01/28/1982CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING -JANUARY 28, 1982 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 28, 1982, at 6:11 p.m. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: Joe Kicak, City Engineer The meeting was opened with invocation by Councilman Nix, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Boy Scout Jim Griffin, in attendance to attain his merit badge. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA 6A - Landscaping Master Plan. ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA 6A - Building Moratorium - Jerry Mathews, owner of U-Store. Presentations - Proclamation - American Heart Month, February, 1982. Proclamation - Emmett & Bertha Coonis Day, January 31, 1982. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - (January 14, 1982 CC-82-17 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, to approve the Minutes of January 14, 1982, as presented, carried 4-0, with Councilman Grant abstaining. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-82-18 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: Page one - 1/28/82 A. Approval of Check Register No. 012882. B. Approve release of subdivision bonds and accept maintenance on Tract 9625 as follows: 0 Bond No. Amount 10041 Landscaping $39,333.80 101631 Street Improvements 20,000.00 10163A Street Improvments, Labor & Material 10,000.00 101952 On -site Water Maintenance 3,900.00 C. Approve Street Sweeping Contract, GTC #82-01, with Inland Power Sweeping, and authorize execution by Mayor, to be effective 1/28/82 through 6/30/82. PROCLAMATION - AMERICAN HEART MONTH - FEBRUARY. 1982 Mayor Tillinghast read and presented a Proclamation proclaiming the month of February, 1982, as "American Heart Month" to Jan Allen, Program Director for the San Bernardino Chapter of the American Heart Association. PROCLAMATION - EMMETT AND BERTHA COONIS DAY - JANUARY 31, 1982 Mayor Tillinghast read a Proclamation proclaiming January 31, 1982, as "Emmett and Bertha Coonis Day" in honor of the celebration of that couple's 75th Wedding Anniversary on that date. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner John McDowell reported that, during the presentation at the joint meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, the Planning Commission, and the Economic Development Advisory Committee on January 25, the City Manager of Duarte outlined the fact that the Planning Commission, the City Council, and the citizens of Duarte were in a partnership, and feels our City is also. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Dick Rollins reported the following: (1) Requested staff to investigate acquisition of an easement through the necessary property for establishment of a motocross site; (2) The Committee is reviewing goals and priorities for FY 1982-83. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman John McDowell stated that the Duarte City Manager, in his presentation on January 25, outlined the funding of that City's development. Stated that the City of Duarte had four usable square miles, with a population of 17,000, and has been able to obtain Page two - 1/28/82 $134,000,000 in bonds in a period of five years; urged Council to strive for similar achievements. ZONE CHANGE NO. 82-01 In staff presentation, Planning Director Virginia Farmer advised Council the Planning Commission has recommended adoption of the Zone Change and the Tentative Tract Map. The Development Plan is an 18-lot subdivision on Blue Mountain which is to be developed in two phases, with eight lots to be developed in the first phase. The purpose of the Zone Change is to place a PUD over the existing zone. The lots on the steepest part of this subdivision.are sited from quarry cuts. There is emergency access as well as private road access; the roads will be private. The Subdivision Committee has reviewed the Development Plan, and a focused EIR was conducted. Mayor Tillinghast opened public hearing regarding Zone Change 82-01. Supporting Testimony: Dennis Stafford, Ludwig Engineering, San Bernardino, stated this development is located south of the Honey Hill area; the pads are being located to make the least amount of cut possible. A new reservoir will be added. The proposal was reviewed by the P'lanning Commission and staff, and received unanimous approval. Terry MacRae, Post Office Box 252, Orinda, California, a Blue Mountain property owner, stated he had comments relative to the Zone Change and to the Tract, and stated his comments would probably be more appropriate at the time the Tract Map is discussed. Would not be sure whether for or against the Zone Change until the Tract Map has been reviewed. There being no opposing testimony, Mayor Tillinghast closed public hearing regarding the Zone Change. CC-82-19 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL AYES, to adopt the focused EIR, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and to approve the findings for Zone Change No. 82-01 as follows: (A) That the approval of the Zone Change will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed amendment or within the City; or (B) That the approval of the Zone Change will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City; (C) The proposed amendment will be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. ORDINANCE NO. (First Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE FROM A-1-5 AND R-1 TO PUD ON LOCATION GENERALLY AT THE S/E CORNER OF HONEY HILL DRIVE AND PALM ` AVENUE, ZONE CHANGE NO. 82-01. Page three - 1/28/82 CC-82-20 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Nix, to introduce, by title only, the first reading of the Zone Change Ordinance. Following reading of the title of the Ordinance by the City Attorney, the Motion carried unanimously. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 10969 Terry MacRae, a Blue Mountain property owner, stated his family had owned the property on the top of Blue Mountain for 20 years, and has always used the north end of the mountain for access when visiting that property several times a year; his property is not conducive to develop a housing tract; voiced concern regarding the Tract Map, and possibly the Zone Change, regarding access to his property being eliminated due to the planned development; requested consideration be given to the fact that there is no deeded access in the form of a grant deed. Access has been a privilege for 20 years, feels prescriptive easement has been established and would like to make certain that whenever the Tract Map is adopted, that consideration be given to his need for access, since there is no other way to reach that property. There is a possiblity a telecommunications facility could be established on his property in the future which would help improve communications throughout the entire Inland Empire. If development on the north side of the mountain prevents access for service, the value of his property would be worthless. Requested the Council provide him access as a condition of approving the Tract Map. Council questioned the possibility of access from other areas of the mountain and whether Mr. MacRae had attempted to negotiate entry with the property owners, feeling that the City should not become involved in providing access or negotiating with the property owners. City Attorney Hopkins stated if there is a prescriptive easement the City cannot injure Mr. MacRae's rights. That prescriptive easement would continue to exist. As to whether or not the City can require access for adjoining properties, should the City Council determine the property should not be landlocked, it could require some access be provided as a necessary condition of approval; stated Southern Pacific Communications Company has a site in that area and has expressed a concern in this regard. City Manager Armstead recommended that Council consider the rights of ingress and egress for the City's benefit, due to Cable TV sites now being placed on Blue Mountain. Mike Stewart, 23376 Westwood Drive, the Developer, stated there would be restricted entry to the development, with the gates locked, since the roads will never be dedicated and will be owned and maintained by the homeowners association; entry has been restricted since he purchased his property three years ago. Feels there is no prescriptive easement on the property for any owners beyond his property, and he is not required to grant any easement. Not Page four - 1/28/82 intentionally trying to landlock any owners. The utility companies will not be restricted, but it will be closed to the general public. Stated he has a temporary easement with Southern California Edison for Teleprompter TV which will become a permanent easement. The previous owner established an easement with Riverside Cable TV Company which will expire in six years. It will then be up to the homeowners association as to continuance of that easement. Was approached by Southern Pacific Communications Company regarding placement of a site for telephone transmission. They also contacted Mr. Kidd and Mr. MacRae. Feels no further development will be established beyond his property. John Hills, Southern Pacific Communications Company, Burlingame, California, stated his Company has a lease option with Mr. MacRae to establish a telecommunications site. Stated he had contacted Mr. MacRae, Mr. Kidd, and Mr. Stewart regarding access to the site. His Company is a public utility providing long distance telephone service to San Bernardino and Riverside, and the purpose is to improve that service which will go towards Palm Springs and Phoenix. Not getting the Blue Mountain site would cause a hardship. Believes prescriptive right has been established to the property. Mr. Kidd has a parcel, but there is no access. Questioned if provision for access could be put in the homeowpers plan, or as a provision in granting the right to Mr. Stewart to develop the property. , Denis Kidd, on Pico Street, Grand Terrace, stated he owns the TV is located. The property on which Riverside Cable present.access lease expires in six years and, if not renewed, the Company would, have to move all its equipment and find another site. Mayor Tillinghast asked Mr. MacRae if it would satisfy his objections if Mr. Stewart would offer personal access to the property owners. Mr. MacRae said that it would not be satisfactory. The property is worthless without the ability to locate something up there. Would like to establish limited access. Stated his knowledge of cable TV companies is they would only need occasional access. Stated his request is to require the homeowners association or a condition of the Tract Map approval a provision to ensure his property will not be landocked and that he will not be denied the benefits of his property. Mr. Stewart stated he feels there is considerable traffic involved in granting access to the cable TV companies. Problems have been encountered, with gates not being locked and vandalism. Stated he feels there is no prescriptive easement and, therefore, feels legal access does not exist. Therefore, if Mr. MacRae feels it does exist, it becomes a legal question. City Attorney Hopkins stated that it is not Council's responsibility to decide what the existing rights are. Council should decide what is felt to be in the best interest of the community regarding the adjacent properties and, should Council feel that some accommodation should be made for those adjacent properties, they should refer the Page five - 1/28/82 matter back to the Planning Commission and direct that they resolve this problem and establish the appropriate conditions prior to referring the matter back to Council. Planning Director Virginia Farmer stated, when this matter was heard at Planning Commission, there was no testimony presented regarding an access problem. CC-82-21 Following further discussion, Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, to continue this matter for two weeks and direct staff to intervene and bring back a recommendation for resolution of the problem at the City Council meeting of February 11, 1982. This will allow staff the opportunity to see that the affected property owners meet and negotiate on this matter. Following discussion and clarification that the intent of the Motion is not to place a road block that would require either party to give concessions to the other, but that it is being directed back to staff to allow two weeks for investigation of possible alternatives and solutions for presentation of a recommendation to Council at the meeting of February 11, Motion No. CC-82-21 carried unanimously. Recess was called at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened at 7:43 p.m., with all members present. BUILDING MORATORIUM Mr. Jerry Mathews, 3624 Military Avenue, Los Angeles, stated he is one of the co -owners of the U-Store Company, which has property located on DeBerry consisting of less than five acres, a portion of which is still undeveloped. Questioned if notification was given regarding the extension of this moratorium; questioned the length of the moratorium and requested that his name and address be corrected. Stated his understanding is that the moratorium will prevent him from building any further development on that property and would also prevent a future owner from further developing that site. Should a shopping center be located in that vicinity, questioned the status of the present property owners relative to determination of value and requirements to vacate the property. The business is self -storage and would require notification to those individuals presently using that property for storage. Questioned if his Company would be restricted regarding building further storage units on that property and if there would be a zone change which would prevent further development. Stated the moratorium could be a hardship. City Attorney Hopkins stated that the Community Redevelopment Agency waived the power of condemnation, and would therefore be required to negotiate with the property owners for mutual agreement of price and access. Regarding relocation, this would also be part of the agreement to purchase, since there is no power of condemnation. Stated that since no determinations have been made at this time, recommended that Mr. Mathews meet with the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 0 Page six - 1/28/82 Council recommended Mr. Mathews attend the next Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting, which will be held Tuesday, February 2, to learn more about the specific plans for that area and the possibility of establishing a mutually satisfactory agreement. ORDINANCE NO. (First Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 1, SECTIONS 61.011 THROUGH 61.0223 INCLUSIVE, AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO; RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO.S. 27, 34, 46, AND 50; AND ADOPTING A ZONE CODE AND OFFICIAL ZONE MAP. CC-82-22 Following reading of the title by City Attorney Hopkins, Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL AYES, to adopt the negative declaration prepared for the Zone Ordinance pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and pursuant to the following findings: 1. Proposed Zone Ordinance is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Proposed Zone Ordinance is being adopted for clarification of the Zone Code and to meet the needs of the City of Grand Terrace government. 3. All interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard. 4. Proposed Zone Ordinance will not be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working within the City, or injurious to property or improvements in the City. Planning Director Virginia Farmer identified the amendments to the proposed Zone Ordinance, including the addition of a provision to add conditional uses for neighborhood Commercial in the AP zone, with a procedure for Planning Commission review, to control strip zoning and allow flexibility. CC-82-23 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to introduce the first reading of the Zone Ordinance, by title only, and to set second reading and public hearing for February 11, 1982. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF APRIL 13, 1982 - PROPOSED MEASURES Councilman Rigley recommended rescinding Resolution Nos. 82-04 and 82-05, which were adopted at the January 14 meeting. Felt time was not allowed for sufficient consideration, since they were added Agenda Items. Relative to the election of a Mayor, Councilman Rigley feels that in our City the position of Mayor is an honorary title. The Council Members are highly qualified to elect a Mayor to preside at the meetings, ceremonies and for public relations; the Mayor is first and foremost a Council Member, with one equal vote. The present method of selecting the Mayor has been in effect since incorporation Page seven - 1/28/82 of the City, and has been successful. Stated the possibility of having an elected Mayor with a two-year term could be a detriment, feeling qualified individuals might choose to run for a Council term of four years, rather than Mayor, and the Mayor would be campaigning every year and a half. Relative to Consolidation of the Elections - Councilman Rigley stated Council previously voted to have the elections remain as they are. Noted that the Council terms will be extended by seven months in November of even years and by 19 months in November of odd years; is opposed to asking the voters to extend his term; feels the present system of having the General Municipal Elections in April is satisfactory, and sees no reason to change it. Voiced concern that the voters would not be aware they are extending the terms of the Council Members in voting on this advisory measure. Councilman Petta stated he had initially been in favor of electing a Mayor; however, upon further consideration, concurs with Councilman Rigley, since it is possible that qualified individuals would choose not to run for Mayor, should it be every two years; campaigning is expensive; might leave the position open to individuals who may want that position for glorification. Councilman Petta favored consolidating with the state-wide general elections to allow greater voter participation, noting that the 1978 Election had an 80% turnout. Councilmen Grant and Nix concurred with the concerns raised regarding the possible two-year Mayoral term. 0 Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public participation. Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, disagreed with placing either measure on the ballot, since the community has not indicated dissatisfaction with the present methods; feels presentation of these issues to the people could be confusing, and is Council's responsiblity to make decisions. The public will let Council know if they are unhappy with its decisions. Steve Kiacz, 11809 Holly Street, disagreed with putting the issue of electing a Mayor on the ballot, feeling the general public is not aware of who performs well as Mayor, and feels that Council is better qualified to elect the Mayor. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, stated he feels Council desires to change the election dates to produce a larger voter turnout. John Lotspeich stated he does not feel the general public is aware of all the issues and the strengths and the weaknesses of the individual members; feels Council should select the Mayor, who must be a leader, a parliamentarian, and must do considerable homework. Feels, if the election of Mayor were left to the people, it would be a popularity contest. Page eight - 1/28/82 CC-82-24 Motion by Councilman to rescind Resolution a Mayor on the ballot 13, 1982. Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, No. 82-05 regarding placing a measure to elect for the General Municipal Election of April GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, APRIL 13, 1982 - CONSOLIDATION MEASURE AMENDMENT Council discussed amending the measure as stated in Resolution No. 82-04 relating to the consolidation of elections to clearly state on the ballot that consolidating with the November election of even -numbered years would extend the terms of office by seven months. Consolidation of the election in November of odd -numbered years would extend the terms of office by nineteen months and includes the Colton Joint Unified School District election. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public participation - Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, voiced concern that consolidation of the elections with San Bernardino County would result in the City losing control of the cost to run an election, since the County would be billing the City for its share of the election cost. Also recommended that Council consider not having the consolidation of the elections take effect for three elections, so the present Council Members' terms of office would not be affected. Mayor Tillinghast stated he does not feel there will be a significant change in the election costs if the elections are consolidated. Stated Assembly Bill 1743 (Ryan) is presently being considered, and passage would ensure that the County could not charge more than the actual related costs to the service provided. City Attorney Hopkins summarized the amendments to the measure regarding consolidation of elections and to the impartial analysis as follows: Measure A (2) will include the statement that the Uniform District Election currently includes the Colton Joint Unified School District Election, and that the effect of this would be to extend the terms of office of the elected officers for a period of nineteen months. Measure A (3) will reflect that the terms of office of the elected officers will be extended for a period of seven months. The impartial analysis which accompanies Measure "A" will also clearly state that the terms of office will be lengthened, and will also specify that it would extend the terms of office of three current Council Members and of the two Council Members who will be elected at this election on another ballot measure. Council concurred with the amendments to the Measure and to the Impartial Analysis. TEMPORARY CITY COUNCIL FACILITY Council discussed the merits of considering this item prior to receiving a financial analysis from staff and the fact that a new proposal has been submitted by the owners of the Travelers Building. Page nine - 1/ 28/82 CC-82-25 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL postpone consideration of a temporary City Council facility the Council meeting of February 25, 1982, to allow time for preparation of the financial layout and cash flow analysis RESOLUTION NO. 82-07 CC-82-26 Page ten - 1/28/82 AYES, to until by staff. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MAP SHOWING THE MASTER PLAN OF BIKEWAYS FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff, stated that the purpose of adoption of this Resolution is to continue processing of the grant application through the State. Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve Resolution No. 82-07, with the understanding that the Master Plan of Bikeways can be amended at a later date. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT LOCATION Mayor Tillinghast stated that certain problems had been presented in the newspaper regarding the placement of the playground equipment at the park site, and opened the meeting to public participation. Gale Drews, 22740 DeBerry, presented a signed petition to Council, stating six of the eight homeowners adjacent to the park site had signed the petition in opposition to the location of the playground equipment. Stated he has been a resident for 18 years, has always been opposed to the park site, and feels that prime property should have been used for a project which would gain tax dollars, rather than tax expenditures. Disagreed with the equipment being placed 110 feet from his property, stating the noise is disruptive, feels his property value has been lowered, and will prohibit the sale to individuals with no children or grown children. Disagreed with placement of the equipment in that location for security purposes, feeling security is no problem in this City. Requested the equipment be relocated to the south end near the parking lot. Judy Rinderhagen, Crime Prevention Committee Chairperson, stated that meetings were held with the City Manager and the Parks & Recreation Committee regarding the placement of the playground equipment prior to its establishment. This matter was studied by Sgt. Curry, San Bernardino Crime Prevention Unit, and, for safety purposes, the playground equipment is located in the proper place. The same consideration is also being given to the placement of the restrooms for the children's safety. Dick Rollins, Parks & Recreation Committee Chairman, stated the park site consists of less than 13,000 feet. Stated the Parks & Recreation Committee, the Crime Prevention Committee, the Engineering Department, the Sheriff's Department, and the Community Services Director worked together to plan what he feels is a good layout. During the Parks & Recreation Committee meetings, the site layout was discussed and, according to the Sheriff's Department and information derived from the Vandalism and Crime Prevention 1 Workshop, one of the most important things that was stated regarding school or park areas was that children's playground equipment should not be concealed or be located near restroom facilities. This was the first consideration of the Crime Prevention Committee. Feels the primary responsibility is to the citizens and the children of the community overall. Stated he contacted Mr. Drews and advised him that children's playground equipment, a picnic facility, and barbeques were going to be placed on the park site, and Mr. Drews voiced objection to the picnic area being near his home. Recommended considering placement of a fence for safety and planting trees to buffer noise; however, the trees could block the view of the site. The Lions Club has tentatively offered to pay for the fencing at a later date. Disagreed with relocating the playground equipment, stating it would be totally against everything which has been planned. John Lotspeich, a member of the Parks & Recreation Committee, voiced objection to this matter being brought before the City Council rather than the Parks & Recreation Committee. Stated Committee Agendas are posted twice monthly as well as numerous newpaper articles publicizing action being taken at the meetings. Feels the crime element must be given consideration. Recommended this matter be referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee for further consideration. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, stated one of her concerns is that, as we get older, we forget about the noise childrn make and, due to the fact that the Drews have a son who was raised at the same time as her son was raised here in the Terrace, both of those boys rode motorcycles, and is certain that the noise was disturbing. Stated she visited the park site, the playground was full of kids, and it was happy noise - the kind of noise she would like to hear in Grand Terrace. Doug Erway, 22629 Desoto, stated he uses the park frequently, is pleased with the appearance of the equipment because it looks like it fits and is functional. Agreed with the location of the equipment for purposes of park security. Stated that those individuals which had gone to Scottsdale would remember that park security was a big item in that City. Placement of that equipment and the investment we have put in it should be protected. Feels that having this equipment close to the street where the law enforcement officers can get to it quickly if called was a wise choice. Our greatest asset is young people, and feels it does not hurt to have our law enforcement looking in, but more important that we have some adult eyes and ears listening to what is going on and, if the gentle noises suddenly change, wants people to hear those things. Feels it is an asset to the community and urged the Council to keep the present location of the equipment. Page eleven - 1/28/82 John McDowell, 22690 Cardinal, stated he has always objected to the location of the park site, and voiced objections to horses and motorcycles in that area recently. Feels the homes in the vicinity of the park site will have lower property values. Feels the park site is too small, and objected to this area not being developed with homes which would have provided more tax funds. Stated the park site has cost over $340,000 and is not yet complete. Complained of the drainage. Recommended considering purchase of a ten -acre parcel adjacent to Inland Lumber Company for a park. Judy Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, stated as a parent she has lived here 13 years. There have always been kids on mtorcycles, kids making noise, and this will continue, since this is a family -oriented community. Feels the park is beautiful and is pleased that she and other families now do not have to take their children to other cities to play. Stated the motorcycles have no relevance to the placement of the playground equipment. Wilma Drews, 22740 DeBerry, stated the noise from the playground makes it impossible to entertain in the evenings, and feels will not be able to open the doors this summer due to the noise. Randy Anstine, Community services Director, stated that Len Kramer, one of the residents on DeBerry, was aware of the placement of the playgound equipment prior to establishment and no objections were indicated at that time. Stated measurements were taken, and that the Drews' residence is located well over 200 feet from the playground equipment. Tried to contact the Environmental Health Department of San Bernardino County and was unsuccessful. Contacted a Bioengineering Technician at Norton Air Force Base, an expert who deals with noise readings as they affect the community around Norton Air Force Base, and questioned him as to the noise factor should 60 children be concentrated on that equipment at one time for one hour in a radius of 164 feet. This individual stated he felt that it would generate 60 decibels for that hour, and would therefore require individuals to be 20 feet apart before their conversation would be disrupted; cars traveling on the street would far exceed the noise of 60 decibels. Councilman Nix stated that, as a Member of Council who was involved in the location of the park site, recalls Mr. McDowell's position and objections. Although the park site is only 5.3 acres, the City really now has 16 acres as a joint site to be developed and utilized. Feels the joint operating agreement with Colton Joint Unified School District is moving beautifully, and utilization of the school sites as community centers is good, common sense. Disagreed with purchasing additional park land. Relative to the noise at the park site, Councilman Nix stated the bulk of the park site, the school playground area, has always been there, has only been extended up the street a few hundred feet, and therefore feels there is less impact there than most locations. Page twelve - 1/28/82 Stated he was at the location on Saturday, felt it was a very pleasant sound, and due to the fact that we have usable equipment, we are being criticized. There will be objections regardless of what you do when you make change. Feels all concerns were taken into consideration. Recommended referring the matter back to the Parks & Recreation Committee for consideration of what can be done to best interface with all problems including noise. Disagrees with moving the equipment, feeling it is not in the best interest of the value of the facility, and would not be good use of the taxpayers' money. Councilman Rigley stated that Mr. Drews has requested the playground equipment be relocated 50 feet away, and questioned why this issue had not been addressed. Questioned why it was placed so close to the street and why it couldn't be moved 50 feet. Mayor Tillinghast recommended listing the pros and cons in a format to be considered prior to further Council consideration. Councilman Grant questioned how much the sound would be decreased by moving the equipment 50 feet, stating our concern is for the security of the children playing on the facility, and this was one of the primary reasons for situating the equipment as close to the street as it has been placed. Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff, stated that, as part of the landscaping plan, trees have been planted, and feels in two to three years they will intercept much of the sound. Judy Rinderhagen recommended arranging a meeting with the Crime Prevention Committee, the Parks & Recreation Committee, staff, and the citizens to discuss this matter prior to having it brought back to Council. Mayor Tillinghast directed staff, with concurrence of Council, to organize a meeting involving the Parks & Recreation Committee, the Crime Prevention Committee, the staff, and the citizens to discuss this matter. Recess was called at 9:57 p.m. and reconvened at 10:06 p.m., with all members present. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Armstead reported the following: (1) A proposal was received from Mr. Keeney regarding purchase of the Travelers Building on this date. (2) Southern California Edison has submitted an application to the PUC requesting electricity rate increases. (3) AB 1743 (Ryan) will be heard in Sacramento on February 3; understands that Senator Ayala favors this Bill, and questioned if Council wished staff to testify before the Local Senate Government Committee regarding this matter. Page thirteen - 1/ 28/ 82 CC-82-27 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to authorize a staff member to go to Sacramento on February 3 to testify before the Local Senate Government Committee supporting AB 1743 (Ryan). CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Nix voiced concern over the drainage at the park site. Feels something is needed on the lower side of the property, prefers a concrete channel, and wants the matter resolved. Wants to ensure there will be no overflow onto the school property. Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff, stated the water overflowed onto the school grounds because the outlet in the catch basin was clogged with debris, and was not the fault of the drain. The catch basin was receiving all water coming down the ditch. The contractor will build up the bank and fill in the erosion. Mr. Zampese has offered to do the final grading on the ditch. The proposed maintenance contract will include a monthly cleanup of the problem area near Mr. McDowell's property. It would cost approximately Twenty Thousand Dollars to install a pipeline of sufficient size to carry the entire runoff. Feels the present line is sufficient. Councilman Petta stated he had previously questioned the City Engineer relative to the best method of resolving the drainage problem. Stated it would require a concrete channel. Feels this area is a constant problem, and appears that is the only permanent solution. Recommended presenting Council with recommendation for an approach which would adequately do the job. Feels the present situation is very costly to maintain. Councilman Petta stated that, due to the urgency on the part of the developer needing the bond funds for another project, recommended Council approve the release of bonds on Tract 11135, the Cape Terrace Subdivision. BOND RELEASE - TRACT 11135 CC-82-28 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Grant, ALL AYES, to approve release of the following Bonds for Tract 11135: Performance Labor & Material Bond No. Water - $54,000 $27,000 OSM-557-454 Road - 11,000 5,500 OSM-557-455 Landscaping, Irriga- tion System & Walls - 90,000 45,000 OSM-557-453 Sewer - 2,000 1,000 OSM-557-452 Release of the Bonds is contingent upon the City's acceptance of a one-year Maintenance Bond on improvements in the amount of $15,700. Page fourteen - 1/ 28/ 82 Councilman Petta recommended that no items be added to the Agenda, unless absolutely necessary. Councilman Rigley reported the following: (1) Requested that the Fire Station Site be listed on the Agenda for discussion at the Council meeting of February 11, 1982. (2) Voiced objection to the addresses in the telephone book not reflecting Grand Terrace. Tom Coyle, Administrative Assistant, stated that the new Riverside telephone directories coming out in June will reflect Riverside, including the City of Grand Terrace. A new employee of the Telephone Company, who resides in Grand Terrace, will be the City's telephone representative, and will be furnishing cards next week to be mailed to all Grand Terrace residents requesting that they call the Telephone Company if they wish their addresses to be changed from Colton to Grand Terrace. The deadline for contacting the Telephone Company in order to be printed in the June issue of the telephone book is April. (3) Councilman Rigley questioned the status of changing the addresses to Grand Terrace on the billings for Southern California Edison Company and Southern California Gas Company. Mayor Tillinghast reported the following: (1) Received a letter from the LAFC stating there will be three vacancies on the Commission, and the Mayor of each city is on the City Selection Committee. Requested copies of the letter be provided to the Council for consideration of candidates for these vacancies. (2) Public Use Case No. 461-W - the matter regarding the pre-release facility will be heard at the Riverside County Board of Supervisors at 2:00 p.m. on February 2, and indicated both Councilman Grant and he would attend. (3) Was appointed to serve as a member of the League of California Cities Policy Committee on Administrative Services and, prior to accepting the appointment, requested Council concurrence, since it will entail approximately four trips to serve on this Committee. Council concurred. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, stated he contacted three people who had signed the park site petition, invited them to a meeting; two individuals who signed the petition do not live on DeBerry Street. ADJOURN The regular meeting of the City Council adjourned at 10:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held February 11, 1982, at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, at 6:00 p.m. following a Public Workshop Session at 4:00 p.m. APPROVED: Respectfully submitted, City Clar,06k Page fifteen - 1/28/82