeting, a gentleman made reference to property taxes on a piece of property on the west side of the freeway. Since she has frequently heard about property taxes being assessed based on the zoning of the property, Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen called the County for clarification. She found that property taxes are assessed according to their present use - not by General Plan designation or zoning. The property is reassessed at a new rate when unimproved property is improved or property is sold at a greater value than previously noted. Property taxes have nothing to do with the General Plan designation or the zoning. Property is taxed at its use at that time. An example of this is the revenue we receive from the vacant property bounded by Mt. Vernon, Canal Street, the point of the hill and Barton Road that was designated for R-3 development. That property brings in approximately one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars in property taxes. Once it is improved, that amount will multiply by fifty or sixty times. Until improved, the property taxes remain the same. The gentleman who said he has been paying more money because his property is zoned R-3 was incorrect. He is paying exactly the same as anyone would on R-1 property unless he sold it at an inflated value. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighuaen thanked the CDF for the tour of their facilities. The tour was outstanding. The tour was topped off by a horrendous, hair-raising helicopter trip over a fire that was burning between the City of San Jacinto and Idyl 1wi1d. She loved it all except the helicopter trip. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community Services Mayor Matteson advised that, at the last City Council meeting, Officer Position Council voted not to pick up the grant which we lost on the Community Services Officer in the amount of forty two thousand ($42,000.00) dollars. The City's contract with the Sheriff's Department for FY1987/88 was increased by sixteen thousand ($16,000.00) dollars for cost of living. Council included another officer in the contract which increased the cost of the contract to about eighty five to ninety thousand ($85,000 - $90,000) dollars and retaining the Community Services Officer would cost about forty two thousand ($42,000.00) dollars. This amounts to about a one hundred forty five thousand ($145,000.00) dollar increase in our law enforcement budget. f Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 7 Mayor Matteson stated he voted against the retention of the Community Services Officer position for economic reasons. Because of the public support for the retention of this position, Mayor Matteson reconsidered his position on the Community Services Officer. CC-87-130 Motion by Mayor Matteson, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, that the budget for the fiscal year 1987/88 be revised to include a Community Services Officer. Councilman Grant indicated he would not be supporting this motion because he felt the position set forward last time, by the majority of the Council , was very valid. That position was that we need law enforcement; patrol cars; deterrents in the community and vehicles patrolling the community. The City does not have the money to retain a program which we, probably, all agree has its value when there are crucial issues in this town that forty thousand ($40,000.00) dollars could address. Councilman Grant believes that if all the people of this community were fully aware of the situation most of the people would want patrol cars in this town. These people know money is difficult to obtain, and they know the City is struggling for an adequate tax base. There is no doubt Ms. Korgan is doing a good job. However, Councilman Grant is still convinced the Committee has the talent and can do the same kind of job. Stan Hernandez Mr. Hernandez is a police officer with the City of San Resident of Bernardino. He has been a police officer for twenty three Grand Terrace years and has spent the last ten years in the vice and narcotics department. Presently, he is assigned to the crime prevention unit. With the increase in crime, methods of reducing crime had to be looked at other than by increasing police personnel. The Crime Prevention Units main mission is to implement crime prevention programs, initiate activities devoted to lessening crime, and promote the communties' safety and well being. Mr. Hernandez advises the following are some of the crime prevention programs that have been implemented: neighborhood watches; senior power; mock robberies; business and residential security inspections; shop lifting and personal safety instruction; child abuse seminars; meeting the special needs of ethnic minorities; missing children programs; mandated reporting programs for teachers; molestation; abuse; latch key; date rape and so on. The City of San Bernardino also has the Drug Abuse Resistence Education program in partnership with the San Bernardino Unified School District. This program teaches the issue of drug use and abuse, the consequences of using drugs, peer pressure, building self esteem, assertiveness, managing stress, learning how to say no to drugs, alternatives to drug use and alternative activities. Crime Prevention programs cannot be properly maintained and presented by just anyone. There has to be a person or persons on a full time basis committed to the effort of developing crime prevention Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 8 relationships between the police and citizens. The traditional solution of more police, jails, and hardware has not worked. Councilwoman Crawford stated she is fully behind crime prevention even though she is going to vote against this motion. She indicated she was glad Mr. Hernandez had brought up the DARE Program. That is one program she would like to see instituted in the schools in Grand Terrace. The Drug Abuse Resistence Education program works. The program was developed by the Los Angeles Police Department and it is working. She feels we need it in Grand Terrace before the problems in our schools become monumental. Ed O'Neal Mr. O'Neal indicated his position on this is a matter of 22608 Minona Dr. record, both by demonstration of resources plus a letter. Quoting from memory, Mr. O'Neal stated that in 1977 the State of California incarcerated twenty thousand citizens at a cost of two hundred million dollars. At about that time, the public demanded the courts do something and the courts did. They changed the sentencing laws and started putting people into jail. Presently, there are about fifty three thousand people incarcerated. This figure has increased about two and a half times in ten years with the costs increasing to about two billion dollars. It is projected that, in about 1997, about ninety three thousand citizens will be incarcerated at a maintenance cost of five billion dollars. Along with the prisoners comes support functions such as courts, lawyers, public defenders, etc. What the true cost will be, he couldn't guess. Mr. O'Neal compared a situation in Grand Terrace where our crime prevention program averted possible harm to a child in Grand Terrace with the child bludgeoned to death recently in Santa Ana. Councilman Evans stated it has been suggested that the City does not have the money to fund the Crime Prevention Program. In the next fiscal year we will have approximately a half million dollars of unappropriated funds. We will also have an appropriated fund that is referred to as a contingency reserve. That is a fund established to be used for emergencys that may arise. At the end of next year we will have a million dollars in that fund. Councilman Evans thinks that crime is an intergrated effort. It starts in the home, carries through the schools, churches and society. Strong law enforcement is the combined effort of the cop on the street and the Community Services Officer. We cannot do without the Community Services Officer. We had a program that was really starting to gel. Not only did we have a Community Services Officer, but we also had a group of dedicated volunteers. Although we are targeting many programs for the community, there are many programs that are starting to be targeted for our children within the community. The DARE Program was mentioned. Programs of this nature cannot be done without a full-time officer. Councilman Evans indicated Grand Terrace is a family orientated community Council Minutes - 6/ 11/ 87 Page 9 and those who wish to eliminate the programs benefitting our children show insensitivity to the needs of the community. Mayor Matteson indicated that his figures show that the City does not have a half million ($500,000.00) dollars in unappropriated funds, but that we have about three hundred thirty five thousand ($335,000.00) dollars. The Community Services Officer will cost approximately forty two thousand dollars which would leave us a balance of about two hundred ninety three thousand ($293,000.00) dollars. The City Manager advised that, Council , we have approximately ($500,000.00) dollars. as a result of recent action by five hundred thousand Mayor Matteson stated this supports his position regarding not transferring money to the Community Redevelopment Agency. While that money is included in the General Fund, he does not count that as available money because it is earmarked for air conditioning. The other point Mayor Matteson mentioned was that it does not hurt to have extra money built up. The City has two major projects coming up that are going to cost the citizens of Grand Terrace hundreds of thousands of dollars. One of the projects is the storm drain and the other is the sewer plant. Mayor Matteson mentioned someone made the comment that it is the people's money. That is correct and all the more reason why it should not be spent unless absolutely necessary. The reason he changed his vote on this issue is because of the citizens' pressure to reinstate the Community Services Officer. His feeling is that money in the bank allows you to undertake projects when necessary. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated she feels we can afford this program. She indicated education is the key. Enough prisons cannot be built to keep all the offenders in. We have to educate people and make them understand that there is a better way than to end up in jail. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen read aloud a letter from the immediate past president of the Senior Citizens Group. This letter was in support of retaining the Community Services Officer. Councilman Grant mentioned he had been in the Criminal Justice System since 1965, roughly thirty (30) years. Of that time, he spent fifteen (15) years as Probation Officer in Kern and Sacramento Counties. He has to be fully aware of the details of the offences committed in order to do his job. He has to be fully aware of everyone who was granted probation in Sacramento and Bakersfield. Many times he saw people placed on probation who should not have been placed on probation. In some instances, they went out and committed horrible crimes. He cannot, in good conscious, go against law enforcement. He cannot see how we can go against the presence of patrol cars in Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 10 a PUBLIC HEARING this community. Councilman Grant indicated he is concerned for the safety of his daughter. He and his wife instilled in her the same principles that are being taught by the crime prevention program. He cannot understand why the people could not seem to understand that the community has the abi 1 i ty to take care of their children. The statistics from the Sheriff's Department for 1987/88, project a several hundred percent increase in burglary in Grand Terrace. That information is contained within the recommendation for the Community Services Officer. Councilman Grant chooses to believe that everytime he sees a patrol car, he will feel a little better. We must use our money in the most cost effective manner. We have to protect the people of this community and the best way to protect them is to have law enforcement. Motion CC-87-130 carried with Councilman Grant and Councilwoman Crawford voting NOE. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, BY DELETING CERTAIN PORTIONS PERTAINING TO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THAT PORTION OF DIVISION 3, TITLE III OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE KNOWN AS THE UNIFORM ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CODE, WITH EXCEPTIONS THERETO. This ordinance was presented for a Second Reading The Public Hearing was opened at 6:50 p.m. Mayor Matteson asked if anybody wished to comment on the ordinance. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:52 p.m. CC-87-131 Motion by Councilman Grant, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, that an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, CA, amending the Municipal Code of the City of Grand Terrace, CA, by deleting certain portions pertaining to Environmental Health and adopting by reference that portion of Division 3, Title III of the San Bernardino County Code known as the Uniform Environmental Health Code, with exceptions thereto be approved. 1987/88 Budget The City Manager advised that City Council has held budget sessions and has approved a budget. With the amendments made, the estimated revenues will remain the same and the estimated expenditures will be three million one hundred twenty four thousand four hundred nineteen ($3,124,419.00) dollars. CC-87-132 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilman Evans, that a resolution of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, CA, adopting a budget of estimated revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 1987/88 be approved. Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 11 Mayor Matteson asked if there will be adequate funds to cover this budget. The City Manager advised the amount being approved includes carry-over projects. Funds remaining in prior year fund balances for specific projects will cover the expenditures in the FY 1987/88 budget. Councilman Grant indicated, for the record, he is going to vote for the budget in its entirety with the admonition that he does not approve of the inclusion of the Community Services Officer. Motion CC-87-132 carried, ALL AYES. Ralph Buchwal ter, Mr. Buchwal ter thanked Council for retaining the Community Chairman of the Services Officer position. In the weeks to come, Council will Crime Prevention see a very active group of volunteers in this community and Committee they are going to save the City a great deal of money. NEW BUSINESS Vector Control A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY, CA, CONSENTING TO THE INCLUSION OF THE TERRITORY OF THE CITY IN THE TERRITORY OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL PROGRAM ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 25842.5. The Community Services Director advised the County of San Bernardino is asking the City of Grand Terrace to consider becoming part of their Vector Control Program. After deliberations and investigations into the request and meetings with County staff, City Staff feels this program would be advantageous to the residents of Grand Terrace, Mr. Mitch Bernstein, of the County of San Bernardino Vector Program, was present to answer questions. Mitch Bernstein Mayor Matteson asked if the rate quoted was per lot. Mr. County of San Bernstein said the rates were per developed parcel. Mayor Bernardino Matteson asked if the rate was attached to the County tax bill. Mr. Bernstein indicated it was. Councilwoman Crawford asked if the rate was per month or per year. Mr. Bernstein indicated the rate was annual. Mayor Matteson asked if this was a flat rate and whether or not the Vector Program services were used. Mr. Bernstein indicated the City of Grand Terrace will be using the service because that is part of the contract. It is a control program where the county is doing things within the City to compensate for the extra funding. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen mentioned there is a roof rat problem in Grand Terrace due to the lush vegetation that we are so proud of. In her opinion the program will be a great benefit to the City. Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 12 CC-87-133 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, that a resolution of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, San Bernardino, County, CA, consenting to the inclusion of the territory of the City in the territory of the San Bernardino County Vector Control Program established pursuant to California Government Code Section 25842.5 be approved. Dick Rollins Mr. Rollins asked for an explanation of the Vector Control 22700 De Berry St. program. Mr. Bernstein explained that the program is a comprehensive, direct abatement program of vectors in the City. It not only includes rats, it includes mosquitos from stagnate swimming pools, and roof rats and sewer rat control. Their department plans to have a radio dispatch unit to service citizens directly. Their staff will go to the citizens homes in response to a telephone call and do premise inspections. They will show citizens how to rodent proof and explain roach control methods. They will also take the necessary enforcement action to clean up problems within the City. Mr. Rollins asked if a flyer will be prepared for citizens' use outlining the program. Mr. Bernstein advised they plan to give several press releases when the program is implemented. Another part of the program is community education. We are going to have specialists that will come out and give community presentations. The Vector Control Program is essentially a program that deals with community involvement, participation and education, as well as direct abatement and enforcement. Tire Burning The City Manager advised we have received an invoice for Litigation additional funding for the tire burining litigation. The City originally paid five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars into the trust. The cities were split into two categories. The original amount paid was five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars by all cities with the exception of Riverside and San Bernardino. The County of San Bernardino, the City of San Bernardino, the County of Riverside and the City of Riverside paid twelve thousand five hundred ($12,500.00) dollars. In light of the fact that we are a small community, the City Manager suggested we have paid our fair share into the trust and recommended that Grand Terrace contribute additional funding for the litigation. Mayor Matteson indicated the City made a commitment when agreeing to participate in this litigation. Any conditions should have made at that time. He feels we are now obligated to pay our additional share. Councilman Grant agreed with Mayor Matteson. He is very concerned about Garb Oil's proposal and is very interested in r hearing what the City Attorney has to say about Steve Clute's efforts in Sacramento. Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 13 Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen advised Steve Clute's bill passed the Assembly and is on its way to the Senate. She suggested it is more important to voice our opinion to our representatives in the Senate then to come up with more litigation dollars. Councilwoman Crawford indicated she appreciates the view that we are a small town and we probably have paid our share of litigation costs. However, we did make a commitment and we did not put any prior stipulations on that commitment. Therefore, Councilwoman Crawford feels the City should pay the additional amount. If this invoice is to be paid, the City Manager asked that Council approve the payment of the additional funds and request an appropriation from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance. CC-87-134 Motion by Councilwoman Crawford, second by Councilman Grant, that Council approve the payment of $2,750 towards the Tire Burning Litigation Trust Account and that this amount be appropriated from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated she could support the expenditure. She asked the city attorney if Garb Oil is going to continue litigating at the present. The City Attorney advised the litigation is, essentially, completed unless there is an appeal. It was completed on April 11, 1987. It has been under submission to the trial court judge since that time . The judge has not yet given his decision. The city attorney did not feel that any of the litigators want to push for a decision for fear the judge may be pressured into an unfavorable decision. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen said that, in other words, we have to pay expenses over and above the original estimate. The City Attorney agreed. She said she has no problem with this. Councilman Evans asked if the City Attorney could give us the status on this matter. The City Attorney advised the recent legislation would not affect the litigation because the litigation, in affect, requires an Environmental Impact Report. The gist of litigation was that there was not sufficient environmental documentation. The City Attorney indicated it would appear that the judge is looking favorably towards our position. The City Attorney agrees there does seem to be some movement away from this position. This movement may be related to the fact that the issue is no longer fresh. Motion CC-87-134 carried ALL AYES. Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 14 11 J The Council meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. until the next regular City Council meeting which will be held Thursday, June 25, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Council Minutes - 6/11/87 Page 15 Respectfully submitted: men. /, ` Klity Clerk APPROVED: Mayo r