An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was
called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road,
Grand Terrace, California, on May 20, 1982, at 7:50 p.m.
PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor
Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore
Tony Petta, Councilman
Roy W. Nix, Councilman
Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman
Seth Armstead, City Manager
Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney
Myrna Erway, City Clerk
ABSENT: Joe Kicak, City Engineer
The meeting was opened with invocation by Councilman Nix, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance, led by Councilwoman Pfennighausen.
Item No. 5. Authorization for the Mayor to sign two letters; one in
support of SB 1477 (Marks) and one opposing proposed
legislation which would eliminate city Vehicle In -Lieu
License Fee and Cigarette Tax subventions.
CC-82-110 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, to
authorize the Mayor to execute the basic ongoing FY1981-82 Law
Enforcement Contract with the County of San Bernardino in the amount
of $255,973.00.
Councilman Nix stated it should be noted publicly that the City has
received excellent service; had a matter of principle to consider.
Felt Council's obligation is to provide the best service to the
citizens at the best price, and this is the best alternative
available at this time.
Mayor Grant stated that he fully concurs that the community is
generally well pleased with the services received from the Sheriff's
Department; there may have been isolated incidents, but generally
the public is satisfied. This has been a frustrating experience.
As previously stated, our primary interest has to be the people of
the community, since that is the only reason for Council involvement
and, for that reason, will vote in favor of the Motion. Stated the
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principle on which we based our efforts has not been nullified, as
far as he is concerned.
Following discussion, the Motion carried, ALL AYES.
CC-82-111 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES,
to approve Resolution No. 82-24 as amended, to discontinue Work
Sessions, and to begin Council Meetings at 5:30 p.m. on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
The City Manager advised Council that on Friday, May 14, the Mayor,
the Mayor Pro Tem, and Staff met at the Park with Dick Rollins to
review items which should be corrected prior to the official opening
of the Park.
The Community Services Director stated the restroom fixtures will
not arrive for eight to 12 weeks and felt the opening of the park
should be delayed until the restrooms are completed. Council
questioned if the items required to complete the restrooms couldn't
be acquired in less time. The Community Services Director stated
porcelain fixtures could be acquired in less time; however, the
contractor says only an eastern manufacturer produces stainless
steel fixtures, and it is felt that stainless steel is much better.
Recommended that the Parks & Recreation Committee be assigned
responsibility to plan the ceremony. Mayor Grant questioned the
advisability of no drains on the floor. This item was referred back
to the Parks and Recreation Committee by the Mayor.
CC-82-112 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to
approve sending a letter to the legislators in support of
SB 1477 (Marks) which permits statewide city discretionary revenue
growth (averaged over two years) of 6.3%, equal to the increase in
the California Price Index.
CC-82-113 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES,
to approve sending a letter to the legislators urging their
opposition to proposed legislation which would eliminate city
Vehicle In -Lieu License Fee and Cigarette Tax subventions.
Councilman Petta stated he attended the Planning Commission Meeting
when the Site Plan for Valley Bank was considered, including the
requirements for curbs and gutters. At that Meeting, the President
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of Valley Bank stated that, when the property was purchased, he was
told by the seller that the City had made a commitment to put in
curbs and gutters and perform street work. Councilman Petta stated
he advised at that meeting that Council had no commitment to place
curbs and gutters and do street work in front of that property.
Councilman Petta further stated he heard recently that, in fact, the
City was going to put in curbs and gutters and street improvements;
asked Staff to show where Council had discussed the matter, let
alone make the commitment. Staff could find no record of it. This
afternoon was given a letter which supposedly commits the City to do
the work on that property. Councilman Petta then read a letter
dated March 29, 1982, written on City stationery to John Barbee,
President of Valley Bank, signed by Joe Kicak.
Councilman Petta pointed out that Council did discuss and authorize
certain work at the corner of Barton Road and Palm Avenue to
alleviate a safety hazard at that intersection, but at no point did
Council commit to doing the improvements, and Staff could find
nothing in the Minutes to confirm that. Councilman Petta questioned
who directed the City Engineer; stated that this commitment would
require specific action by Council, and Staff could not provide that
verification; questioned the City Attorney as to how to handle this
The City Attorney stated that, in order for that commitment to
occur, there must be some action by the City Council to approve;
feels it is an embarrassing situation, in that the Bank feels the
letter is a commitment. Stated that one person, including the
Mayor, cannot commit the City. Commitments are made by Council
voting in public session, in a majority vote, unless that function
has been delegated to the City Manager.
The City Manager stated that the Council Minutes had been thoroughly
researched, and nothing was found regarding this matter; had not
seen the letter until yesterday, and was not aware of the curb and
gutter situation.
Brian Esgate, Engineering Staff, stated that the whole project began
to solve a safety problem at the intersection and to solve a sheet
flow problem; made a study about the possibility of extending the
storm drain; the other approach was to install curbs and gutters,
widen the street, and give more capacity to the street. In order to
do that, it was Engineering's judgment that the most appropriate way
is to install curbs and gutters. In order to do the work, it was
necessary to get the right-of-way, which at that time was right at
the existing curb; contacted Phyllis Forbes, the property owner, and
she offered to dedicate in exchange for curbs and gutters. Then the
property changed hands. Councilman Petta questioned who made the
commitment to do that, since the property owners normally know they
have to dedicate. Mr. Esgate stated it was his recollection that it
was presented before Council; felt that possibly it was discussed
during work session; thought Council had approved putting the curb
and gutter in conceptually as a relatively inexpensive solution to
widen Barton Road and solve the problem of sheet flow.
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Council questioned if a grant deed had been accepted and recorded
from Valley Bank; stated there appears to be a moral commitment, and
perhaps a legal commitment involved.
Council recessed at 8:35 p.m., and reconvened at 8:45 p.m., with all
mem ers present.
Mayor Grant directed Staff to research this matter further.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen reported that a house on Michigan, in the
process of being con emne , has a broken window with jagged pieces -
questioned if action could be taken to eliminate the immediate
safety hazard.
The City Attorney reported that San Bernardino County is appealing
the case which was filed by Kostantinos N. Zaharopoulos against the
County and the City to Superior Court; advised that Council
authorization is required for the City to join the Appeal;
questioned Council as to what action it desires to take in this
Council questioned the cost to pay the claim and what the cost would
be to appeal. The City Attorney stated the County feels it is
necessary to appeal this case to enable them to continue to enforce
the Weed Abatement Program, due to the precedent it would set;
stated the claim is $984.00; therefore, would not recommend
expending funds for legal action.
CC-82-114 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL
AYES, that the City will join in the Appeal with San Bernardino
County in the Kostantinos N. Zaharopoulos case, but under the
condition it is in name only, with no legal efforts to be expended
on the case.
Mayor Grant stated his comments regarding the Sheriff's Contract
were for t e record and wants them in the Minutes. Since this
Council has passed a Resolution in support of AB 1743 (Vicencia),
will write letters to the legislators asking their support of this
CC-82-115 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, by
all present, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. to Public Workshop
Sessions to be conducted from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. beginning
Monday, May 24, in the Conference Room of Building No. 3, at City
Hall, 22795 Barton Road, to discuss the Fiscal Year 1982-83 City
Budget, to continue daily until the Budget is completed. The next
Regular Meeting to be held Thursday, May 27, 1982, at 5:30 p.m., at
the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road.
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Respectfully submitted,