03/25/1982CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 25. 1982 A Regular Meeting of the C i ty Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 25, 1982, at 6:20 p.m. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Reverend Donald L. Hughes, Grand View �— Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Captain Schuyler. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA The following items were deleted from the Agenda: 3E - B. R. Sharp Report. 6B - Traffic Signal Funding/Bid Request - Intersection of Barton Road & Michigan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (3/4/82 and 3/11/82) CC-82-63 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of March 4, 1982, as presented. CC-82-64 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of March 11, 1982, as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR The following item was removed from the Consent Calendar: 3A - Check Register No. 032582. CC-82-65 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: Page one - 3/25/82 CC-82-66 3B Accept Grant Deed for street dedication along McClarren Street from Luther E. & LaVerna Francisco, and authorize recordation by the City Clerk. 0 3C Approve annual membership renewal of $75.00 for the Public Risk & Insurance Management Association. 3D RESOLUTION NO. 82-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, OF ORDINANCE NO. 12. 3F Approve amendment of GTC 81-26, a contract between the City and East Valley Medical Clinic, Inc., to reflect the increased cost of back X-ray fees from $60.00 to $69.50. Check Register No. 032582 Council requested deletion of Warrant No. 2542 in the amount of $102.50 to the League of California Cities for salary survey data, pending further review of information to be received by Council, and Warrant No. 2564 in the amount of $75.00 for Public Risk and Insurance Management Association dues, since approval was just given this date to proceed with the application. Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Mayor Tillinghast, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. 032582 with the deletion of Warrant Nos. 2542 in the amount of $102.50 and 2564 in the amount of $75.00. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Dick Rollins, Chairman, reported the following: (1) The park site is progressing well; Mr. Anstine has saved the City a considerable amount of money by using the services of the California Conservation Corps; (2) Due to problems of horses and motorcycles on the park site, will be requesting funds to fence the perimeter of the soccer field; and (3) Plans to have official dedication of the park site the first part of May. Councilman Rigley recommended investigating possible ways to keep horses and motorcycles off the park site. ENERGY COMMITTEE Tom Coyle reported the following: (1) A Committee Member attended the Energy Fair in San Bernardino; (2) Announced that Riverside Highland Water Company is considering the installation of in -line generators to generate electricity. 0 Page two - 3/25/82 HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Chairperson Barbara Mathews reported that 30 entries have been received for the Arts and Crafts Fair to be held May 1, 1982, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Community Center. Mayor Tillinghast referred to the Committee's Minutes of February 8, 1982, regarding payment for a tape, and clarified that the Committee can recommend, but not authorize, payment of items. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen distributed a compilation of the monthly crime statistics for 1981, as provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, and a comparison of crime statistics for 1981 and 1982. Mayor Tillinghast read and presented a Proclamation to Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen proclaiming the month of April as "Neighborhood Watch Month." ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairman John McDowell requested that the City Engineer report the status of a proposed overpass. Mr. Kicak stated that the proposal for an overpass for the freeway at Barton Road is going to the SAN BAG Board of Directors for consideration at its next meeting, ana clarified that this means that SANBAG, the City, and hopefully Caltrans will recognize the need for this project. It will be in a study stage for awhile. Mr. McDowell stated there is a report from the State requesting that the City apply a certain amount of low and moderate income housing, and recommended considering the possibility of senior citizen housing to satisfy that requirement. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The following individuals addressed Council: Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, recommended distributing information to the citizens regarding the services provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department; Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, stated the street sweeper has not covered her area in over a month, and requested enforcement of the requirement for the citizens to clear the streets on street sweeping days. BID AWARD - ELECTRICAL REWIRE. GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY CENTER The City Engineer advised that three bids were received at the bid opening of March 24 ranging from $34,950 to $38,160, and recommended awarding the Contract for the electrical rewire of the Grand Terrace Community Center to Dean Carter, the low bidder, in the amount of $34,950, subject to receiving approval to award the Contract from the Office of Community Development. Page three - 3/25/82 CC-82-67 Motion by Mayor Tillinghast, Second by Councilman Grant, ALL AYES, to award a Contract for the Electrical Rewire of the Grand Terrace Community Center in the amount of $34,950 to Dean Carter upon approval to award the Contract from the Office of Community Development. LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT The City Manager stated that he, Councilman Grant, and Councilman Petta met with members of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department; recommended Council approval of the basic ongoing Law Enforcement Contract of $255,972.66, and approval of an additional traffic enforcement deputy and one marked patrol unit for a five-day week for the fourth quarter in the amount of $9,463.19. In discussion, Council concurred with adding a traffic enforcement deputy and marked patrol unit for one quarter on a trial basis to provide data for the negotiation of the FY 1982/83 Law Enforcement Contract; requested further clarification in the following areas prior to approving the overall Law Enforcement Contract for FY 1981/82: (1) The 4.9% County overhead charge; (2) the cost for maintenance on operation of vehicles on a mileage basis; and (3) the charges which have been cited for five year and/or seven year depreciation on marked and unmarked cars. Other matters discussed relative to law enforcement services were the possiblity that the County may possibly absorb the helicopter costs for FY 82/83; the concern for controlling costs, particularly in the area of salary negotiation; and considering the feasibility of establishment of a local police department. CC-82-68 Following discussion, Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve an additional traffic enforcement deputy and one marked patrol unit for a five -daffy week for a one quarter trial basis, in the amount of $9,463.19, with approval of the overall Law Enforcement Contract to be held pending further clarification. Recess was called at 7:20 p.m., and the meeting reconvened at 7:31 p.m. with all members present. ANNEXATION TAX APPORTIONMENT PROCESS In staff presentation, Ed Clark, Finance Officer, advised Council that staff is requesting authorization to analyze the tax apportionment process with the County, since it appears there are inequities in the distribution of the taxes. He stated that presently the cities receive 25 cents of every tax dollar, and staff questions why this distribution should not be reversed; staff also questions the apportionment of tax funds for annexations and why the distribution is not standardized among the cities. Staff feels the cities should receive the major portion of the tax dollars, since they furnish the major portion of the services, and questions which services furnished by the County are mandated by law. Page four - 3/25/82 The City Manager will be posing these questions at the next City Managers' meeting. CC-82-69 Following discussion, Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the staff recommendation as follows: (1) Direct staff to analyze the February 19, 1982, LAFC report in depth to determine what Grand Terrace's position on subject matter should be; (2) request staff to come back to Council with a proposed resolution regarding foregoing position; and (3) give staff direction or suggestions as to areas Council questions in regards to this subject. RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY STOCK The City Manager advised Council that the San Bernardino Municipal Water District has offered to sell 120 shares of Riverside Highland Water Company stock for a total price of $100, and recommended declining the offer, since purchase of the shares of stock would result in a fixed cost to the City of $10,080 per year for the assessments on the stock. Council noted that some of the new homes have been issued one -quarter share of stock, rather than one-half share of stock, resulting in higher water bills for some property owners, and discussed the possibility of accepting the shares of stock in behalf of those citizens who might wish to purchase additional shares. Dick Rollins recommended considering additional shares for the City for use at the park sites and for other City purposes. Following discussion, Mayor Tillinghast, with concurrence of Council, directed this matter back to staff for additional information. CITY MANAGER REPORT Tom Coyle, Administrative Assistant, advised Council that staff had been informed by General Telephone Company that when Pacific Telephone changes the listings from Colton to Grand Terrace, the change will automatically carry over into the General Telephone directories. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Nix recommended changing the title of the sewer bill to City Services Communication" for information items included in the sewer billings. Councilman Grant reported the following: (1) Attended a meeting of the Executive Board of the Inland Manpower Association on March 19, with no items being discussed regarding Grand Terrace; (2) recommended ensuring that the citizens west of La Cadena be made aware of the City boundaries in that area and ensure that those Page five - 3/25/82 citizens receive all City services; (3) requested that a directional sign located at the intersection of La Crosse and Barton Road be changed to reflect Grand Terrace to both the left and the right; (4) voiced concern that Caltrans is reluctant to place a sign on the freeway approaching Washington Street indicating Grand Terrace, and requested further investigation of the matter; (5) requested that Council be kept informed of LAFC action regarding Colton's sphere of influence, both east and west of La Cadena; (6) voiced concern that the American Flag has been stolen from City Hall for the second time. Council disagreed with the City Manager's recommendation to take the Flag down each day, and recommended taking measures to make it more difficult to steal the Flag. Mayor Tillinghast reported the following: (1) Met with Senator Ayala and Assemblyman Leonard and advised them of the City's needs and concerns. During discussion with Assemblyman Leonard, learned that Assemblyman Leonard will be able to give the City support regarding the PUC Complaint for telephone foreign exchange rates; (2) legislation is presently being considered which would give authority to decrease the terms of office of council members by five months for elections consolidated in November - will have more information on this legislation at the next Council meeting. Mayor Tillinghast opened the meeting to public participation. Barbara Pfennighausen, 12364 Pascal, stated that the Blue Dot markers are being lifted off the streets, and recommended advising the citizens that this is vandalization of City property. ADJOURN 0 The City Council meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, April 8, 1982, at 6:00 p.m. following a Public Workshop Session at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ty T r APPROVED: Page six - 3/25/82