06/24/1982CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 24, 1982 A regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 24, 1982, at 5:40 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Reverend Harold Lorimer, retired, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Ed Clark. JOINT SESSION - CITY COUNCIL/CRA Mayor Grant stated the purpose of the Joint Meeting is to review the revised agreement submitted by Barmakian, Wolff, Lang, Christopher Architects, whom the Agency selected for the architectural design of the Civic Center and Fire Station, and to consider including the Community Center in the architectural design, since the comparative costs of including the Community Center are minimal. The City Manager recommended taking advantage of the Artchitects' rates at this time so that, when funds become available, the drawings would be ready. City Attorney Hopkins stated it was his observation that the revised contract is $3,000 less, so for that small amount of money, should have plans on the shelf if two presumptions are correct that: (1) The Architect can design the Community Center, since the site has not been selected; and (2) if the original agreement does not require building all three facilities at once - felt that particular requirement could be negotiated. Councilman Nix clarified the cost difference is $16,000 rather than $3,000; stated, with Councilman Rigley concurring, that the contract was badly negotiated if all facilities must be designed to get a better price, and feels can do better; felt situation would be Page one - 6/24 82 different had negotiations been conducted with two top firms as previously directed, but was informed it was illegal. Further points raised in discussion were that the contract should not be executed until satisfactory negotiations are completed and that consideration should be given to negotiating with the second choice if the negotiations are unsatisfactory. CC-82-144 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, not to reconsider including a Community Center in the architectural design. Following clarification, Motion No. CC-82-144 carried, 4-1, with Mayor Grant voting NOE. Attorney Hopkins stated it would not have been illegal to negotiate with both firms, since this was not a formal bidding process; RFP's are informal. Ordinarily further negotiations could be conducted; however, since an agreement was approved, awaiting execution by the Mayor, and since the architect has been on the site and has expended monies, based on the fact he has an agreement, would not recommend negotiating with the second choice, because the City might have to expend monies for work done to date. The Executive Director stated Staff, Mr. Wolff, and his assistant visited the Fire Station to determine the amount of land which will be required for the Fire Station and to discuss architectural plans and drawings with Don Banghart. Council questioned the advisability of proceeding on this matter prior to execution of the contract; agreed it would be unfair to this Firm to negotiate with the second Firm, since the negotiations and price of this Firm are now known. CC-82-145 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, to direct Staff to renegotiate the contract with Barmakian, Wolff, Lang, Christopher Architects for the Civic Center and Fire Station and to provide a rational explanation for the bottom -line price for the structures authorized. City Attorney Hopkins clarified that action taken at the June 9 meeting would be set aside, pending a report from Staff, either with a renegotiated figure or rational action. It was clarified that a final decision could be made on July 8 if the report is received from Staff on the negotiations, and that final approval by the City Council and the Community Redevelopment Agency will be required. Staff was directed to send a letter to Barmakian, Wolff, Lang, Christopher Architects clearly stating that the contract, as presented, is not ready for execution and, until a final agreement has been approved and executed, the Firm is to cease and desist from expending further monies. Following discussion, Motion No. CC-82-145 carried, ALL AYES. Page two - 6/24/82 Council recessed at 6:12 p.m., at the conclusion of the Joint Session, and reconvened as the Regular City Council at 6:12 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (5/13/82) (5/20/82) (5/27/82) (6/9/82) CC-82-146 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of May 13, 1982, as presented. CC-82-147 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of May 20, 1982, as presented. CC-82-148 Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of May 27, 1982, as presented. CC-82-149 Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of June 9, 1982, as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were removed from the Consent Calendar: 3E - Resolution regarding salary adjustments being effective July 1, 1982; 3F - Resolution regarding the formula for distribution of taxes upon annexation. CC-82-150 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: 3A - Check Register No. 062482; 3B - Budget Transfer of $1,253.00 from 13-4430-250 as follows: $33.00 to 10-4180-240; $93.00 to 10-4180-245; $14.00 to 10-4180-246; & $1,113.00 to 10-4180-271; 3C - Budget Transfer of $102.00 from 10-4370-270 to 10-4370-250; 3D - Accept and approve Final Tract Map No. 9772-1 and authorize execution by Mayor and City Clerk; accept cash deposit of $2,840.00, Check No. 24856 (Monuments), and the following Bonds & Agreements: Road Improvement Bond No. 104641 - $190,000 Labor & Material Bond No. 104641-A - 95,000 Water Improvement Bond No. 104643 - 74,000 Labor & Material Bond No. 104643-A - 37,000 Sanitary Sewer Bond No. 104642 - 34,000 Labor & Material Bond No. 104642-A - 17,000 Water System Agreement - 74,000 Road Agreement - 190,000 Sanitary Sewer System Agreement - 34,000 Page three - 6/24/82 RESOLUTION NO. 82- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ANY SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR FY 1982-83 SHALL BE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982. Council opposed this Resolution, feeling if salary adjustments are made at a later date, the effective date can be established at that time. This Resolution was not adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 82- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A UNIFORM EQUITABLE FORMULA FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES UPON ANNEXATION. Council questioned if the questions previously raised had been answered satisfactorily. Staff stated this is the League of California Cities' position; the five questions still are unanswered; felt that this Resolution would assist the other cities at this time and could then continue to resolve the problems. Council concurred that this Resolution should not be adopted until all matters are resolved satisfactorily. UTILITY RATES AND CITY RELATED PROJECTS Mr. Joe Falkner, Regional Manager for Southern California Edison Company, gave a presentation regarding the services provided by Southern California Edison Company, beneficial programs initiated by the Company, and the reasons for increased rates. Reviewed the franchise payments made to the City and taxes paid to the City and County. Stated there is a reserve fund for the City of $36,246 for Rule -Twenty money to underground lines. Stated that in 1979 the Company converted all the lights in the City from mercury vapor to high pressure sodium at a considerable cost savings to the City. Mr. Falkner was questioned on the status of changing the addresses of residents on billings, and stated the change probably would not occur for two or three years, since the City has no separate zip code. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Sanford Collins stated that the possibility of the City initiating a zone change in an area between the railroad tracks and La Cadena was discussed at the recent Planning Commission Meeting. Recommended instructing Staff to inform owners they are required to pay fees for zone changes, rather than the City. Page four - 6/24/82 The Planning Director clarified that Council had directed the Planning commission to study a general plan amendment and zone change in response to a letter from Mr. Ferris' attorney and to submit recommendations to Council regarding this matter. Mayor Grant stated a Joint Meeting with the Council and the Planning Commission is being planned in July for the purpose of reestablishing the methodology in terms of what is expected from the Planning Commission and to improve communications; recommended addressing this matter at that time. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Dick Rollins reported the following: (1) Thanked Council for the letters sent to the five reappointed Committee Members; (2) Terrace Hills Community Park is nearing completion - installed two concrete picnic tables on pads; (3) The restroom fixtures are to be delivered June 25, to be installed the following week; (4) Have received a price for planting around the restroom facility - volunteers will do the planting; (5) Received price of six cents per square foot to reseal and restripe the parking lot, consisting of 27,604 square foot. Recommended the parking lot be resealed and restriped prior to the official opening, tentatively set for July 10; (6) The Committee wants to meet with the City Manager, the Community Services Director, the Crime Prevention Committee, and Captain Schuyler to set up a plan for safety and maintenance of law enforcement in the park, and to inform the deputies as to what will be expected of them in the law enforcement area; (7) The cost to run the ballfield lights is $4.67 an hour; therefore, the City will charge $5.00 an hour, or per token. Other cities charge for the lights and rental fees; (8) Requested that a telephone be installed at the park site; (9) Feels that in six years he's been involved with the City, has shown loyalty and dedication to the City - requested that the Mayor and City Council direct the City Manager to award him a key to the new restoom facilities at the park. Stated he plans to keep the restrooms clean on weekends as City Staff are not available. CC-82-151 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, that a key to the restroom facilities at Terrace Hills Community Park be provided to Dick Rollins. Mayor Grant stated, with Councilman Nix concurring, his vote on this Motion has nothing to do with the key - doesn't feel that kind of responsiblity should be imposed on Mr. Rollins; feels City personnel should handle. Motion No. CC-82-151 carried 3-2, with NOES by Mayor Grant and Councilman Nix CC-82-152 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to appoint Ken Rinderhagen to the Parks & Recreation Committee for a term to expire June 30, 1986. Page five - 6/24/82 SIGNS AT TERRACE HILLS COMMUNITY PARK The Planning Director, representing the Community Services Director, advised Council of the proposed signs to be placed at the park. Recommended establishment of a sign similar to the BIA signs and a glass -enclosed bulletin board for public notices and events at the park. Recommended approving an institutional sign as defined by Section 23.190, Subsection B, of the Zoning Ordinance. Council concurred with a bulletin board to include legal restrictions - prefers a positive approach, rather than highlighting legal restrictions. Dick Rollins stated there will be a sign placed at the entrance for a cost of approximately $600.00 stating "Terrace Hills Community Park." Further stated the Sheriff advised the City must post all ordinances relating to regulations to be enforced. Recess was called at 7:31 p.m., and reconvened at 7:44 p.m., with all members present. Council concurred with the placement of a sign indicating the name of the park at the entrance, with the placement of additional sign elsewhere showing the prohibitions. CC-82-153 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Grant, to authorize Staff to proceed with an institutional sign as defined by Section 23.190, Subsection B, of the Zoning Code and to keep in mind Council's comments. Councilman Petta left the Council Chambers at 7:34 p.m. and returned at 7:35 p.m. Following discussion, Motion No. CC-82-153 carried, ALL AYES. ENERGY COMMITTEE The City Manager stated a tour of the Hydro -Generating Plant in Hemet is planned for Tuesday, June 29, for Council, the Planning Commission, and the Energy Committee. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) Twenty-nine people attended the Lady Beware program held on June 23; (2) Presently forming "Mothers Against Drunk Driving;" (3) Election results for Committee officers are Judy Rinderhagen, Chairman; Evelyn Strawn,Vice-Chairman; and Jim Hodder, Secretary. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dr. Terry McDuffy, 11830 South Mt. Vernon, stated he previously addressed Council regarding Pet Prevent -A -Care making application Page six - 6/24/82 for and receiving a City Business License, and scheduling a clinic which was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. This matter was brought to the Firm's attention by registered letter in advance of the clinic. They chose to ignore it, and held the clinic, which was a blatant violation of the law. Stated adequate evidence exists that the clinic was held; feels the laws should be enforced and the people should be prosecuted and fined; the Firm still has a valid City Business License. Feels appropriate action should be taken if the City is to maintain credibility with the citizens. Council concurred enforcement is necessary and questioned options. City Attorney Hopkins said the police won't enforce Zoning Ordinances; enforcement is difficult because of limited personnel; the Business License expires June 30; could probably successfully prosecute Prevent -A -Care under the Zoning Ordinance, but doesn't know what action the judge would take. Dr. McDuffey stated it appears to be an open and shut case of a blatant violation; questioned if the City Council is going to ignore; it is never profitable to prosecute law enforcement, but is a question of whether or not Council is going to take a firm stand and get people to obey the City ordinances. CC-82-154 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to direct Staff to immediately cancel the Business License for Pet Prevent -A -Care and to send a strong communication to the Firm stating that, because it was in violation, they are not welcome to attempt to secure another Business License in the future. City Attorney Hopkins recommended including that, should they attempt to establish the same type of operation in the City, we will vigorously enforce all applicable laws within the City. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1A Applicant: City of Grand Terrace Request: GPA designation from Residential to General Commercial Location: N/W corner of Van Buren & Michigan (12490 Michigan) RESOLUTION NO. 82-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE FIRST CYCLE 1982 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT. The Planning Director stated that this amendment will bring the General Plan Land Use Map and the Zone Map in conformity with each other as required by law, and recommended amending the General Plan to change the GPA designation from Residential to General Commercial. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing on the matter. There being no testimony either for or against the matter, Mayor Grant closed Public Hearing. Page seven - 6/24/82 CC-82-155 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to adopt the Negative Declaration issued for this project and to adopt Resolution No. 82-26. ORDINANCE NO. 61 (Second Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 19 AND PROHIBITING THE USE OF RESIDENTIAL STREETS FOR THE STORAGE OF VEHICLES AND IMPOSING PARKING RESTRICTIONS. The City Attorney read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing on the matter and closed the Public Hearing, there being no testimony for or against the matter. CC-82-156 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to adopt Ordinance No. 61 by title only. ORDINANCE NO. (Second Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A PLANNING COMMISSION AND DESIGNATING THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE: AND RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 28. The City Attorney read the title of the Ordinance. 0 The Planning Director stated she had recommended, with the Planning Commission concurring, changing the number of Planning Commissioners from nine to seven. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing on the matter. Supporting Testimony Interim Chairman Doug Erway stated that the Planning Commission is in favor of the Ordinance; doesn't feel it will restrict the Planning Commission or short-change the community by having fewer members; stated there has been a problem getting a quorum of five members to conduct necessary business. Opposing Testimony None Mayor Grant closed Public Hearing on the matter. Council discussed the attendance records and the reason, effect, and procedure to follow if reducing the number of Commissioners to seven. It was clarified that if the Ordinance is adopted, the terms Page eight - 6/24/82 of the present members with terms expiring June 30, 1982, could be extended to August 12, the time that the Ordinance would become effective, and to make the appointments at that time. Councilman Rigley recommmended retaining a nine -member Commission, since all members wish to continue, and there seems to be no apparent reason to reduce the number. Councilman Petta recommended reinstating all members at this time and, through attrition, reduce the number of Commissioners to seven. Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, to reinstate all of the Commission Members whose terms expire June 30, 1982, and to reduce the number of Commissioners to seven only through attrition. Mayor Grant requested Interim Chairman Doug Erway to indicate some of the discussion prior to the Commission taking action on this matter. Mr. Erway stated he didn't feel he could give accurate statements. It was voted upon by the Commission and determined to recommend reducing the size. Some Commissioners indicated they did not wish to continue serving, but possibly have changed their minds. Council noted that the City has one of the best Planning Commissions; even though the attendance records show a high absentee rate, questioned if the difficulty getting a quorum was sufficient to justify reducing the membership. The Planning Director stated they had a particularly difficult time getting quorums at study sessions. The City Attorney stated there were a few times when the meetings had not started on time, due to lack of a quorum. Mayor Grant opened the meeting to public participation. Commissioner Sanford Collins recommended, with Mr. Erway concurring, not continuing with eight members - would prefer an odd number. Mayor Grant closed the meeting to public participation. Councilman Nix indicated he will vote against this Motion based on discussion and the objections voiced against an eight -member Commission; if this Motion doesn't pass, will move to appoint a nine -member Commission. Following discussion, the Motion failed 1-4, with Councilman Petta voting AYE. CC-82-157 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to reappoint the following individuals on the Planning Commission for terms to expire June 30, 1986: Sanford Collins; Vern Andress; Winifred Bartel; and Gerald Cole and to consider the appointment of a ninth member for the Planning Commission at the next Council Meeting. Page nine - 6/24/82 CC-82-158 Page ten - 6/24/82 REVENUE SHARING The City Clerk advised that the purpose of this Public Hearing is to allow the citizens to give input as to how they would desire expending these funds for FY 1982-83; a Public Hearing will be held at the next City Council meeting to allow citizen input on Staff's recommendation regarding the proposed use of the funds. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing on the matter. Sanford Collins, 22697 Brentwood, stated that the Planning Commission had discussed the beautification of the City, at which time it was noted that Mt. Vernon and Barton Road still have many areas that have not been developed and widened; recommended expending the funds in this area. Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, stated he has been the recipient of some of these funds on widening of streets; this is the only City he is aware of that does this; disagrees with this procedure and feels the property owners should pay for improvements and can legally be required to do so; concurs that Barton Road and Michigan should be widened. Mayor Grant closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Petta recommended dividing the funds between City beautification and law enforcement. RESOLUTION NO. 82-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE FY 1982-83 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE XIII-B OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION AS REQUIRED BY CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 7910. The Finance/Administrative Services Officer advised that Article XIII-B established an appropriations limit whereby municipal budgets can only be increased in accordance with CIP and population increases; stated the tax proceeds indicate that no funds will need to be returned to the State. Recommended adoption of the Resolution. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing on the matter, and closed Public Hearing, there being no testimony either for or against the matter. Councilman Nix stated that if all cities are proceeding in this matter, the real intent of this legislation is being averted. Mr. Clark stated if inflation does not continue to increase and population hits a peak, there could be a problem; a few cities are in that position at this time. Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to adopt Resolution No. 82-27. 0 RESOLUTION NO. 82-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FY 1982-83. The City Manager stated the City Council has held six work sessions on the operational budget; as directed by Council, he and the City Attorney went to Sacramento to meet with members of the Senate and Assembly, along with other cities throughout the State, regarding the proposed reduction of subvention funds by the State; stated that the proposed expenditures for FY 1982-83 are $2,408.055, with an estimated 2.2 Million Dollars in revenue for FY 1982-83. The City Manager distributed a State Subvention Revenue Forecast for 1982-83. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, commended Council, the City Manager, and the Finance Officer for management of the City's funds. Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, recommended that copies of the Budget be made available to the public to better enable them to provide input. Councilwoman Pfennighausen left the Council Chambers at 9:33 p.m. and returned at 9:34 p.m. Mayor Grant closed Public Hearing. In response to a question as to the increase represented on salaries, the Finance/Administrative Services Officer said 5% step raises only are included - Council noted that the mathematical computations are incorrect and will need to be reconciled; the Expenditure column on Page XII should be corrected to "1981-82"; and on Page XVII, substitute Resolution No. 81-50 for Resolution No. 81-72. Council reviewed and approved the Department items in the FY 1982-83 Budget as follows, with the clarification that the personnel funds in all of the Departments are not necessarily mathematically correct and are to reflect 5% increases. CC-82-159 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $14,250 for Department No. 4110 - City Council. CC-82-160 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $131,649 for Department No. 4120 - City Manager. With the clarification that the need for codification of the Municipal Code had been provided to Council during a work session, CC-82-161 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $75,473 for Department No. 4125 - City Clerk. CC-82-162 Motion by Mr. Grant, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $114,966 for Department No. 4140 - Finance. Page eleven - 6/24/82 CC-82-163 Following discussion and concurrence to reduce the amount from $35,000, Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $30,000 for Department No. 4160 - City Attorney. Recess was called at 10:15 p.m., and reconvened at 10:20 p.m., with all members present. CC-82-164 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $30,000 for Department No. 4170 - Engineering. CC-82-165 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $51,405 for Department No. 4180 - Maintenance. CC-82-166 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve $69,866 for Department No. 4190 - Non -Departmental. CC-82-167 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $500,000 for Department No. 4200 - Loans to Other Agencies. CC-82-168 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $38,500 for Department No. 4330 - Building & Safety. CC-82-169 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $58,354 for Department No. 4370 - Planning. CC-82-170 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve $17,700 for Department No. 4390 - Public Health. 0 Department No. 4410 - Police. Mayor Grant stated that AB 1743 (Vicencia) had been signed by Governor Brown; voiced concern over the provision that contracts effective prior to December, 1982, are not applicable; clarified that these funds can be spent on any kind of law enforcement, and recommended investigating alternatives. The City Manager stated that Captain Schuyler presented a draft copy of a proposed FY 1982-83 Law Enforcement Contract for a total sum of $272,694, which does not appear to include the traffic officer. Mayor Grant noted this is higher than the proposed contract received earlier. CC-82-171 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $239,766 for Department No. 4410 - Police. Council deferred further action on the FY 1982-83 Budget to consider an appeal by Mr. Karger. Page twelve 6/24/82 1� SITE PLAN 82-6 Request: Appeal of Planning Commission Condition requiring concrete tile roofs. Applicant: J. B. Karger. The Planning Director advised this matter had been continued from the June 9 Meeting; stated Mr. Karger had recommended at the June 9 meeting placing all tile roofs, except directly underneath the solar heating and air conditioning units, with a six foot wide walkway to allow servicing of the units, and that he was opposed to all composition roofs; Building & Safety is not opposed to this recommendation; that alternative had not been discussed with the Planning Commission. J. B. Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, reviewed portions of the Architectural Ordinance and distributed photographs of houses which have combination roofs, stressing the fact that this is a common practice throughout the City; stated willingness to put concrete tile roofs in the front and on the first ten feet from Mt. Vernon and on Mirado, the only places which would be visable from the street, and would place composition roofs in the back which would closely match the concrete tile; composition material will also be placed underneath the solar water heater, and for another two or three feet, to permit servicing. CC-82-172 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, to approve the appeal, with the condition that shake tile roofs will be placed on the front side facing the streets and also on approximately 10 feet of the sides fronting on Mt. Vernon and Mirado, with composition material to be placed on the back side of the remainder of the roofs and underneath the solar panels plus 2 - 3 feet to permit servicing. With clarification that the composition material is to match as closely as possible to the concrete tile, the Motion No. CC-82-172 carried, ALL AYES. FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 BUDGET (CONTINUED) CC-82-173 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve $57,215 for Department No. 4410 - Police (Revenue Sharing). CC-82-174 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve $1,200 for Department No. 4411 - Fire Station. CC-82-175 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $2,100 for Department No. 4412 - Parking Citations. CC-82-176 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $13,800 for Department No. 4420 - Data Processing. Page thirteen 6/24/82 CC-82-177 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $3,975 for Department No. 4421 - Word Processing. Noting that the amount had doubled from the previous year, some weed abatement problems have not been resolved, that the County charges $43.00 an hour to do each parcel, and concurrence to reduce from CC-82-178 $4,000, Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $2,000 for Department No. 4590 - Weed Abatement. CC-82-179 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $35,500 for Department No. 4610 - Public Works - Engineering. CC-82-180 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $1,000 for Department No. 4801 - Planning Commission. CC-82-181 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $1,300 for Department No. 4802 - Crime Prevention Committee. CC-82-182 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $800 for Department No. 4803 - Energy Committee. CC-82-183 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $1,100 for Department No. 4804 - Historical & Cultural Activities Committee. Department No. 4808 - EOC The City Manager clarified that these funds are needed to tie into the communications centers of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties for emergency purposes. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated that, in discussions with individuals involved in emergency situations, one of the items noted was the need to locate Emergency Supply Centers; that the emergency power supply is to operte the amateur radio equipment and, if necessary, the CB stationary units in Emergency Operations Centers in the event power is cut off. CC-82-184 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve $2,200 for Department No. 4808 - Emergency Operations Center. Department No. 4810 - CCS Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated she discussed the future of the Clean Community Systems with Chairman Ken Rinderhagen; for a number of years, CCS was funded by grants, which will no longer be forthcoming from the State Solid Waste Management Board; CCS is presently inactive - recommended communicating with the individuals regarding whether or not they will be continuing with the program. Page fourteen - 6/24/82 CC-82-185 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $1,050 for Department No. 4810 - Clean Community Systems. CC-82-186 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve $34,000 for Department No. 4510 - Street & Signal Lighting. CC-82-187 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $31,130 for Department No. 4900 - Road Maintenance. Department No. 4901 - Road Maintenance - County Council requested Staff to investigate the possibility of contracting with other cities for this service; noted that many of the County budget items have doubled from last year; clarified that approving the funds does not necessarily mean contracting with the County. CC-82-188 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $15,000 for Department No. 4901 - Road Maintenance - County. CC-82-189 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $8,839 for Department No. 4631 - Storm Drain Maintenance. CC-82-190 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $94,454 for Department No. 4430 - Community Services. CC-82-191 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Mayor Grant, to approve $8,250 for Department No. 4444 - Roberti-Z'berg Program. Following clarification that the City is required to pay 25% of the grant funds received, Motion No. CC-82-191 carried, ALL AYES. CC-82-192 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $900 for Department No. 4807 - Parks & Recreation Committee. CC-82-193 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve $5,022 for Department No. 4909 - Traffic Signal Maintenance. Following concurrence to retain crossing guards in addition to the CC-82-194 traffic signal, Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to approve $4,540 for Department No. 4910 - Crossing Guard. CC-82-195 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve $16,000 for Department No. 4908 - Street Sweeping. CC-82-196 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to approve $628,000 for Department No. 4570 - Wastewater Disposal - Colton. Page fifteen - 6/24/82 CC-82-197 CC-82-198 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by approve $59,751 for Department No. Grand Terrace. Chamber of Commerce Budget Request Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to 4572 - Wastewater Disposal - Mayor Grant stated that the Chamber of Commerce has submitted a budget request for funding assistance from the City. This matter was deferred for later review. RESOLUTION NO. 82-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FY 1982-83. Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to adopt Resolution No. 82-28. MEMBERSHIP - CALIFORNIA CITY/COUNTY STREET LIGHTING ASSOCIATION The City Engineer stated that cities and counties throughout the State have formed an Association to review rates being charged by all utility companies for street lighting; the Association feels there are more economical fixtures not permitted by Southern California Edison Company; has a projected budget of $80,852 to retain consultants to represent the Association before the PUC after a thorough study has been conducted of the problems; felt the City could benefit; membership fee is $500; however, the Board of Directors concurred that $100 would be sufficient for Grand Terrace, due to the minimal number of street lights in this City. CC-82-199 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to authorize membership in the California City/County Street Lighting Association; to authorize the City Manager to execute the membership form; and to authorize an expenditure of $100 for membership dues in the Association. CITY ENGINEER REPORT The City Engineer stated that the installation of the traffic signal at the intersection of Barton Road and Michigan has begun and should be completed within four to six weeks; work on Barton Road and the freeway off -ramp and on -ramp will continue for some time after that. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT The City Attorney stated that the trial date for the appeal on the case filed by Kostantinos N. Zaharopoulos against the County and the City is scheduled for July 27; advised Council that the Mayor and the City Manager have the prerogative of determining whether or not to place items on the agenda which are requested by the citizens. Page sixteen - 6/24/82 �1 CITY_MANAGER REPORT The City Manager recommended deferring the matter of joint use of school facilities until the City receives further information on proposed legislation regarding liberalizing the use of school facilities; stated weed abatement was completed at the school site. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Nix recommended adopting rules to structure the Council meetings, with procedures to limit the amount of time and number of times individuals can speak, in order to move the meetings along better. Councilman Petta stated he was contacted by Mr. Arkebaur regarding excessive speeding on Arliss Street, stating no speed limit signs are posted. The City Engineer stated residential areas are 25 mph; it would be difficult to post speed limit signs throughout the residential areas. Additional law enforcement will be requested for that area. Mayor Grant reported the following: (1) Met with the City Manager of Loma Linda regarding law enforcement and that City's opposition to reverse bailout; (2) Read correspondence from a representative of Federated Department Stores; (3) Governor Brown signed into law AB 1743 (Vicencia); (4) Received correspondence from Assemblyman Naylor; (5) Recommended placing the Resolution amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations on the next agenda. ADJOURN The City Council meeting adjourned at 12:06 a.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held July 8, 1982, at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, i ty C 1 c APPROVED: Mayor Page seventeen - 6/24/82