01/08/1987CITY OF GRAND TERRACE I COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 8, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 8, 1987, at 5:38 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Byron Matteson, Mayor Pro Tempore Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Thomas J. Schwab, Treasurer Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, Planning Director/City Engineer Alicia Chavez, Acting City Clerk ABSENT: NONE The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Larry Wilson, Praise Fellowship Foursquare Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Councilwoman Susan Crawford. ITEMS DELETED FROM THE AGENDA - Item 2D, 12/18/86 Minutes. CONSENT CALENDAR Item 2F, Authorizing City Staff to advise property owners that the cost to convert existing overhead utilities to underground will be borne by the City in addition to previous offers as consideration for dedication of seventeen foot -wide strip along the frontage of their property on Barton Road, was removed for discussion. CC-87-01 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar items: A. Approve Check Register No. 010887; B. Ratify 1/8/87 CRA Action; C. Waive full Reading of All Resolutions and Ordinances on Agenda; E. Accept and Authorize City Clerk to Record Grant Deed for Barton Road Dedication from Vernon R. Stauble, Assessor's Parcel No. 275-242-11 - located on the Northerly side of Barton Road, East of Vivienda; G. Authorize Community Services Director and Parks and Recreation Committee Members attendance to the 1987 California Parks & Recreation Society Annual Conference in San Francisco, March 12 - 15, 1987. BARTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION Councilman Evans questioned giving approval of assisting three residents in the undergrounding of utilities and wanted to know if arrangements to do any other structures along Barton Road are being considered; felt if we do for one, should do for all residents. All residents should be made aware of the centiments before granting approval. City Engineer Kicak stated that the three residents specifically asked the City to assist in the undergrounding of utilities as consideration for dedication, other property owners did not stipulate the same conditions; also reported that the City Council, at their initial recommendation, was to assist all property owners but it was deleted from the original offer. Several residents along Barton Road felt it would not create a hardship for them to provide their own installation of underground utilities. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated each parcel is basically separate and the City should go ahead and pick up the three parcels now for the best interest of the City and proceed at a later date for the remainder. Mr. Kicak concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Matteson to approve this action now and get the deeds subject to the conditions as stated in their letters; has no problem with Council proceeding with all other properties that have been previously dedicated under the same conditions, leaving one parcel at the northeast corner of Vivienda and Barton Road which has not been dedicated. Councilwoman Crawford's understanding of the letters is that there are three different stipulations. The first letter stating that whatever the City wanted to do was fine, however, at no cost them; The second letter requests regrading of her road; and the third letter, indicates she does not want to bear the underground utility cost from the street to her house. Mr. Kicak reported that the first letter from Ms. Parker stated, she did not want to bear the cost for the electric and phone service that is necessary at the meter; the second letter is two -fold: One, that Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 2 undergrounding be provided for that facility plus the grading of the driveway; second, that grading would occur regardless of whether or not she was participating in the project, and we would provide her an access equal to or better than she previously had. The third letter, again, is requesting the undergrounding of the facilities, so basically they are all the same. The cost would be no different. CC-87-02 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve and authorize City Staff to advise property owners that the cost of converting overhead utilities to underground will be paid for by the City as a consideration for dedication of the seventeen foot -wide strip along the frontage of their property on Barton Road. Councilman Evans stated there is a need to get the cost if going to participate on other connections for other properties; questioned City Engineer Kicak on status of project as referenced in the time line of inprovements. Mr. Kicak reported that plans for the project have been completed based on acquisition of all rights -of -way with the exception of one modification at the northeast corner of Vivienda and Barton Road. Southern California Edison and Pacific Telephone have the final plans and are now in the process of preparing them for the undergrounding. After speaking with Sue Noreen, feels the undergrounding project may be completed this fiscal year; however, the City's portion may not be completed until the next fiscal year. Councilman Evans questioned status of project, and if time line reflects all design engineering, drafting, quantity estimate, cost estimate and specs. City Engineer Kicak stated we are in a holding pattern for utilities and installation of underground conduits and physical connections of the individual residences along frontage of Barton Road. Once that is done, our portion of work can be started. Feels considerably behind primarily, due to delays that will occur with respect to completion of undergrounding utilities. ORAL REPORTS CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Laurie Payce, Chairperson, reported the following: Committee reviewed the Crime Prevention Grant and interaction with the Crime Prevention Committee; felt there was a conflict in what duties as volunteers are and what functions are supposed to be; requested a clear description of the members' responsibilities and who the Committee reports to? Referenced the Crime Prevention Committee responsibilities had been set in January, 1980 and the need to have redone. The Grant states Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 3 the Community Service Officer will provide informational and quarterly reports; Crime Prevention Committee's responsibilities include crime busters, senior citizens involvement in crime prevention, business alert, etc. Mayor Grant agreed that there is a need for input from each Council member; Crime Prevention responsibility is directly to the Council; Community Service Officer's responsibility is directly to the Sheriff's Department under the Grant. The Sheriff is responsible for ensuring that the Grant meets the requirements of the Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) in terms of the objectives of the Grant. Council did not pinpoint Crime Prevention Committee's responsibilities so Committee could have the same latitude as was given to all other volunteer Committees. Further stated it is Council's responsibility in coordination with the City Manager and Captain Bradford to make sure there is coordination between the Grant. Councilman Evans stated after reviewing the 1985 Grant he had some concerns on how it was to be operated; questioned Ms. Payce what she felt the Committee could do, but unable to do as it is currently being operated. Ms. Payce stated that the Grant states responsibilities are assigned by the Community Service Officer, but the Committee disagrees; felt that blame will fall on Committee if there isn't a change. Community Service Officer does not seem to know who to answer to, feels she is pulled two ways and is stuck in the middle, thereby creates a problem in getting the job done. Stated spoke to Sue Kil day from OCJP and she feels the Grant was written too broadly; was informed by OCJP that it is not the Sheriff Department's responsibility; it is the City's and if the City does not take a stand and oversee the Grant as set forth, another Grant will not be granted upon request and the City would be responsible for paying any fines, or rebate portions, that were not completed. Councilman Evans stated he had not heard any specifics as to what the problem is that has been created in the Committee's minds; feels need to arrange a meeting with the entire Committee, Community Service Officer, City Staff, Sheriff's Department and deal with specifics to iron out the problems; then, if unable to resolve, bring back to Council for more direction. Ms. Payce informed Council a meeting has been scheduled for next week with Mr. Schwab and Captain Bradford. The reason I am bringing this up tonight is to receive Council's input so that when we meet on February 2 I can inform the Committee members how you view our functions to be. Further stated that the Committee hears of projects that are being accomplished or about to be accomplished, but the actual "vision" of these accomplishments is not there. Felt this important to be worked out before the budget sessions. Councilwoman Crawford questioned Ms. Payce about the Town Meeting Program; what role does the Committee and the Crime Prevention Officer have in carrying out these meetings? In the past the Crime Prevention Committee advertised and arranged the meetings and the Crime Prevention Officer presented it; questioned if tracking map of crime in Grand Terrace has been accomplished or kept up-to-date? Is information provided to the Neighborhood Watch Captains or disseminated to the people in the community in any manner? Ms. Payce stated she was not personally told, but thought due to lack of response; a problem with taping because of change in hand with Group W Cable, and essentially not enough time since she was working on numerous projects. Committee was never asked to participate. Stated she was in learning process and needed direction; Committee is also new. In reference to tracking map, feels just kept up-to-date with last update being June, 1986; not sure if updated since. Further stated she had no idea what has been done or what is in the process of being done about the Neighborhood Watch Programs or the Block Captains; reports only indicate upcoming Neighborhood Watch Programs; has no knowledge of information getting out to the people; indicated has knowledge of seven Neighborhood Watch Signs being erected in the vicinity of one neighborhood as of last week. Also questioned who purchases signs for the City and where do the funds come from? Are funds approved for the signs, and how many signs have been purchased and put up in the City? Committee is unaware of all this since we do not receive that information. Councilwoman Crawford feels Committee is in a great quandary as to who is working for whom, looking at the Grant it appears the Committee has been assigned the majority of the duties of the Crime Prevention Officer to accomplish the ramifications of the Grant. Feels a heavy burden has been put on a volunteer Committee. Mayor Grant stated that once reports are reviewed by OCJP, then there is a critique of them and then sent back to the Project Director. These projects have certain objectives and methodologies for keeping those objectives. If objectives are not met, OCJP has a legal right to demand a refund. Feels it is extremely important that someone locally oversee the day-by-day expenditures of those funds in addition to what OCJP does from the fiscal point -of -view and that objectives are being achieved; stated that the Community Service Officer is the one implementing the objectives, but is not the Project Director. It is Council's responsibility directly and indirectly to ensure the requirements of the Grant are being fulfilled. City Manager Armstead stated he was unaware of any concerns until yesterday (January 7, 1987). Have worked with Sheriff's Department and gave them responsibility of administering funds and -, reports through the Community Service Officer. A meeting has been scheduled with Captain Bradford, Community Service Officer and the Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 5 Crime Prevention Committee next Tuesday morning (January 13, 1987) to identify specific concerns. Had been assured by Community Service Officer that everything was running smoothly. Mr. Schwab reported that most Grants are written with a broad enough exposure to where you never include objectives that cannot be achieved; City Staff receives copies of all quarterly reports that are filed by the Sheriff's Office; the objectives for last year and this year are being achieved and feels no possibility that OCJP would demand a refund of this year's or last year's Grant. Overall broad objectives of Grant are being met and fulfilled through reports and have come back with positive feedback. Further stated that this year's Grant is very similar and received extreme praise as far as the amount that was achieved on paper, as to what they were going to achieve and what indeed was achieved. Feels there is a conflict between the Community Service Officer and the Committee. A meeting has been scheduled to determine what the problems are. Mayor Grant agrees the meeting is an excellent idea. The only reason I'm observing there may have to be a refund is that our speaker from the Committee has indicated a staff person from OCJP has indicated there could be a real problem in implementing this Grant. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson concurred with Council and Staff that a meeting with all Committee members is necessary, since it appears the problem is that the Committee is not informed on procedures and operations of the Grant. Would also like to see some follow-up done to ensure the Grant is being fulfilled. Ms. Payce responded that the Project Director has granted a meeting; stated the Community Service Officer was not assigned to Captain Bradford, she is assigned to the Public Affairs Division headed by Captain Brody and supervised by Sgt. Stodelle; therefore, feels Captain Brody and Sgt. Stodelle should be involved in the meeting. Ms. Barbara Pfennighausen expressed concern on discussion that has taken place at this Council meeting and explained how the Crime Prevention Committee has had an up and down history. While under the leadership of Judy Rinderhagen was very strong; thereafter, Committee seemed to have taken a down -hill run to the point that only one member was on the Committee and has since become revitalized. Ms. Payce's reference to rules by which the Committee operates was adopted in 1980. The Grant was non-existent then and rules should have been redefined. The indication that programs within the Grant not being accomplished and paperwork being doctored is a misrepresentation; total representation of the Committee being dissatisfied may also be a misrepresentation. Agreed with Councilman Evans and the rest of Council that bringing everyone together to work out problems is a good idea. In order for the Grant to be accomplished, it calls for a broad base of volunteer participation and, in this respect, the Committee �I Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 6 had accepted the responsibility of forming sub -committees to see that these tasks were completed. It seems the ball has been dropped in some critical areas within the Grant. Request Council not continue further discussion until the Community Service Officer and all parties can be present. Felt the Community Service Officer has done a great job in the City. Also, the Neighborhood Watch Program is alive and moving and they do receive monthly newsletters and, as indicated, by the Finance Director, quarterly reports are done. Mayor Grant stated that the spokesperson from the Committee is requesting some guidance and there had not been an intentional effort to disparage the Community Service Officer. Stated he is hearing from the Committee Chairperson that OCJP may not be happy; hearing from Finance Officer Schwab that OCJP should be happy; hearing that no one knows what anyone else is doing; that many things that should be done are not being done and it is felt we don't have a clear picture of chain -of -command and responsibilities. Felt the indicated meeting is extremely important and each party involved should be at the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson thanked Ms. Payce for coming to the Council seeking advice and guidance she felt she needed and, if she did not receive information needed from the upcoming meeting, suggested she come back to Council. Mr. Tony Petta commended Ms. Payce for her efforts and courage in coming to the Council requesting guidance to enable the Committee to function properly. Mayor Grant informed Ms. Payce, as indicated by Councilman Evans, if no one else can help her the City Council can and will. Ms. Payce stated her intention was not to criticize the Community Service Officer as to what is done or not done since she has not seen the reports; is aware of a lot of things that are in progress of being completed and it is a lot of work for one person to do. Indicated she would not stand up to condemn her with her not being present for her non -efforts; that was not her intent. Captain Bradford pointed out that at conclusion of last year's Grant, the Community Service Officer came before the Council and requested direction as far as Crime Prevention Committee's role and assistance in the Grant. At that time Council provided her some direction which was purposely written into the Grant. Also pointed out that he receives copies of the reports that go to OCJP; satisfied terms of the Grant were being met; clarified that Community Service Officer is, in fact, assigned to my division, under my station. Functionally, she is supervised by the Sergeant in the Crime Prevention Unit; discussions and regular meetings are held to discuss any particular progress or if we felt we were not meeting the Grant, and we have the same discussions with the City Manager. Further stated he felt we were meeting terms of the Grant. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 7 Councilwoman Crawford felt after listening to everyone that there are two different problems; one, is to have an organizational chart and, two, communication. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson suggested that the Crime Prevention Committee visit other cities that have Crime Prevention Committees, see how they operate and maybe get some ideas. CHAMBER REPORT Mr. Dick Kelsey, Vice -President of Chamber, reported the following: First, to properly complete the City's entrance signs, it has to go through the Planning Commission to get a formal variance on the sign and believed it is scheduled for the next agenda. The other is we have all needed material, but no experienced masonary volunteers to do the work. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson questioned the location of the signs. City Engineer Kicak indicated one sign was to be at Mt. Vernon and Grand Terrace Road on the southwest corner, one in one of the alcoves on Barton Road, and one in front of the school. Requested to see final plans which are to be submitted to Planning Commission. Also understood Chamber had a letter of commitment on location of signs on school property; requested to know if property will be dedicated to the City or how will it be done. Mr. Kelsey indicated he did not know, but he will get the information for Engineer Kicak. City Engineer Kicak felt some of that information was needed and suggested a meeting with our Chamber Representative(s) to discuss details that need to go before the Planning Commission. POLICE CHIEF REPORT Captain Bradford reported on the homicide that had occurred on DeBerry Street last month and that the suspect was arrested the following Friday. Stated there was another homicide that occurred on New Year's Day on Barton Road and that four suspects had been arrested on that case. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT City Attorney Hopkins stated that at the last meeting Council had directed staff to look into the possibility of filing an appeal relative to the tire burning plant in Rialto. Reported that the City hosted a meeting last Monday evening which was well attended by members of the General Public and other municipalities in the County; had met earlier the same day with County Counsel representatives of the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino and representatives of the City Attorneys' offices of San Bernardino, Riverside, Redlands and Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 8 Grand Terrace. Recommended these agencies get together to investigate the filing of an appeal and take appropriate legal action. It had been recommended that the firm of Best, Best & Krieger of Riverside be retained to investigate and pursue appealing this project. San Bernardino and Riverside Cities indicated they would each contribute the amount of $12,500 as did the Counties of San Bernardino and Riverside. Recommended that other Cities who wish to join in, allocate a basic amount of $5,000 each. Recommended Council authorize filing whatever action would be appropriate to attempt to stop the construction of this tire burning facility and allocate from General fund the amount of $5,000 as the City of Grand Terrace contribution. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated that unfortunately Garb Oil Company received approval for their permit yesterday. Stated he and Mayor Grant decided to contact all the Cities and Counties for a meeting to join legal forces to stop Garb Oil Company. We had representatives from the Counties and Cities in the area plus Senators and Assemblymen in attendance. Attorneys from several Cities met and came up with a program for joining forces to stop Garb Oil Company, and it is felt this is one of the few times all Cities and Counties have combined forces. Mayor Grant questioned City Attorney Hopkins on what the results were from the action yesterday, and will there be any negative bearing on what we are going to have Best, Best & Krieger do. Attorney Hopkins responded with a No, but for our purposes we would have preferred that the permit had not been issued; it will have no affect on our legal challenge and we are moving along on this. Mayor Grant reported that yesterday San Bernardino Associated Government dealt with the issue of pollution in general. Several Cities were concerned as to where located. Felt there wasn't much concern from Fontana to the east, sentiment was same as was the other night in Council Chambers. Tim Johnson, Councilperson from Redlands, made motion with my second to support efforts made in terms of litigation to undo this thing; discussion ensued and quite a few people, including the Supervisor from the Third District, were not prepared at this point to vote in favor for the strong effort. They felt they did not have enough data, yet here is Rancho Cucamonga which probably is not going to be affected as much as we are and came out strongly in favor of definitive action. Tim Johnson made a substitute motion with my second simply to indicate that SANBAG was concerned about environmental issues and greater effort should be encouraged to look into environmental issues and it passed unanimously. Agreed also that Garb Oil will have a real fight because people were opposed to it. Felt Rialto City Council had some misgivings and realizes there is really nothing they can do about it at this point; felt concern for the Rialto Government Officals and people, but on this one they are wrong. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson attended several meetings on Garb Oil Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 9 Company, but after investigating found that everyone for the project will benefit financially, as would the gentleman that spoke here the other night. Attorney Hopkins stated that City Manager Armstead had received a call today from an individual representing groups from Los Angeles County that are interested in participating in the struggle. Councilman Evans questioned whether this particular project had all approvals needed in order for the plan to be on line? Attorney Hopkins stated he didn't attend the hearing, but he read in the newspaper regarding the approval granted by the Appeals Board of the Air Pollution Control Mangement District was somewhat limited and was less of an approval than had originally been anticipated. Garb Oil must first take some other action before the plant can be put into operation besides completing construction. Councilman Evans wanted to know what approvals must they have. Attorney Hopkins reported they must get approval from the Air Quality District and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. Felt the building permit they don't have yet is simply a ministerial task. Councilman Evans questioned Attorney Hopkins' thoughts on Garb Oil being granted a permit. City Attorney Hopkins felt, due to the fact that Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board only deals with water quality, there was no reason not to grant the approval. Stated the main problem is the air pollution. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated the report indicated Garb Oil would have to cut the emissions down to 340 tons and that is approximately a ton of pollutant a day into the atmosphere with the prevailing wind from the west; Colton and Grand Terrace would get a ton a day. Councilwoman Crawford stated that the water district may take into consideration the risk assessment done on the tire burning plant with the emission control assumed to be 99% for particulates and 90% for trace metals and organics. The exception was mercury which is considered to be uncontrolled; mercury, when heated, becomes gas, then solidifies and goes to the bottom of the ground because it is heavy metal and would get into the water table? Attorney Hopkins responded that they will pursue that also. Indicated he had a meeting the next day with Best, Best & Krieger and other City and County Counsels. CC -87-03 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, to appropriate $5,000 and enter into joint litigation with other cities and counties relative to the Rialto Power Plant. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 10 CITY MANAGER City Manager Armstead reported to the Mayor that Mary Burns, Mike Willimas and Mayor Bill Franklin from Corona would like a letter to join the group and would contribute $5,000; also, there are three others lined up and a letter will be ready for the Mayor's signature. Mary said Roy Knull, from Claremont, who is on the AQMD wants to work out a joint plan with the Inland Empire County on putting moratoriums on some of the burnings. City Manager Armstead gave a brief report regarding Agua Mansa Park. Also reported the closing of the solid waste dump located along the Santa Ana River in October this coming year. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilwoman Crawford reported that a bill was introduced to congress by Senator Presley to reduce the number of members on the Air Quality Management District and to have the majority of members appointed by the Governor which would take the local control out of that Committee; feels members should come from this area; can we let Senator Presley know how we feel? Mayor Grant felt we should since it does involve this area. Councilman Evans stated that since he was not familiar with the legislation he had no comment at this time, but he did feel that the people from this area should be respresenting us. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson concurred with Council. Mayor Grant stated he was familiar with it due to the fact that it was discussed and briefed to them yesterday; felt Councilwoman Crawford was correct that unless action is taken, it is going to be in the total south coast air basin as opposed to local areas; it is also felt that it can be very detrimental to us if Sacramento has a once -removed position. Councilman Evans stated he had five or six items to discuss. First to find out the status and what is being done on the building moratorium that was imposed about two months ago. City Engineer Kicak reported all letters, which included maps, indicating general plan designation and zoning for the general plan had been mailed to all property owners; felt should be getting feedback soon. Councilman Evans questioned if anything was being done within the geographical boundaries where the moratorium was imposed. City Engineer Kicak felt studies could be completed; would still require changes that would satisfy property owners in that area with required general plan amendments. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 11 Councilman Evans stated the six-month period will be up in four months and it does not seem the General Plan has started; also questioned who will update the General Plan and is it going to be in-house or with a consultant like before? City Engineer Kicak replied that he could not give an answer as to whom will be updating the General Plan; felt information that will come back from property owners will be useful to the consultant. City Manager Armstead stated screening is being done for a planning consultant and a screening board will be held the next day. As soon as the board makes a selection, it will be brought to the Council and the Council can decide whether to contract or go in-house; information should be ready by next Council meeting. Councilman Evans questioned whether determination had not been made as to whom is going to do the General Plan? City Manager Armstead replied that is correct, we have to take other things first and then we will come back to Council to see if you want to contract or use other methods. Councilman Evans questioned whether widening the hill going down Mt. Vernon would be addressed specifically. City Engineer Kicak responded that this should be a part of the circulation element of the General Plan; the last General Plan was based on the traffic count and it was believed to be in 1982-83 and the count has not substantially changed; based on the consultant's opinion, it is felt a four -lane roadway is needed going from Grand Terrace Road down to Washington Street; also the City of Colton has recently received professional proposals to redo the entire area; unsure if the contract has been awarded but, felt it should tie in with the project down the hill. Councilman Evans questioned if the previous General Plan showed extension from Grand Terrace Road to the bottom of the hill as a four -lane roadway as it applied to the R-3 land, did it encompass the density based on that being a four -lane roadway? City Engineer Kicak responded that the four -lane roadway was determined on the density as permitted by the General Plan; felt the traffic that would eventually end up on Mt. Vernon going down hill was based not only on R-3 zone, but the development of all of Grand Terrace is based on the General Plan as it was adopted. Councilman Evans felt it unlikely the street would ever be developed into four -lanes and questioned if it would change the development within the City as far as the impact? 0 Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 12 City Engineer Kicak stated the General Plan Circulation Element with a four -lane roadway going from Grand Terrace Road down to Washington Street projected a level of service "A". Feels the Planning Commission, the Council, as well as the citizens, are going to have to consider the impact of the General Plan as it is right now, assuming that it hasn't changed and the two-lane roadway and the level of service that would be available to the residents to this City or anyone using that road. Feels under the two-lane roadway the traffic volume that projected, based on the existing General Plan and Zoning, that the two-lane roadway level of service "A" dropped somewhere to level service "C"; not suggesting the roadway will not handle the traffic only that the level of service will be different. Councilman Evans asked if the capital improvement project time sheet had been updated; would like by next meeting to have updated time table and to know if all projects are on schedule and, if not, where are they in reference to the time table; would specifically like to talk about the status and widening of the southwest corner on Michigan and Barton Road. City Engineer Kicak explained the right-of-way was not acquired. The right-of-way that was to be dedicated for widening that particular corner was a condition of approval of a project, it was a mini -mart with a service station; the Planning Commission approved that project subject to specifically referring to the improvement and the dedications excluding all the other conditions. The conditions were that they dedicate and pay a portion of the total cost of improvements; the total estimated cost with the relocation of the traffic signal, the widening of the roadway on Michigan, as well as a portion of Barton Road came to approximately sixty thousand dollars and a formula that had been developed and approved by the City Council which would be the pro rata share to be paid by the City and the developer of this particular project. The project has been approved but has not submitted a dedication nor proceeded with the project that is approved. At this point we do not have the right-of-way. Councilman Evans explained he understood that the right-of-way had been granted and would the City Engineer find out the status on it. City Engineer Kicak responded it had not been granted, but he would check with the proponent of the project. The project has been designed as though the dedication was made so that portion of the project design is complete with the traffic signal relocation of the facilities. Councilman Evans stated that at the informal workshop session held in September with the Council, Planning Commission and Chamber to discuss ideas on land use in the City, we agreed on a couple of items which had a 30-day limit and I'm sure that has run out; one was to contact property owners and Edison on realignment of Commerce Way; the other Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 13 was school impaction and for Staff to investigate what student population will be at maximum enrollment at build out, and will the schools in Grand Terrace be able to handle the population; if not, how many more facilities and classrooms are needed. City Engineer Kicak responded with respect to Edison that's in their hands; as far as school population and projection for Grand Terrace School, I will have to take another look at that. Councilman Evans stated that on Monday, he and Ms. Pfennighausen attended a meeting at Colton Public Utilities Commission; within the last couple of years a condition had been imposed on Colton to provide a Tertiary Treatment at the Sewage Plant, which means this treatment will make any water that has drained into the wash safe for drinking. We found the status to be Colton and San Bernardino are exploring a joint regional sewage plant which will be provided by both cities and since we buy into Colton's facility this also pertains to us. It is in the preliminary stage at the present; the Tertiary Treatment would cost $9,000,000.00, and it is felt that is something we need to consider. We have approximately a 25% interest and you take 25% of nine million, where will that money come from? Colton will be exploring the possibility of a State Grant and loans, but we will probably have a sewer rate increase as the outcome. The plant was to initially be on line by 1988, but because a study has been initiated by Colton a three-year extension has been allowed and the plant will not have to be fully operational until 1991. The nine million dollars is just for the treatment; it does not include the money needed for upgrading their entire facility. Approximate estimation for total operation is twenty two million dollars; felt this is something we should think about and get more information on. Mayor Grant expressed his concern on where Grand Terrace stood on the Tertiary Treatment and responsibility thereof. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson asked Mr. Schwab to find out how feasible it would be to build a reserve fund for a Sewer Treatment Plant. Mayor Grant questioned the extent of our obligations as far as participating in the plant treatment improvements. City Attorney Hopkins reported there are several different classes of improvements; through the years we have been meeting with Colton, but sometimes we are not as informed as we should be, but that is because Colton doesn't always inform us. However, we are aware of the things that have been brought to our attention tonight. As far as expansion goes, we are under no obligation to participate unless the City of Grand Terrace wishes to increase its capacity. We determined years ago our needed capacity and unless that has changed there is no need to be concerned, but if there has been a change then we should participate on a pro rata basis expansion; felt as far as the Tertiary Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 14 Treatment, or the third stage treatment, we will probably be obligated to participate on a pro rata basis, but there is still some question to that. Payment of our sewer connection fees include the maintenance of the plant and upgrading of the plant by the City of Colton. The expansion is their responsibility since they own the plant; however, the Tertiary Treatment is something they cannot be expected to do by themselves; they could not foresee Santa Ana Regional Water Control Board would impose a burden on them so I think we would be required and obligated to participate on a pro rata basis. A Financial study has been done by Mike Whipple, Colton's Financial Consultant, who has also been our Financial Consultant on various projects and does include our participation in the financing. At this point, since Colton is still investigating, we can't say how we will have to participate financially. City Manager Armstead and Finance Director Schwab are scheduled to meet with their counterparts in Colton next Monday on the sewer project and to try to settle differences that have existed for some time. Mayor Grant stated we want to meet in an amicable and cooperative fashion, but ultimately we may have to defend the integrity of the City; questioned Mr. Schwab if he understood what Mayor Pro Tem Matteson was asking about funds. Mr. Schwab responded he did and explained that they have been working very closely with Colton and it is felt they do want us to participate financially; our participation would be about three million dollars and, if implemented immediately, it will increase the seven dollar bills by $3.20 to approximately $10.20; instead of a bi-monthly bill of $14.00, you would have a $20.40 bi-monthly bill. The financial advisor had recommended to Colton and the City of Grand Terrace that we raise our fees by $1.00 per month now and set aside for the future Tertiary Plant to help soften the impact and at that point we would not have to come up with a $3.00 increase. We are looking at an increase somewhere between $2.00 and $3.00 even with the one dollar going toward the reserve; we are involved with Colton in the planning stages of putting in the Tertiary Treatment Plant. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson felt even if Colton does not do it the City of Grand Terrace should build a reserve so that we will not end up with the same problem we had with Riverside/Highland Water Company. We can plan ahead and have the money build up and earn interest. Mr. Schwab stated we would like to increase the bills slightly to increase the reserve and we would like to do in concert with Colton, but if we don't then possibly we should do on our own. Councilman Evans agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Matteson on exploring the possible rate increase in anticipation of the upgrading. It is something we need to look at now so that we won't have to face problems later. Riverside/Highland Water Company is a good example. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 15 City Manager Armstead stated this is one of the reasons they have tried to set up a meeting with the Colton City Manager and Staff to take care of mutual sewer problems, sewer connections, etc.; will give a report to Council as soon as possible. Councilwoman Crawford questioned the status of the Pico Park. City Manager Armstead stated that he had talked with Sue Noreen on Tuesday and a meeting was set for Wednesday but had to be cancelled; should have report by next Council Meeting. Mayor Grant expressed his concern about Barton Road; felt there should be a better way to repair the asphalt until the repaving; expressed concern on the litter at top of hill on Mt. Vernon. City Manager Armstead said he would get people on the clean-up project immediately. Mayor Grant reported that he attended the San Bernardino Associated Government Meeting yesterday representing the City. Adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Next regular meeting will be held Thursday, January 22, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ow_ � 0 —City Clerk APPROVED Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 16