03/04/1982CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING - MARCH 4, 1982 A Regular Adjourned Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 4, 1982, at 6:03 p.m. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman (as of 6:06 p.m.) Seth Armstead, City Manager Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff Ilene Dughman, Records Manager/Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Erway, City Clerk The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Peter Leland. Mayor Tillinghast stated the purpose of this adjourned meeting is to continue discussion on the Capital Improvement Program for the next five year period. FIRE STATION SITE/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM/CIVIC CENTER/ RELOCATABLE F CILI Y Councilman Nix reported that the Fire Station Site Location Ad Hoc Committee met with Mr. Ernie Zampese and Mr. Bill DeBenedet regarding the present Fire Station location and was advised that lot is not for sale. The Committee viewed an alternate site located behind the Fire Station, which the property owners indicated is for sale at $4.50 per square foot, and would be willing to adjust the property lines. The Committee concurred that, considering all factors, the alternate site is more compatible and better located than Site No. 2, and feels its location does not significantly increase safety hazards or response time. Council discussed having the Fire Station and the Civic Center both located on the presently owned City property. and concurred that location would be preferable to Site Nos, 2 and 14 if both facilities could feasibly be placed on the property, with Councilman Petta voicing objection to the Fire Station being located in front of the Civic Center. Also discussed was the value and the selling of the three houses located on the City property. Mayor Tillinghast Page one - 3/4/82 stated a preference for Site Nos. 1 and 7, feeling Site No. 1, located behind the Community Church on Mt. Vernon, has space to accommodate all facilities; only concern is the cost. Feels Site No. 7, the City property, would require the purchase of the adjacent property, identified as Building No. 1, which is now being leased. The Mayor advised that an RFP for the Civic Center Complex will be presented for Council's consideration at the March 11 meeting. Council discussed whether the RFP should request renderings with and without the Fire Station, the feasibility of the Community Center being either a part of the Civic Center complex or a separate structure, and whether purchasing the additional property identified as Building No. 1 would be required. Council concurred the RFP should request options. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public participation. Mr. George Forbes, 12161 Dos Rios Avenue, presented Council with data he had prepared for their consideration regarding the Sites, stating careful consideration should be given to the many areas prior to their making a decision. Ernie Zampese, 22799 Barton Road, voiced objection to placing the Fire Station in front of a Civic Center Complex on Barton Road; outlined how he feels it could be situated at the rear of the property. The Mayor closed the meeting to public participation. With concurrence of Council, the Mayor directed Staff to prepare the RFP for A & E Preliminary Drawings for construction of the following options on the presently owned City property: (1) The Civic Center, the Community Center, and the Fire Station; (2) the Community Center and the Civic Center without the Fire Station; and (3) The Civic Center and the Fire Station without the Community Center. The Mayor noted these are not in priority order. Added that a statement should be added clarifying that the Community Center may or may not be part of the same structure as the Civic Center and that security should be considered in design. Council concurred upon the 1.125 Million Dollar limitation for the City Hall portion of the Civic Center, which had been established at a previous meeting, and that the architect should be advised as to the needs for the structure, not the total square footage other than the requirement for a 1500 square -foot Council Chamber; that the partitions are to be left up to the architect; the total cost and/or square footage for the County offices within the Civic Center Complex will be determined by the guidelines of the County and will be in addition to the dollar limitation for the City Hall portion, and that cost and/or total space will be as determined by the County. It was clarified this cost is to be financed by the County. Council concurred upon 4200 square feet to be the maximum for the Fire Station, and the architect is to be referred to OF for the two sets of approved station plans. Recess was called at 7:37 p.m., and the meeting reconvened at 7:48 p.m., with all members present. 0 Page two - 3/4/82 Community Center - Randy Anstine, Community Services Director, advised that the architect should be given the functions that will be taking place in the Community Center in order to determine the needs, the square footage, and how the facility should be designed. Councilman Nix stated he feels there is a need to discuss what is needed in addition to what is presently available, the facilities presently available being school facilities and the Community Center; questioned the need for a Community Center. Feels, however, it is good to get data; noted that this project had previously been established for phased construction. Council discussion regarding the need for the proposed facility included the overcrowded bookings for the present Community Center, its limitations and safety, and the increasing population of the community. Following discussion, Council concurred upon the following requirements for a Community Center RFP: (1) To have one large room which can be separated by partitions, with at least three smaller rooms; (2) to have a kitchen adequate to prepare hot meals for large groups. The Community Services Director is to submit a list of activities to be held. The Mayor opened the meeting to public participation and George Forbes, 12161 Dos Rios Avenue, recommended that Council obtain staff input before proceeding further, and that it consider needs of the future. The Mayor closed the meeting to public participation. Capital Improvement Program - Mayor Tillinghast questioned how Council can prioritize projects of capital expenditures until it is known what the cash flow is for a five-year period. City Manager Armstead advised that information will be available at the April 8 meeting. Council questioned the procedure for the establishment of debt for CRA tax increment and its deadline. Mr. Armstead stated he would furnish a legal opinion at the March 11 meeting. Also discussed were the various capital improvement projects under consideration. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Tillinghast deferred this matter to the April 8, 1982, meeting. Temporary Council Facility - City Manager Armstead briefed Council on the RFP furnished for Council's consideration. Following discussion, with concurrence of Council, the Mayor deferred this matter until the April 8 meeting, when the financial information will be furnished to Council. Page three - 3/4/82 RESOLUTION NO. 82-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, CONDEMNING RECENT PRICE INCREASES BY THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The Mayor referred to a letter received from the Sierra Foothill Community Assistance Project, Inc., Grass Valley, California, requesting a resolution opposing recent PUC rate increases and requesting that energy prices be rolled back to prices of January, 1981, to be presented to the State Legislature in Sacramento on March 8. CC-82-54 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Grant, to approve Resolution No. 82-15. Following discussion, the Motion carried, ALL AYES. Mayor Tillinghast stated he met with the City Selection Committee regarding choosing the representatives for the LAFC, and the decisions are postponed until April 23, after the April Elections. City Manager Armstead requested Council take action to waive City fees for the Grand Terrace Swim Club to sponsor a fund-raising carnival in March. Following clarification that this had been done the previous year, CC-82-55 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Rigely, ALL AYES, to waive City fees for the Grand Terrace Swim Club to sponsor a fund-raising carnival March 11-14, 1982. Barney Karger, representing the Swim Club, stated he would personally be responsible for any cleanup over and above that not covered by the $500.00 bond. ADJOURN The Regular Adjourned Meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.. The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 11, 1982, at 6:00 p.m., following a Public Workshop Session at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 'ao'-A- 4wztl�� Rd-cordManager/ Deputy City Cler APPROVED: Page four - 3/4/82 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 11, 1982 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 11, 1982, at 6:14 p.m. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: Joe Kicak, City Engineer The meeting was opened with invocation by Reverend Dale Goddard, Inland Christian Center, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Barbara Pfennighausen. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA 3B - Law Enforcement Contract. 3C - B. R. Sharp Report. 6D - Management Services Institute Proposal. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (2/25/82) CC-82-56 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of February 25, 1982, as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR Item 3A, Check Register No. 031182, was removed from the Consent Calendar. CC-82-57 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: D. Release of the following Bonds (Wayne Steward): Tract 9741 A. Road Improvements - $32,000 B. Sewer & Water Maintenance 6,300 C. Road Labor & Material 16,000 Page one - 3/11/82 Tract9919 A. Road Improvements - $18.000 B. Sewer & Water Maintenance 2,400 C. Road Labor & Material 9,000 E. Accept the following Bonds (Pacesetter Homes): Tract 9741 A. Road Improvements - $32,000 B. Sewer & Water Maintenance 6,300 C. Road Labor & Material 16,000 Tract 9919 A. Road Improvements - $18,000 B. Sewer & Water Maintenance 2,400 C. Road Labor & Material 9,000 F. Accept Grant Deed from Valley Bank for easement to widen Barton Road and Palm Avenue, and authorize recordation by the City Clerk. CHECK REGISTER NO. 031182 CC-82-58 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, to approve Check Register No. 031182, with the deletion of Warrant No. 2499 to B. R. Sharp for $600.00. Following clarification that the intent of Council is to have the Warrant to B. R. Sharp held until Council authorizes its release, the Motion carried, ALL AYES. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Dick Rollins reported the following: (1) Summarized the subjects covered at the California Parks & Recreation Society meeting in Sacramento. Stated it was an excellent, informative meeting; (2) Commended the Council, the Staff, and the City Manager on working relationships. CC-82-59 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to appoint Jay Short as a regular member of the Parks & Recreation Committee to fill an unexpired term to expire 6/30/82, and to appoint David Lozano and Rhoda Saterfield as alternate members on the Committee. ENERGY COMMITTEE Mr. Tom Coyle reported the Committee met March 3, 1982; the Minutes are forthcoming. 0 Page two - 3/11/82 CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE J Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) Thanked the Parks & Recreation Committee for coordinating with the Crime Prevention Committee regarding proposed park facilities; (2) Requested the removal of graffiti on the block wall on Main Street between Fremontia and Mt. Vernon; (3) There were 22 burglaries in the City during the month of February; (4) A Lady Beware program is planned for May. Li Page three - 3/11/82 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman John McDowell referred to the fact that Council had voiced concern that the Committee was concentrating all its efforts on one area of the City, and outlined the five main objectives of the Committee: (1) To get the landowners together; (2) Obtain property from Southern California Edison Company; (3) Market Study and Land Appraisal (noted that the Market Study will cover the entire City); (4) Developers and tenants; (5) Proper financing. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, stated that the Quimby Act will be revised. John McDowell, 22690 Cardinal, stated that the planned economic development will not have an adverse effect on the present businesses in the City. CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX RFP Mayor Tillinghast announced that a request for proposal requesting a conceptual design and plot plan of the Civic Center Complex has been submitted for Council review, with comments to be provided to Staff by March 15. He stated that copies of the proposed RFP will be available at City Hall for review. TREES - TERRACE HILLS COMMUNITY PARK The City Manager stated that it had been recommended to wait until the season for bare root trees to purchase trees, not only for the park site, but also for the parkway areas, in order to get larger trees at less cost. Mayor Tillinghast, with concurrence of Council, directed this matter back to Staff for consideration during the bare root season. BID AWARD - RESTROOM FACILITIES - TERRACE HILLS COMMUNITY PARK Community Services Director Randy Anstine stated the bids had been opened on March 10, and noted that Council had been furnished a bidders list showing the bid results on three alternatives - wood, masonry, and metal. Staff and the Parks & Recreation Committee concur that a wood structure would best fill the needs; recommended awarding a contract to S.C.C. General Contractor in the amount of $31,640.00, noting that was the lowest bid received. Staff was questioned on the reliability of the proposed contractor. CC-82-60 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to award a contract to S.C.C. General Contractor in the amount of $31,640 for the construction of restroom facilities at Terrace Hills Community Park. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING Mayor Tillinghast advised that Staff had recommended the submittal of three projects to the County of San Bernardino for Community Develoment Block Grant Funding in the amount of $25,500.00. Council questioned how land acquisition could be considered as an item due to the amount of the proposed funds, and recommended listing the item as land preparation. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting for public input regarding Staff recommendations of the three projects recommended, and closed the meeting to public participation, there being no one addressing Council on this matter. CC-82-61 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, to submit the following recommended projects for consideration at the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Public Hearing to be held on March 22, 1982: (1) Economic development study - this project would include an economic development feasibility study for the City's existing and proposed commercial/industrial park sites; (2) Park improvements for Terrace Hills Community Park; (3) Architecture, engineering and land preparation of fire station site. Following clarification and concurrence on the projects, the Motion carried, ALL AYES. STREET ADDRESS CORRECTIONS Mayor Tillinghast stated that certain addresses on Preston are incorrrect, and Staff has proposed that the addresses be corrected. CC-82-62 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Grant, CARRIED 4-0. with Councilman Petta abstaining, to approve the address changes on the properties on Preston Street as listed in the Staff Report dated March 3, 1982, Subject: Address Changes on Preston. The Mayor opened the meeting to public participation. Mr. Armstrong, 12172 Preston Street, stated he is satisfied with the address change and will comply. Questioned why the numbers are in the thousands, rather than the hundreds, and received clarification that the numbering system was established by San Bernardino County prior to incorporation, and has been carried over. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Armstead (1) Questioned if Council's intent was to have another individual, other than the Mayor, go to Sacramento on 11 Page four - 3/11/82 March 17 for the "March on the Capitol." Following discussion, Council concurred that the Mayor would be the only individual going to Sacramento. (2) Stated a meeting of the City Managers of San Bernardino County was held on February 24 in Redlands, and recommended the Mayor discuss certain items covered at that meeting when he goes to Sacramento. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Petta reported as follows: (1) Questioned the possibility of establishing a stop sign at the intersection of Arliss Drive and Holly, and recommended that a study be conducted by Traffic Engineering Services to determine a solution. Councilman Rigley recommended enforcement of the speed limit as the solution. (2) Recommended the immediate removal of the graffiti on Main Street between Fremontia and Mt. Vernon, and recommended that Staff submit recommendations to impose a penalty for writing graffiti. Mayor Tillinghast, with concurrence of Council, directed Staff to submit recommendations for changes to the existing Ordinance regarding the writing of graffiti. Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff, recommended submitting a report on the cost of applying anti -graffiti coating, which allows effective cleaning of graffiti. Councilman Grant reported the following: (1) Attended Om nitrans Board of Directors meeting on March 3; (2) Items discussed at the SANBAG meeting on March 3, 1982, which affected Grand Terrace were: t (a) Will continue to monitor the issue of SANBAG representation to the IMA Board of Directors; (b) A proposed Regional Network for mass transportation; (c) The Caltrans list of possible future projects included construction of an interchange on I 15E in Grand Terrace; (d) The Grand Terrace TDA appropriation for FY 82-83, based on 8,863 population, is approximately $112,000; (e) A substitute recommendation has been received to renumber, rather than eliminate, I 15E from the Interstate Freeway System; (f) Will be studying and consulting with the City Manager on the forthcoming SANBAG Budget; (3) Recommended that Staff analyze a taxi service proposal submitted by Art Parlis and, if felt to be worthwhile, invite Mr. Parlis to make a presentation to Council. Feels some response to Mr. Parlis is required; (4) Attended Congressman Brown's Economic Development meeting with Virginia Farmer and John Marvin; (5) Attended Inland Empire Energy Fair with Councilman Rigley; (6) Received notification from the Lutheran Church of the Atonement that no response has been received from the City regarding the land they have for lease. Recommended contacting the Church regarding this matter; (7) Referred to correspondence received from the California Contract Cities Association regarding the City's assessment of $100, and questioned continuing membership in this organization; (8) Recommended diligently pursuing negotiations with Southern California Edison Company to acquire Cage Park; (9) Requested Page five - 3/11/82 additional information regarding the proposed annexation of property to Colton; (10) Presented the Mayor with a birthday card from Council and Staff. Mayor Tillinghast reported the following: (1) The sample ballots will be distributed shortly for the upcoming election; hopes the community will give careful consideration to the advisory measures regarding when future elections will be held; (2) A Public Notice has been received announcing a vacancy for a public member on the Local Agency Formation Commission. Applications for this vacancy are to be received by the LAFC during the month of March; (3) With concurrence of Council, directed Staff to get an updated opinion from San Bernardino County Traffic Engineering regarding whether the portion of the curb presently painted red on Mt. Vernon on the east side, southerly of Brentwood Street, as to whether it should remain as it is or whether it should be modified in some fashion. The Mayor opened the meeting to public participation. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, voiced concern regarding reports received from a meeting regarding annexation that public negative comments were made about Grand Terrace. Virginia Farmer presented maps to the Council designating the subject area which is proposed to be annexed to Colton. Discussion was held, and Council concurred with investigating this matter further. The Mayor voiced opposition to the newly established Federal and State district boundaries which divide the east and west sides of LaCadena, and feels the jurisdictional boundaries have not been considered. 0 Mr. Armstrong, 12172 Preston Street, voiced concern regarding excessive speeding in the area of Preston Street and Palm Avenue. ADJOURN The City Council meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. The next meeting will be held March 25, 1982, at 6:00 p.m. following a Public Workshop Session at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City'Perk APPROVED: Page six - 3/11/82